78 episodes

This data-driven sales podcast helps reps and business owners generate more meetings and close more sales at higher prices without the cheezy old-school high-pressure sales tactics.

Each Thursday, we will give you step-by-step techniques that you can immediately implement into your daily selling to blow up your sales.

Also, be sure to register for the free training on the 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without Price Pushback, ‘Think-It-Overs’ and Ghosting by visiting http://closing.training

Data-Driven Selling By Sales Insights Lab Salesinsightslab.com

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 24 Ratings

This data-driven sales podcast helps reps and business owners generate more meetings and close more sales at higher prices without the cheezy old-school high-pressure sales tactics.

Each Thursday, we will give you step-by-step techniques that you can immediately implement into your daily selling to blow up your sales.

Also, be sure to register for the free training on the 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without Price Pushback, ‘Think-It-Overs’ and Ghosting by visiting http://closing.training

    5 Quick Sales Questions to Get ANY Prospect to Open Up

    5 Quick Sales Questions to Get ANY Prospect to Open Up

    Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"https://salesinsightslab.com/training/
    Welcome to "Data Driven Insights," the podcast that merges tactical sales advice with data-backed strategies to help sales reps and business owners generate more meetings and close more sales at higher prices. Hosted by Marc Wayshak, each episode dissects critical sales techniques and methods supported by real-world data, ensuring you have the tools to elevate your sales game. Tune in to discover how you can leverage data to improve your sales outcomes.
    In this episode, host Marc Wayshak dives into five strategic questions designed to get prospects to open up and share their true challenges and needs. Marc emphasizes the importance of effective communication and how asking the right questions can reveal invaluable insights, leading to more successful sales outcomes. 
    The episode covers:
    1. **Quick Opening Play**: Utilize the "opening play" method by sharing the top three challenges your prospects typically face and asking if these issues resonate with them.
    2. **Tell Me More About That**: Prompt deeper conversations by asking prospects to elaborate on their statements, helping uncover core issues.
    3. **Why Do You Think That Is?**: Get prospects to explore and explain the reasons behind their problems, providing deeper understanding and context.
    4. **What Prompts You to Say That?**: Use this question to clarify the motivations behind a prospect's statements or questions, ensuring a focused dialogue.
    5. **Why Is That?**: A simple yet powerful question that encourages prospects to delve into their objectives and challenges, allowing you to address their needs more effectively.
    Marc's insights reveal that successful selling hinges not just on presenting solutions but on understanding and unpacking the true challenges prospects face. By incorporating these five questions into your sales conversations, you'll be equipped to foster more meaningful interactions and achieve better sales outcomes.
    Tune in to master these essential sales techniques and transform your approach to selling by making every conversation count. For further resources, visit closingtraining where you can access additional free training on the five-step formula to closing more deals.

    • 7 min
    The Absolute Best Way to Start a Sales Conversation [WITH ANY PROSPECT]

    The Absolute Best Way to Start a Sales Conversation [WITH ANY PROSPECT]

    Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"https://salesinsightslab.com/training/
    Welcome to Data Driven Insights, the podcast that helps sales reps and business owners elevate their game and close more deals at higher prices. I’m your host, Marc Wayshak.
    In today’s episode, we’re diving into one of the most crucial aspects of the sales process: how to start a sales conversation with any prospect. It's often said that starting strong leads to ending strong, and this principle is especially true in sales. In this episode, I'll be sharing our unique approach known as the "opening play," which goes beyond the typical elevator pitch.
    We’ll explore how to kick off your conversations with key insights about what you help clients achieve, the challenges they face, and prompt engagement to enter a meaningful dialogue. If you’re ready to transform the way you approach your prospects right from the start, stay tuned for actionable insights that can change your selling game. Let’s get started!KEY POINTS 
    Introduction and Importance of Starting a Sales Conversation:- Impact of how you start on ultimate outcome.- Philosophy taught by one of Marc’s mentors: strong start leads to strong end.- Goal: Develop a way to start conversations that prompts prospects to open up and make buying decisions.
    Develop Your Opening Play:- Explanation of the "opening play" concept.- Contrast with traditional methods like 30-second commercials or elevator pitches.- Importance of a structured approach in the first 20 to 30 seconds.    - Problems with typical salespeople getting off-track.    - Need for a tight and concise opening.
    Start with What You Help Clients Achieve:- Problems with starting conversations focusing on what you sell.- Suggested approach: Start with what you help clients achieve.    - Examples:        - Insulation company focusing on a warm house.        - CRM systems focusing on organized leads and increased revenues.
    Discuss Key Challenges You’re Seeing:- The importance of addressing key challenges prospects face.- Demonstrating insights into common challenges affecting prospects.    - Importance of showing value and insight.    - Conversion of these challenges into engagement.    - Analogy to a doctor's perspective.
    Close with Engagement Prompt:- How to end the opening play with a prompt.- Preferred closing question: "Do any of those issues ring true?"    - Purpose of prompting the prospect to engage.    - Contrast with common pitfalls of traditional closing.
    Practical Example of Opening Play:- Sample opening play sequence Marc would use.    - High-level overview focusing on salespeople or small businesses.    - Key elements:        - Clients leverage data to drive revenues.        - Challenges like low-price competitors, generating new business, and difficult sales environment.        - Closing question to prompt engagement.
    Conclusion:- Recap of the power of a well-constructed opening play.    - Insight demonstration.    - Prompting prospect engagement.

    • 7 min
    The Martial Arts Approach to Closing Sales

    The Martial Arts Approach to Closing Sales

    Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"https://salesinsightslab.com/training/
    In this episode of Data Driven Selling by the Sales Insights Lab, host Marc Wayshak dives into the fascinating parallels between martial arts and sales techniques. Drawing from his personal experience in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Marc explores how the principles of martial arts can dramatically enhance your sales game. From treating your prospect as a training partner to replacing force with skill, Marc shares invaluable insights that can transform your approach to closing deals. Learn how to harness the energy of your prospects, think multiple steps ahead, understand likely outcomes, and develop an intentional training process for long-term success. Whether you're a seasoned salesperson or just starting out, these strategies can help propel you to the top of your field. Stay tuned for a dynamic episode that blends the art of martial mastery with the science of selling.
    KEY MOMENTS1. Your prospect is the best training partner2. Replace force with skill3. Let their energy lead where you want to go4. Think many steps ahead5. Understand the likely outcomes6. Intentional training leads to long-term success7. The best athletes often don’t become the best martial artists
    Using Prospects as Training Partners- Role of a training partner in martial arts.- Prospects as the best training partners in sales.- Importance of learning from each sales interaction.
    Replacing Force with Skill- Common beginner's mistake: using force.- Transition from using force to using skill in martial arts.- Applying skill over force in sales.- The discomfort prospects feel when reps use forceful techniques.
    Letting Energy Lead- Traditional selling techniques versus guiding energy.- Embracing objections rather than opposing them.- Steering the prospect’s energy in the desired direction.
    Thinking Many Steps Ahead- Advanced martial artists’ ability to think multiple steps ahead.- Parallels in sales: having a process and planning future steps.- Differences between trained and untrained salespeople.
    Understanding Likely Outcomes- Predictability of human behavior in martial arts.- Predicting prospects’ responses in sales scenarios.- Preparing for various potential outcomes.
    Importance of Intentional Training- Need for a structured training process in martial arts.- Importance of having an intentional training process in sales.- Long-term benefits of consistent and intentional training.
    Misconception About Natural Talent- Observations about top martial artists not always being top athletes.- Comparison to sales: natural charisma versus learned skills.- Emphasis on focusing on skill development rather than innate traits.
    Conclusion- Summarizing the martial arts approach to closing sales.- Encouragement to focus on skill development and continuous learning.

