99 episodes

Triggered AF identifying personal triggers in order to spark healing. Our conversational discussions cultivate deep, loving and safe spaces that facilitate real transformation. Alechia and Dani understand that healing is not a one size fits or fix all. From going against the grain on common issues in our community to open dialogue about different perspectives in relationships, friendships, business, parenting, and overall ADULT-ING.

Welcome to our #triggerhappyfam, join us as we own our differences and try our best to not become triggered AF.

Triggered AF Apple Triggered Tribe

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.9 • 48 Ratings

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Triggered AF identifying personal triggers in order to spark healing. Our conversational discussions cultivate deep, loving and safe spaces that facilitate real transformation. Alechia and Dani understand that healing is not a one size fits or fix all. From going against the grain on common issues in our community to open dialogue about different perspectives in relationships, friendships, business, parenting, and overall ADULT-ING.

Welcome to our #triggerhappyfam, join us as we own our differences and try our best to not become triggered AF.

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    Why Healing Isn't Enough

    Why Healing Isn't Enough

    In this episode, Life and Relationship coach Ludmila Woodruff joins us to chat about the never-ending path of healing and growth. Tune in as Ludmila opens up about the breaking point in her life and how it propelled her to take ownership over her own unhappiness and begin her healing journey. 
    Alechia, Dani, and Ludmila also chat about coping mechanisms, getting used to uncomfortable feelings, parenting, and so much more. So tune in now and uncover the keys to becoming the master of your own triggers! 
    About Ludmila
    Ludmila Woodruff is a Life and Relationship coach who helps high-performing women thrive in their relationships as much as they do in their careers. Through a direct but caring approach, Ludmila combines her training with her unique communication skills to transform her clients’ relationships so they can show up as their best selves. 
    - The relationship between healing and growth. 
    - How to identify your triggers.  
    - Taking ownership over your own unhappiness. 
    - Focusing on the Why behind our coping mechanisms.
    - Getting comfortable with uncomfortable feelings. 
    - Where to get started on your transformation. 
    - How it all boils down to choice. 
    “When you judge and beat yourself up, how can you even have self-compassion for yourself, that you are worthy of more? So acceptance is a big part of the process.”
    “My trauma doesn't define me. My mistakes and coping mechanisms don't define me. I have value just because I'm here.”
    Ludmila Woodruff 
    IG | @ludmilawoodruff - instagram.com/ludmilawoodruff/
    FB | facebook.com/Ludmila-Woodruff-Life-Relationship-Coaching-354156572047982/
    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/ludmila-woodruff-07166733/

    For more info, visit their website: triggeredafpodcast.com
    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF on their Socials and share the love! 
    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc 
    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc 
    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc

    • 1 hr 12 min
    Powerful Tips to Master Accountability

    Powerful Tips to Master Accountability

    Way too many of us struggle with accountability. It’s something about telling ourselves the truth and being disciplined that makes us run. We get it! But, how often do we say we want these magical lives filled with love, money and success but aren't willing to do what it takes to get it, much less maintain it?
    According to Investopedia, accountability is defined as the practice of being held to a certain standard of excellence. Join us this week as we talk about what it means to be accountable and why it's the key to unlocking the next level. Alechia shares a new realization as she holds herself accountable during a new phase of her journey. If you're having a hard time waking up a little earlier, putting that cookie down or just keeping promises to yourself (and to others) then this episode is for you. Tap in for some applicable af tips to start holding yourself accountable so you can continue to evolve into the best version of yourself. 

    Watch the conversation on YouTube:

    7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com 

    Get an accountability partner to help you stay the course.
    Accountability is a key that unlocks the door to success.
    Discipline and accountability will keep you going when you don't feel motivated.
    Be honest with yourself about where you are and what needs to change to get better outcomes.
    Alechia Reese
    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese
    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau
    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau
    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com
    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!
    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc
    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc
    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc
    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast
    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    • 30 min
    Tips to Overcome Mommy Issues

    Tips to Overcome Mommy Issues

    Being a mother has got to be the world's most thankless and difficult job. With its share of incredible highs and painstaking lows, motherhood is not to be taken lightly. While we believe in honoring mothers for all the love they give and the sacrifices they make, we also believe in telling the truth about the "mommy issues" so many of us have to talk through in therapy. 
    As adults, healing from the betrayal and overcoming the trauma is no easy feat. Especially when that betrayal and trauma came at the hands of your mother. We are joined by health and wellness consultant, author and entrepreneur, Carlos Campbell, who gives us a candid and vulnerable glimpse into his own relationship dynamic with his mother and how it has affected his life, decisions and how he shows up in relationships. This conversation is for those of us on the journey to healing the mother wound as we learn to reparent our inner child. Tap all the way in to hear Carlos' incredible story and why mothers deserve honor and accountability. 

    7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com 

    As a woman, learning to listen to understand instead of listening to respond to a man who is being vulnerable is an invaluable skill. Men are far more intuitive than they get credit for. Young boys should be encouraged to read more often. Some single mothers make their sons feel like their boyfriends, robbing them of a childhood. Many men feel a lot of shame and it can affect the way they view and  treat women.  
    Carlos Campbell  
    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/solspurpose 

    Alechia Reese
    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese
    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau
    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau
    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com
    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/triggeredafpc
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast
    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    • 1 hr 14 min
    Overcoming Obstacles with Perseverance

    Overcoming Obstacles with Perseverance

    Unleash your untapped power by tapping into the incredible strength of perseverance – even when no one else sees your vision. For many of us, the call to your purpose in life was not a conference call, it was a very private conversation in which only you know the specific details. It can be quite difficult to stick to the plan and stay the course when you have to be the visionary and executioner. We are joined this week by comedian Elizabeth Brunot to discuss the challenges one may face when you decide to risk it all and go for it! Spoiler alert, to go the distance you'll need a heaping dose of resilience with an extra helping of tenacity. Tap in to this week's episode to find out why vulnerability is a strength and how sharing your story can inspire others to live out loud.
    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5Ghgom1dzaU 

