Prayer Journal - RUTCTV

Prayer Journal - RUTCTV

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  1. 2021. 08. 30.

    [MP3]What the People in the World Do Not Know (2021.08.31)

    What the People in the World Do Not Know  Deuteronomy 4:15~24│ Take care, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which he made with you, and make a carved image, the form of anything that the Lord your God has forbidden you. (23) Remnants must be able to see two platforms. The first is the platform where people gather.the culture of idol worship The second is the platform where people do not gather.the place where God sees Remnants must see both of these platforms simultaneously in order to move the world. Then, in order to do so, what must Remnants be taught? 1.Knowledge and Power that Transcend Powerful Nations Remnants must be equipped with knowledge and power that transcend powerful nations. Remnants must know the mystery of the Triune God being with them and of spiritual beings,the Lord’s angels and messengers and armies of angels In addition, they must know their status and authority that receive the blessing of the throne, “The 10 Mysteries,” “The 10 Foundations of Faith,” “The 5 Assurances,” “The 9 Streams,” “The 62 Points of the Evangelist’s Life,” and worship which are the answers and solutions to everything. 2.The Answer for World Evangelization Wherever Remnants go, darkness is bound. Furthermore, Remnants must be commissioned as spiritual doctors, ambassadors of Christ, and watchmen to heal the 237 nations, relay their skills, and restore culture. The 237, healing, and Summit movements are the platforms that God needs the most. God told Moses and Joshua what they had already received. Likewise, Remnants have already received the answer of seeing in advance, enjoying in advance, and conquering in advance. If Remnants focus on prayer and worship, they can confirm these answers every day.

  2. 2021. 08. 30. · 비디오

    [Video]What the People in the World Do Not Know (2021.08.31)

    What the People in the World Do Not Know  Deuteronomy 4:15~24│ Take care, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which he made with you, and make a carved image, the form of anything that the Lord your God has forbidden you. (23) Remnants must be able to see two platforms. The first is the platform where people gather.the culture of idol worship The second is the platform where people do not gather.the place where God sees Remnants must see both of these platforms simultaneously in order to move the world. Then, in order to do so, what must Remnants be taught? 1.Knowledge and Power that Transcend Powerful Nations Remnants must be equipped with knowledge and power that transcend powerful nations. Remnants must know the mystery of the Triune God being with them and of spiritual beings,the Lord’s angels and messengers and armies of angels In addition, they must know their status and authority that receive the blessing of the throne, “The 10 Mysteries,” “The 10 Foundations of Faith,” “The 5 Assurances,” “The 9 Streams,” “The 62 Points of the Evangelist’s Life,” and worship which are the answers and solutions to everything. 2.The Answer for World Evangelization Wherever Remnants go, darkness is bound. Furthermore, Remnants must be commissioned as spiritual doctors, ambassadors of Christ, and watchmen to heal the 237 nations, relay their skills, and restore culture. The 237, healing, and Summit movements are the platforms that God needs the most. God told Moses and Joshua what they had already received. Likewise, Remnants have already received the answer of seeing in advance, enjoying in advance, and conquering in advance. If Remnants focus on prayer and worship, they can confirm these answers every day.

  3. 2021. 08. 29.

    [MP3]People Who Saw What Was Important (2021.08.30)

    There was a reason why God kept the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. God wanted them, who lived asslaves in Egypt for a long time and whose slave mentality was imprinted in them, to be liberated through “only Gospel” and to grab hold of the evidence of the sure Word. Likewise, with a mature attitude of faith, you must hold onto the evidence of the Word. Then, what are the evidences?   Imprint God’s Works If faith is planted, then faith will grow. Likewise, if unbelief is planted, then unbelief will grow. Following that same principle, answers will come according to what is imprinted inyou. In addition, you mustn’t worry; instead, become imprinted with God’s work of salvation that completely delivered youfrom Satan, curses, and the background of Hell. Be Rooted and Possess the Nature of the Word That You’ve Experienced Until now, you’ve experienced God’s Word under His protection. Now, you must hold onto the Word that you’ve   experienced as your evidence and lay roots. More importantly, take God’s Word regarding the future and make it yournature. Everyone has his or her God-given time schedule. For the sake of that day, personalize the covenant and break down the areas in your life that are blocked.   There will be times when you fall into crises and have conflicts with people. During those times, don’t waver; instead, constantly stay close to “only Jehovah God” and firmly grab hold of the accurate covenant. In doing so, God will surely give you the one-hundred-year answer.

