The Sovereign Collective

Sascha Kalivoda
The Sovereign Collective

Welcome to The Sovereign Collective Podcast where we provide you with Real, Raw Truth, for your self-empowerment. In this show, I, Sascha Kalivoda, explore all aspects of life that contribute to making a healthy, robust and well-adjusted human being. My mission is to bring wisdom back into the kitchen and in the home, and I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and unlearn most of it. I never censor here as I believe you are strong enough to hear both sides of a story and make up your own mind. In a time of censorship and dangerous government overreach, I challenge you to reconsider what you think know and open your mind to the fact that much of what you have learned in life may not actually be true. Thank you for joining me and I hope you enjoy learning from my guests as much as I do. For more about me, check out Episode 0.

  1. 5D AGO

    087 - Challenging Common Narratives: Exploring Radium, Plutonium and Other Hidden Truths with Matt Roeske

    Matt Roeske is back with another episode that will have you scratching your head and wondering what other fabricated stories you grew up with that were passed off as truth. Matt delves into controversial ideas surrounding radium, plutonium, and other elements traditionally perceived as dangerous. The topics today range from potential positive uses of elements like radium and the historical context of nuclear scare tactics to the fascinating world of World's Fairs and the possible suppression of alternative energy sources. Once again, Matt is pushing us to question everything we know and to broaden our perspective as to what the truth really is. Head on over to Matt's site, and use discount code Sascha10 to save on all of his amazing products! In this episode, you will learn: 05:50 Exploring Radium and Its Misconceptions08:01 Historical Context and Radium's Benefits27:52 The Nuclear Scare Scam34:38 The Power of Radium and Uranium36:15 The Mystery of World's Fairs37:16 The Disappearance of Historical Knowledge38:11 Extravagant Buildings and Forgotten Technologies40:39 The Impact of World Fairs on Society49:15 The Role of Minerals in Health54:51 Exploring the Benefits of Shilajitand more! If you enjoyed this episode, please share if you dare and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Matt is highly censored, so you'll have a hard time finding him on the major mainstream channels, or you'll have to look hard to find him. Peruse his site and use code Sascha10 to save on some goodies: Matt posts on various platforms and does a regular live every week, among other videos and posts. Find him here: telegram: @ElevateThyMind ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 6m
  2. MAR 15

    086 - Combining Regenerative Agriculture, German New Medicine and Basic Human Needs with Rick Kohut

    The title of this episode is a mouthful, but it basically covers what we talk about. I love what Rick Kohut is doing and how he integrates his basic philosophy of life in all areas of his life. I have been wanting to interview Rick Kohut ever since I met him, and with the upcoming conference he is organizing, called the Basic Human Needs Conference, I finally got ultra motivated to get it done sooner than later as the conference is happening on Friday, March 28th in Didsbury AB. This interview is close to my heart and it encompasses so many of the values I live by.... owning our health, eating real food and supporting those that bring it to us, being self-responsible, being stewards of the land to support the health and longevity of current and future generations, education and more. You will find Rick to be very peaceful and solid in how he presents himself, because at the core of what he does he is always applying the law that nature doesn't make mistakes. When one embodies this concept, then confidence is yours and in Rick - farmer, health food store owner, Weston A. Price chapter leader, health practitioner - this confidence and knowledge is palpable. This is such a great interview that encompasses several key topics that when embraced can really move us forward in getting our power and health back. 0:04:20 - Rick's story from conventional farming, to chemical and fertilizer sales to organic farming to regenerative agriculture and living in tune with nature0:11:30 - How Rick realized that he was so disconnected and didn't actually know where his conventionally farmed crops were going0:13:40 - How are organic mono-cropping is still not working with nature and elements of regenerative agriculture0:16:10 - The realization that the more nature is mimicked, the more she provides0:18:20 - The difference between conventional agriculture with single crops vs. regenerative agriculture with poly crops and harvesting0:21:20 - Glyphosate, not the only dangerous or even most dangerous chemical in use, though the most abundantly used0:30:40 - Which crops are being desiccated with glyphosate (shocking answer)0:30:30 - The deception that most farmers actually make food when really most are growing commodities0:39:30 - The length of time it takes to restore teh land when switching to reg. agriculture from conventional farming0:41:15 - The supplements that rick uses on his soil0:42:20 - The difference between organic and regenerative farming0:45:45 - How ingredients have changed over the last decade0:46:40 - How the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine apply to farming0:49:00 - the closer you mimic nature, the less symptoms you will have, even when talking about plants0:53:00 - Examples of how Rick would support animals through their symptoms in accordance with GNM0:56:25 - The power of observing and mimicking the wild0:58:30 - The truth of the conventional feed industry1:01:00 - How Rick operates privately to provide the quality products he produces1:02:40 - The upcoming Basic Human Needs Conference1:12:00 - How fear-mongering is the basis of marketing1:13:50 - Learning about GNM at the BHN conference1:16:00 - How conflicts are resolved much more quickly from a rational state of mind compared to an irrational sate of mind1:17:15 - Opportunity to meet your Alberta farmers at the conference1:22:30 - Trade show to be a the conference as well - come meet more local peeps doing good in the world1:26:15 - The work of Weston A. Price1:32:25 - The effort require to make change and mroe! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our (me and my husband) new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Find it here: Connect with Rick: Healthstreet: Your code to save $30 at the Basic Human Needs Conference: ATLASSIAN30 (expires March 20th) ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 36m
  3. MAR 4

