EHA Unplugged

European Hematology Association
EHA Unplugged

In these EHA-produced podcasts, experts share with you their hematology knowledge and stories. With "EHA Unplugged" we would like to give you the opportunity to unplug from your computer screen, while still learning, by listening to interviews, clinical cases, monologues, and more.

  1. Management of High-risk MDS: Seeking Clarity for Classification and Treatment

    VOR 6 STD.

    Management of High-risk MDS: Seeking Clarity for Classification and Treatment

    This podcast episode is derived from the MDS Algorithm on EHA Campus. Check out the MDS Algorithm, which is an expert based tool for healthcare providers, ensuring a structured and evidence-based approach to managing myelodysplastic syndromes. In this episode, our host Prof Kirsten Grønbæk from University of Copenhagen, discusses the management of high-risk MDS with Prof Katharina Götze from Technical University of Munich and Prof Valeria Santini from University of Florence. The experts delve into the two classification systems for MDS, defined by the International Consensus Classification (ICC) and World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022. They discuss the impact of the similarities and discrepancies between these systems on clinical practice and the patients’ understanding of their disease. The speakers further talk about hypomethylating agents (HMA) as the backbone of current treatments for high-risk MDS. They exchange their views on the considerations for choosing the patients who are most likely to benefit from these treatments, while avoiding myelotoxicity. The experts also discuss selecting the right patients for other (emerging) treatments, such as venetoclax and magrolimab, while stressing that data from phase III trials is yet to become available for some of these agents. The role of allogeneic transplantation as the only curative option for patients with high-risk MDS is also emphasized, with the experts highlighting the role of Molecular International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-M) in selecting the eligible patients. In the closing remarks, the importance and challenges of monitoring the molecular evolution of the disease are stressed, as this technology allows to tailor the available treatments to each individual patient.  Host: Prof Kirsten Grønbæk Guests: Prof Katharina Götze & Prof Valeria Santini Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    35 Min.
  2. Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Health, Aging and Malignancy:  Focus on Metabolism (EHA2024)

    7. FEB.

    Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Health, Aging and Malignancy: Focus on Metabolism (EHA2024)

    In this episode on recent insights about metabolism of the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), Dr Krzysztof Szade from Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland, discusses HSPc in health, aging and malignancy. This podcast recaps the findings that aim to elucidate the metabolic requirements of HSCs at different stages of aging. Listen to Dr Szade summarize the data on how heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) influences glycolytic metabolic stemness of HSCs, impacting on their self-renewal and differentiation. Follow his explanations of the hierarchical relationship between myeloid-biased and balanced HSCs and other observations shedding more light on the mechanisms of HSC aging. As the understanding of the metabolic requirements of HSCs during aging can point to new therapies for hematological disorders, tune in for this latest update. Guest: Dr Krzysztof Szade This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned! For more information about a past or upcoming EHA Congress, visit Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    8 Min.
  3. Innovative Trial Design (EHA2024)

    31. JAN.

    Innovative Trial Design (EHA2024)

    This podcast episode highlights the need to use innovative clinical trial designs in the era of increasingly personalized medicine in hematology. Listen to Dr Jurjen Versluis from Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, discuss his research on this topic. As the amount of novel targeted drugs is increasing, and treatments lead to increasingly better survival outcomes, we need to think about new, adaptive designs that will result in impactful trials in shorter time. Follow Dr Versluis as he explains the different designs and methods that can be used to estimate whether trial will be efficacious or futile before its completion. The combination of clinical trials with data from existing real-world registries, such as HARMONY or Dutch Cancer Society datasets, may also be an alternative to standard designs. By using examples of trials run by HOVON, the Dutch Hemato-oncology Foundation, Dr Versluis provides additional depth to the discussion.  Guest: Dr Jurjen Versluis This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned! For more information about a past or upcoming EHA Congress, visit Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    18 Min.
  4. Hereditary Hematological Malignancies (HHMs): A New Era of Discovery in MDS and AML (EHA2024)

    24. JAN.

    Hereditary Hematological Malignancies (HHMs): A New Era of Discovery in MDS and AML (EHA2024)

    As knowledge about hereditary hematological malignancies (HHMs) increases, so do the options for better management of these diseases. Please join us in this podcast to hear Dr Kiran Tawana from Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, UK, share her insights on this topic. HHMs are syndromes where two or more cases of cytopenia and hematological malignancy (typically MDS/AML) occur within the same family. Dr Tawana discusses the discovery of HHMs and provides advice on how to recognize them in clinical practice, which can be hampered by low penetrance and significant differences in disease latency. Listen to the stories of families affected by HHMs and how the molecular insights gathered from disease evolution in these case studies provide base for improved management of patients in the future. Tune in to hear the recommendations of dr. Tawana on how to optimize testing in clinical pathways and improve outcomes for people with HHMs. Guest: Dr Kiran Tawana This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned! For more information about a past or upcoming EHA Congress, visit Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Provide Feedback Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    23 Min.
  5. Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL): Treatment of Relapsed Disease (EHA2024)

    20. JAN.

    Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL): Treatment of Relapsed Disease (EHA2024)

