High Performance Health

Angela Foster
High Performance Health Podcast

The High-Performance Health Podcast is all about optimising your body, mind and lifestyle for high performance.  Packed full of actionable insights, strategies, bio hacks, lifestyle hacks, mindset strategies and expert performance advice, Angela Foster is on a mission to optimise your human potential. Featuring interviews with some of the top experts on the planet in the fields of health, performance and business, this show aims to inspire, educate and empower you to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    Human Design, Manifestation And Living in Alignment with Emma Dunwoody

    Angela talks to behavioural coach Emma Dunwoody about the fascinating world of human design, exploring its synthesis of ancient wisdoms such as Western astrology, the Kabbalah tree of life, the Chinese I Ching, and the Hindu chakra system. Emma explains how human design serves as an energetic blueprint that reveals our unique superpowers, challenges, and life lessons, highlighting the importance of understanding one's design to enhance manifestation and personal growth, as well as the impact of conditioning on our true selves. KEY TAKEAWAYS Human design is a synthesis of four ancient wisdoms—Western astrology, the Kabbalah tree of life, the Chinese I Ching, and the Hindu chakra system—providing an energetic blueprint that reveals how individuals are designed to operate in the world. There are five main types in human design: Manifestors (initiators), Generators (inspired doers), Manifesting Generators (multi-passionate hybrids), Projectors (guides), and Reflectors (mirrors of truth). Each type has a unique way of interacting with the world and making decisions. Conditioning can lead individuals to pursue goals and desires that are not truly aligned with their authentic selves. Human design helps individuals recognize their true desires and superpowers, allowing them to break free from societal expectations and conditioning. In human design, understanding one's strategy and authority is crucial. For example, Generators are encouraged to respond to external stimuli and trust their gut feelings, which helps them identify what truly lights them up and brings them energy. BEST MOMENTS "Human design is a synthesis of four ancient wisdoms which are Western astrology, the Kabbalah tree of life, the Chinese I Ching, and the Hindu chakra system." "The more I was becoming aligned to my design, the more I had authentic desires, authentic things I wanted to manifest." "What human design often shows us is that the thing we want to fix or change is actually something that is our superpower." "The most amazing thing could turn up in your life, but if you have no passion, no energy, no lit up for it, then it's just not correct for you." VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fasting Check out Leela products at leelaq.com and use code ANGELA to save 10% ABOUT THE GUEST Emma Dunwoody is a Human Design Expert, Master Coach, Behavioral Specialist and host of the #1 Global Human Design Podcast. She wakes people up to the power within them using her unique method of Transformational Human DesignÔ, a system of self-knowledge and guidance unlike anything else that exists. Her vision is to take Human Design mainstream so it becomes more widely accepted than any other global profiling, behavioral or healing system — she believes it will transform personal development, education, and business forever. Emma wants to inspire everyone to unlock their inner wisdom, take their power back and feel deeply confident in the decisions they make. This will create a population that values themselves and courageously lives their truth, which will deliver us to a new paradigm of peace, joy, and abundance. ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is

    1h 0m
  2. 5 DAYS AGO

    Bitesize Biohack 3 Ways to Burn More Fat!

    Everyone wants to burn more fat and stay healthier, but what's the best way to go about it? In this short, sharp biohack episode, Angela flies solo to tell you about three ways to dynamically reduce your body fat and set yourself up for a leaner life in general. KEY TAKEAWAYS We can often confuse our minds and bodies with a variety of diets, and get caught up in copying the success of others. We need to remember that certain diets don't work for everyone. A great way to add protein into your first meal of the day is to add greek yoghurt with a small handful of almonds and raspberries or blueberries. Look for ways to bring more movement into your day, even if it's just getting up more regularly. At places such as work, set small alarms and make sure you're doing something to raise your heart rate. BEST MOMENTS 'All of us have that little bit we'd like to lose' 'Nice fibre, healthy fats and some proteins' 'If you employ these principles, you are going to burn more fat' VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fasting ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is currently closed. Click here to get on the waitlist. The High Performance Health Podcast is a top rated global podcast. Each week, Angela brings you a new insight, biohack or high performance habit to help you unlock optimal health, longevity and higher performance. Hit the follow button to make sure you get notified each time Angela releases a new episode. CONTACT DETAILS Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is under no obligation to use these links. Thank you for supporting the show! Disclaimer: The High Performance Health Podcast is for general information purposes only and do not constitute the practice of professional or coaching advice and no client relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast, or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for medical or other professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their medical doctor or other health care professional for before taking any steps to implement any of the items discussed in this podcast.