    085 - Transitioning Through Menopause with Grace and Ease with Michale Hartte

    Michale Hartte is back and this time we are talking menopause. Why is a totally natural stage of a woman's life such a struggle for so many? We all pass through the stages of childhood, puberty, our fertile years and into the menopausal phase, yet each of our experiences in these individual stages can be drastically different. Why is that? For one, we're not living in rhythm of the world around us, and as we disconnect from nature, we disconnect from our very selves. Michale shares how a simple new habit can start making a difference right now, and it won't cost you a cent and is available to you everywhere you go. We get into more tips to navigate this time. Women, it's time to take care of yourselves. When the women and mothers are healthy, everyone benefits, and that extends to an entire society in my opinion. For our first interview, check out episode #25. And for the all the links to find Michale and what she does, see them below. In this episode you will learn: 07:00 - how the game changes when estrogen levels drop09:35 - what changes when we stop making new fat cells in menopause12:15 - why it is important to adjust stress and perception of it when transitioning through menopause13:50 - Michale's message for women in menopause - it's simple but profound16:05 - some basics of self care17:45 - how the morning sets your day18:45 - tips to reduce stress19:45 - why it is important for women to get outside21:45 - circadian rhythm and hormone connection25:50 - leptin resistance27:35 - how our stomach acid is higher in the morning and the importance of eating protein29:55 - Michale's favourite protein sources37:45 - 3 key times to get outside each day43:40 - ox bile for those who have had their gallbladder remove48:30 - Michale's approach to supplements55:20 - Michale's free offering65:20 - the fact that Michale healed her osteoporosis and more We end it up by talking about how not only is self-care so important for us women, but in the end, it is really for future generations. When the women are healthy, fulfilled and can naturally nurture their families, we all win. I end up crying of course, as the topic of ensuring healthy generations to come is very dear to me. If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our (me and my husband) new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Find it here: Connect with Michale: SKOOL Community: IG: FB Fit n Healthy Community: FB Michale's Personal Profile: ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org Read less

