Channel • 11 Shows
The Tudor and Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference was founded by Suzanne Forbes, Neil Johnston, and Eoin Kinsella in UCD in 2011 and Tudor and Stuart Ireland conferences have taken place almost each year since: in University College Dublin (2012 and 2013); in Maynooth University (2014, 2015 and 2023); in University of Galway in 2016, 2017 and 2024; in Queen’s University Belfast in 2018, in TCD in 2019, and the RIA in 2022.
Since 2011, more than 100 speakers from a range of disciplines including History, English, Irish, Archaeology and Art History, have presented papers at Tudor and Stuart Ireland conferences. UCD's History Hub, in association with Real Smart Media, has produced more than 300 podcasts from these conferences.
The podcasts are available for download from Apple and to stream on Soundcloud and Spotify totally free of charge – there have been more than 140,000 podcast downloads/plays to date.