    In this podcast, Prof Thorsten Zenz from University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, discusses the current approaches to treatment of relapsed hairy cell leukemia (HCL). Based on his personal journey as a hematologist interested in precision oncology, prof. Zenz summarizes the years of accumulating data and clinical experience to explain the treatment approach he often uses for his patients. Thanks to the clear molecular target (V600E mutation of BRAF), treatment of classical hairy cell leukemia with BRAF inhibitors, such as vemurafenib, is an example of precision oncology that can result in deep responses. As combination of this treatment with anti-CD20 antibody leads to durable complete responses in most patients, Prof Zenz often uses this regime in his patients with refractory or relapsed hairy cell leukemia. However, as different countries have access to different treatment options, Prof Zenz also discusses the role, sequencing and combinations of other drugs, such as to purine analogs (i.e. cladribine), MEK inhibitors, BTK-inhibitors, Bcl-2 inhibitors (i.e. venetoclax) or recombinant CD22-targeting immunotoxin (i.e. moxetumomab). In light of emerging (although still limited) data on these drugs and questions about their optimal sequencing, guidelines are being developed by Hairy Cell Leukemia Foundation (HCLF) and EHA that aim to help the clinicians with making choices for their patients. This podcast is further enriched by insights from prof. Enrico Tiacci from University and Hospital of Perugia in Italy, who discovered that V600E mutation of BRAF is the key genetic lesion underlying hairy cell leukemia. Prof Tiacci shares his views on the treatment options and their sequencing, based on the clinical trials he conducted and his clinical experience. Guest: Prof Thorsten Zenz This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned! For more information about a past or upcoming EHA Congress, visit Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Provide Feedback Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    18 Min.
  6. Iron Metabolism in Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)

    10. JAN.

    Iron Metabolism in Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)

    In this episode of EHA Unplugged, Prof Kirsten Grønbæk and our guests Prof Yelena Ginzburg and Prof Amit Verma discuss iron metabolism and its role in erythropoiesis in MDS. The experts share their views on the management of iron overload in the transfusion-dependent patients with MDS, as they acknowledge that it poses a real challenge in their clinical practice. Starting from the criteria used to select patients for iron chelation and then discussing its beneficial effects and limitations, the podcast guests formulate clear thoughts on the role of this therapy in both low- and high-risk MDS. They then clarify recent scientific insights into the putative mechanisms that may link iron overload with the ineffective erythropoiesis. Please tune in to hear about the data from a mouse model pointing to the role of iron transport in erythroblast function and differentiation (please also see the Reference). You will also hear what direction the future research into the mechanism of the communication between ineffective erythropoiesis and iron metabolism may take. This podcast is brought to you by EHA and the BioIron Society. Host: Prof Kirsten Grønbæk University of Copenhagen, Denmark Guests: Prof Yelena Ginzburg Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA Prof Amit Verma Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA Reference: An W, et al. Iron chelation improves ineffective erythropoiesis and iron overload in myelodysplastic syndrome mice. Elife. 2023 Dec 28:12:e83103. doi: 10.7554/eLife.83103  Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Provide Feedback Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    33 Min.
  7. First-line Treatment of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) (EHA2024)


    First-line Treatment of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) (EHA2024)

    In this podcast, Dr Elisabeth Schorb from University Medical Center in Freiburg, Germany, discusses the first-line treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), which has seen tremendous advances in the last years. PCNSL is a rare condition, and because of its location prompt diagnosis and timely treatment are of the essence. As for other hematological diseases, treatment of PCNSL today is based on two pillars: induction treatment and consolidation treatment. Listen to Dr Schrob describe her clinical experience and contributions to the international clinical trials that have shifted PCNSL prognosis from a disease with short life-expectancy if left untreated to a curable disease. And get inspired by Dr Schorb’s appeal to “stay tuned, stay in touch because your investigator-initiated ideas can make all the difference”.  Guest: Dr Elisabeth Schorb This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned! For more information about a past or upcoming EHA Congress, visit Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Provide Feedback Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    18 Min.
  8. Optimizing Global Care for Women with von Willebrand Disease (VWD) (EHA2024)


    Optimizing Global Care for Women with von Willebrand Disease (VWD) (EHA2024)

    With the increasing scrutiny of healthcare pathways for women, this podcast provides a timely plea by Dr Michelle Lavin from St. James’s Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, to optimize global care for women with von Willebrand disease (VWD). In this podcast, Dr Lavin gives a passionate appeal for more international collaboration and increased awareness to improve care for women and girls suffering from bleeding disorders. As challenges facing women with these disorders are multiple, including diagnostic inequalities and suboptimal treatments, the solutions are also multi-factorial. Listen to dr. Lavin give her recommendations to provide the best possible care, based on the findings from the Annual Global Survey of the World Federation of Hemophilia, World Bleeding Disorder Registry and other data. In Dr Lavin’s own words: “there's momentum behind Women's Health”, so tune in to participate.  Guest: Dr Michelle Lavin This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned! For more information about a past or upcoming EHA Congress, visit Learn More What did you think of this podcast? Share your opinions with us in this short feedback survey. Provide Feedback Would you like to explore more eLearning or podcasts? Please visit the EHA Campus. Subscribe, share, and review this podcast to be able to address topics you enjoy and like to listen to. Follow EHA on Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: Email us: Subscribe to receive the EHA Educational Updates via

    22 Min.


In these EHA-produced podcasts, experts share with you their hematology knowledge and stories. With "EHA Unplugged" we would like to give you the opportunity to unplug from your computer screen, while still learning, by listening to interviews, clinical cases, monologues, and more.

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