Create Yourself - Practical Activities for Self-discovery, Transformation and change.

Kay Holdsworth
Create Yourself - Practical Activities for Self-discovery, Transformation and change.

I share practical activities, tools and exercises that will help you regain your spark and create a life that is a truer expression of who you are. You can expect creative journaling activities, coaching exercises, and guided visualisations that will help you unlock your potential and purpose. Once a month I interview amazing women who are out in the world creating a life that they love. They share the struggles and some of the strategies and tools that have helped them overcome their fears and doubts, be brave and step into their light and shine.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Write Your Way to Success: Journaling for Entrepreneurs

    Feeling overwhelmed as an entrepreneur? I get it—been there myself. 😩 The constant juggling of tasks, endless to-do lists, and daily stresses can leave you feeling exhausted and stuck in a loop of overthinking. But what if I told you there’s a simple tool that can help you stay on track, clear your mind, and de-stress? The answer could be journaling. 📝✨** Journaling isn't just for writers—it's a powerful tool that can help entrepreneurs organize their thoughts, get clear on their goals, and even tackle business challenges. And no, it doesn’t take hours of your day. Just 10 minutes can make all the difference. In this video, I’ll walk you through easy journaling techniques for entrepreneurs that will help you: Reduce stress and avoid burnout Solve business problems you’ve been stuck on Stay focused on what really matters Track your progress and feel more productive What’s the biggest challenge I’m facing in my business right now, and what’s one small action I can take to move forward? What limiting beliefs are holding me back as an entrepreneur? What’s one thing that went well today, and how can I build on that tomorrow? What am I most proud of in my business journey so far? What would I do today if I wasn’t afraid of failing? Here are the journaling techniques I share in the video: 💡 *Top 3 Priorities Technique* Start your day by writing down your top 3 priorities. Keeping it to just 3 helps you stay focused and avoid overwhelm. Then, list 3 simple actions you can take to move each priority forward. It doesn’t have to be complicated—think small, achievable steps that keep you progressing. 💡 *Brainstorming for Solutions* Stuck on a business problem? Write the issue at the top of the page, then list ALL possible solutions, even the crazy or out-there ones. No idea is too wild here! The goal is to get out of your head and onto the page. This technique frees up mental space and often leads to breakthrough ideas you might have missed by overthinking. 💡 *End-of-Day Brain Dump* Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to dump everything that’s stressing you out onto paper. Don’t worry about making it perfect—just get it all out. This helps release that mental clutter, letting you decompress and set yourself up for a better night’s sleep. It’s amazing how much lighter you can feel by putting it down on paper. 💡 *Track Your Wins* Sometimes we’re so focused on what’s next that we forget to celebrate what we’ve already achieved. Use your journal to track your wins, big or small. Reflect on what went well today, what progress you’ve made, and remind yourself that you’re moving forward, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. 💡 *Free-Writing for Clarity* When you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of your next move, use free-writing. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and just write without stopping. Let whatever’s on your mind flow out onto the page. This can help you get clearer on what’s really important, and sometimes the answers you’re looking for will reveal themselves through the process. Kay Holdsworth | Therapist & Journal Coach ✨ Feeling stuck in the busyness of life? As a therapist and journal coach, I help self-aware women like you reconnect with yourself, get clear on what you want, and make meaningful progress in your life. 👉 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for practical therapy and coaching tools as well as journaling techniques and activities for self-discovery to help you create a life that is a truer expression of who you are.    / @kayholdsworth   💬 Grab my FREEBIE @ 21 Life-Changing Questions to Reconnect with Your True Self – Start rediscovering what’s truly important to you today! 🌐 Visit for more free resources, tools, and activities for self-discovery and

