Soaring Child: Thriving with ADHD

Dana Kay
Soaring Child: Thriving with ADHD Podcast

Here is a place where you will learn how to address your child's ADHD symptoms naturally so you can stop walking on eggshells & bring back peace & calm to your home. Hosted Dana Kay, board certified health & nutrition practitioner, author of the best selling book Thriving with ADHD, leading ADHD expert but most importantly a mom with a child with ADHD who gets it. As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child & the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, on Fox & CBS, & various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts. Her goal with the Soaring child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive at home, at school, and in life. Because children with ADHD deserve to soar, just like every other child.

  1. 6 DAYS AGO

    125: Natural Solutions for ADHD: One Mom’s Journey From Skeptical to Convinced with Mary Ann

    Mary Ann’s son said he was “the worst kid.”  He wanted to do what his parents and teachers asked of him, but he just couldn’t. His ADHD symptoms made it feel impossible for him. It broke Mary Ann’s  heart.  Even though this is heartbreaking, there is good news too. Things can change! Mary Ann’s son Adam is doing INCREDIBLE now, and his self-esteem has improved too. Mary Ann sat down with us not too long ago and joined this episode of the Soaring Child Podcast.  Mary Ann is a remarkable mom who has been on the frontlines advocating and adapting for her child with ADHD. Tune in to this episode to hear her inspiring story!  Link Mentioned in the Show:  ADHD Fast Class -    Key Takeaways:   [2:59] Challenges Mary Ann’s son faced as a result of his ADHD [12:38] How Mary Ann felt when her son was first diagnosed with ADHD [13:33] Why Mary Ann chose to try natural strategies instead of medication [18:45] Improvements Mary Ann saw in her son [20:36] Advice for families just starting the journey [22:43] How Adam’s dad feels about the changes they have made [23:46] Mary Ann’s advice for parents feeling hesitant about natural strategies   Memorable Moments: “He said, ‘I’m trying. I want to follow what everybody was asking me to do. They want me to sit still. I really want to do it. But the thing is, I don’t know how'… He said he couldn’t do it, even though he wanted to.” ”An ADHD journey or an ADHD diagnosis doesn’t necessarily look the same for everyone.” “He was gluten-free for two weeks…The first thing I noticed - and I was shocked - was his handwriting. His handwriting improved so much. And so did his sleep. It was like magic.” ”When I first started, I was skeptical. I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if I was making the right choice…” ”The number one thing that I did was I focused on the food that he can eat. I did not focus on the foods that he can’t eat.” “If you’re skeptical but then you saw ‘Dana Kay’ on Facebook or you saw ‘ADHD Thrive Institute,’ it’s a good sign. Take it as a good sign because this is help that the universe is sending to you…I wish I had delved into it right away.” “If you are skeptical, try it. There’s nothing to lose…It’s an investment in your child. It’s an investment in their body…They will feel better and they’re going to tell you.”   Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Tiktok: 📕INTERNATIONAL  BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD – 💻FREE MASTERCLASS Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - ⭐COURSES & PROGRAMS ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – Dye-Free for ADHD Course -