    1h 5m
  4. JAN 25

    084 - Should We Be Living Life Through the Role of Agent? with Pastor of the Way

    As the world gets increasingly bizarre, with seemingly only bad news to report and political theatre taking centre stage, it is more important to know one's self and to own that role. But who are we really, and is knowing the law and how the system works a part of knowing thyself? I am more convinced than ever that indeed, yes, it is. Growth and self-mastery in this human experience require moving beyond our comfort zones and understanding our relationship to everyone and everything we encounter. We often blame or point out the substance, the habit, the person, the 'thing', when really what I believe is more important is our relationship to 'it'. Getting to know the work of Pastor of the Way has stretched me and my husband to consider a new truth and a new way of operating in this world. After many years of study, trials and errors, Pastor of the Way has created the Basilikos Nomos Institute to help those better and further understand the law and how we can engage with government institutions to our benefit by stepping into a different role with respect to the name on our birth certificate. There are many people going down this path both from the learning and teaching perspectives, but none that I have encountered come from the point of view that Pastor does. For those new to this topic, this is going to be a hard interview to follow, but for others there are some gems I'm sure many have not heard before. In this interview Pastor tells us: 00:04:55 - How he came to be on this path and how the legal system was built on biblical principles 00:07:30 - Pastor's view of governments and how he changed his perspective of it 00:09:55 - How contracts are key to understanding the system 00:11:30 - Are political leaders actually being voted in? 00:14:05 - What is a public vote? 00:14:55 - The US is still a Republic and 'republic' defined 00:18:25 - The concept of agency, why it's important 00:39:20 - How the name we were given is hearsay 00:40:00 - Family is private 00:41:00 - Sovereign immunity 00:41:40 - How the principle is the liable party 00:43:00 - Who owns your name in your accounts 00:43:20 - "The infant died' comment from earlier explained 00:46:30 - Born alive definition 00:47:30 - Infant vs. baby at time of birth 00:51:00 - Public and private do not mix, therefore we need a person 00:51:30 - 4th amendment and 'persons' 00:52:50 - What is on paper is like your monopoly piece 00:53:50 - Private vs. public explained 00:55:10 - Liability with respect to agency 00:55:30 - Liability - who is liable in our contracts with the government 0:56:50 - What is an unconscionable contract? 00:57:00 - The fact that the brith certificate is double hearsay 00:58:30 - How the birth certificate and driver's license can't prove the identity of the bearer 01:07:40 - 3 good questions to ask yourself in all your dealings 01:11:10 - The fact that an agent does not need to be competent to contract 01:12:30 - Right of use vs. ownership 01:12:50 - How we are 'managers' of government property 01:18:25 - How people would prefer to believe a lie than know the truth 01:21:55 - Rights vs. privileges 01:22:55 - The unlimited right to contract 01:25:30 - How you can charge the government for your time 01:26:45 - How a Canadian court recorded on the record the recognition of a man as agent for the name 01:33:55 - How our signature does not create value because it is not our name 01:34:00 - Is everything "prepaid"? 01:41:30 - Can this strategy be available to all? 01:42:20 - The truth about status change 01:43:30 - The real meaning of the word 'individual' and much more!! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our (me and my husband) new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Find it here: Connect with Pastor: Website: Joins Pastor's Telegram Channel: Rumble: ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 56m
  5. 12/10/2024

    083 - Finding Purpose Through Pain with Theo Fleury

    This is such and honest, vulnerable conversation with Theo Fleury. If you're a hockey fan, you know who he is, and if you're not, well he was pretty big in the 90's in Calgary and made a huge impact with the Calgary Flames. What we didn't know back then is that the fearless Fleury had a dark secret that was haunting him... a nightmare that started when he was 14 years old. But through the long road of pain, Theo has emerged on the other side in the winning end, discovering his purpose and inspiring others to face their demons and overcome their hardships. He is now a public speaker and has done close to 1000 talks, being in service to those who have faced abuse as he has. In this interview Theo talks about: 5:30 - The story of Theo's abuse 6:30 - How he found hockey and how finding his unmet needs met on the ice kept him playing hockey 8:15 - How substances became his coping mechanism 9:25 - The point where Theo put a loaded gun into his mouth and how that was his turning point 11:00 - How the events of 2020 dropped Theo into a deep depression and why 15:30 - How the government is traumatizing an already traumatized society 16:30 - How Theo pulled himself out of his depression, re-found his motivation and the shifting of his path 20:00 - The incapacity of a traumatized population to think critically 21:45 - Why it took so long for Theo to publicly tell his story 26:45 - Theo's first speaking opportunity at a Canadian prison and the story he was told about his abuser and how he was finally able to detach from him 34:00 - The lessons Theo has learned working in the prison system 35:00 - The gift the indigenous community gave to Theo 38:00 - How he gave his life over to God as a willing participant 46:00 - The unresolved trauma epidemic that we call mental illness 48:35 - How healing is the greatest journey you can ever go on 49:30 - What Theo is up to now 52:00 - The best reason to put kids into sports 59:45 - Would Theo have changed anything in the past if he could? 1:02:00 - Tools that have helped him heal and tools for those struggling now 1:04:40 - The gift of being in service 1:08:00 - The influence that Theo's sobriety has had on his friends 1:21:00 - The importance of believing in a higher power to draw on more than yourself 1:23:00 - The 2 prayers that Theo has said daily for the entire period of his sobriety 1:26:30 - Theo's last words: Do one thing for your body, mind and spirit every day. and so much more! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our (me and my husband) new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Find it here: Connect with Theo: Website: Facebook: X: Instagram: Find Theo's books here: ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 32m
  6. 11/26/2024

