Shot Caller: A Podcast by Shannon Sagawe

Shannon Sagawe
Shot Caller: A Podcast by Shannon Sagawe

The Shot Caller podcast brings you tomorrows game changers, agents of change, revolutionaries, and the investors behind them – today! Stories that will catalyse and inspire you to pursue your dreams, vote with your wallet, increase your longevity, and live your wealthy life! Like the butterfly effect in chaos theory, a small change in one state can have a large, non-linear change on a global scale.

  1. 07/05/2023

    Dr. Irmi Huber; The power of personalized medicine & early diagnostics for optimum health wealth

    The Shot Caller Podcast; lifting the veil off the future by sharing the stories of revolutionaries, game changers and innovators building a better tomorrow.  PS:  Share, like, subscribe; holistic wealth is like duct tape, it fixes everything. This podcast has a very special meaning to me and I share my very recent & personal breast cancer diagnosis in the intro.  The timing of my interview with Irmi and my subsequent diagnosis make this discussion about our health wealth, early diagnostics, bioligical vs. chronological age & more so, so much more raw and critical.  I implore everyone reading and listening to continue to inform yourself on how you can advocate for your own health. I am here to be a cheerleader as well as perhaps an inspiration for early diagnostics.  Ultimately, it is my goal to help spread the power of metabolic health so we never actually get cancer or other insidious diseases! Dr. Irmi Huber has more than 25 years experience as a serial entrepreneur and is co-founder of NEOTES, a longevity driven start-up that is translating cutting edge science for the benefit of those who want to extend their health span! Neotes seeks to enable people to live longer and better or even reverse their biological age using data-based personalized longevity recommendations.  In addition to diagnostics, they provide access to medical professionals as well as supplements that are designed to support your individual needs.  (no one size fits all solution here!) What are the 12 Hallmarks of Aging? Telomere attrition Genomic instability Mitochondrial dysfunction Cellular senescence Stem cell exhaustion Chronic inflammation Altered intercellular communication Loss of proteostasis Deregulated nutrient sensing Epigenetic alterations Disabled macroautophagy Dysbiosis Dr. Irmi and I discuss her journey to the longevity start-up world, many different sliding door moments, her personal journey caring for and losing her partner to colon cancer and how she is motivated to help put all of us in the drivers seat of our own longevity.  Before you go to down any longevity enhancing road, it is quite important to check where you and your body are at first.  This will avoid spending money on supplements and treatments that may not be necessary.  NEOTES has the same philosophy.  Diagnostics are a key pillar for optimising your health. (I have learned this quite poetically myself) NEOTES Diagnostic Tests: (Read more on the website in German. English coming) bioAge test NAD test Hormone test Collagen test Microbiome test Omega-3 test Thank you for listening.  I think this is such an important topic and podcast.  I will share more of my journey with you all in the coming weeks and months. **************************************************************** The Wealth Alchemist is in search of holistic wealth and focuses on the 4-pillars of wealth: Financial, Time, Health & Social Wealth.   Grab a cup of tea and join us on this fun and vital podcast for skin and overall health. Connect with Dr. Irmi: Dr. Irmi Huber Linked In NEOTES LinkedIN NEOTES webpage NEOTES Instagram NEOTES Facebook    .  .  .

    1h 25m
  2. 04/12/2023

    Danijela Schenker, Swiss skincare expert in microneedling & regenerating skin from the inside out!

    The Shot Caller Podcast; lifting the veil off the future by sharing the stories of revolutionaries, game changers and innovators building a better tomorrow.  "Buckle up buttercup; it's time for you to get paid." PS:  Share, like, subscribe; wealth is like duct tape, it fixes everything. Danijela Schenker , co-founder of Forever Beautiful by Science, is not only a true expert on how to use the body's own resources to create healthy skin, but she is also a warm and generous person.  Danijela started her clinic 20 years ago after having been an ICU nurse for many years.  She loved the topic of health and beauty as well as the idea of biohacking to reverse the hallmarks of aging.  Her experience as an ICU wound specialist helped her to quickly see the benefits of microneedling. Danijela is now the official microneedling trainer for Dermapen and has a thriving clinic in Zürich.   The Wealth Alchemist is in search of holistic wealth and focuses on the 4-pillars of wealth: Financial, Time, Health & Social Wealth.  When you have healthy, glowing skin; you know you are taking care of both your internal health as well as your mental health.  They are all connected.  Danijela is both a walking advertisement for beauty, inside and out, as well as a science first expert in how best to treat the skin and body! Who is this podcast for? Anyone who wants to understand core principles around healthy skin Anyone who has noticed their skin deteriorating and wants a deeper insight into how to slow or reverse some of the damage Those in GenerationM! (generation Menopause) Anyone of any age who is interested in microneedling Those who are curious about the incredible benefits of red light therapy! (I am a huge fan!) People who want to know what the absolute basic treatments and products are for healthy skin. Those who want to learn more about the incredible advantages of a retinol serum People who want to understand the connection between internal health and our skin health Those who want to hear what her biohacking routine is!  Methylene Blue Redlight Face Therapy Redlight Sauna Cold Plunging Those who want to hear what some of her "current" favourite products are; Young Goose Skincare Neotes Dr. Julie Hunter Current Body Grab a cup of tea and join us on this fun and vital podcast for skin and overall health. Connect with Danijela: LinkedIn    .  .  .