    29 min
  2. 5 SEPT

    124: The Effects of Mold on ADHD Kids with Wendy Berndt

    Have you ever wondered what could be lurking in your home, affecting your family’s health without you even knowing? In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, special guest Wendy Berndt shares her incredible journey with finding mold in her home: the initial signs that made her suspect mold, the health issues her kids faced, and the tough journey of getting medical professionals to see the link between mold and health problems. With over 17 years of experience reviewing high-cost medical claims and collaborating with employers on wellness strategies, Wendy has profound insight into the impact of poor lifestyle choices, medication, and toxic exposures. Her personal journey is interwoven with the difficulties her children faced – navigating ADHD, anxiety, impulse control, and emotional dysregulation.   After discovering the effects of toxic mold through the ADHD Thrive program, she became very passionate about helping others discover their own path to healing.  As an FDN-P, wife, and mother of three, Wendy personally understands the challenges parents face. Her commitment extends beyond professional expertise; it’s a heartfelt dedication to make a difference in the lives of others. Tune in to learn more about the effects of mold on ADHD kids.  Link Mentioned in the Show:  ADHD Supplements - At Home Mold Test -   Key Takeaways: [4:44] Wendy’s personal story with mold in her home [11:15] The symptoms Wendy’s family was experiencing from mold exposure [13:32] How the doctors responded to Wendy’s concerns about mold [15:37] How Wendy’s approach to parenting and advocating for her children changed as a result of her experience [19:43] How Wendy’s personal experience has changed her life [25:21] If parents expect mold exposure, what should they do? [29:46] What parents should watch for when getting mold remediation   Memorable Moments: ”It [mold] can affect everyone, even if you don’t realize that it’s affecting the whole household.” ”It’s neuro-toxic. It definitely has so much impact on the body and when you start digging in, you don’t know that at first. I mean, I’ve learned so many things along the way just by making mistakes.” ”I saw all my kids' symptoms - and my own - just increase like crazy. It was ten fold. It was this giant dose of mold, and I could just clearly see what was impacting them…it made me a huge believer.” ”It was a very different range of symptoms for each one of us and so it was hard to pinpoint exactly, ‘Oh, I think our house is making us sick.” ”The professionals that we’re going to, they don’t always know everything.” ”Trust your instincts. You know yourself best. You know your children best.” ”If somebody says to investigate mold, you have to do it. Don’t wait like I did because I would have found out sooner!” ”If you’re suspecting that mold might be an issue, get a test done…Not all tests are made equal.” ”Your body will heal. That’s what our bodies are made to do. Just keep going. There is light at the end of the tunnel.”   How to Connect with Wendy Berndt Book a free call with Wendy and the team at ADHD Thrive Institute:  Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Tiktok: 📕INTERNATIONAL  BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD – 💻FREE MASTERCLASS Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Nat

    35 min
  3. 29 AUG

    123: The Impact of Infections & Toxins on Dopamine & ADHD with Dr. Miles Nichols

    What is dopamine?  How does it affect ADHD symptoms?  What types of things can affect dopamine levels in the body?  In this episode of  the Soaring Child podcast, Dr. Miles Nichols joins the show and dives deep into how dopamine functions in the body and the impact that infections and toxins can have on both dopamine levels and ADHD symptoms.  Dr. Miles Nichols is not just a functional medicine doctor; he's also someone who has walked the path of health challenges and emerged with a determination to help others find their way through similar struggles. He has a focus on Lyme disease, mold illness, gut health, thyroid dysfunction, and autoimmunity. Dr. Nichols has turned his personal battles into a professional crusade to uncover the underlying causes of these conditions. From founding the Medicine with Heart Clinic in Colorado to establishing an institute for educating doctors in functional medicine, and authoring two pivotal books, Dr. Nichols has dedicated his life to this mission. Link Mentioned in the Show:  Thriving with ADHD Book -   Key Takeaways:  [4:52] Often overlooked factors that contribute to attention challenges in children [9:46] Factors that create antibodies against dopamine receptors [16:10] How can environmental or infectious agents contribute to altering the function and even sometimes structures in the brain? [23:58] What is dopamine and how does it play into attention issues? [29:38] How sugar affects dopamine [32:20] What lab testing is available to assess brain function, dopamine, and structure changes that could contribute to attention issues? [37:03] What are some initial steps parents can take at home based on this information? [41:26] Where to find Dr. Miles Nichols online   Memorable Moments: ”There are some triggers for neuro-inflammation that may play a bigger role, I think, in attention issues than a lot of people appreciate.” “It is not uncommon at all that I find - especially in children and adults with attention issues - that there are antibodies…against dopamine receptors…There are some known triggers that can cause…the immune system to start to attack dopamine receptors.” ”Without even changing dopamine at all, we can change the way in which dopamine impacts mood, focus, and drive.” ”It appears as though glycine has a calming effect on the brain. It also seems that it has an effect for temperature regulation, it can improve sleep…” ”For many children and for many people struggling with attention issues is that higher doses of glycine - paired together with looking at causes of toxins and infections and other things like that - can be quite useful and I don’t see it being talked about very often.” ”Dopamine is what we call a neurotransmitter or sometimes it’s referred to as a hormone…Neurological effects and attention effects are part of it. Pleasure is associated with dopamine.” ”In some ways, we can think of dopamine as part of the reward system of the brain.” ”Attention is money when it comes to consumerism and business.” ”It takes more and more stimulus to drive the motivation and pleasure.” ”Because the levels of dopamine are so variant, going up and down, it’s less valuable to get a snapshot in time level of dopamine. There are precursors to dopamine and there are nutrients and we can look at nutrient testing. I find nutrient testing to be quite helpful.” ”If diet isn’t dialed…if sleep is not there…if there’s overuse of. electronics..some of these basics. I don’t recommend going into the nuances of detailed labs when those basics haven’t been addressed first.” ”A next layer after diet and stress and sleep and electronic use and stimulation… a next layer that’s really helpful for people is to go into gut function…And a sinus swap I like too.”   How to Connect with Dr. Miles Nichols Website:  Instagram

