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一席英语·脱口秀:老外来‪了‬ 一席英语

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     歌曲 :If Today Was Your Last Day
    上期节目提到(戳链接�《原子习惯》这本书,让你无痛建立新习惯!),building a good habit(建立一个好习惯)必不可少的是一个好的system(系统)。这期节目,咱们就继续来聊聊——如何设计一个“坚不可摧”的习惯系统。How to design a habit system that is indestructible?
    indestructible /ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəbəl/ adj. 坚不可摧的

    01 Four Stages 习惯的4个步骤
    Before we actually build the system for a habit, we need to understand what a habit is. 在建立习惯系统之前,我们先要去深入认识习惯的本质。
    每一个习惯的养成(when a habit is formed),看似只是一个单纯的行为,实则involves(涉及到)4个stages:Cue(提示),Craving(渴望), Response(反应), Reward(回报)。Let’s break it down!

    Take phone scrolling as an example(拿刷手机举个例子):
    1) Cue 提示:cue就是when you see your phone。
    2) Craving 渴望:当你have the urge to pick up your phone(有拿起手机的冲动)的时候,然后start scrolling(开始刷),这就是craving。尤其是当我们感到bored(无聊)或者in a bad mood(在坏情绪里)的时候,we all know how it feels(大家应该都懂)!

    3) Response 反应:我们会naturally(自然而然地)respond to that urge(回应那个冲动),所以response就是when you pick up the phone and start scrolling。
    4) Reward 回报:就是当你开始刷手机看short-form videos(短视频)时,your brain would be very satisfied(你的大脑会感到非常满足)。
    02 Four Principles 养成习惯的4大法则

    中文里讲“养成”习惯,强调好习惯需要日积月累的培育和灌溉,说的是习惯的本质;而英文里讲“build” a habit,强调像建房子一样建立一个习惯,侧重于习惯的构造。
    这个文化差异(cultural difference)不得不让人觉得fascinating(神奇)!
    建立一个好习惯系统,就是要based on these four stages(基于上面提到的四个阶段),逐个击破,这里《原子习惯》的作者提出了4个basic principles(基本法则):
    #法则一:Make it obvious(让它显而易见)
    作者提到,当你想要建立好的习惯的时候,environment matters more than motivation(环境比你的动力更重要),所以不要try to test your motivation by placing yourself in a bad environment(通过将自己置于不良环境中来测试自己的动力)。比如说,你想要晚上好好休息, don’t put your phone in the bedroom where you can see it.

    再有一个点就是,you should use habit stacking(你应该使用习惯叠加),pair a new habit with an existing one(将新的习惯与现有的习惯配对)。The habit stacking formula(公式) is: After [CURRENT HABIT](现有习惯), I will [NEW HABIT]. 而且,you should include time and location as well(你还要把时间和地点包含进去)。

    比如你想要养成晚饭后不用手机和电脑的习惯,那你就在晚饭后turn off your phones and computers right away(立马关上手机和电脑),然后把它们放在卧室外。如果你有工作要做的话,you could wake up early in the morning and do it.
    #法则二:Make it attractive(让它有吸引力)
    You should make a habit attractive. 要让它变得吸引人,有诱惑力!Habits are formed when they give you that dopamine hit. 我们养成习惯,都是因为它们能带给我们多巴胺。要想养成习惯的话,你要pair what you want to do with what you need to do(把你想做的和你需要做的事情相结合)。在马上要做一个相对困难的行为习惯之前,你可以do something you enjoy(做一件自己喜欢的事情)。

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     歌曲 :Smile

    To build a habit(养成习惯)对于很多人而言是the hardest part(最难的部分)。今天,我们跟大家聊一本能帮助你真正养成习惯的书——Atomic Habits《原子习惯》,它的作者是James Clear。一提起习惯指南,这本书就会成为大家的go-to book(首选)。

    书名中的atomic意思是“原子的”,作者的中心思想其中之一就是you need to start with very small changes,你要从非常小的改变开始做起,不要想一步登天。