    59 min
  3. 03/29/2023

    Laura Spaulding, Building a $25 million Crime Scene Cleaning Empire

    The Shot Caller Podcast; lifting the veil off the future by sharing the stories of revolutionaries, game changers and innovators building a better tomorrow.  "Buckle up buttercup; it's time for you to get paid." PS:  Share, like, subscribe; wealth is like duct tape, it fixes everything. Laura Spaulding's story of poverty, discrimination by top military officers for being gay, struggling to feed herself to going into the police force and then starting her own crime scene clean-up is something that Hollywood would make a movie out of. Her Youtube channel, Crime Scene Cleaning, has over 50 million views.  She has the fastest growing crime scene clean-up franchise in the US.  She started her business with a home equity loan, because banks would not loan her money for her crime scene clean-up business.  Today, that business is worth over $25 million. Who is this podcast for? Anyone who has come from poverty and had to fight their way out Anyone who has been discriminated by people who are tasked with actually protecting and serving us, as Americans and humans! Those looking for start-up inspiration People who don't fit the typical "education" mold; those who want to blaze their own path and need a mentor People who need to hear about the importance of resilience  Anyone interested in the crime scene cleaning business! Connect with Laura: Spaulding Decon Crime Scene Cleaning YouTube channel Instagram Laura on LinkedIn *****************************************************************    .  .  .

    1h 2m
  4. 03/02/2023

    Will Nitze, founder IQBAR; Boosting your brain and body performance

    Today's guest is the founder of the company IQBAR, a smarter way to refuel and rehydrate your brain and body!   Who might this podcast really resonate with? People curious about how food, nutritious food, can boost cognitive and physical performance. Those who are keen to learn about how a "fast moving consumer goods" company gets it initial funding.  Angel investors and running a Kickstarter campaign. You are curious about improving your overal health; learn about some of the missing minerals in our current diet and why something like Magnesium L-threonate is so important to brain health.  Pregnant and lactating mothers; Hear why this unexpected consumer group market  started buyin a LOT of their hydration product, IQMix. Generally interested into Start-up and founder life.  Insights from the Covid trenches. Will is a generous guest in that he talks us through their revenue growth history and upcoming year projections.  He enlightens us on how he met his first early angel investor, the world blueberry King, based in Fall Creek, Oregon.  (The state I hail from!).  Follow IQBAR on Insta and Facebook.  Or follow Will Nitze via LinkedIn. ******************************************* The Shot Caller podcast is produced with a lot of love and my way of giving you all insight into some of the most revolutionary, game changing and passionate people making our world a better place.  Please like and follow us as well as give us feedback, especially when you loved one of my podcasts! You might also impact someone else's wealthy life if you share this podcast with them; especially a mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour.... The podcast is my love letter to all of those as passionate as I am about leaving the world just a little bit better than you found it.  If you want to build on-going financial and investment literacy, hear about important new investment trends, be inspired by building a holistically WELLTHY life, think about joining us at The Wealth Pack membership for women or via the new GenZ & Wealthy platform.  Both platforms will absolutely put you on a path towards financial confidence, freedom and a compelling future. The Wealth PACK private membership GenZ & Wealthy private membershp The Wealth Alchemist_LinkedIn The Wealth Alchemist Website    .  .  .

    1h 4m
  5. 11/29/2022

    Nikita Michelsen, CEO & Founder of Pearlita, creating the worlds 1st cell-based oyster

