No Borders Media

No Borders Media
No Borders Media

NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media (Toronto/Montreal) fb: soundcloud: mastodon: bluesky: instagram: threads: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

  1. Resisting the Upcoming Trump/MAGA Mass Deportations: Interview with Silky Shah


    Resisting the Upcoming Trump/MAGA Mass Deportations: Interview with Silky Shah

    On this episode of No Borders Media (December 2024), we are continuing our ongoing series about resistance to Trump and MAGA, and launching an overlapping new series looking at resisting the mass deportations that Trump and his officials have promised, and have already begun organizing, in advance of the inauguration on January 20, 2025. This episode is a feature-length interview with Silky Shah, the executive director of the Detention Watch Network, and the author of the recently published book, Unbuild Walls: Why Immigrant Justice Needs Abolition. She has worked as an organizer on issues related to immigration detention, the prison-industrial complex, and racial and migrant justice for over 20 years. Silky was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and speaks to No Borders Media via Washington state. This interview looks at how we’ve arrived at the current surreal and nightmarish moment, on the cusp of mass deportations on a scale never seen before, yet a moment crucially built up by both Democratic and Republican administrations in the past 30 years. While analyzing what has brought us here, this interview also emphasizes potential paths of resistance, rooted in inspiring migrant justice moments and movements of the past few decades. Background: - Preparing for the Worst (October 17, 2024): - Trump 2.0 Poses an Even Bigger Threat to Migrants. Here’s How We Fight Back (November 10, 2024): Show Notes: - Interview recorded on December 2, 2024. - An edited version of this show aired on CKUT 90.3FM in Montreal on December 4, 2024. - Show uploaded onto SoundCloud on December 5, 2024. - Music: “Deportees” by Outernational (featuring Tom Morello); cover of “Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)” by Woody Guthrie & Martin Hoffman. - Accompanying image by Kevin Caplicki (JustSeeds). - Produced by Jaggi Singh for No Borders Media. — No Borders Media is part of the CKUT Community News Collective’s Off The Hour. We’re on air on the first Thursday of every month from 5-6pm. CKUT is at 90.3fm in Montreal, on the far-left of the radio dial, and everywhere in the world via on the web. No Borders Media shares and creates content in support of the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples, and in opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Check out No Borders Media on SoundCloud and our active social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, Twitter, and Mastodon, for links to upcoming and previous shows. You can also get in touch with us at

    1h 14m
  2. Justice for Grassy Narrows: Interview with Judy Da Silva, organizer for Indigenous sovereignty


    Justice for Grassy Narrows: Interview with Judy Da Silva, organizer for Indigenous sovereignty

    On this edition of No Borders Media, we feature an interview with a long-time advocate and organizer for Indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice, Judy DaSilva, a member of the Grassy Narrows First Nation in northwestern Ontario. Judy was in Montreal in January (2024) to receive the Radio-Canada prize for scientist of the year, an award she shared with three researchers and scientists based in Montreal. The award was for research into the effects of mercury poisoning on the community of Grassy Narrows, research that was crucially facilitated by Judy as a community organizer and activist. More generally, the Grassy Narrows Ojibwe community is an epicenter of struggle and survival against corporate and state violence, perpetuated by logging companies, mining companies and now the nuclear industry, with the active complicity of the Ontario and Canadian governments. This show is uploaded on the 22nd anniversary of the Grassy Narrows blockade which was undertaken in response to industrial development threats to the Anishinaabek homeland. Members of the Grassy Narrows community blocked a logging road to protect hunting grounds, berry patches, medicines, and plant and animal habitats. The blockade became a site for ceremonies, feasts, drumming, praying, and storytelling. We explored all these topics in detail with Judy Da Silva, who spoke to us by phone from her community in Grassy Narrows in northwestern Ontario, near the Manitoba border. —-- Background: - Free Grassy Narrows: - Environmental racism underlies Grassy Narrows’ mercury and suicide crises: - Le 37e prix du Scientifique de l’année de Radio-Canada: - Contamination au mercure : quatre femmes partagent le titre de Scientifique de l’année: - Video: Defenders of the Land Interview with Judy Da Silva (by No One Is Illegal 2008): — Show Notes: - Interview recorded on February 1, 2024. - This show aired on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal on February 1, 2024. - Show uploaded to SoundCloud on December 2, 2024. - Closing Music: “Home to Me” by N'we Jinan Artists (Grassy Narrows First Nation). - Musical Interlude: “I Pity The Country” by Willie Dunn. - Intro/Extro Instrumental Loop from “I Pity The Country” by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson. - Produced by Jaggi Singh, for No Borders Media. — No Borders Media shares and creates content in support of the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples and in opposition to capitalism and colonialism. You can hear us on the first Thursday of every month from 5–6 PM, as part of Off The Hour on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal ( Check out No Borders Media on SoundCloud and our active social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, Twitter, and Mastodon, for links to upcoming and previous shows. You can also get in touch with us at

    1h 1m
  3. Construire une Internationale Décoloniale : Bandung du Nord à Montréal


    Construire une Internationale Décoloniale : Bandung du Nord à Montréal

    Construire une Internationale Décoloniale : Bandung du Nord Avec Houria Bouteldja, Françoise Vergès, Nordine Saidi et Jaouad Laaroussi (Note : Les intervenant·e·s de cet épisode s’expriment en français, tandis que les introductions de l’émission par No Borders Media sont en anglais.) Dans cet épisode de No Borders Media, initialement diffusé sur CKUT 90.3 FM à Montréal, nous vous présentons des extraits étendus de Bandung du Nord, une conférence décoloniale qui s'est tenue à Montréal le dernier week-end de septembre 2024. Cette conférence s'inscrit dans la continuité des précédents rassemblements à Paris, Bruxelles et Barcelone, tous faisant partie d'une initiative plus large visant à construire une Internationale Décoloniale. Ces efforts cherchent à relier les luttes contre le colonialisme et le racisme à travers le Sud et le Nord. Cet événement s'inspire de la conférence historique de Bandung de 1955, qui s'est tenue en Indonésie pendant la Guerre froide. Ce rassemblement marquant, salué comme la première conférence intercontinentale des peuples non-blancs, a été un moment clé pour le Mouvement des non-alignés. La conférence Bandung du Nord à Montréal, une première en son genre en Amérique du Nord, portait le thème : "Pour une Internationale décoloniale, les subalternes du Nord parlent!" Dans cet épisode, nous mettons en lumière les réflexions de quatre intervenant·e·s issus de trois panels : - Houria Bouteldja sur l’Impérialisme et État nation - Françoise Vergès sur Comment combattre le féminisme civilisationnel?- Nordine Saidi and Jaouad Laaroussi sur la Gauche blanche et les convergences À propos des intervenant·e·s : - Houria Bouteldja est une figure centrale du mouvement Bandung du Nord et les mouvements décoloniaux en France. Ancienne porte-parole des Indigènes de la République (2005–2020), elle est l’autrice de Les Blancs, les Juifs et nous : vers une politique de l'amour révolutionnaire et du récent Beaufs et Barbares : Le Pari du Nous (2023). - Françoise Vergès est une politologue, historienne et militante reconnue en France, dont le travail porte sur les études postcoloniales et le féminisme décolonial. Parmi ses publications figurent Un féminisme décolonial et Une théorie féministe de la violence — Pour une politique antiraciste de la protection. - Nordine Saidi, basé à Bruxelles, est un militant engagé dans le collectif anti-brutalité policière Bruxelles Panthères et un acteur clé des luttes antiracistes et anticoloniales. - Jaouad Laaroussi est un organisateur basé à Montréal, actif dans des mouvements pour les droits étudiants, le logement, l’antiracisme, l’anticapitalisme et l’anticolonialisme. Notes de l'émission : - La conférence Bandung du  Nord a eu lieu à Montréal du 27 au 29 septembre 2024. Infos : - Les extraits audio sont tirés des vidéos réalisées par Paroles d’Honneur : - Cet épisode a été diffusé pour la première fois sur Off The Hour de CKUT 90.3 FM le 3 octobre 2024. - Les entrevues ont été mises en ligne sur SoundCloud le 24 novembre 2024. - Produit par Jaggi Singh pour No Borders Media. — No Borders Media produit et partage du contenu en solidarité avec les classes populaires et les peuples opprimés, en s'opposant au capitalisme et au colonialisme. Branchez-vous sur notre émission le premier jeudi de chaque mois, de 17 h à 18 h, dans le cadre de Off The Hour sur CKUT 90.3 FM à Montréal ( Retrouvez-nous sur SoundCloud et suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux, notamment Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, Twitter et Mastodon, pour des mises à jour et des archives d’émissions. Contactez-nous à

    1 hr
  4. Gas, Groceries & Gaza, and the Triumph of the Swill: A post-election interview with Arun Gupta


    Gas, Groceries & Gaza, and the Triumph of the Swill: A post-election interview with Arun Gupta

