嗨大家~農曆年新年快樂!!!Happy CNY! 在除夕前一天上線這一集,雖然感覺大家都在過年歡樂的氣氛中,但我也想提醒大家,如果你和我一樣覺得近期是生命中比較挑戰、低谷,沒那麼光鮮亮麗的時期… 也不要過度緊張,把握這樣的時刻讓自己休息與重置也是很棒的,希望你會喜歡今天的分享。 如果你喜歡這樣的內容歡迎你到IG私訊我跟我說~~❤️ 今天的內容分享:用休息與平衡來面對生命低谷 今晚,我們要討論一個既普遍又深刻的經歷——面對生命中的低谷。我們都有過這樣的時刻,感到壓力重重,或覺得停滯不前、缺乏靈感。但你知道嗎?低谷其實是一次絕佳的機會,可以讓我們重置自己,適度休息,並重新找到生活的平衡。讓我們一起探討吧!」 「生命的低谷往往像是一個無法擺脫的重擔。可能你剛剛經歷了一次職場上的重大失敗、一段感情的結束,或者壓力的日積月累讓你感到筋疲力盡。在這些時刻,‘重新振作’的壓力可能讓人窒息。但事實是,振作起來並不代表要快速通過這個過程,而是允許自己停下來。 我學到的一個最珍貴的教訓是休息的力量。休息不是懶惰,休息是恢復。想像運動員:在一場激烈的比賽或訓練後,他們不會硬撐著繼續,而是選擇休息,讓身體修復並變得更強壯。同樣地,我們的心靈與情感也需要這樣的修復。當我們處於低谷時,暫時退一步、適度休息,能幫助我們找到清晰的方向和恢復能量。 但僅僅休息是不夠的,關鍵是找到一種適合自己的節奏——在休息、反思與行動之間取得平衡。我舉個例子:幾年前,我經歷了一段特別困難的時期。我的直覺是讓自己更忙碌,用工作分散注意力。但這只讓我更加疲憊。直到我開始重視一些小而有意義的休息,比如散步、花十分鐘寫日記,甚至只是心安理得地打個盹,我才感覺到自己的控制力慢慢回來了。 平衡不是追求完美,而是聆聽當下身體和心靈的需求。有些日子,也許你需要早起完成目標;而另一些日子,允許自己睡到自然醒、保持安靜、重新充電,也是完全可以的。 低谷是人生循環中自然的一部分。它提醒我們放慢腳步,重新與真正重要的事物連結。與其抗拒它,我們不如利用這個機會,重建一個真實而持續的生活模式。」 「所以,當你反思今晚的主題時,問問自己:我如何能在沒有罪惡感的情況下滿足自己對休息的需求?我又能如何在日常生活中創造一些小小的平衡時刻?記住,面對生命低谷並沒有‘完美的方式’,它只是關於一步一步溫柔地前進。 感謝你今晚的陪伴,祝你安眠,願明天帶給你重新振作的力量與內心的平靜。晚安,我們下次見。」 04:16 英文: Hi, welcome to Moments of Growth. I’m [Your Name], and tonight we’re exploring an experience that’s universal yet deeply personal: facing life’s lows. We’ve all been there—moments when things feel overwhelming, or when we feel stuck and uninspired. But here’s the thing: those lows can be a powerful opportunity to reset, rest, and rediscover balance. So, let’s dive in together. Life’s lows often feel like a weight we can’t escape. Maybe you’ve just faced a big failure at work, a breakup, or even just the gradual buildup of stress that leaves you feeling depleted. During these times, the pressure to 'bounce back' can feel suffocating. But here’s the truth: bouncing back doesn’t mean rushing through the process—it means allowing yourself to pause. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the power of rest. Rest isn’t laziness. Rest is recovery. Think about athletes: after an intense game or practice, they don’t push through the pain—they rest, allowing their bodies to repair and strengthen. The same applies to our minds and hearts. When we’re in a low point, stepping back to rest gives us the clarity and energy we need to heal. But rest alone isn’t enough. The key is finding a rhythm that works for you—a balance between rest, reflection, and action. Let me share an example. A few years ago, I went through a particularly tough time. My instinct was to work harder, keep busy, and distract myself. But that only deepened my exhaustion. It wasn’t until I started prioritizing small but meaningful breaks—a walk outside, journaling for ten minutes, or even just letting myself nap without guilt—that I began to feel a sense of control returning. Balance isn’t about perfection. It’s about listening to what your body and mind need in the moment. Some days, that might mean getting up early and tackling your goals. Other days, it’s about giving yourself permission to sleep in, stay quiet, and recharge. And that’s okay. Low points are a natural part of life’s cycle. They remind us to slow down and reconnect with what truly matters. Instead of fighting them, we can use them as an opportunity to rebuild a life that feels authentic and sustainable. So, as you reflect on tonight’s topic, ask yourself: How can I honor my need for rest without guilt? How can I create small moments of balance in my daily life? Remember, there’s no ‘perfect’ way to navigate life’s lows. It’s about taking one small, gentle step at a time. Thank you for sharing this moment with me. Sleep well, and may tomorrow bring you a renewed sense of strength and calm. Good night, and see you next time." 祝福你們 2025 新年快樂❤️ 儘管現在你也在低谷也不要太過苛責自己,一步步慢慢來,休息也是很重要的! 希望你們一切都好,期待下次再見! --------------- 加入Janet選物團購LINE社群:密碼:1009 --------------- 🎉 追蹤 #那些學校沒教的事@be.esc.life 的最新上線的官方IG帳號! https://www.instagram.com/be.esc.life/ --------------- Music used: https://thmatc.co/?l=1D550B92 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m6gl2ScgYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u43yUcB8uY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qgKYtRG77Q&feature=youtu. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn