48 episodes

Welcome to The Wellness Diaries, your go-to podcast for the real deal on health, wellness, nutrition, fitness, and some fun personal stories in between.

I'm Ashleigh, your host, and owner of A-Hub Nutrition. I've been coaching others on how to reach their fat loss goals in a sustainable way for over 8 years now, and I’m here to give you those same practical insights on nutrition, fitness, and mindset, without the fluff.

Whether you’ve been in the health and fitness world for years or you’re just now dipping your toes into this world, 'The Wellness Diaries' has something for everyone.

Want to know more about how to work together? Find us at: www.ahubnutrition.com

The Wellness Diaries Ashleigh Hubbard

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 11 Ratings

Welcome to The Wellness Diaries, your go-to podcast for the real deal on health, wellness, nutrition, fitness, and some fun personal stories in between.

I'm Ashleigh, your host, and owner of A-Hub Nutrition. I've been coaching others on how to reach their fat loss goals in a sustainable way for over 8 years now, and I’m here to give you those same practical insights on nutrition, fitness, and mindset, without the fluff.

Whether you’ve been in the health and fitness world for years or you’re just now dipping your toes into this world, 'The Wellness Diaries' has something for everyone.

Want to know more about how to work together? Find us at: www.ahubnutrition.com

    Mindfulness, Consistency, + Compassion - Ep. 6 of Sam’s Fitness Journey

    Mindfulness, Consistency, + Compassion - Ep. 6 of Sam’s Fitness Journey

    In this episode of the Wellness Diaries podcast, I welcome back my client Sam to discuss her health journey. We explore the misconception of expecting immediate results and emphasize sustainable, long-term progress. Sam shares her experience of losing 10 pounds and the mindset shifts she has undergone, such as being more gracious with herself and making healthier choices. 
    We highlight the importance of celebrating small wins, being mindful of eating habits, and finding joy in the process. The episode underscores the significance of balance, self-care, and removing pressure in the pursuit of health and fitness.
    The beginning of the journey (00:00:02) Discussion on the initial excitement and expectations of starting a health and fitness journey.
    Celebrating progress (00:02:32) Sam shares her celebratory moment of losing weight and the intrinsic changes she has experienced.
    Behavioral changes and mindset shift (00:04:27) Sam discusses the daily decisions and mindset shifts that have led to her success.
    Community and accountability (00:09:17) The importance of community support and accountability in Sam's journey.
    Overcoming shame and seeking joy (00:11:11) Sam's journey of overcoming shame and seeking joy in her health and wellness goals.
    Turning point and motivation (00:13:40) The turning point in Sam's mindset and motivation to start her health journey.
    Balancing lifestyle and sacrifices (00:15:51) Discussion on the tension between lifestyle changes and sacrifices for a healthier life.
    Healthy relationship with tracking (00:17:34) Sam's healthy relationship with tracking and the importance of balance in her approach.
    Listening to My Body (00:18:40) Speaker 3 discusses listening to her body's signals and making mindful choices about eating.
    Mindful Eating and Self-Trust (00:22:35) Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of being mindful while eating and building self-trust, especially when tracking macros.
    Discovering New Fitness Activities (00:27:39) Speaker 3 shares her journey of trying out different fitness classes and overcoming barriers to working out.
    Understanding Choices and Prioritization (00:33:40) Speaker 1 and 3 discuss the choices and priorities that impact exercise routines and how to address barriers.
    Making Time for Self-care (00:35:54) Discussion about the importance of scheduling breaks and making time for self-care in a busy daily routine.
    Prioritizing Exercise (00:37:19) Comparing the commitment to exercise with other non-negotiable activities and strategies for making exercise a consistent priority.
    Finding the Right Environment (00:39:15) Exploring the need for a supportive and suitable environment for workouts, including the importance of variety and social aspects.
    Mindset Shift in Physical Activities (00:41:10) Challenging preconceived notions about identifying with physical activities and embracing the process of learning and improvement.
    Enjoying the Journey (00:45:39) Reflecting on the value of enjoying the process and journey of physical activities, rather than solely focusing on achieving specific outcomes.
    Embracing Rest and Balance (00:53:07) Recognizing the importance of rest and balance in physical activities, and the significance of incorporating rest into the overall schedule.
    The pressure of being healthy (00:53:58) Discussion on the pressure people put on themselves to be healthy and the importance of taking the pressure off.
    Running for competition (00:54:57) Exploration of the competitive nature of running and the struggle of measuring up to others.
    Meal prep tips and getting gutsy (00:55:38) Recommendation for turkey pepper jack cheese and pepperoni roll-ups for meal prep and encouragement to get gutsy with physical activity.
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    • 57 min
    IBS, Gut Health, + Disordered Eating w/ Samina Qureshi, RD