    082 - Who Controls Your Mind? with Jason Christoff

    Have you noticed lately that some people don't seem to question anything? Like anything at all? They listen to the news, and they take it for face value. They listen to their doctor and do as they are told. They let the teachers poison the minds of their children and support it. What is it that leads to such blind obedience? And why are some people less susceptible to this conditioning than others? Why are some afraid to stand out of the crowd while others decide to walk their own path even if no one comes along? Jason Christoff, self-sabotage coach and former fitness centre owner, has been educating on on these very questions and more for the last 25 years. In this interview he teaches us some of the key facets of mind control, how to recognize them and why are some people seem to be so much more resistant to it than others. Knowing these tactics are an unfortunate part of life if you are truly seeking to live a life of freedom, and Jason wants to help you recognize the traps and help you fortify yourself to be impervious to the influences that seek to control you. In this interview, Jason talks about: Jason's beginnings in fitness clubs but not being healthyWhere Jason has been speaking around the world on mind controlHis training with the Chek Institute and how his initial meagre results with his clients led down the path of becoming a self-sabotage coachHow he got the attention of 'truth' doctors recently and began traveling and speaking with themThe history of the art of controlling people"Media", the country - the origin of studying human psychologyHow humans tend to find safety in the group and how the media can falsify the impression of what the group is thinkingThe impact of the car theft movie "Gone in Seconds"The capacity of the controllers to take the pre-fontal cortex offlineThe role of doctors int eh planThe history of Starbucks and who bought them when they were going bankrupt in the 80'sThe difference between people who see the mind controlling patterns and those who don'tWho are 'they'?Dr. Richard Day tapesHow repetition breeds religious belief"The Push", a made for Netflix programHow seniors are being targetedHow immorality is being mainstreamed wholesomeness is under attackBook: "The Indoctrinate Brain" by Dr. Michael NehlsHow v@x ingredients and other substances destroy the hippocampusThe role of the prefrontal cortex in moralityEssential watching: "The Jones Plantation"Jason's opinion on Elon MuskThe strategic plot behind "X"Jason't thoughts on the concept of controlled oppositionWhy it is so important to take control of your health and get it in orderJason't coursesApple iPhone articleand more! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Find it here: Connect with Jason: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Email: Jason's article on 'They': Documentary "The Push": Dr. Richard Day tapes: iPhone article: ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 27m
  7. 11/12/2024

    081 - Moving Your Lymph to Heal Body and Mind with Kelly Kennedy

    It took a long time to nail down a date to do a second interview with Kelly Kennedy, but here it finally is and I'm so grateful to be able to share it with you. The importance of keeping the lymph moving can't be overstated... there is a reason why this has been a main focus for Kelly for years. In this interview we get into more of the practicalities around lymph care and impress upon you how the power is really yours. Kelly provides simple tools that can really help you move the needle is your state of health. If you haven't heard my first interview with Kelly, then please also listen to episode #71 to learn more of what brought Kelly and her husband to creating their clinic, some lymph basics and so much more. In this interview you will learn: The importance of putting ourselves firstThe stillness required for healingThe practicality and ubiquitous applications of lymph supportHow to pump your nodes at the clavicle area (the termini)Why it's so important to start moving the lymph at the end and the importance of the order from thereHow the lymphatic system works as a vacuumHow the lymph can be "backed up" but can't "back flow"Best positions for pumping upper and lower lymphThe work of Gil Hedley and the uniqueness of every bodyThe dynamic nature of the human bodyHow Kelly healed the cavitations in her mouth without surgeryThe need for self care over health careThe need to address the fundamental basics or lowest common denominator when addressing health issuesLooking at regulation of cells rather than function of cells to ensure proper signallingHow we have advanced greatly in our tech yet universal understanding of water and energy lags in comparisonHow mobilizing lymph puts us into a parasympathetic, or healing, stateWhat nourishes the lymph (see the Lymph Loopholes link)Worst things for the lymph, including the clothes you wear!Why the quality of water in all its uses matersHow malabsorption increases when in a sympathetic statethe importance of moving frequently and differentlyHow to stay ahead of the toxic exposureThe Flow Vibe - how to use itQuestions to ask yourself to move your health needleThe power of being still and tuning into your posture, pains and asymmetriesThe power of daily lymph and fascia movements and careKelly's divine message of this divine body - first shared here!Major signs of lymph stagnation - strangely sound like the most common complaints out thereThe areas where people tend to get puffyand more! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Connect with Kelly: Website: You Tube: nstagram: @truewellnesssglobal Podcast: FLOWE: Lymphatic Wisdom- Open Your Heart and Optimize Wellness 5 Lymphatic Loopholes Guide: ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 14m
  8. 10/22/2024

