Dear Jane

This is Jane’s story about her experience of what she believed as a teenager to be a loving relationship in an Auckland church community during the 1990s. It was a sexual relationship with a man who was not only ten years her senior, but also her youth group leader. Now, 30 years on and with help from award-winning author and podcast producer Noelle McCarthy, Jane is trying to connect the dots between her stolen youth and the guilt, shame and trauma she’s carried since. For Jane, this journey is about finding answers and ultimately a sense of peace. To do that, she sets out to come face to face with her abuser and take her power back. Dear Jane was made with the support of NZ On Air Resources: If this series brings up any issues for you there is help available 24-7: Helpline - free call or text 1737 Youthline - phone 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email Suicide Crisis Helpline - phone 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
Lovely interviewer another time ( no excuses)
How is is how is it that we have to live our lives with such guilt and they get away with it? I really love the way. This podcast was done such a beautiful caring, empathetic interviewer, not trying to bring up trauma but trying to help. They really need to have more empathetic interviewers that do really seem to care about the story and the person in the story.
Sincerely hope my teenage girls don’t listen to this podcast. Absolutely ridiculous that this wasn’t formerly dealt with
So well done!
Such a well made podcast about an important story. The interviews and stories told were obviously told from the heart. Well done to all involved. It’s a shame that “Dan” couldn’t give Jane the closure she obviously needed.
Predators hide in plain sight
This family is either in complete denial or were criminally naive to allow a 14 year old girl to be in a relationship with an adult man 11 years older. I’m the same age as Jane and this would never have been acceptable then, nor is it now. Dan is a predator, protected by the church - one of many, many adult men who stole the childhoods of girls, hiding in plain sight behind the bible.
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- CreatorThe Spinoff
- Episodes7
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