    44 min
  4. 22 AUG

    122: Organic Vs. Non-Organic Food for Kids with ADHD with Dana Kay

    Is it really necessary to buy organic foods? Is  it worth the extra cost, or is it simply a marketing tactic? In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, Dana Kay, board certified holistic health and nutrition practitioner, answers these questions and more. Tune in to learn more about what it means for a food to be classified as organic, as well as when it’s most important to stick with organic (and when it’s okay to buy non-organic).   Link Mentioned in the Show: Clean 15 List - Dirty Dozen List - Free Breakfast Guide -  Article about Pesticides in Popular Gluten-free foods -  Article about organic practices - Key Takeaways: [2:37] What makes a product “organic”? [3:35] What are GMOs? [6:34] The pros of GMOs [8:15] The cons of GMOs [18:39] Why parents should pay attention to GMOs in their kids' food [21:44] What to do if you can’t afford to buy everything organic Memorable Moments: “Organic farmers use only natural processes on their farms, so when we buy organic, we can be more confident that we are not eating Genetically modified ingredients  or toxic chemicals.” ”GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. GMOs are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a lab setting.” ”In 1994, the FDA approved the first GMO tomato.” ”Most GMOs fall into one of two categories: herbicide tolerant or pesticide producing.” ”We really don’t know how their consumption is going to affect our health long-term. We also don’t know how they will affect our planet or our animals. Remember, GMOs are, in essence, manufactured plants. They can’t be found in nature anywhere. They are created in labs and then pushed on consumers, many times without our knowledge.” ”In the United States, three federal agencies regulate the use of GMOs: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These agencies claim GMOs are safe for consumption...but are they really? These organizations are the same ones who refuse to ban ingredients that other countries have banned because of their significant health concerns.” ”A consumer should know what they are eating at all times. They shouldn’t have to guess or read between the lines. Labels should be clear one hundred percent of the time.” ”In the United States, the following crops are often genetically modified: corn, soybeans, cotton, sugarbeets, alfalfa, apples, canola, potatoes, eggplant, papaya, pineapple, salmon, squash.” ”Since the early 1990’s (when GMOs really hit the market), Americans have grown sicker and sicker.” ”When we consume GMOs, we are participating in the ONLY long-term safety trial EVER conducted in humans.” ”One of the best ways to avoid exposure to toxic pesticides is knowing which foods you need to buy organic.” ”If a food is on the Dirty Dozen List, you NEED to buy organic because these fruits and vegetables have shown to be the most contaminated with harmful pesticides. The foods on the Clean 15, though, don’t necessarily need to be organic.”      Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Tiktok: 📕INTERNATIONAL  BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD – https://

    30 min
  5. 15 AUG

    121: Back to School Tips for Parents of Kids with ADHD with Andrea Daigle

    Description: The back to school season can actually be the perfect opportunity to implement some powerful lifestyle changes to support children with ADHD. In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, join Dana Kay and Andrea Daigle as they discuss back to school tips you can implement today to set your child up for back to school success. Link Mentioned in the Show: Book a free call with Andrea & the team at ADHD Thrive Institute -   Key Takeaways: [3:38] Why many families find that back to school is a great time to begin implementing natural strategies to reduce ADHD symptoms [6:03] Tips to set your child up for success at school [9:42] School lunch box ideas [12:11] Better-for-you treat ideas [14:22] Breakfast ideas to set our kids up for success [18:31] How to handle class parties [20:44] What to do if your child struggles with focus   Memorable Moments: ”We want you to take it slow. Make gradual changes, one baby step at a time. That way, you can really implement the change really well and it’s not overwhelming on the kids or the family.” ”The start of a new school year brings on that fresh routine, along with a new schedule and that definitely makes it easier to establish those new eating habits.” ”Your best bet is to pack your own lunch and pack those snacks that are gluten and dairy free. That way you know your child has those safe options.” ”You really want to communicate with the staff ahead of time…Take that time to really discuss your family’s dietary needs with the teachers, the school administration, anybody in the cafeteria, whoever needs to hear it…The more you communicate openly about what you’re doing, the easier it will be.” ”We need to be patient and flexible. It’s not going to be perfect.” ”Lunch doesn’t always have to be a sandwich.” ”We definitely want a breakfast that is nutrient-dense.” ”Everything you are doing - implementing a low inflammatory lifestyle - is going to help with those focus issues.” ”I’ve never met anybody who doesn’t feel better when they eat better.” ”We have to choose our hard. Is it harder to deal with our children struggling…or is it harder to make a few lifestyle changes that eventually will become your norm?   Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Tiktok: 📕INTERNATIONAL  BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD –  💻FREE MASTERCLASS Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - ⭐COURSES & PROGRAMS ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – Dye-Free for ADHD Course -

    29 min
  6. 8 AUG

    120: Natural Constipation & ADHD Relief: A Success Story with Nicole

    Description: Nicole’s son used to live on Miralax because of his chronic constipation. But then, she changed her son’s diet, used targeted supplementation to address underlying issues in his body, and implemented other natural strategies. Now, he’s no longer on Miralax, no longer battling constipation, and doing amazing! In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, hear Nicole’s story of how she and her family battled constipation and ADHD symptoms naturally.  Link mentioned in the show: Symptom Reduction Tool -  Key Takeaways: [3:55] Nicole’s personal story with her son’s ADHD [7:17] The challenges Nicole’s family was facing [8:18] What Nicole learned about Miralax & constipation [11:49] What strategies Nicole put into place to help her son [14:21] What functional lab testing identified in Nicole’s son’s body [19:20] Challenges Nicole faced & how they overcame them [21:35] When they started noticing changes in their son [25:31] Nicole’s long-term ADHD strategy moving forward [32:17] Nicole’s advice for other families of kids with ADHD Memorable Moments: ”We pushed back against medicine for the longest time, and finally my husband and I felt like we had no other choice….Then, the side effects started…I felt hopeless.” ”It has been a life-changer. It has been an absolutely night-and-day life-changer for him, for our family dynamic, for the relationship with him and his friends, like all the way from A to Z. It’s just been absolutely phenomenal.” ”We were living on Miralax…and the pediatrician just kept saying, ‘Just keep giving it to him to make him regular. Keep giving him Miralax…' Within a week of starting this diet and things…I haven’t given him any Miralax. Zero.” ”Within a week of stopping - especially the gluten, dairy, soy - within a week of stopping those and starting the supplement program and things, he was going on a regular basis and not complaining of stomach aches anymore.” ”I was very overwhelmed at first…but I would do it a million times over again…It may seem impossible or very difficult at the front end but the results…It’s an absolute no-brainer.” ”Your team did an amazing job coming up with those supplements to fill his…nutritional gaps in his body…And the one-on-one coaching calls, I can’t tell you how much that helped me…” ”I always felt like we were walking on eggshells then, but I don’t feel that way anymore….He’s just a totally different kid.” ”Nothing is more important than making sure you’re putting your best foot forward for your child and giving them a chance at life…a chance without medication…a chance with no side effects and a chance to really just live.” ”It has been an absolute transformation for our family to just be able to up and go…It has made our family dynamic so much happier.” ”Surround yourself with people that support you.” How to Connect with Nicole Nicole’s YouTube Channel: Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Tiktok: 📕INTERNATIONAL  BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD – 💻FREE MASTERCLASS Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - ⭐COURSES & PROGRAMS ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – Dye-Free for ADHD Course -

    36 min
  7. 1 AUG

    119: An Integrative Pediatrician’s View on Increasing ADHD Diagnosis Rates with Dr. Joel Warsh