  4. 2021. 08. 29. · 비디오

    [Video]People Who Saw What Was Important (2021.08.30)

    There was a reason why God kept the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years. God wanted them, who lived asslaves in Egypt for a long time and whose slave mentality was imprinted in them, to be liberated through “only Gospel” and to grab hold of the evidence of the sure Word. Likewise, with a mature attitude of faith, you must hold onto the evidence of the Word. Then, what are the evidences?   Imprint God’s Works If faith is planted, then faith will grow. Likewise, if unbelief is planted, then unbelief will grow. Following that same principle, answers will come according to what is imprinted inyou. In addition, you mustn’t worry; instead, become imprinted with God’s work of salvation that completely delivered youfrom Satan, curses, and the background of Hell. Be Rooted and Possess the Nature of the Word That You’ve Experienced Until now, you’ve experienced God’s Word under His protection. Now, you must hold onto the Word that you’ve   experienced as your evidence and lay roots. More importantly, take God’s Word regarding the future and make it yournature. Everyone has his or her God-given time schedule. For the sake of that day, personalize the covenant and break down the areas in your life that are blocked.   There will be times when you fall into crises and have conflicts with people. During those times, don’t waver; instead, constantly stay close to “only Jehovah God” and firmly grab hold of the accurate covenant. In doing so, God will surely give you the one-hundred-year answer.

  5. 2021. 08. 27.

    [MP3]The Summit’s Time Schedule (2021.08.28)

    The Summit’s Time Schedule  Exodus 3:18~20│ And they will listen to your voice, and you and the elders of Israel shall go to the king of Egypt and say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us; and now, please let us go a three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God.’ (18) God has always given His Word and kept His promises with those who have engraved the Word in their hearts. God said that it was “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” Zechariah 4:6 and “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”Acts 1:8 When you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, your eyes will open. Then, what kind of eyes are they? 1.The Eyes to See the Problems of the Age More and more people feel depressed even though there isn’t any reason to be and continue to live meaningless and powerless lives. As these symptoms worsen, some even make extreme decisions that completely alter their lives. Others experience hardships as their feelings, thoughts, and actions undergo extreme changes as well as those whose thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and actions are so abnormal that a normal social life is difficult. Because more and more people commit terrible violations, accidents, and heinous crimes, words like “sociopath” and “psychopath” no longer carry any shock value. That’s why you must be able to see that the cause of all these problems is spiritual. 2.The Eyes to See the Stream of the Bible Various mood disorders and mental illnesses come as a result of problems in the brain, but they also commonly stem from poor parenting and problematic family backgrounds. There is only one way to sever the spiritual background of the family line that is incompetent, mired in poverty, has constant discord, and full of scars. Jesus Christ is the only method to solve the root of all these issues in life.   God has called you in this critical age when people with diseased hearts and minds are increasing to the point that it’s no longer surprising. God Himself has come to give you the Gospel and even now, He is with you and is guiding you through the Holy Spirit. In doing so, you can connect with the Triune God during your time of prayer when you look toward Him and when you meditate on the Word.

  6. 2021. 08. 27. · 비디오

    [Video]The Summit’s Time Schedule (2021.08.28)