    • 9 min
    The Way Successful & Rich Salespeople Think

    The Way Successful & Rich Salespeople Think

    Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"https://salesinsightslab.com/training/
    Welcome to Data-Driven Selling, where today our host, Marc Wayshak, dives into the powerful mindsets that distinguish successful and wealthy salespeople from the rest. Marc will share the crucial mental shifts that can elevate your sales game from thinking you're the best to recognizing sales as a strategic game, not a life-or-death struggle. 
    Discover why seeing your interactions with top-tier prospects as equal footing encounters is essential and how embracing sales as a game can replace stress with enjoyment and effectiveness. Whether it’s adopting the mantra "The best prospects need me,” or understanding that losing a sale is just part of the game, this episode is packed with transformative insights. Moreover, Marc emphasizes the importance of loving what you do, believing in your product, and having a clear sales plan. Tune in to learn how to shift your mindset and dramatically increase your sales effectiveness and enjoy the pursuit of your sales goals with a renewed vigor and strategy.
    Here is a comprehensive sequence of topics covered in the podcast episode "Sales Mindset - The Way Successful & Rich Salespeople Think," with sub-topic bullets detailing the main points discussed under each primary topic:
    1. Introduction to Sales Mindsets   - Explanation of common traits among successful and rich salespeople.   - Importance of adopting certain mindsets to reach the top of one’s sales game.
    2. Critical Sales Mindsets   - I Am the Best     - Believing in oneself as top in their field.     - The necessity of self-belief to achieve top performance.
       - The Best Prospects Need Me     - Viewing oneself as a solution rather than an annoyance.     - Recognition that certain prospects inherently need what you're offering.
       - Sales Is Just a Game     - Conceptualizing sales as a game to improve engagement and reduce stress.     - Changing perception of sales from a high-stress environment to a playful competition.
       - Can Go Toe to Toe with Any CEO     - Confidence in dealing with high-level executives.     - Not being intimidated by the status of the prospect.
       - If I Lose a Sale, So What?     - Acceptance of losses as part of the sales process.     - Maintaining composure and perspective when a sale falls through.
    3. Focusing on Process Over Outcomes   - Activity and Process Over Closing     - Emphasis on consistent activity and refined processes.     - Importance of building a robust pipeline and engaging in effective sales practices.
       - I'll See If You're a Fit     - Evaluating prospects for fit rather than trying to close every possible sale.     - Moving on quickly if a prospect is not a fit.
    4. Goal Setting and Planning   - Having a Clear Plan to Sales Goals     - Importance of having specific, measurable steps to reach sales targets.     - Breaking down goals into actionable items like number of meetings and deal sizes.
    5. Passion for Selling   - I Love What I Do and Sell     - The necessity of passion and belief in the product for sales success.     - How enjoyment and belief in the product impact sales performance.
    6. Conclusion and Additional Resources   - Summarization of key sales mindsets.   - Invitation to access further sales training resources.
    Each of these topics provides a detailed overview of the various mindsets and strategies that, according to the podcast, are essential for achieving and maintaining success in sales.

    • 9 min
    7 Keys to Handling the “This is Too Expensive” Objection

    7 Keys to Handling the “This is Too Expensive” Objection

    Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"https://salesinsightslab.com/training/

    In this episode of "Data Driven Selling," hosted by Marc Wayshak, we delve into a common challenge faced by sales reps and business owners: the "This is Too Expensive" objection from prospects. Marc provides seven strategic keys to effectively handle this objection, emphasizing a shift in both mindset and tactics. The episode is rich with actionable advice aimed at helping listeners not only overcome the objection but also ensure they are aligning their sales process to showcase the value of their offerings clearly.
     "7 Keys to Handling the 'This is Too Expensive' Objection" by Marc Wayshak covers a comprehensive guide to navigating price objections in sales. 
    Here’s a breakdown of the primary topics covered, with sub-topic bullets for each:
    1. Determine How You Got Here- Exploration of the sales process to identify potential improvements.- Understanding that price objections often stem from a perceived lack of value.
    2. Own Your High Price Upfront- The strategy of proudly owning and justifying a higher price point.- Discussion on the negative implications of competing on price in your industry.
    3. Remember That 20% Must Be DQ'd- Categorizing prospects into three buckets based on their price sensitivity and value perception.- Emphasis on immediately disqualifying the bottom 20% who are price-focused.
    4. Slow It Down- Tactical approach to pause and slow down the conversation upon encountering the objection.- The importance of not rushing into defensive or justifying responses.
    5. Ask What Prompts You to Say That- Turning the objection back to the prospect to understand their perspective.- The value of listening and prompting further explanation from the prospect.
    6. Dig Deeper- The importance of digging into the objection to truly understand the prospect's concerns.- How effective questioning can reveal the underlying reasons for the objection.
    7. Can I Throw Some Ideas at You?- Strategies for collaboratively exploring potential solutions or alternatives with the prospect.- Seeking permission to offer ideas, enhancing the receptiveness of the prospect.
    Conclusion and Additional Resources- Summary of the key strategies to handle the "This is too expensive" objection.- Invitation to access additional free training material to improve closing skills without price objection.
    Each of these topics collectively aims to equip sales professionals with strategic responses and a deeper understanding of handling price objections effectively, turning potential setbacks into opportunities for value demonstration and closing sales.