    On this episode of No Borders Media, we continue our interviews and analysis in the aftermath of the 2024 US Presidential Election. On today’s show, we speak with New York City-based investigative journalist Arun Gupta. Arun has contributed to various mainstream and progressive publications, including The Nation and Jacobin. Arun has written several analytical articles prior and after the election. He was inside Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally in New York City in the final weeks of the election, and covered the pro-Palestine protests outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago back in August. He’s provided a scathing analysis of the Democratic campaign. In his words: “Harris was so committed to American Empire she was willing to lose the election.” In this interview, Arun provides analysis of Gas, Groceries and Gaza, and the other factors at play in the recent election, especially the direct and indirect impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Biden/Harris response. He gives an insider view of the Trump MSG rally, the post-truth, post-fact, conspiratorial world of Trump’s multicultural MAGA supporters. Arun explains the concept of “discounting racism” from Obama to Trump, and looks at the possibility of social movements to organize under both Democrat and Republican presidencies in the past three decades. Importantly, he grounds his insights in the inescapable centrality of the ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by Israel. As he puts in, genocide is the end goal of fascism, and that is exactly was has happened in the past year, with the active complicity and involvement of the Biden/Harris administration. Background: - Arun Gupta on Substack: Triumph of the Swill (November 1, 2024): - Gas, Groceries, and Gaza is the reason Harris Lost, But Not for the Reasons You Think (November 5, 2024: - No Borders Media (From August 2018): A Discussion on Anti-Trump Resistance, with Arun Gupta (New York City Investigative Journalist): Show Notes: Interview recorded on November 12, 2024 Interview uploaded to SoundCloud on November 14, 2024 Produced by Jaggi Singh, for No Borders Media.a —-- No Borders Media shares and creates content in support of the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples and in opposition to capitalism and colonialism. You can hear us on the first Thursday of every month from 5–6 PM, as part of Off The Hour on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal ( Check out No Borders Media on SoundCloud and our active social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, Twitter, and Mastodon, for links to upcoming and previous shows. You can also get in touch with us at

    1h 10m
  5. Resisting Trump and the MAGA Movement: Interview with anti-fascist Matthew Lyons of Three Way Fight


    Resisting Trump and the MAGA Movement: Interview with anti-fascist Matthew Lyons of Three Way Fight

    This episode of No Borders Media, recorded on the eve of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, features an interview with anti-fascist writer and researcher Matthew Lyons. Matthew, who lives and works in Philadelphia, is the author of Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right's Challenge to State and Empire and co-editor of the book Three Way Fight: Revolutionary Politics and Antifascism. In this interview, Matthew provides insights on the far-right Trump/MAGA movement and the normalization of previously disqualifying racist, quasi-fascist, and fascist ideologies within it. We explore different elements of the MAGA coalition, including Christian nationalism; the origins of modern-day Trumpism in various historical currents in American history; and anti-fascist strategies and tactics for long-term resistance to the far right. Lyons describes and explains why a return of Trump to the U.S. presidency would be catastrophic, but he also argues that the Harris Democrats are abysmal. Background: - Three Way Fight: Against Fascism, Against the State, For a Free Humanity: - Notes on Trump/MAGA 2024: - Listen to this previous No Borders Media podcast: an interview with It’s Going Down in January 2024 on resisting the far right and fascism in the U.S.A. over the coming year: Show Notes: - Interview with Matthew Lyons recorded on November 1, 2024. - Show uploaded to SoundCloud on November 5, 2024. - An edited version of this show aired on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal on November 7, 2024. - Producer: Jaggi Singh, for No Borders Media. No Borders Media shares and creates content in support of the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples and in opposition to capitalism and colonialism. You can hear us on the first Thursday of every month from 5–6 PM, as part of Off The Hour on CKUT 90.3 FM in Montreal ( Check out No Borders Media on SoundCloud and our active social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, Twitter, and Mastodon, for links to upcoming and previous shows.