    The Summit’s Time Schedule  Exodus 3:18~20│ And they will listen to your voice, and you and the elders of Israel shall go to the king of Egypt and say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us; and now, please let us go a three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God.’ (18) God has always given His Word and kept His promises with those who have engraved the Word in their hearts. God said that it was “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” Zechariah 4:6 and “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”Acts 1:8 When you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, your eyes will open. Then, what kind of eyes are they? 1.The Eyes to See the Problems of the Age More and more people feel depressed even though there isn’t any reason to be and continue to live meaningless and powerless lives. As these symptoms worsen, some even make extreme decisions that completely alter their lives. Others experience hardships as their feelings, thoughts, and actions undergo extreme changes as well as those whose thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and actions are so abnormal that a normal social life is difficult. Because more and more people commit terrible violations, accidents, and heinous crimes, words like “sociopath” and “psychopath” no longer carry any shock value. That’s why you must be able to see that the cause of all these problems is spiritual. 2.The Eyes to See the Stream of the Bible Various mood disorders and mental illnesses come as a result of problems in the brain, but they also commonly stem from poor parenting and problematic family backgrounds. There is only one way to sever the spiritual background of the family line that is incompetent, mired in poverty, has constant discord, and full of scars. Jesus Christ is the only method to solve the root of all these issues in life.   God has called you in this critical age when people with diseased hearts and minds are increasing to the point that it’s no longer surprising. God Himself has come to give you the Gospel and even now, He is with you and is guiding you through the Holy Spirit. In doing so, you can connect with the Triune God during your time of prayer when you look toward Him and when you meditate on the Word.

  7. 2021. 08. 26.

    [MP3]Church Officers Who Resolved (2021.08.27)

    Church Officers Who Resolved  Daniel 1:8~9│ “But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs,” Although Daniel was held captive, he was recognized for his abilities and became a high-ranking official for a powerful nation. If he had lost hold of the essence of the Gospel, he would’ve lost himself in comfort and security while eating very well and drinking sweet wine. However, Daniel, who was moved by the Spirit of Jehovah God, looked at the age and lived a completely different life because he had seen God’s desires. Then, what did Daniel see? 1.Those Who Know the Reason Daniel lived in an age when nobody knew God and the entire nation was sized by the culture of darkness and worshiped idols. Daniel, who believed in God and held onto the covenant, resolved to not eat meat or drink wine. However, the king’s evil officials tried to frame Daniel who had gained the king’s trust. Even though Daniel knew that his life was in danger, he prayed three times a day and gave thanks to God as he had done previously. Daniel sought and followed God’s desires instead of adhering to the standards of the world or people’s perceptions.   2.Those Who Know a Different Reason If you don’t have a clear goal, you’ll snoop around and become easily caught up in places where people gather. Because the Israelites had lost hold of the Gospel, the temple was destroyed, and they were taken as captives. The same is true today. Although God has called you as the main figure of world evangelization, if you don’t have any interest in God’s desires, you’ll eventually be controlled by the spirit of the world and live as a captive to the culture of darkness. The sole method of solving the various kinds of mental illnesses and lethargy of this age is “only Jesus Christ.” With the Gospel, anyone can be restored and revived. Starting today, you must hold onto a different reason given by God as your life’s goal and direction.

  8. 2021. 08. 26. · 비디오

    [Video]Church Officers Who Resolved (2021.08.27)

    Church Officers Who Resolved  Daniel 1:8~9│ “But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs,” Although Daniel was held captive, he was recognized for his abilities and became a high-ranking official for a powerful nation. If he had lost hold of the essence of the Gospel, he would’ve lost himself in comfort and security while eating very well and drinking sweet wine. However, Daniel, who was moved by the Spirit of Jehovah God, looked at the age and lived a completely different life because he had seen God’s desires. Then, what did Daniel see? 1.Those Who Know the Reason Daniel lived in an age when nobody knew God and the entire nation was sized by the culture of darkness and worshiped idols. Daniel, who believed in God and held onto the covenant, resolved to not eat meat or drink wine. However, the king’s evil officials tried to frame Daniel who had gained the king’s trust. Even though Daniel knew that his life was in danger, he prayed three times a day and gave thanks to God as he had done previously. Daniel sought and followed God’s desires instead of adhering to the standards of the world or people’s perceptions.   2.Those Who Know a Different Reason If you don’t have a clear goal, you’ll snoop around and become easily caught up in places where people gather. Because the Israelites had lost hold of the Gospel, the temple was destroyed, and they were taken as captives. The same is true today. Although God has called you as the main figure of world evangelization, if you don’t have any interest in God’s desires, you’ll eventually be controlled by the spirit of the world and live as a captive to the culture of darkness. The sole method of solving the various kinds of mental illnesses and lethargy of this age is “only Jesus Christ.” With the Gospel, anyone can be restored and revived. Starting today, you must hold onto a different reason given by God as your life’s goal and direction.


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