    7 min
  2. 18 OCT

    Silence Your Inner Critic with Journaling: My Go-To Questions for Overthinking

    I’m diving deep into how journaling can be one of the most powerful tools to silence your inner critic, gain clarity, and manage overthinking. Whether you're going through a tough time or just feeling stuck, journaling allows you to take a step back and reflect on your thoughts. As a therapist and journal coach, I’ve used journaling for years—both for myself and with my clients. It’s a way to become more self-aware, gain perspective, and uncover the answers that are already within you. Journaling is a simple yet incredibly effective tool for self-discovery and personal growth. When you know how to ask yourself the right questions, your journal can become your greatest ally in navigating challenges and living a life that feels true to who you really are. 💭 The 4 Key Questions to Ask When You’re Overthinking or Feeling Self-Doubt: 1. Is this true? This question is designed to help you challenge your thoughts. Sometimes we believe things without questioning if they are based on reality or just our own fears and assumptions. 2. Is this a fact? Asking this helps you get clear on whether your thoughts are factual. Are they backed by evidence, or are they just beliefs? Imagine your thoughts being presented in a court of law—would they stand up? 3. Is there another way of looking at this situation? This question encourages you to shift your perspective. What’s another angle? Could there be something you’re missing? Shifting your viewpoint can unlock new insights. 4. What would I say to a good friend in a similar situation? We’re often much kinder and more supportive to others than we are to ourselves. Journaling Prompts for Self-Reflection and Overcoming Overthinking If you're struggling with overthinking or your inner critic is being especially loud, here are some *journal prompts* to help guide your writing and process your thoughts: 1. What is my inner critic telling me right now? How does it make me feel? 2. What evidence do I have to support or refute these thoughts? 3. What are some possible alternative perspectives on this situation? 4. How can I be more compassionate with myself in this moment? 5. What do I want to believe about myself or this situation? 6. What action can I take to challenge my inner critic today? These prompts are designed to help you take a closer look at your thoughts and break the cycle of negativity. Just writing them down can bring clarity and create emotional distance from the thoughts that weigh you down. Why Journaling Works Journaling creates the space for you to step back and become the observer of your thoughts. It’s a way to detach yourself from the overwhelming feelings that come with overthinking and self-doubt. By getting your thoughts down on paper, you give yourself room to see the bigger picture and find a more grounded perspective. Writing out your thoughts allows you to unpack and unpick them. You’ll find there’s always another way of looking at a situation, and that shift in perspective can change *everything*. Over time, you’ll learn to reframe your inner critic’s voice and start believing in yourself more. The truth is, thoughts are just thoughts. It’s the power we give them that makes them feel so real. When you write them out, you reduce their power and take back your control. Who I Am: I’m Kay Holdsworth, a therapist and journal coach who helps women create a life that is a true reflection of who they are. Through coaching, journaling, and creativity, I offer practical tools and activities for self-discovery, transformation, and personal growth. Website - 📸 Instagram:   / kay.holdsworth   📘 Facebook:   / kaylholdsworth   💼 LinkedIn:   / kayholdsworth   🎙️ Podcast: I’d love to hear from you! If this video resonated with you, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more content on *