    1h 14m
  6. What’s Going Down? A look at the upcoming year of resisting the far-right & fascism in the USA


    What’s Going Down? A look at the upcoming year of resisting the far-right & fascism in the USA

    January 7, 2024 – On this episode of No Borders Media, we take a close look at US politics as we enter what will be a presidential election year. We explore the grassroots movements fighting for justice and dignity in the USA, and the disturbing continued normalization of far-right and fascist politics. To discuss these and other issues, No Borders Media speaks with It’s Going Down, an online community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across North America. For more info about It’s Going Down, visit: Some of the topics covered in this interview with It’s Going Down include - local struggles against police militarization, including the inspiring Stop Cop City campaign - Palestine solidarity actions and the weaponization of anti-Semitism, - the dual cost of living and housing crises - anti-prison and prisoner justice struggles - queer, trans and drag defence solidarity actions - the mainstream right-wing’s strategy to demonize migrants - and, not surprisingly, Trump, Biden, and the upcoming US election We start our broadcast with an appreciation of Indigenous anti-colonial warrior Klee Benally, who sadly passed on just before New Year’s Day. —-- No Borders Media will be broadcasting regularly this year. Locally, in Montreal, you can hear us on the first Thursday of every month from 5-6pm, as part of Off The Hour on CKUT 90.3fm in Montreal. But, you can also listen to our own regular podcasts and broadcasts. Check out No Borders Media on soundcloud, and on our active social media, including facebook, instagram, bluesky, threads, twitter and mastodon, for links to upcoming and previous shows. No Borders Media shares and creates content in support of the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples, and in opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Happy New Year, and let’s organize to make 2024 a year of resistance and revolt against the far-right and fascism. —-- - Interview recorded on January 3, 2024 - Broadcast on CKUT 90.3fm, 5-6pm, in Montreal, on January 4, 2024. - Podcast uploaded on January 7, 2024.

    1h 15m
  7. A Critical Engagement with Extinction Rebellion: Interview with Mei Chiu & Alex Shiraz


    A Critical Engagement with Extinction Rebellion: Interview with Mei Chiu & Alex Shiraz

    A Critical Engagement with Extinction Rebellion Quebec: Interview with Mei Chiu & Alex Shiraz -> Listen, download and share: On the eve of the Climate Strike, No Borders Media speaks with two people of colour members of Extinction Rebellion Quebec: Mei Chiu and Alex Shiraz. This extended interview is a critical engagement with Extinction Rebellion, which has become known in the UK , and increasingly in Quebec, for their disruptive non-violent direct actions to raise awareness about the climate crisis. The first half of the interview explores the origins, actions and organizing of Extinction Rebellion, including some reflections on intergenerational organizing and activist burnout. In the second half, we examine the left-wing critiques of Extinction Rebellion more deeply, including their seeming de-emphasis of anti-capitalism and anti-colonialism, the persistent white, liberal, middle class centering of environmentalism in the West, and the problematic tactic of pure non-violence. -> Listen, download and share: This interview was recorded, in-studio, on September 25, 2019 in Montreal. About Extinction Rebellion Quebec: ------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    1h 9m
  8. Indigenous Resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, with Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel


    Indigenous Resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, with Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel

    Indigenous Resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion: No Borders Media feature interview with Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel -> Listen, download and share: On this episode of No Borders Media, we speak to two Indigenous warriors on the frontlines of resistance to pipelines and resource extraction: Kanahus Manuel and Mayuk Manuel of the Tiny House Warriors and the Secwepemc Women Warriors. They have actively resisted the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project, which would move tar sands crude and refined oil from Alberta to the British Columbia coast. Just outside the injunction zone around the proposed pipeline expansion at Blue River, British Columbia, north of Kamloops, Kanahus and Mayuk speak to No Borders Media by phone and address several topics including: an update about current opposition efforts against 518 km of Trans Mountain pipeline corridor on Secwepemc territory, the impact of man camps used to construct the expansion, the use of wheeled tiny houses as a tactic of resistance, a recent symposium in celebration of the life and ideas of Arthur Manuel, ongoing criminalization of Land Defenders, the various flawed consultation processes to try to force through pipeline approval, and solidarity between Indigenous land defence struggles across Turtle Island. -> Listen, download and share: --------- SHOW NOTES: This interview was recorded on September 15, 2019; Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel were speaking from Blue River (Secwepemc Nation). Music: "Wake-up Song" by George Manuel Jr, recorded live in April 2015 in Neskonlith (Secwepemc Nation). The dog heard in the background during the interview is named Tsetse, named after character from Secwepemc stories. Her name means "little sister" and she is a Norwegian Elk Hound cross. BACKGROUND: Symposium: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy August 24, 2019 (Adams Lake, Secwepemc Nation) Kanahus Manuel on resistance to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline September 1, 2018 (No Borders Media) DONATE: Consider a donation to support the Indigenous resistance efforts against Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion: Tiny House Warriors Fundraiser Secwepemc Nation Youth Network ---------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    1h 17m

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
3 Ratings


NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media (Toronto/Montreal) fb: soundcloud: mastodon: bluesky: instagram: threads: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

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