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雅思口语IELTS English2024 英语口语家森Jason

    • 教育
    • 5.0 • 9 則評分


    (4622期)互联网如何影响我们(的生活)How does the Internet influence people

    (4622期)互联网如何影响我们(的生活)How does the Internet influence people

    举足轻重的地位 I think that the internet is playing an important role in our life
    与生活学习息息相关 it has got to do something with our regular work and everyday study
    不用去教室或者公司 we even don't have to travel to the workplace or travel to the school
    效果显著 but it works really well

    • 6 分鐘
    (4621期)最爱听什么乐器演奏 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to the most

    (4621期)最爱听什么乐器演奏 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to the most

    心情不好压力大的时候 when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm feeling very tired or the fatigue comes to me
    钢琴曲不一样 让我放松提神醒脑 the music from piano can be very different from other kinds of musical instruments. I feel like very relaxed and refreshed
    不知道为什么 天生的 I don't know why probably it's born with
    小时候学过钢琴 when I was at my young age, I tried to learn something one or two on piano

    • 8 分鐘
    (4620期)你喜欢看新闻吗 Are you interested in news

    (4620期)你喜欢看新闻吗 Are you interested in news

    是的 啥新闻都看 Yeah sure of course, I could say that currently I'm a super fan of different kinds of news
    了解实事 I’ll get to know something new in the world and I would get to know the everyday life
    过去只看八卦 sometimes in the past I was trying to stay focused on entertainment news, the gossips
    现在看正经东西了 I would certainly keep an eye on finance and economy

    • 6 分鐘
    (4619期)人们经常抱怨什么 What do people often complain about

    (4619期)人们经常抱怨什么 What do people often complain about

    一方面 抱怨现实生活  for one thing, it is about the real life you know, a lot of people today are suffering
    钱难赚屎难吃 actually they couldn't earn a lot of money, they even couldn't earn a living
    物质条件那些事 something of reality and stuff, the material life
    婚姻话题 for another, they are scared of marriage, and they don't trust love at all

    • 7 分鐘
    (4618期)为什么坐飞机的人越来越多 Why is air travel so popular toady

    (4618期)为什么坐飞机的人越来越多 Why is air travel so popular toady

    有两个原因 There are actually two reasons behind this topic
    有价格优势 it has got to do something with the price advantage
    众所周知 as is known to all
    比如长途旅行或者国际旅行 for example if we need to go on a long journey or go on the international trip

    • 5 分鐘
    (4617期)你将来想在小企业工作吗 Would you like to work in a small business

    (4617期)你将来想在小企业工作吗 Would you like to work in a small business

    才不会在小公司工作 Not really no, I wouldn't do anything in that way
    遇不到狠角色 probably I wouldn't meet some great people or some entrepreneurs
    薪水至上 the payment could be important to me, I want to have a decent job
    这是关键 that's the point

    • 6 分鐘


5.0(滿分 5 分)
9 則評分

9 則評分

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