    Description: ADHD diagnosis rates are on the rise. Why?  In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast, we are joined by Dr. Joel Warsh to get an in-depth perspective from an integrative pediatrician. Joel, aka DrJoelGator of the popular parenting Instagram account, is a Board-Certified Pediatrician in Los Angeles, California who specializes in Parenting, Wellness, and Integrative Medicine.  He is the author of Parenting at Your Child’s Pace: The Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to the First Three Years.  He grew up in Toronto, Canada and completed a Master’s Degree in Epidemiology before earning his medical degree from Thomas Jefferson Medical College. He completed his Pediatric Medicine training at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and then worked in private practice in Beverly Hills before founding his current practice, Integrative Pediatrics. Dr. Gator has published research in peer-reviewed journals on topics including childhood injuries, obesity and physical activity. He has been featured in numerous documentaries, films, summits, podcasts and articles. He is the founder of the Parenting Masterclass Series, Raising Amazing Plus, and the supplement line, Tiny Roots Apothecary. If you have ever wondered WHY ADHD rates are on the rise (or what you - as a parent - can do about it), tune in to this episode!  Link Mentioned in the Show:  ADHD Fast Class -   Joel’s new book, Parenting at Your Child’s Pace -    Explore the multifaceted health crisis today's children are faced with and learn innovative, holistic approaches and alternative therapies designed to nourish your child's complete health. Join us for Raising Healthier Kids: Integrative Approaches to Children’s Health & Wellness from August 5-11, 2024. It’s free and online! -  Key Takeaways: [5:12] Early signs of ADHD that parents might not notice [8:46] How does an integrative pediatric approach differ from a traditional approach as far as ADHD goes? [14:14] The role of environmental toxins in a child’s neurodevelopment [20:50] Common nutrient deficiencies in young children and how these might affect neurodevelopment [27:05] Resources or programs for parents who are interested in finding an integrative pediatrician [29:21] Joel’s new book, Parenting at Your Child’s Pace, & why focusing on the first 3 years is so important Memorable Moments: ”A lot of the simple things that we can do at home and in our lifestyle are things that are helpful for everything - whether it’s ADHD or any other chronic condition.” ”Think about the root cause…There are some things that you can do. There are some things that are contributing to it or causing some of the symptoms that are not as desirable as you would like.” ”The first step really is just to be mindful. Be mindful of everything that we’re purchasing, everything that goes in our food, everything that we’re buying that we’re putting on our kids - whether that’s creams or lotions or suntan lotion or bedding or clothing. Everything has chemicals so if you can pick things that are more natural, you’re at least decreasing their load.” ”A lot of our chronic conditions and chronic disease are a mixture or certainly exacerbated by the poor diets that we have - so we’re not getting the nutrients that our kids need - and then our kids are surrounded by too many toxins or chemicals.” ”How many kids that are labeled or diagnosed with ADHD or have hyperactivity actually have some sort of neuro-inflammation going on?” ”Most of the time - if not all of the time - there are things that we can do to completely cure it..or at least make things better.” ”We have a lot of ownership over their health and the things that we do actually matter. And our lifestyle is contributing if not causing a lot of these conditions.” ”Medi

    39 min
  8. 25 JULY

    118: How Candida Overgrowth Affects Kids with ADHD with Dana Kay

    Description: What is candida and how does it affect children with ADHD? In this episode, you’ll discover that candida can actually lead to a plethora of issues, particularly for our ADHD children. It can lead to digestive problems, brain fog, inattention, and even mood swings. Though it's an underlying stressor that sometimes goes unseen, don't panic. This episode will dive into the mechanisms of candida overgrowth, the symptoms to watch for, and what to do if you suspect candida in your child.  Link Mentioned in the Show:  Candida self-assessment -  Book a Free Call -  Key Takeaways: [6:09] Common signs of candida overgrowth [9:06] What causes candida overgrowth? [9:14] How to tell if your child has candida overgrowth [12:27] Functional lab tests that identify candida overgrowth [17:42] The anti-candida diet [18:05] Supplements that address candida overgrowth Memorable Moments: ”Candida can create a lot of chaos in the body. From digestive issues to brain fog, and even mood swings, it’s an underlying stressor that often goes unnoticed.” ”Because Candida is opportunistic, it will grow out of balance if your health has been weakened.” ”Candida loves sugar. Because sugar is Candida’s primary source of food, it will make you crave it so that it can get more and more food.” ”The functional lab tests used to investigate candida (and other important markers) are the stool test and the Organic Acid Test.” Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Pinterest: Tiktok: 📕INTERNATIONAL  BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD – 💻FREE MASTERCLASS Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - ⭐COURSES & PROGRAMS ADHD Parenting Course – ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – Dye-Free for ADHD Course -

    24 min

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
12 Ratings


Here is a place where you will learn how to address your child's ADHD symptoms naturally so you can stop walking on eggshells & bring back peace & calm to your home. Hosted Dana Kay, board certified health & nutrition practitioner, author of the best selling book Thriving with ADHD, leading ADHD expert but most importantly a mom with a child with ADHD who gets it. As a mother of a child with ADHD, she knows firsthand the struggles that come with parenting a neurodiverse child & the freedom that is possible once parents learn to reduce ADHD symptoms. Dana has been featured in Forbes, on Fox & CBS, & various other online media. She has also been a guest at multiple parenting & ADHD summits & podcasts. Her goal with the Soaring child is to give hope & answers to parents of children with ADHD who are looking for alternative (natural) and effective means of helping them learn to thrive at home, at school, and in life. Because children with ADHD deserve to soar, just like every other child.

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