    要想养成习惯,我们要先搞清楚习惯的定义。习惯就是你日常生活中做出的small decisions(微小的决定)以及actions,这些决定和行为不需要你刻意思考或纠结。但是大多数人对于习惯都有误解,今天我们先来看看three common misunderstandings that most people have about habits(人们对于习惯的三个误解)。
     Small but positive changes don’t matter. 微小但积极的变化并不重要。
    无论是好的改变还是不好的变化,都会compound(累积叠加)。假设以一年为单位,good changes will compound into a huge improvement, and the same goes for bad changes(好的改变会变成巨大的进步,坏的变化也会产生巨大的影响)。
    有一个词叫compound interest(复利),再小的的改变只要一年就会累积成巨大的进步,所以好习惯就是“利滚利”,那反之坏习惯就是“高利贷”了。

     You should focus on what you want to achieve. 你应该专注于你想要实现的事。
    有很多人可能会想,是不是搞错了,养成好习惯不就是要focus on what you want to achieve(专注于你想要达成的那件事吗)?
    但《原子习惯》的作者却说,养成习惯最高效的做法是to actually focus on your identity(专注于你的身份)。你首先要决定what kind of person you want to become(你想成为一个什么样的人),然后choose the habits that align with this identity(选择与这个身份相符的习惯)。
    align with 与……达成一致

    比如说,对于你想要的一个结果“I want to lose 20 pounds”或者“I want to squat 300 pounds”,你应该告诉自己“I am a person who never misses a workout(我是一个从来不会错过锻炼的人)”,而且你要really believe it,把它内化成你的信念。

    比如说,你想要做到sleep and wake up early,你不要想“我要早睡早起”,这样只会加强你对自身不足的看法,反而,你就应该告诉自己:我就是一个早睡早起的人。我就是一个睡眠自由的人。
    王阳明先生提到过的“吾性自足”的信念,就是告诉我们要向自己的内心寻求力量。当然了,只靠信念是不够的,at the same time you need to also prove it to yourself(还需要做些事情来证明给自己看)。不要做很困难的事情。You need to prove it to yourself with very small wins in your life that align with your identity. (以微小的胜利来向自己证明这个新身份是合理的。)

    比方说你想早起,在早上的时候,you did get up early,那就对自己说:see I am a morning person. I knew it.(看吧,我是一个能早起的人,我就知道我可以。)这样的话,你的信念会越来越强大。千万不要这样对自己说:oh I finally get up early for once, I hope I do it next time.(我这次早起了,我希望下次我也能做到。)
    再简单一点,when your alarm rings(闹钟响的时候),simply open your eyes in the morning,然后你就可以自信地告诉自己:我是一个能早起的人!

    It’s not a lie,这并不是对自己撒谎,而是在利用这种信心和信念的力量给自己降低行动的阻力,增加动力。信念的力量真的太神奇了!

    • 10 分鐘


    主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)
    歌曲 :Turn the Page
    现代社会,睡眠已经成了一大难题。A lot of people have sleeping issues. 很多人会stay up late(熬夜),也有一些人have trouble falling asleep(入睡困难),有的人甚至会stay up all night(睁眼到天明)。当然,也有很多年轻人会选择报复性熬夜(revenge bedtime procrastination)。
    procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 延迟,拖延

    01 睡眠有多重要
    Best nootropic: sleep(最能提高你大脑认知能力的药物就是睡眠)
    Best stress relief: sleep(最好的解压手段就是睡眠)
    Best immune booster: sleep(最能提升免疫力的方式还是睡眠)
    Best emotional stabilizer: sleep(最佳情绪稳定器依然是睡眠)
    This post really sums up the importance of sleep. 这篇文章确实总结了睡眠的重要性。总之,就是一句话:睡饱睡足比啥都重要。

    聊到睡眠的重要性,不得不提的就是sleep debt(睡眠债)。
    你睡不够的那些时间,并不会凭空消失,just like debt,they add up over time(它们会累积起来),最后it can really have a negative impact on your health(它真的会对你的健康产生负面影响)。
    If you miss one hour of sleep every night, you have seven hours of sleep debt in just one week. 那周末补觉不就都补回来了?大错特错!According to research, it takes four days to fully recover from one hour of lost sleep. 缺一个小时的觉,需要四天来完全恢复。
    02 到底怎样才能实现“睡眠自由”?
    # Tip 01
    You should check for any sleep disorders. 检查一下你是否有睡眠障碍。
    insomnia 失眠症
    sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停症(症状是you stop breathing during sleep)
    如果说你正在经历着snoring(打鼾),feeling sleepy during the day(白天嗜睡)or having very poor sleep(睡眠非常差),可以考虑去医院检查一下是不是有sleep apnea。