    IBS, Gut Health, + Disordered Eating w/ Samina Qureshi, RD

    In this episode of the Wellness Diaries podcast, I chat with Samina Qureshi, a registered dietitian and founder of Wholesome Start. Samina discusses her path to specializing in digestive health and the intersection of IBS symptoms with dietary choices.
    She emphasizes the importance of individualized care and the impact of disordered eating on gut health. Our conversation covers the low FODMAP diet, the gut-brain axis, and the role of stress in exacerbating IBS. Samina also debunks common gut health myths, advocates for evidence-based approaches, and shares practical tips for daily gut maintenance. Additionally, she highlights the effects of alcohol on digestion and offers resources for those seeking support for IBS and gut health.
    Journey to Becoming a Dietitian and Founding Wholesome Start (00:00:52) Samina discusses her career path, founding Wholesome Start, and her focus on digestive health.
    Impact of Disordered Eating on Gut Health (00:02:20) Samina explains how disordered eating overlaps with digestive issues and the relationship with IBS symptoms.
    Challenges in Clinical Settings and Preventative Approach (00:04:22) Samina shares her experience in clinical settings and the importance of a preventative approach to health.
    Gut-Brain Axis and Disordered Eating (00:06:56) Samina explains the gut-brain axis and how disordered eating impacts gut health and IBS symptoms.
    Vicious Cycle of Disordered Eating and IBS Symptoms (00:11:13) Discussion on the cycle of disordered eating leading to worsening IBS symptoms and the importance of consistent nourishment.
    Low FODMAP Diet and Reintroduction Phase (00:12:44) Samina discusses the low FODMAP diet, the reintroduction phase, and its impact on gut health for people with IBS.
    Inclusion of Foods and Sustainable Approaches (00:15:34) Samina emphasizes the importance of focusing on inclusion of foods rather than elimination for clients struggling with their relationship with food.
    Reintroducing Foods and GI Discomfort (00:17:10) Samina explains why individuals may experience GI discomfort when reintroducing certain foods and the factors to consider beyond intolerance.
    The impact of dairy on digestive distress (00:18:26) Discussion on lactase enzyme production, lactose-free products, and managing dairy-related symptoms.
    The connection between disordered eating and IBS (00:20:16) Exploration of the relationship between disordered eating, IBS, and the impact of stress and anxiety on symptoms.
    The science behind the gut-brain axis (00:21:27) Explanation of the gut-brain axis, its role in IBS symptoms, and the effectiveness of behavioral health therapies.
    Behavioral health therapies for IBS (00:23:10) Overview of gut-directed hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for IBS, emphasizing their benefits and role in improving quality of life.
    Misconceptions about gut health supplements (00:27:51) Discussion on probiotics, common myths, and the need for evidence-based approaches to gut health.
    Challenges with food sensitivity testing (00:31:19) Critique of food sensitivity testing, emphasizing its limitations and the importance of individual knowledge about food reactions.
    Debunking myths about gut health trends (00:33:00) Examination of the myth surrounding intermittent fasting and the need for evidence-based advice for gut health.
    Distinguishing legitimate gut health advice from pseudoscience (00:34:33) Guidance on discerning trustworthy information, focusing on evidence-based, non-sensationalized advice.
    Influence of lifestyle factors on gut health (00:37:12) Introduction to diaphragmatic breathing as a lifestyle factor influencing gut health and its incorporation into client practices.
    Diaphragmatic Breathing (00:37:18) Explanation of diaphragmatic breathing and its benefits for gastrointestinal symptoms like pain, urgency, bloating, and constipation.
    Supplementation Recommendations (00:41:00) Discussion of anti-spasmodic supplements, ginger tea, enz

    • 56 min
    Conquering Binge Eating, Food Guilt, & All-Or-Nothing Mentality w/ Michelle Yates

    Conquering Binge Eating, Food Guilt, & All-Or-Nothing Mentality w/ Michelle Yates