    7 min
  3. 11 OCT

    Ideal Day Exercise, Visualisation & Journaling

    Ideal Day Exercise - This podcast includes a short visualisation, and if you scroll down I include relevant journal prompts. Do you believe your mind has the power to create your own reality? I do. In this video, I'm sharing with you a transformative tool that many successful people, including top athletes, use regularly. This exercise has been a powerful practice for my therapy clients and students I work with as a Student Counsellor at a local university. It combines the power of visualisation and journaling to help you tap into your inner self, attract what you desire, and ultimately create a life that feels meaningful and fulfilling. Whether you're chasing your dreams, working towards personal goals, or simply wanting to make positive changes in your life, visualisation can be the key to unlocking your aspirations and full potential. Not sure if this works? It doesn't matter whether you believe in it right now; just allow yourself to go with it. **Have fun and dream big**, because the only limits are the ones we place on ourselves. This is your opportunity to imagine a life you’d love living in the future. You don't need to be a master at visualising for this exercise! I know that not everyone finds it easy to "see" things in their mind's eye. No problem! You don’t need to create a perfect image, just a sense or feeling of what your ideal day could be. Think of this exercise as a motivating tool—a chance to explore what matters to you and what will bring more joy, purpose, and satisfaction into your life. #Idealday - Guided Visualisation & Journaling Practice We are going to imagine ourselves five years from now, living our ideal day. This isn’t some fantasy day where you win the lottery or jet off to a Caribbean beach—this is a normal but ideal day that leaves you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. Journaling Practice: After your visualisation, take some time to journal about the experience. Reflect on what you noticed. What insights came up? What do you want more of in your life? What elements of your ideal day are already present in your life today? Start Small, Begin Today Don’t wait five years to start living your ideal life! Ask yourself: What small steps can I take today to move closer to this vision? For example, if part of your ideal day includes a cosy home filled with comfortable cushions and scented candles, why not make that happen now? When I did this exercise with a client, she imagined these small but meaningful details, and we realised she didn’t need to wait five years to enjoy them. In fact, she made these small changes right away. I’m already living parts of my ideal day. For instance, I have a solid morning routine that includes yoga and journaling, which are all elements of my ideal day. This **Ideal Day Exercise** blends two of my favourite practices—visualisation and journaling. By engaging your senses and allowing yourself to fully imagine your future, you can start making decisions today that align with your bigger goals. This practice helps bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Often, when we think about our ideal life, the gap can feel like the Grand Canyon—so vast that it feels impossible to reach. But the key is to **start small**. Take one step today, and you’ll be amazed at how much closer you’ll feel to living your ideal life. 🌟 **Remember: The only limits are the ones we impose on ourselves.** - Bob Proctor Let me know in the comments below: What is one small step you’ll take today to start living your ideal life? Share your thoughts, and let’s support each other in this journey of self-discovery and transformation. 🌐 Website: []( 📸 Instagram: @kay.holdsworth 📘 Facebook: 📧 Sign up for my newsletter: (

    12 min
  4. 4 OCT

    Journaling Could Change Your Life

    Journaling Could Change Your Life | Self-Discovery, Clarity & Personal Growth In this episode, I dive into how journaling can change your life by helping you make sense of your thoughts, gain clarity, and deepen your self-awareness. If your mind sometimes feels like a tangled ball of wool, journaling is the perfect tool to unravel those threads and get a better understanding of what’s really going on in your head. I’ll share examples from my own experience and how I’ve used journaling to organise my dreams, unpick limiting beliefs, and recognize recurring patterns that keep me stuck. Over the years, journaling has helped me understand myself better—after all, the most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself! It’s a powerful way to figure out what’s holding you back, track your emotional growth, and, importantly, process your emotions. Through journaling, I’ve realised how often I was getting in my own way. From staying stuck in planning mode and avoiding action to placing unrealistic expectations on myself, it became clear that my journal was reflecting my patterns back to me. If you’re looking for a way to boost your self-awareness, build healthier routines or just untangle your thoughts, this video will give you the insights and motivation to start journaling today. And remember, journaling isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth experimenting with. There are so many different types and techniques out there—so give it a go! Key topics covered: How journaling helps you gain clarity and self-awareness Journaling to explore your emotions and needs Recognizing limiting beliefs and patterns Using journal prompts for personal growth Tracking progress and emotional well-being through journaling Listen now and see how journaling could change your life. #journaling #selfdiscovery #personalgrowth #selfawareness #clarity #limitingbeliefs #emotionalwellbeing #selfcare #routines #mentalhealth **Ready to take your personal growth to the next level?** If you loved these practical activities for self-discovery, I’ve got something extra special for you! I’ve put together a free guide called 21 Life-Changing Questions that will help you dig deeper, reflect on what truly matters, and spark some serious self-discovery. Whether you’re looking to make meaningful changes in your life, gain clarity on your next steps, or simply want to get to know yourself better, these questions are designed to challenge and inspire you. So, why not take a few moments for yourself? Download your free copy now. Grab your free guide here: DOWNLOAD Find me at Kay Instagram and Facebook