    Today's guest, Nikita Michelsen, founder and CEO of Pearlita, is set to positively disrupt the trash cans of the ocean- OYSTERS! Hear how Nikita set out, less than 1 year ago, to launch a cell-based oyster company to solve the problem of the pending collapse of the world's oyster reef's.  As much as 85% of the world's oyster reef's have disappeard in the last 200 years! As a young founder, Nikita tells us how her upbringing in Sweden & Danish roots prompted her to create a product that honored the culture of her childhood while simultaneously protecting this key part of our oceans. She also tells us how they quickly pivoted to create a "plant based" oyster line as a short-term product win as well as to learn more about what customers are looking for.  They have had rave reviews in blind taste tests and also created a "biodegradable" oyster shell to go with their vegan oysters! Did you know? One oyster filters 50 gallons of water! The world consumes 2 billion tons of oysters per year They are harvested between 1-3 years of age, but can live up to 20 years in the wild; filtering out our oceans They sequester carbon & are considered key ecosystem engineers in the ocean Their shells can be used to help plants if broken up and spread around the garden to improve the Ph balance of the soil They are great source of vitamins A and D, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid. Eating just six of them more than meets the daily recommended intake of iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese and phosphorus for adults. Higher ocean temperatures are creating new, intense bacteria that is killing the mollusk ecosystem as well as hosting dangerous diseases for humans In just about an hour, you will be inspired and informed on how important it is to keep our ocean temperatures down and to champion innovators such as Nikita and Pearlita! **New Wealth Alchemist Course Launch Determine the Price of Your Dreams: How to achieve your financially vibrant retirement in 4 weeks; resulting in less vulnerability, uncertainty and anxiety about your future.  Design a plan that reflects your needs and stick to it. Launching November 9th. In 4 short weeks you will determine if you are on track to fund a financially vibrant retirement, design a tangible & tailored funding plan to achieve or surpass your dream future lifestyle, eradicate the anxiety of an unknown future and become a financially empowered woman.  Read more here... **************************************************************** Please rate and leave me feedback.  It is so important that I serve you well in building a wealthy life! You might also impact someone else's wealthy life if you share this podcast with them; especially a mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour.... You can also find me on : The Wealth Alchemist_LinkedIn The Wealth Alchemist Website The Wealth PACK private membership  .  .  .

    59 min
  6. 10/18/2022

    Mike Belkowski, Founder Biolight; The Insane Benefits of Red Light Therapy

    If you consider your health to be part of your wealth or your "wellth," this is the podcast for you. Dr. Mike Belkowski, founder of Biolight, discusses the "insane" benefits of red light therapy.  It really is not an overstatement!  Once you start to understand how important light is to our body's natural circadian rhythm, it starts to make a lot of sense.  In fact, I was quite suspicious when I read, years ago, how important sleep is to fat loss. I thought that sounded ridiculous. However, scientific research after scientific research continues to point to the importance of maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. There are a series of important events, like domino's in our body.  When we forsake one or more of these, the system gets off balance. Mike trained as a physical therapist and made an early pivot when he went into a private, cash based business. He found that the major insurance companies would not pay for some of the alternative therapies he was using and were really effective; such as dry needling.  He did not want to be beholden to an "old" school medical ideology.  I make it my mission to seek out and interview these types of revolutionaries, game changers and disruptors.   It is of paramount importance to me that you are given the most up-to-date data on anything that will improve the quality and length of your life. Some of the topics we cover include: How lightbulbs are circadian wreckers The benefits of morning sunlight- with peer reviewed research! The difference between Red Light and Nir Infrared Light Mitochondrial disease and how red light helps repair the cells Why sunglasses might be bad for your health! The gut/brain axis and how treating your gut with red light has the side benefit of improving brain function! An overview of some of the biggest health benefits of red light therapy: Women's Health Sleep Gut & Brain health Oral health Fat/Weight Loss Inflammation Pain Skin- anti-aging!  hell to the yes! Pet Health! (Biolight is launching a pet friendly red light therapy mat!) Significantly more This was both a fun and informative podcast that I really think will pay "dividends" to you and your health. Biolight has an entire page on its website dedicated to red light therapy research on key areas of the body.  Check it out here Mike also has his own podcast, The Red Light Report, where he goes into detail on everything red light and our health!  Also a must listen!  The bottom line is that red light therapy is a pretty inexpensive (when you amortize the years of use and the reduction in health issues), convenient and non-invasive way to take charge of your own health and healing.   At the end of the day, our health is our issue.  We should do all we can to make sure this one body is treated well and it will in turn, treat us well. #holisticwealth is the way to live! **New Wealth Alchemist Course Launch Determine the Price of Your Dreams: How to achieve your financially vibrant retirement in 4 weeks; resulting in less vulnerability, uncertainty and anxiety about your future.  Design a plan that reflects your needs and stick to it. Launching November 9th. In 4 short weeks you will determine if you are on track to fund a financially vibrant retirement, design a tangible & tailored funding plan to achieve or surpass your dream future lifestyle, eradicate the anxiety of an unknown future and become a financially empowered woman.  Read more here... **************************************************************** Please rate and leave me feedback.  It is so important that I serve you well in building a wealthy life! You might also impact someone else's wealthy life if you share this podcast with them; especially a mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour.... You can also find me on : The Wealth Alchemist_LinkedIn The Wealth Alchemist Website The Wealth PACK private membership  .  .  .

    1h 22m


The Shot Caller podcast brings you tomorrows game changers, agents of change, revolutionaries, and the investors behind them – today! Stories that will catalyse and inspire you to pursue your dreams, vote with your wallet, increase your longevity, and live your wealthy life! Like the butterfly effect in chaos theory, a small change in one state can have a large, non-linear change on a global scale.

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