    17 min
  3. SEP 16

    Longevity Science: Unlocking The Secrets To Maintaining Peak Physical & Mental Performance & Slowing Aging with Siim Land

    Angela is joined by Siim Land, the author of "The Longevity Leap," to discuss the intricacies of aging and the various factors that influence longevity. Together, they look into the biological mechanisms behind aging, including mitochondrial dysfunction and chronic inflammation, while also exploring the concept of peak physical performance across different life stages. Siim also discusses the importance of exercise, particularly cardiovascular training and strength training, in enhancing VO2 max and overall health. KEY TAKEAWAYS Aging is a complex process influenced by various factors, including cellular dysfunction, mitochondrial health, and chronic inflammation. Key characteristics of aging include telomere shortening, cell senescence, and loss of autophagy. Different aspects of physical performance peak at various ages. While metabolic health is generally best in the teenage years, muscle strength peaks in the early 30s for men and early 40s for women. After the 30s, many individuals may start to experience a decline in health, often exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle. VO2 max, a measure of maximum oxygen consumption during exercise, is crucial for longevity and overall health. It can be improved through both low-intensity and high-intensity cardiovascular exercises, with longer intervals (2-4 minutes) being particularly effective for enhancing VO2 max. Strength training is essential for maintaining muscle mass and strength as one ages. Focusing on compound lifts (like squats and deadlifts) and progressive overload is key to promoting muscle growth and functional fitness, which are linked to reduced mortality risk. BEST MOMENTS "The average person doesn't usually lift weights after their 20s... A lot of it is also just because of being sedentary and not actually lifting anything."  "If you want to improve your overall cardiorespiratory fitness, then you need to address all of the heart rate zones as well to increase your fitness."  "Chronic inflammation is pretty central to aging and all the whole chronic diseases as well."  "I think there's no evidence that multi-day fasting has benefits or that it would be providing any unique benefits that you wouldn't get from just a regular healthy diet." - VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fasting The Longevity Leap Book Siim Land - https://www.siimland.co/ Get 10% off Magnesium Breakthrough with code ANGELA10 at www.bioptimizers.com/angela Use ANGELA15 to save 15% on Primeadine Spermidine at angelafoster.me/primeadine ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is currently closed. Click here to get on the waitlist. The High Performance Health Podcast is a top rated global podcast. Each week, Angela brings you a new insight, biohack or high performance habit to help you unlock optimal health, longevity and higher performance. Hit the follow button to make sure you get notified each time Angela releases a new episode. CONTACT DETAILS Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this