    21 min
  5. 27 SEPT

    Your Three-Year Vision - Create a Life You Love | Journaling & Self-Discovery

    Ever wondered what your life could look like three years from now if you dared to dream? 🌟 In this video, I’ll guide you through a powerful *journaling activity* that helps you create a vision for your future—one that’s fully aligned with who you are and what you truly want out of life. We’ll explore four key areas—your **career**, **relationships**, **health**, and **personal growth**—so you can imagine what you’d love to be doing, creating, experiencing, and feeling in each. Whether you're looking to make big changes or just reconnect with your dreams, this exercise is designed to give you clarity and inspiration. 💭 ✨ I’ll be sharing my own dreams too, to help spark your creativity and give you a real, honest look at how this process can help you transform your life. ✨ Ready to create the life you love? Grab your journal, get comfy, and let’s dive in together! *In this video, you'll learn:* - How to create a *three-year vision* for your life 🌱 - Powerful *journal prompts* to explore your dreams and goals ✍️ - Practical steps for imagining your ideal life in four key areas - How to stay connected to your vision and make it a reality 🎧 Check out my YouTube Channel - For more practical tools for self-discovery, growth, and change Kay Holdsworth - YouTube 🔗 Visit my Website: For freebies, journal prompts, and coaching exercises to help you create a life true to who you are. *Ready to take your personal growth to the next level?* If you loved these practical activities for self-discovery, I’ve got something extra special for you! I’ve put together a free guide called *”21 Life-Changing Questions* that will help you dig deeper, reflect on what truly matters, and spark some serious self-discovery. Whether you’re looking to make meaningful changes in your life, gain clarity on your next steps, or simply want to get to know yourself better, these questions are designed to challenge and inspire you. So, why not take a few moments for yourself? Download your free copy now. Grab your free guide here: 🔖 *Don’t forget to subscribe for more videos on journaling, personal growth, and self-discovery.* Let’s make those dreams happen! 💫 #Journaling #ThreeYearVision #SelfDiscovery #PersonalGrowth #CreateYourBestLife #VisionPlanning #DreamBig #KayHoldsworth #CreateYourselfPodcast #LifeYouLove #ManifestYourFuture

    14 min
  6. 20 SEPT

    Tania Ross on Strength, Struggles, and Success

    Podcast Notes: Conversation with Tania Ross In this episode, I sit down with the incredible Tania Ross, a copywriter with a flair for turning struggles into strength. Tania and I met through the Tech Pixies community and the Business Beyond Social Training. What first drew me to Tania was her amazing sense of style. Particularly her pink and purple hair that I am so envious of. Like so many of us women, she’s been through some really tough times but has come out the other side stronger. Tania's story is one of resilience, strength and success. After a difficult divorce, finding herself on benefits, raising two autistic daughters, and even spending some time sofa surfing, she never gave up. Instead, she reinvented herself, tapping into her passion for writing and building a successful career as a self-employed copywriter. Tania brings empathy and intuition to her work, something she honed as a former nurse. Now, as a copywriter, she uses those same skills to really understand and connect with her clients, creating intelligent, engaging copy that speaks directly to their audience. In today’s conversation, Tania talks about how she kept her spark alive and shares some of the practical tools, resources, and books that helped her along the way. From lived experience of anxiety after an incredibly painful divorce to navigating the challenges of parenting children with autism, Tania’s story is inspiring proof that no matter how tough things get, you can come out stronger on the other side. If you’re in the middle of your own struggle right now, I hope Tania’s wisdom helps you see that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel—even if it’s hard to see right now. Want to learn more about Tania and her work? Head over to her website and grab her free resource: *Get My Free Guide – Craft Your Own Compelling Copy.* You can also find her sharing more tips and inspiration over on Instagram!