    In this episode of the Wellness Diaries podcast, I chat with Michelle Yates, an expert in helping women combat binge eating, emotional eating, and all-or-nothing mindset.
    Michelle shares her personal struggle with disordered eating and the societal pressures that fueled it. We discuss the difficulties in recognizing and addressing eating disorders, the signs of binge eating disorder, and the importance of understanding one's needs to prevent such behaviors. Michelle also touches on intuitive eating and the negative effects of all-or-nothing thinking. Towards the end, Michelle offers advice on authenticity in business and invites listeners to use her resources for overcoming eating challenges.
    Toxic Relationship with Food (00:01:03) Michelle shares her personal struggle with body image and obsession with getting skinnier.
    Education and Healing (00:04:28) Michelle discusses how her education in health and medical sciences helped her relax with food and nutrition.
    Denial and Justification (00:07:38) Michelle reflects on her denial and justification of her disordered eating during her college years.
    Avoiding Seeking Help (00:10:02) The discussion revolves around the tendency to avoid seeking help until the situation becomes severe.
    Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder (00:15:29) Michelle explains the symptoms of binge eating disorder and how they differ from overeating.
    Common Triggers and Addressing Them (00:20:18) The conversation focuses on identifying and addressing common triggers for binge eating and emotional eating.
    Eating Enough (00:20:42) The importance of meeting one's physical energy needs and the consequences of not eating enough.
    Emotional Needs (00:21:40) Understanding psychological and emotional needs that trigger binge eating and the impact of psychological restrictions.
    Accomplishment and Self-Care (00:24:08) The role of bingeing in fulfilling emotional needs, feeling accomplished, and the importance of self-care.
    Mindset and Mindfulness (00:26:03) The significance of mindset and mindfulness in understanding emotional and mindless eating behaviors.
    Emotional Eating vs. Bingeing (00:27:08) Differentiating emotional eating from bingeing and exploring emotional restriction as a coping mechanism.
    Intuitive Eating Principles (00:30:50) Explaining the principles of intuitive eating and its distinction from traditional dieting approaches.
    Finisher Plate Mentality (00:35:20) Addressing the psychological factors influencing the habit of finishing one's plate and its roots in childhood experiences.
    Rebuilding Trust with the Body (00:37:28) Strategies for helping individuals reconnect with their body's intuitive cues and develop self-awareness and curiosity.
    Cultivating Self-Awareness (00:39:40) The importance of cultivating self-awareness and curiosity to understand one's relationship with food and emotions.
    Replacing Sacred Time (00:41:27) Exploring the challenges of replacing sacred time, seeking comfort, and stimulation to overcome bingeing and emotional eating patterns.
    Self-Care Activities (00:42:27) Discussion on the importance of finding self-care activities or hobbies to replace negative habits and provide stimulation or relaxation.
    All or Nothing Thinking and Binge Eating (00:45:35) Exploration of how all-or-nothing thinking can lead to binge eating behaviors and the importance of shifting focus to grace and realistic expectations.
    Impact of Perfectionism (00:48:09) Discussion on the detrimental impact of perfectionism on diet and the need to adjust expectations and give oneself grace.
    Healthy Body Image and Respect (00:53:09) Insights into body image struggles, seeking respect, and the importance of unconditional love and respect in relationships.
    Overcoming Body Dysmorphia (00:57:14) Personal anecdotes about overcoming body dysmorphia through intuitive eating, self-acceptance, and letting go of the need for external validation.
    Letting Go of the Need for External Validatio

    • 1 hr 11 min
    How to Overcome Gym Resistance - Ep. 5 of Sam's Fitness Journey