    59 min
  4. SEP 12

    Self Worth, Wealth & Emotional Mastery with Peter Sage

    Angela is joined by Peter Sage to discuss the transformative power of auto-suggestion and affirmations as discussed in Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." They explore the importance of aligning one's heart and mind to effectively reprogram self-beliefs and self-image, and look at the critical role of environment and peer influence in shaping our thoughts and behaviours, highlighting how conformity can impact personal growth KEY TAKEAWAYS Auto-suggestion and affirmations are essential tools for self-development, but they are only effective when there is alignment between the heart and mind. Self-doubt can undermine the impact of affirmations. The people you surround yourself with significantly affect your self-image and beliefs. Being in a positive environment with like-minded individuals can enhance personal growth, while a negative environment can lead to conformity and stagnation. Humans are naturally programmed to conform to their environment. This means that if you are surrounded by negative influences, you are likely to adopt similar behaviours and mindsets, making it crucial to choose your environment wisely. The brain's reticular activating system filters information based on what is deemed important, such as personal relevance or safety. Understanding this system can help individuals focus on what they want to attract into their lives. BEST MOMENTS "Most people are too busy running around in the level that I call by me... you're swimming upstream against the current of life." "Affirmations don't really do anything if your heart and your mind aren't aligned. If you've got any kind of self-doubt, you're basically putting lipstick on a pig." "We don't get to vote on whether or not we get programmed. We only get to vote on how we want to be programmed." "If you're hanging around with people that have low self-esteem, I don't care how great you are walking into that environment. Over time, environment wins." VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fasting Click here to listen to the full episode with Peter Sage  Get 10% off Magnesium Breakthrough with code ANGELA10 at www.bioptimizers.com/angela ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is currently closed. Click here to get on the waitlist. The High Performance Health Podcast is a top rated global podcast. Each week, Angela brings you a new insight, biohack or high performance habit to help you unlock optimal health, longevity and higher performance. Hit the follow button to make sure you get notified each time Angela releases a new episode. CONTACT DETAILS Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is under no obligation to use these links. Thank you for supporting the show! Disclaimer: The High Performance Health Podcast is for general information purposes only and do not constitute the practice of professional or coaching advice and no client relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast, or materi

    11 min
  5. SEP 9

    Neuroscience of a High Performing Brain (Part 1): Sleep, Trackers, Cortisol, Blue light, Nootropics and a look at Angela’s Brain with Dr Andrew Hill

    Get 50% off your Brain Map at Peak Brain with code ANGELA at www.peakbraininstitute.com In the first of a two-part conversation, Angela talks to Dr Andrew Hill, a brain mapping expert, to explore the intricacies of brain mapping and its implications for optimising mental performance and overall well-being. They discuss the science behind brain waves, the importance of sleep quality, and how various lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise timing, can influence cognitive function. Andrew shares insights on the significance of deep sleep, the role of nutrition in brain health, and the effectiveness of sleep trackers, while debunking common myths about circadian rhythms and light exposure. KEY TAKEAWAYS Brain mapping involves measuring the brain's resting resources using EEG to analyse brainwave patterns. It helps identify tendencies related to attention, stress, sleep, and cognitive processing, rather than specific thoughts or feelings. Quality of sleep is crucial for cognitive function and overall health. Poor sleep can lead to issues like memory difficulties and cognitive decline, but improvements in sleep quality can lead to quick recovery in brain function. Eating patterns significantly influence circadian rhythms. Fasting before bed and timing meals appropriately can enhance sleep quality and metabolic health. Morning activity in a fasted state is also beneficial for regulating circadian rhythms. While sleep trackers can provide insights into sleep duration and patterns, they may not accurately measure the quality of deep sleep or REM sleep. Self-reporting on sleep quality can be just as effective as using these devices. BEST MOMENTS "Brain mapping is measuring the patterns, the resting resources in your brain... it’s mostly picking up how you tend to be. The resources in terms of their general way of being." "If you have a habit of eating before bed, you're going to chronically be under-rested because you're not getting into deep sleep." "I think humans are ultimately quite adaptable... people that think they're night owls are people that have dysregulated circadian rhythms." "The most sophisticated sleep trackers are no more accurate than self-report after a month of self-report." VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fasting AG1 Special Offer - https://www.drinkag1.com/angelafoster  Enhance your metabolic flexibility with Lumen - Click here and use code ANGELA to save $50 on your purchase ABOUT THE GUEST Dr. Andrew Hill is the founder of Peak Brain Institute and a leading neurofeedback practitioner and biohacking coach for clients worldwide. He has lectured on psychology, neuroscience, and gerontology at UCLA’s Department of Psychology where he received a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience. At Peak Brain, Dr. Hill provides individualized training programs to help you optimize your brain across goals of stress, sleep, attention, brain fog, creativity, and athletic performance. He is the host of the Head First podcast and continues to do research on attention and cognitive performance. Instagram: @andrewhillphd @peakbrainLA Youtube: www.youtube.com/DrHill/ Websites: www.peakbraininstitute.com www.andrewhillphd.com ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their fam