    # Tip 02
    You should go outside and view sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking up in the morning, and before sunset in the late afternoon. 你要在醒来以后的半小时到一小时以内,以及在临近日落的时候,出门去看看阳光。
    It doesn’t mean that you should look at the sun directly(并不是直视太阳),just looking at things in the sunlight is fine.

    在晴天的时候,try to view sunlight for at least 10 minutes,如果是阴天的话,double the time,看20分钟。Glasses,contact lenses(隐形)都是可以的,but do not wear sunglasses(墨镜),并且尽量不要stay in the shade(待在阴凉地里)。而且还要注意,you can’t look at sunlight through the windows(不要透过窗户看阳光),因为窗户会过滤掉很大一部分的蓝光的波段。
    一天两次看阳光的时间timing很关键。When you view sunlight, the closer it is to sunrise and sunset, the better. 跟日出和日落的时间越接近越好。其实也就是印证了那句古训,“日出而作,日入而息”。

    # Tip 03
    It is best to have a schedule. 最好有一个睡眠时间表。
    给自己设定好,7-8 hours of sleep every night, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day(每天尽量在同一时间睡觉和起床)。When you first start to feel sleepy, don’t fight it, just go to bed and sleep. 当你一有困意的时候,不要挣扎,赶紧去睡。
    Try to maintain this so your body can get used to it. 尽量保持这个习惯,你的身体会慢慢适应它。

    # Tip 04
    Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed. 饥饿或者太饱的时候不要入睡。
    Try to stop eating three hours before your bedtime!
    # Tip 05
    Avoid caf

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    巴菲特修改遗嘱 | 聊聊基金会的那些事儿…历史上最早的基金会在北宋!

    巴菲特修改遗嘱 | 聊聊基金会的那些事儿…历史上最早的基金会在北宋!

     主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国)
     歌曲 :Money, Money, Money
    今天,我们聊聊“股神”巴菲特(Warren Buffett)修改遗嘱这件事。

    Warren Buffett is a legendary value investor(是一个充满传奇色彩的价值投资者).
    He is best known for(因……被熟知) being a very successful investor(成功的投资者) and the head of Berkshire Hathaway(伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的负责人), a big company with many businesses.
    *legendary /ˈledʒənderi/ adj. 传奇的

    他通过buying and holding undervalued companies(收购和持有价值被低估的公司)赚了很多钱。为人们所熟知的是,he gives away a large part of his fortune to charity(他把他的大部分财产捐给了慈善机构),而且he lives a simple, modest life despite his wealth(尽管他很富有,但他却过着简单、低调的生活)。
    *undervalued /ˌʌndərˈvæljʊ/ adj. 售价过低的
    01 Buffett’s latest will 巴菲特最新遗嘱
    巴菲特之前说要把遗产捐赠给the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation(比尔盖茨和他妻子Melinda的基金会),但是前不久,Buffett just changed how his considerable fortune will be spent following his death(他改变了死后巨额财富的使用方式)。
    *considerable /kənˈsɪdərəb(ə)l/ adj. 相当大

    93岁的巴菲特说,he has again re-worked his will(他又一次重新调整了他的遗嘱) — and that he does not plan to continue donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after he dies. He will put his wealth in a new charitable trust overseen by his three children(他将把自己的财富存入一个由他的三个孩子监管的新的慈善信托基金中).
    *trust n. 信托基金机构
    *oversee v. 监管

    He has changed his will several times(他已经改变了好几次遗嘱了),and he put together the newest plan(他制定了最新的计划)due to the trust he has in his children’s values(因为他信任孩子们的价值观)and how they will distribute his wealth(也信任孩子会如何分配他的财富).
    *distribute /dɪˈstrɪbju:t/ v. 分发
    在巴菲特的遗嘱修改之前,the largest portion of his fortune was designated for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(他最大一笔遗产是要给比尔·盖茨和他的妻子的这个基金会的)。
    02 巴菲特和盖茨基金会之间啥联系?The Buffett and Gates families have been friends for over 3 decades(30多年). As some of the wealthiest people in the world (同为世界富豪), they have pooled their resources together to make much change and good happen in the world(他们一起用自己的资源改变世界,让世界变得更好).
    *pool v. 集中资源