    • 9 min
    How to Sell Bigger Deals [Whale Hunting!]

    How to Sell Bigger Deals [Whale Hunting!]

    Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"https://salesinsightslab.com/training/
    Welcome back to another educational episode of "Data Driven Insights." I'm your host, Marc Wayshak, and today we're joined by the head coach at the Sales Insights Lab, Coach Tiffany Torres. 
    In this episode, Marc and Tiffany discuss the significance and benefits of targeting larger deals in sales, challenging common assumptions, and realigning mindsets toward high-stakes opportunities. Marc Wayshak begins by explaining three ways to increase sales: more prospects, higher closing rates, and bigger deals, emphasizing that the latter is often overlooked despite its potential impact on revenue.
    Coach Tiffany advises sales professionals to focus on the value of the problems they solve for prospects rather than just the cost of their product or service. By doing so, salespeople can effectively communicate the worth of their offering in relation to the prospect's challenge, creating an opportunity to discuss and justify higher budgets.
    The conversation shifts to strategies for increasing deal sizes, such as dynamic pricing, offering tiered service packages, and targeting bigger companies with larger budgets. They highlight the importance of understanding the prospect's language and tailoring the value proposition accordingly.
    Marc and Tiffany advise on pipeline management, emphasizing the need to cultivate multiple large opportunities so any single deal doesn't become disproportionately crucial, a concept likened to balancing on a beam at different heights. With a full pipeline, salespeople can operate from a position of power, less concerned about individual losses and more focused on the many opportunities ahead.
    Finally, they wrap up with a discussion on adopting a "some will, some won't, so what" attitude, recognizing when to move on from a lost prospect, and how small increases in average sales size can lead to significant overall growth.
    Listeners are also invited to access a free video training to learn a five-step formula to close more deals, available at closing training.
    Key Topics:1. Introduction to Wholesale Hunting2. Benefits of Targeting Big Deals3. Strategies to Increase Sales4. Approaches to Increase Average Sales Size5. Pricing Tactics 6. Strategy in Selling Big Deals7. The Importance of Mindset8. Pricing Structures and Optionality9. Benefits of Multiple Options in Offering10. Working with Larger Companies11. Importance of a Full Pipeline12. Analogy of the Beam and Height
    00:00 Focusing on increasing sales and landing bigger deals.04:40 Analyzing the decision-making process for high-cost items.07:29 Bigger sales challenge mindsets, worth and confidence.11:14 Expanding options leads to successful sales strategy.14:40 Multiple dates reduce pressure, increase opportunities, comfort.16:50 Focus on closing good deals, not lost ones.

    • 17 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
24 Ratings

24 Ratings

stitchXavi ,

Incredibly helpful

As a new salesperson for my company, I was terrified of having to make sales. Marc’s podcast (and YouTube) have changed the way I think about sales entirely!

Dr . of Sales ,

Always Helpful !

Marc’s insights will always help you adapt in this new world of selling !

PodcastCritic 007 ,

A sales rep MUST

Marc’s modern take on sales takes a data-driven approach and gives you insights into what’s working now for sales reps. It’s so refreshing! Look, there are a lot of good podcasts out there for sales reps. There are a lot of great podcasts out there too. But Marc Wayshack’s Sales Insights Lab Podcast is definitely on my list of absolute MUSTS.

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