    1h 30m
  6. SEP 5

    Bitesize Biohack: Do This to Access Calm on Demand - with Dani Gordon

    Angela is joined by Dani Gordon to discuss the importance of brain flexibility and resilience. They explore various techniques to optimise brain function, including simple mind-body practices like breath work and meditation. Dani emphasises the significance of matching practices to an individual's current state and journey phase, as well as the benefits of SMR training for achieving calm focus and stress resilience. KEY TAKEAWAYS Flexibility in changing brain states is crucial for resilience and optimal performance. Simple mind-body practices, such as breathwork, can help reduce stress and improve brain function. SMR neurofeedback can promote calm focus and resilience to stress. Tailoring practices like cold therapy and sauna to individual needs and tolerance levels is essential for effectiveness. Ketamine therapy, combined with psychotherapy, can be an effective treatment for chronic pain and depression. BEST MOMENTS "So it's actually the ability to flexibly change states is so important."  "SMR is actually similar to the flow state. So there's high-tech ways of hacking it, there's low-tech ways of hacking it." "It's finding what is the best way for you to tap into your flow state, really." "Ketamine psychotherapy is a treatment we can do now in the UK for treatment-resistant chronic pain and for treatment-resistant depression." VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fastingUse ANGELA15 to save 15% on Primeadine Spermidine at angelafoster.me/primeadine Link to full episode - https://link.chtbl.com/EP214  ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is currently closed. Click here to get on the waitlist. The High Performance Health Podcast is a top rated global podcast. Each week, Angela brings you a new insight, biohack or high performance habit to help you unlock optimal health, longevity and higher performance. Hit the follow button to make sure you get notified each time Angela releases a new episode. CONTACT DETAILS Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is under no obligation to use these links. Thank you for supporting the show! Disclaimer: The High Performance Health Podcast is for general information purposes only and do not constitute the practice of professional or coaching advice and no client relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast, or materials linked from this podcast is at the user's own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for medical or other professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their medical doctor or other health care professional for before taking any steps to implement any of the items discussed in this podcast.

    10 min
  7. SEP 2

    Reverse Aging On a Budget: The Simple Practices A Single Mom Uses To Slow Down Her Pace Of Aging to 65 Out Of Every 100 Days - with Julie Gibson Clark

    Angela talks to the remarkable Julie Gibson Clark, who’s achieved high rankings on the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard, focusing on reversing her biological age through lifestyle choices. Julie delves into her early experiences with nutrition and the impact it had on her performance as a young swimmer, as well as her transition to a healthier lifestyle in her thirties, including naturopathic interventions and the role of nutraceuticals in improving her well-being. Julie also emphasises the importance of intuition in guiding her health decisions and highlights the significance of a nutrient-rich diet, regular exercise routine, and daily meditation practice in maintaining her overall health and longevity. KEY TAKEAWAYS Prioritise self-care and establish a routine that includes meditation, exercise, and healthy eating habits to manage stress and promote overall well-being. Listen to your body and intuition, adjusting your lifestyle and routines as needed to maintain balance and health. Consistency is key, even when faced with challenges such as parenting or health issues, finding ways to adapt and stay committed to self-care practices. Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation to improve sleep quality and reduce stress, even in the midst of busy or challenging times. Flexibility and grace are essential in balancing self-care with responsibilities, allowing for adjustments in routines to accommodate changing circumstances. BEST MOMENTS "I was lucky that I was a swimmer and then we had to do weights as part of swimming. When you start seeing the results, you're like, whoa, okay, I'm going to stick to this." "I love transcendental meditation. I thought I was trying to teach myself meditation for years." "It's similar, isn't it, to Vedic meditation, where you use a mantra. For anyone who's doubting this around meditation and thinking, do I have time?" VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fastingUse ANGELA15 to save 15% on Primeadine Spermidine at angelafoster.me/primeadine ABOUT THE GUEST Julie Gibson Clark, a former structural engineer turned recruiter, spent over a year holding the 2nd ranked spot on the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard (prior to the recent rule change). Based in Phoenix, Arizona, this single mother competes on a budget of under $150 per month. Despite her modest budget, Julie's biohacking routine is refreshingly simple: a focus on mindset, regular exercise, sauna sessions, a vegetable-rich diet, and a selection of affordable supplements. Her recent DNA methylation test revealed a remarkable aging pace of just 65 days for every 100 days, highlighting that significant longevity benefits are achievable without substantial expense. Julie’s results demonstrate that effective biohacking for longevity can be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial status. Julie looks forward to sharing more with you about her daily routine and the practices that helped her achieve such impressive results. ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is currently closed. Click here to get on the waitlist. The High Performance Health Podcast is a top rated global podcast. Each week, Angela brings yo