    SPONSORED BY: 7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com 
    Vulnerability is a strength.
    The first step in healing is admitting to yourself all the ways you;ve messed up.
    Fear is not the only tool that can be used to deter young people from promiscuity.
    Resilience comes from adversity.. 
    A good support system is crucial when pursuing your dreams.
    You help others when you share your story. 
    Elizabeth Brunot 
    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elizabethisfunny7/ 
    Youtube |  https://www.youtube.com/@Elizabethisfunny7 
    TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elizabethisfunny7?_t=8mpvbwbarei&_r=1
    UPCOMING SHOW: https://www.daniaimprov.com/shows/265304
    Alechia Reese
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese
    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau
    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau
    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com
    7 Agents of Change (pre-order) http://triggeredafevents.com   
    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast
    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    • 44 min
    Top Tools to Overcome a Fear of Judgment & Failure

    Top Tools to Overcome a Fear of Judgment & Failure

    The fear of failure is so often confused with the fear of judgment. Many people believe that the reason their life didn’t turn out the way they imagined is due  to fear of failure. But what if we told you that it’s actually the fear of judgment that holds countless people back? 
    From the time we are in utero, we are picking up language and behaviors, which ultimately wires our brain to think a certain way. While trauma has its place, it’s often our conditioning that hinders our ability to create the life we want. Our guest, Managing Partner at 1888 Ventures, Charles Robinson, joins us to discuss how to free yourself from the shackles of not only other people’s opinion but your own perception of what it takes to achieve greatness. In a world where it’s easier to theorize than to take action, it can be more difficult to take the necessary steps to become the best version of yourself. As morbid as it may sound, we all have a one way ticket out of here and we don’t know when the ticket will be called. How bad do you really want it? What are you willing to sacrifice? Also, respectfully, F anyone who tries to stand in your way. Tap in to this week’s episode to learn how to change your inner critic to your inner champion who gets shit done.

    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6QJ9Rzc_M6o
    7 Agents of Change Pack, visit to learn more: http://triggeredafevents.com 

    “Don’t go broke trying to look rich.”
    Most people are afraid of judgment, not failure.
    Many people become academics more than practitioners of who they say they are.
    We all have to die, so make the most of the time you do have. 
    “Don’t just do it, be it.”
    The language you take in will impact your experience. 
    Alechia Reese
    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/in/alechiareese
    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau
    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau
    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com
    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/triggeredafpc
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/triggeredafpc
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/triggeredafpc
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast
    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    • 53 min
    How to create lasting change for stubborn people

    How to create lasting change for stubborn people

    With all the uncertainty that this life has to offer, the one thing that we can count on is the inevitably of change. There’s something about intentionally changing to a new default that can feel like a mini death to our mind and body. 
    And for stubborn people getting out of our own way is incredibly difficult. While all growth is change, not all change results is growth, so it may require more specific input to yield the output you desire. This week the ladies are here with just the strategy you have been looking for to change your life. With “The 7 Agents of Change”, you’re presented with a step-by-step guide that you can use to initiate and implement changes  in your daily life. Not only are you getting a breakdown during the episode, but you’ll also be able to pre-order the “7 Agents of Change” pack which will do an even deeper dive. 
    Watch the conversation on YouTube: https://youtu.be/gZbX-alfzqY

    7 Agents of Change Pack: http://triggeredafevents.com

    “The only constant in the world is change.”
    “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” 
    Finding the root cause of why you behave a certain way can help you know how to strategize.
    Choose a new default before you are triggered for a better, healthier response.
    You must first acknowledge and accept that you need to make a change.
    You need a game plan to change more efficiently and effectively.

    Alechia Reese
    For coaching, visit: http://gotvaluenation.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/alechiareese
    LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/alechiareese

    Dani Bourdeau
    For coaching, visit: http://danifostercoaching.com
    Instagram | http://instagram.com/thedanibourdeau
    For more info, visit: http://triggeredafpodcast.com
    http://triggeredafevents.com to pre-order “The 7 Agents of Change” pack 
    Like what you're hearing? Follow Triggered AF and share the love!
    IG: instagram.com/triggeredafpc
    Twitter: twitter.com/triggeredafpc
    FB: facebook.com/triggeredafpc
    YouTube: youtube.com/channel/@triggeredafpodcast
    Triggered AF Podcast is produced by Triggered Media Group.

    • 51 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
48 Ratings

48 Ratings

La Grice ,

Sooo caught up… like Usher

Idk how your podcast always ended up getting pushed down amongst the gazillion others that I follow but it finally stood out with this episode. And I was doing yoga while listening. But the way that it brought a light to my session and put an extra pep in my step for the day. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The pattern that I used to find myself stuck in and lost in a daze it was all laid out for me. I’m not even sure that I finished my yoga session that morning after that huge “A-ha” moment.
No longer am I painted the color of confusion. Thank you ladies for this one.

YJE30 ,

Everything I didn’t even know I needed

This podcast talks about topics that are absolutely taboo, but in a way that invites you to grow and learn with them. They don’t pretend to know everything, ANDDD bring in people we can all learn from! Subscribe now, follow now, and listen to every word! This podcast is EVERYTHING!!

CyRhonda ,

Relatable Content!

These ladies talk about real, relatable content. Specifically the Villainous Victims episode. And it’s true…we are all villains in someone else’s story, which can be tough to admit. But necessary to understand.

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