The Captain
The Captain is a new comedy series that follows the renegade crew of the LÉ Scholar, a research vessel that operates off the coast of Sligo. From producers Diarmuid O'Brien and Conor O'Toole. The show stars Conor O'Toole, Alison Spittle and Paul Timoney, with guests including Tara Flynn, Stephen Colfer, Teresa Coyne, Donnacha O'Brien and many more! Made with support from Ocean FM and funding from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.
- 4 Episodes
Nautical but nice.
A wannabe swashbuckling maverick captain whose only obstacles are his no-nonsense second in command, and the humdrum scientific missions that pay the bills. Great cast of comedians and sketch writers in this, with scripts that nail the rare kind of imaginative world-building audio can provide. Three ripping yarns to start with, here's hoping for more in Season 2!
very funny and imaginative
Charming and plenty of laughs (though a few misses as well). Would love to see how it develops.
hilarious comedy adventure
Old-timey maritime fun with stellar performances from Ireland’s comedy dream team.
- CreatorConor O'Toole
- Years Active2K
- Episodes4
- RatingClean
- Show Website