    59 min
  8. AUG 29

    Bitesize: How to Banish Belly Fat & Reverse Insulin Resistance - Dr Clare Bailey

    Angela is joined by Claire Bailey to talk about the importance of monitoring and reducing visceral fat for overall health, particularly as individuals age. They look into the risks associated with visceral fat, such as inflammation, insulin resistance, and the development of diabetes. Claire highlights the potential for reversing damage caused by visceral fat through weight loss and dietary changes, emphasising the benefits of targeting visceral fat for improved health outcomes KEY TAKEAWAYS Reduction in visceral fat is crucial, especially for women going through perimenopause, as it can lead to health risks like diabetes. Visceral fat wraps around organs, causing inflammation and insulin resistance, but can be reversed through weight loss and draining fat from the liver and pancreas. Monitoring visceral fat is essential as it can be an early warning sign of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. Getting into ketosis by burning fat as fuel instead of sugar, through a low-carb Mediterranean-style diet and rapid weight loss, can help reverse insulin resistance and flatten the glucose curve. Including pulses, whole grains, and fibre in the diet can support the microbiome and make the nutrition plan sustainable and accessible for long-term health benefits BEST MOMENTS "Visceral fat is the fat that as you put on weight and particularly if you tend to eat a sort of rather sugary starchy diet, it invades the gut and wraps around the organs and affects particularly the liver and the pancreas." "There's very interesting research by Professor Roy Taylor who shows very clearly using scans that if you can drain that fat from the liver, the pancreas and around the central part of your body, visceral fat, you can actually reverse that damage." "It alerts you because every time you sit down you feel like your skirt or your trousers or your jeans are a little bit tight and so it's a reminder I think." "I think it's very important because the longer your blood sugar and the higher, the longer it lasts for, it's during that time that it's doing the damage." VALUABLE RESOURCES Get a free snapshot of your health and personalised report at www.yourtotalhealthcheck.com Join The High Performance Health CommunityFree Fasting Guide - www.angelafosterperformance.com/fastingUse ANGELA15 to save 15% on Primeadine Spermidine at angelafoster.me/primeadine ABOUT THE HOST Angela Foster is an award winning Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Speaker and Host of the High Performance Health podcast. A former Corporate lawyer turned industry leader in biohacking and health optimisation for women, Angela has been featured in various media including Huff Post, Runners world, The Health Optimisation Summit, BrainTap, The Women’s Biohacking Conference, Livestrong & Natural Health Magazine. Angela is the creator of BioSyncing®️ a blueprint for ambitious entrepreneurial women to biohack their health so they can 10X how they show up in their business and their family without burning out. Angela’s BioSyncing®️ Blueprint is currently closed. Click here to get on the waitlist. The High Performance Health Podcast is a top rated global podcast. Each week, Angela brings you a new insight, biohack or high performance habit to help you unlock optimal health, longevity and higher performance. Hit the follow button to make sure you get notified each time Angela releases a new episode. CONTACT DETAILS Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Affiliate Disclaimer: Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is under no obligation to use these links. Thank you for supporting the show! Disclaimer: The High Performance Health Podcast is for general information purposes only and do not constitute the practice of professional or co

    15 min
out of 5
52 Ratings


The High-Performance Health Podcast is all about optimising your body, mind and lifestyle for high performance.  Packed full of actionable insights, strategies, bio hacks, lifestyle hacks, mindset strategies and expert performance advice, Angela Foster is on a mission to optimise your human potential. Featuring interviews with some of the top experts on the planet in the fields of health, performance and business, this show aims to inspire, educate and empower you to live an energetic, healthful and limitless life.

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