    虽然都是世界富豪,比尔盖茨稍微更有钱一点,位居世界第四(Bill Gates is the 4th richest person in the world),巴菲特是第六(Buffett is the 6th)。
    Buffett was on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation for many years(巴菲特曾在比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会的董事会任职多年), and is said to have contributed $43 billion dollars to them over the last 20 years(在20年里向Bill and Melinda Gates基金会捐赠了430亿美元).

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation在很多领域都做出了卓越的贡献,比如说eradicating polio(帮助消除小儿麻痹症) 、reducing malaria(消除疟疾)以及帮助发展中国家发展,比如improving education through investments in K-12(通过投资改善从幼儿园到12年级的孩子教育),alleviating poverty by supporting agricultural development(通过支持农业发展来减轻贫困),improving sanitation (改善卫生设施)。
    *eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ v. 消灭
    *alleviate /əˈli:vieɪt/ v. 减轻
    *sanitation /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 卫生系统或设备

    03 基金会都有哪些种类?
    There are many different types, for example, Private Foundations(私人基金会), like the Ga

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     主播:Wendi(中国)+ Selah(美国)
     歌曲 :I Will Survive

    暑假期间又到了旅游旺季。People all around the world (世界各地的人) are traveling (都在旅行).
    Young people, both in school and those that are out of school, do a lot of traveling too (上学的和不上学的年轻人也会旅行). It is easier for them because they have more time and fewer responsibilities (因为他们的时间更多、责任更少).
    Especially young kids. Summer and winter breaks (寒暑假) are probably the best time to go travelling (旅游的最好时间).
    Selah刚刚结束了她三周的假期。She went to France, Egypt and Kenya (法国、埃及和肯尼亚). It was so much fun! 她看到了很多的风景(sights),体验了许多different cultures(不同的文化)。
    Wendi plans to visit some cities in southern China (计划去中国南方的一些城市旅游) with her family. 因为他们住在北方,所以views and cultures in the south (南方的观点和文化) 对他们来说非常different and interesting(不同且有趣)。
    01 The Difference between Chinese and Western Young People Making Travel Plans

    In China, there are many apps for booking tickets and hotels (有很多关于预订门票和酒店的应用程序), like去哪网,携程,and 智行。Wendi will always compare the prices on these apps (比较一下这些应用程序里的价格) and try to look for the cheapest offer (试着找最便宜的报价).
    For flights, Selah uses websites like Kayak (客涯) or Hopper to compare flight prices (比较航班价格) across a lot of platforms (在很多平台). Because prices on different platforms can be really different (因为在不同的平台上的价格可能会差别很大).

    For accommodations (住宿), it depends on (取决于) what type of place we want to stay (我们想住什么类型的地方) and how long we are staying for (以及我们要待多久).
    Selah’s first choice is usually Airbnb (爱彼迎), because it is cheaper, convenient, and has more space. 他们也带有厨房。So we can cook our own meals (自己做饭) and save money by buying groceries (买食品杂货可以省钱).

    Airbnb is actually someone has their own house or apartment, they turn it kind of into a hotel (他们把它变成了一家旅馆) so someone can pay and stay in that apartment or house for however long your vacation is (有人可以度假时付钱住在你的公寓或房子里). And they give you a password (给你一个密码) and you are able to stay. 非常方便。
    If Selah is booking a hotel, she will typically start with the area she wants to stay in (从她想住的地方开始), and then go onto Booking.com (缤客) or just do a general google search (谷歌搜索) to find a hotel with good reviews (找到一个有好评的酒店).