    How to Overcome Gym Resistance - Ep. 5 of Sam's Fitness Journey

    In this episode of the Wellness Diaries podcast, I chat with my client Sam, who candidly discusses her struggle with gym resistance and her fitness journey. Sam opens up about her resistance to the gym, her past experiences with physical activity, and the challenge of maintaining a consistent workout routine. I offer empathy and practical advice, suggesting breaking down gym visits into smaller steps and exploring the underlying reasons for Sam's resistance.
    We touch on the dangers of comparing oneself to others, especially celebrities, and the importance of setting personal benchmarks for success. Sam reflects on the need for self-compassion and the process of redefining her measures of success, moving away from rigid goals like step counts to more meaningful personal victories. The conversation highlights the importance of mindset, community support, and embracing one's unique journey in fitness and wellness.
    Sam's history with physical activity (00:00:48) Sam shares her history with physical activity, including her struggles with gym resistance and past experiences with exercise.
    Overcoming avoidance to the gym (00:02:09) Sam discusses her avoidance of the gym, her past experiences with working out, and her struggles with feeling overwhelmed by the gym environment.
    Challenges with gym resistance (00:06:12) Sam talks about her recent efforts to overcome her resistance to working out, including her progress with walking and attending an exercise class.
    Understanding resistance and taking small steps (00:07:18) Ashleigh discusses the reasons behind resistance to the gym and the importance of taking small steps to make the process feel more manageable.
    Dealing with self-comparison and mindset shifts (00:14:33) Sam and Ashleigh discuss the challenges of self-comparison in relation to past fitness levels and the importance of mindset shifts in accepting changes in fitness priorities.
    Being understanding and compassionate with oneself (00:17:27) Ashleigh emphasizes the importance of being understanding and compassionate with oneself, especially when fitness priorities and capabilities change over time.
    Embarking on a Journey of Self-Discovery (00:19:36) Sam discusses her experiences and challenges with self-acceptance and comparison to others.
    Reframing Success and Self-Compassion (00:20:37) Sam reflects on the impact of comparing herself to others, particularly in terms of fitness and weight loss, and the need for self-compassion.
    Defining Personal Measures of Success (00:22:20) Sam explores the evolving definition of success and the challenge of transitioning to a more nuanced understanding of personal achievements.
    Exploring Personal Values (00:26:39) Ashleigh and Sam discuss the importance of identifying and aligning with personal values, and how they impact decision-making.
    Recognizing the Impact of Values on Behavior (00:33:37) Ashleigh and Sam delve into the influence of personal values on behavior, particularly in relation to health and fitness goals.
    Navigating Shame and Self-Judgment (00:36:22) Sam addresses feelings of embarrassment and shame related to her experiences at the gym, and the impact of external judgment on her mindset.
    The importance of not letting others' opinions control us (00:39:24) Discussion on the significance of not allowing others' thoughts to dictate our actions and the potential assumptions we make about others' opinions.
    Mindset and self-awareness in overcoming resistance (00:40:31) Sam reflects on her mindset and self-awareness in overcoming resistance, acknowledging the importance of being aware of assumptions and projecting onto oneself.
    Reflecting on past experiences and building awareness (00:41:49) Sam discusses how past experiences and awareness have influenced her current mindset and approach to fitness, emphasizing the importance of being mindful of oneself.
    Accountability and finding enjoyment in fitness (00:43:04) The role of accountability in main

    • 56 min
    From Passion to Obsession: My Personal Experience with Exercise Addiction

    From Passion to Obsession: My Personal Experience with Exercise Addiction

    In this episode of the Wellness Diaries podcast, I candidly discusses my past struggle with exercise addiction. I describes how my compulsion to exercise intensely and frequently, despite negative consequences, was fueled by a desire for control and a positive self-image. I shares the severe impacts on her health, including hormonal imbalances and anxiety, and the challenges she faced in recovery, such as confronting her emotions and redefining her identity beyond fitness. Ashleigh's journey highlights the importance of balance and the often-overlooked complexities of exercise addiction.

    Exercise Addiction (00:00:00) Description of exercise addiction, its symptoms, and the challenges in recognizing it.
    Understanding Exercise Addiction (00:01:13) Definition and symptoms of exercise addiction, including the potential link to obsessive-compulsive disorder and its use as a coping mechanism.
    Healthy Relationship with Exercise (00:02:45) The importance of assessing one's relationship with exercise, similarities to food-related issues, and the challenges in recognizing excessive exercise habits.
    Early Experience with Exercise (00:05:04) Personal narrative of starting exercise at a young age, body image awareness, and the positive outlet it provided.
    Influence of Fitness Community (00:09:05) Influence of fitness influencers, obsession with specific workout routines, and the impact of following competitive fitness advice.
    Negative Effects of Excessive Exercise (00:11:16) Negative consequences of excessive exercise, including loss of menstrual period and unhealthy eating behaviors.
    Identity and Mental Health (00:15:46) The impact of exercise addiction on identity, mental health struggles, and the fear of gaining weight.
    Recovery and Self-Reflection (00:17:54) Struggles with recovery, mental health challenges, and the process of self-reflection during a break from intense exercise.
    Gaining Perspective (00:19:05) The emotional and psychological challenges of regaining health, including the discomfort of self-reflection and fear of judgment.
    Identity and Fitness (00:20:09) Ashleigh discusses her identity shift from being a heavier kid to a fitness enthusiast and coach.
    Recovering from Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (00:21:13) Ashleigh shares her struggle with recognizing herself after overcoming hypothalamic amenorrhea and the challenges of maintaining a healthy mindset.
    Resentment and Burnout (00:22:19) Ashleigh talks about her resentment and burnout towards CrossFit, her journey back to enjoying it, and developing a healthy mindset.
    Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationship with Exercise (00:23:16) Ashleigh reflects on signs of an unhealthy relationship with exercise and the importance of assessing whether it adds to or takes away from life.
    Seeking Help and Therapy (00:25:23) The importance of seeking help, including therapy, and not suppressing emotions is discussed.
    Influencers and Disordered Advice (00:28:40) The impact of following fitness influencers and the danger of consuming disordered fitness and nutrition advice from unreliable sources.
    Reflecting on Behavior and Conclusion (00:33:14) The episode concludes with a reflection on the potential transition from healthy to unhealthy habits and the importance of self-reflection.
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    • 33 min
    Training Chat with Ashleigh & Mark: Complimenting Weight Loss, Weight Neutral Training, + How Trainers Should Look