    37 min
  7. 10 SEPT

    The Magic of Routines: How Structure Fuels Transformation

    In this conversation I discuss the importance of routine for mental health and wellbeing. I emphasise that routine provides structure and stability, which are essential for building a strong foundation for overall health. During the podcast I share my own experiences with routine and offers practical tips for incorporating it into daily life. I highlights the impact of routine on students and the significance of routine in increasing self-worth and self-esteem. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the benefits of routine and the need for flexibility and self-compassion in maintaining it. Takeaways Routine is fundamental to mental health and wellbeing, providing structure and stability. Incorporating small, gradual, and sustainable changes into daily routines can lead to long-term success. Flexibility and adaptability are important in maintaining routines, as unexpected events can disrupt them. Routine can increase self-worth and self-esteem, particularly for students. Having a routine reduces decision fatigue and frees up mental energy for other important tasks. Quality sleep is crucial for overall health and should be prioritised in a routine. Planning ahead and being organized can help maintain routines and reduce stress. Routine can have a positive impact on productivity, focus, and overall well-being. Prioritising Quality Sleep in a Routine The Impact of Routine on Students and Self-Worth "Routine is so fundamental to our wellbeing and to our mental health." Chapters 00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Routine 03:17 Practical Tips for Incorporating Routine 06:06 Starting Small and Gradual Changes 08:06 Routine with a Purpose and Reducing Decision Fatigue 11:52 Flexibility and Adaptability in Maintaining Routines 17:28 The Impact of Routine on Students and Self-Worth 18:27 The Benefits of Routine for Productivity and Well-being Ready to take your personal growth to the next level? If you enjoyed this podcast episode I’ve got something extra special for you! I’ve put together a free guide called **21 Life-Changing Questions** that will help you dig deeper, reflect on what truly matters, and spark some serious self-discovery. Whether you’re looking to make meaningful changes in your life, gain clarity on your next steps, or simply want to get to know yourself better, these questions are designed to challenge and inspire you. You only need 3 minutes a day. So, why not take a few moments for yourself? Grab your free guide here: DOWNLOAD For more journal prompts, check out my last blog post, Transform Your Life with Journaling.

    21 min
  8. 2 SEPT

    Getting back in work mode after the holidays

    **Podcast Notes: Getting Back in Work Mode after the holidays.** Hey everyone! Can you believe summer is already wrapping up? It feels like just two minutes ago we were welcoming it. Now, the school holidays are over, and Zen is heading back to school on Tuesday. Time flies! These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of home-related activities. I had such high hopes of being productive with work during the break, but as it turns out, life had other plans! Between putting bikes away (only to pull them out again), making endless meals, and managing kids running in and out, my productivity took a back seat. But you know what? That's perfectly okay! Sometimes, life takes over, and you just have to go with the flow. Instead of feeling guilty about not getting more done, I’ve decided that September is my fresh start date. A new month, a new mindset. I’m kicking off a new, exciting project this September, and I’m feeling a bit unsure of where to begin. It’s time to shift gears, dig deep, and get motivated again. Getting back into work mode after a relaxing summer is definitely a challenge, but feeling sluggish or unfocused is totally normal during this transition. To help get back on track, I’ve put together some tips to regain motivation and energy: 1. **Set Small, Achievable Goals:** Start with simple tasks to build momentum and gain a sense of accomplishment. 2. **Create a Routine:** Establish a daily routine to help transition smoothly from summer relaxation to work mode. 3. **Revisit Your “Why”:** Reflect on why you do what you do to reconnect with your purpose and reignite your passion. 4. **Declutter Your Workspace:** A tidy, organized space can improve focus and inspire productivity. 5. **Start with What You Love:** Tackle the tasks that excite you the most to set a positive tone for the day. 6. **Break Tasks into Smaller Steps:** Simplify overwhelming projects into manageable steps and celebrate small victories. 7. **Get Moving:** Incorporate physical activity to boost energy and clear your mind. A few minutes of movement can make a big difference. 8. **Set Boundaries:** Define work and personal time to avoid distractions and maintain focus. Ready to take your personal growth to the next level? If you loved these practical activities for self-discovery and journaling prompts for increased insight I’ve got something extra special for you! I’ve put together a free guide called **21 Life-Changing Questions** that will help you dig deeper, reflect on what truly matters, and spark some serious self-discovery. Whether you’re looking to make meaningful changes in your life, gain clarity on your next steps, or simply want to get to know yourself better, these questions are designed to challenge and inspire you. So, why not take a few moments for yourself? Download your free copy now, and let’s start this journey together! Grab your free guide here: DOWNLOAD For more journal prompts, check out my last blog post, Transform Your Life with Journaling. Find me on FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM.

    21 min
out of 5
11 Ratings


I share practical activities, tools and exercises that will help you regain your spark and create a life that is a truer expression of who you are. You can expect creative journaling activities, coaching exercises, and guided visualisations that will help you unlock your potential and purpose. Once a month I interview amazing women who are out in the world creating a life that they love. They share the struggles and some of the strategies and tools that have helped them overcome their fears and doubts, be brave and step into their light and shine.

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