    选择你想待的地方很重要。You need to consider the distance it has to all the tourist spots you want to visit (考虑和你想去的所有旅游景点的距离), and make sure it has good transport links (确保它有良好的交通连接).
    Selah选择旅馆的时候, 她想选择一个包括免费早餐的(she wants one that has a free breakfast included).
    Sometimes Wendi would like to go to a nearby market (去附近的市场) and enjoy some local breakfast (享受当地的早餐)。这是一种体验那里的文化的好方法。
    02 Who Would You Like to Travel with?

    Selah’s advice for young people traveling (给年轻人的旅行建议) is, firstly, to do it with a friend (和你的朋友去旅行) or someone you want to share that memory with (或者和你想与之分享这段回忆的人).
    It’s nice to have friends around, but it’s not always easy. There’s a saying that (有句话说) travelling is the best way to test your relationship (旅行是测试关系的最好方式) with your friends or your loved on

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     主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)
     歌曲 :Miles on it
    今天我们来聊一个比较实在的话题——怎么获得快乐呢?因为在当下时代,获得快乐的能力真的很重要。Especially in this fast-paced era (快节奏时代), happiness seems to have become something unattainable (快乐似乎遥不可及). 对一些人来说,快乐已经成为一种luxury(奢侈品)了。

    01 The Different Levels of Happiness 
    有人把幸福分为三个层次:感官快乐(sensory happiness)、情绪快乐(emotional happiness)和精神快乐(spiritual happiness)。
    (1)感官快乐(sensory happiness)
    Sensory happiness, comes from physical pleasures (身体上的快乐) and material gains (和物质上的获得). It's the joy you feel when you eat your favorite food (吃你最喜欢的食物), buy a new gadget (买一个小物件), or enjoy a beautiful sunset (看一场漂亮的日落).

    (2)情绪快乐(emotional happiness)
    相比之下,情绪上的快乐(emotional happiness)要更加地深刻和持久(deeper and longer-lasting)。它来自关系以及个人的成就(relationships and personal achievements)。
    比如,和你所爱的人共度美好时光(spending quality time),在工作中庆祝晋升(promotion),或者享受一个令人满意的爱好(a fulfilling hobby)。这种程度的幸福通常涉及到一种连接感和归属感(a sense of connection and belonging)。
    *quality time 美好时光:花费时间全神贯注地陪伴亲近的人,例如自己的孩子。

    All of these are more difficult to access than sensual happiness (比感官上的快乐更难获取一些). So it is progressively harder to acquire from sensual pleasure to spiritual pleasure (从感官快乐到精神快乐是越来越难获取的).
    *progressively /prəˈɡresɪvli/ adv. 渐进地
    *pleasure /ˈpleʒər/ n. 快乐;满足
    (3)精神快乐(spiritual happiness)
    精神上的快乐是来自inner peace(内心的平和)还有 self-fulfillment(自我满足)。通常是通过mindfulness(正念),a sense of purpose(一种使命感),还有a connection to something greater than oneself(与比自己更伟大的事情产生连接),比如说大自然。
    02 Why We Are Prone to Unhappiness?
    Few people can access spiritual happiness these days (很少有人能获得精神上的快乐), and some never even experience it (有些人甚至都没体验过).
    *access /ˈækses/ v. 接近;进入
    In today’s digital age (数字时代), finding true happiness can be challenging (找到真正的快乐是有挑战的). Modern life, influenced by social media and consumerism (被社交媒体和消费主义所影响), often emphasizes material wealth and status (通常强调物质财富和地位).
    *material /məˈtɪriəl/ adj. 物质的;非精神上的
    现在的短视频平台无疑会amplify(放大)这种comparison(对比)还有 envy(羡慕嫉妒)的心态。

    心理学上有个词叫“相对剥夺感”(Relative Deprivation),这感觉就像是我们觉得我们有权享有,但并不拥有。
    *deprivation /ˌdeprəˈveɪʃən/ n. 匮乏;剥夺
    比如一个人 swipes on a video (刷短视频) 然后看到a rich man who sits in a mansion and a luxury car (一个坐拥豪宅和豪车的富豪),会觉得he should have all of that too, but he actually doesn't (自己也该拥有,实际上并没有)。
    *swipe /swaɪp/ v. 滑动
    *mansion /ˈmænʃ(ə)n/ n. 宅邸
    That's why we've been emphasizing the need to control the amount of time spent watching short videos (这就

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