    080 - Fulvic, Minerals and Parasites with Dr. Barre Lando

    Dr. Barre Lando, my favourite wise man, is back! If you don't know who Barre is, then go check out episodes #10 and #38 for an intro to Barre and learn a little bit about what it means to speak of your 'terrain' and why tissue salts are not only key to your good health, but also to fulfilling your purpose. In this interview I ask Barre about humic and fulvic we get into the need for proper mineralization if you really want to achieve what is possible in your body. Barre talks minerals like no one else, so get ready. This not your regular nutrition or chemistry class. And with all the parasite talk going on these days, I also asked Barre his opinions on that matter as well. In this interview, Barre tells us: 4:35 - Where mineralization sits in Barre's scale of importance (hint: it's very high!) 5:08 - Why the quality of our thoughts are Barre's #1 priority 5:30 - How minerals are the capacitors of our electrical processes 5:55 - How resonance creates geometry and geometry create form and function 6:03 - How cells use resonance to do every job they're supposed to do 8:54 - How Barre came to understand how experiences transfer into neurology 11:00 - Why we need to go back to complete science, which incorporates alchemy 12:30 - The medical model of self-sacrifice 15:30 - Where humic and fulvic come from 16:40 - How fulvic is a carrier for other nutrients 24:55 - Why adding salt to your water could help you 30:00 - Barre's thoughts on mega-dosing isolated nutrients 32:50 - His thoughts on copper vessels 36:40 - How the body make elements 39:14 - The most efficient mineral to take to nudge our pH in the right direction and the relationship of S1 and Ca 43:35 - How minerals store information and make it available to the body 45:35 - The transitional elements, also known as ORMUS 51:20 - How ideas polarize to create electrical events 52:30 - How nutrients we receive from food is actually informational packets 1:04:00 - Barre's thoughts on parasites 1:09:00 - The nature of Barre's hardest clients back in his practitioner days 1:10:48 - The need of proper mineralization before and type of cleansing 1:18:15 - The power of changing your mind and more! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I'll be adding more great offerings there over time. Join our new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship: Learn more about Dr. Barre Lando and the offerings of Alfa Vedic and consider becoming part of their community: Tune into Alfa Cast with Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner: (on many platforms) Alfa Vedic on Instagram: ---------------------------------------------------------- Are you concerned about the future of our children? The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here: Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    1h 28m

    Ratings & Reviews

    out of 5
    13 Ratings


    Welcome to The Sovereign Collective Podcast where we provide you with Real, Raw Truth, for your self-empowerment. In this show, I, Sascha Kalivoda, explore all aspects of life that contribute to making a healthy, robust and well-adjusted human being. My mission is to bring wisdom back into the kitchen and in the home, and I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and unlearn most of it. I never censor here as I believe you are strong enough to hear both sides of a story and make up your own mind. In a time of censorship and dangerous government overreach, I challenge you to reconsider what you think know and open your mind to the fact that much of what you have learned in life may not actually be true. Thank you for joining me and I hope you enjoy learning from my guests as much as I do. For more about me, check out Episode 0.

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