    Training Chat with Ashleigh & Mark: Complimenting Weight Loss, Weight Neutral Training, + How Trainers Should Look

    In this episode, I get to chat with another online coach, Mark, about the complexities of complimenting weight loss. We discuss the appropriateness of such compliments and discuss weight-neutral training, emphasizing sustainable behavior changes and strength over weight loss.
    We consider the impact of a trainer's appearance on credibility and the pressures of the fitness industry. Our conversation also covers the importance of focusing on health improvements and the benefits of strength training, regardless of weight loss. We conclude by discussing the representation of diverse body types in fitness and the need for an inclusive approach.
    Introduction (00:00:01) Introduction to the episode and discussion on complimenting weight loss.
    Background and Approach (00:00:59) Ashleigh Hubbard's background and approach to fitness coaching, focusing on sustainable habits.
    Weight Loss Compliments (00:02:58) Discussion on when to compliment weight loss and the potential impact on individuals.
    Weight-Neutral Training (00:04:10) Explanation of weight-neutral training approach and concerns about weight-focused compliments.
    Health-Related Compliments (00:09:34) Consideration of health-related achievements as a basis for compliments.
    Client Interactions (00:10:07) Differences in complimenting clients versus strangers and the focus on behavior-based compliments.
    Strength Over Weight Loss (00:13:58) The concept of prioritizing strength goals over weight loss and its impact on training motivation.
    Training Focus and Emotional Journey (00:17:56) Discussion on the importance of a multifaceted training focus beyond weight loss and the emotional journey of clients.
    Trainer's body as a business card (00:18:52) Discussion on how trainers and influencers are judged based on their looks and the impact of using their body as a measurement of success.
    Trainer's credibility and experience (00:20:02) Importance of a trainer's experience, qualifications, and results with clients over their physical appearance.
    Plus size trainers and societal perceptions (00:22:56) The impact of societal perceptions on plus size trainers and the importance of their knowledge and experience in training.
    Using body as a business card in the fitness industry (00:24:40) The negative impact of using one's body as a measurement of knowledge and the importance of credentials and experience.
    Genetics and body image in the fitness industry (00:26:48) The influence of genetics on muscle building and the prevalence of body image issues among fitness coaches.
    Photoshopping and pressure in the fitness industry (00:32:05) The prevalence of photoshopping in the fitness industry and the pressure to use physical appearance as a selling point.
    Weight-neutral approach and training focus (00:33:06) The importance of focusing on performance and training progress rather than solely on weight loss.
    Personal journey to weight-neutral coaching (00:36:13) The speaker's personal journey from focusing on physical appearance to embracing a weight-neutral approach in coaching.
    Focusing on Strength Over Weight Loss (00:38:30) Discussion on the unique feeling of strength training and the shift from weight loss coaching to strength-focused training.
    Importance of Health Beyond Weight Loss (00:41:08) Emphasizing the improvement of health through healthy behaviors, irrespective of weight loss, and the impact of weight-neutral training.
    Health Outcomes and Body Weight (00:42:40) Debate on the long-term health status of individuals with excess body weight and the need for comprehensive studies.
    Realistic Weight Loss Goals (00:44:12) Discussion on the significance of weight loss goals for health and the potential negative impact of obsessing over weight loss.
    Diverse Body Representation in Fitness (00:47:20) Importance of showcasing diverse body types in the fitness space to create a more inclusive environment for individuals.
    Social Media Representation and Realism (00:4

    • 50 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
11 Ratings

11 Ratings

ActiveLifeRx ,

Relatable questions

Ashleigh does a great job asking the questions that we all want the answers to without feeling the need to prove how smart she is with language the listener doesn’t speak. I enjoy this one!

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