Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Dr. Eric Berg
Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast podcast

Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.


    The Healthiest Meal You Could EVER Eat

    DATA: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15531486/ Let’s look at the best food sources of the most important vitamins and minerals. When it comes to protein, grass-fed beef, lamb, and goat are the best sources. People often think carrots are high in vitamin A, but they don't contain the active form. Retinol, the active form of vitamin A, is found in liver, fish, cod liver oil, and egg yolk. There are two types of iron: non-heme iron, found in plants, which is not very absorbable, and heme iron, found in liver and red meat. Red meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and liver are all excellent sources of B vitamins. You can get B vitamins from grains, but grains contain phytic acid, which blocks the absorption of trace minerals. Nutritional yeast and sunflower seeds are also good sources of B vitamins. Collagen is a protein that makes up ⅓ of the body's protein. Consuming the skin from meat and fish, bone broth, and organ meats can help supply the body with collagen. Cod liver oil, sardines, and fatty fish help provide vitamin D3, but the sun is the best source. Supplements can be helpful if you can't get enough sunshine. Shellfish, cod, dairy, eggs, sea kelp, and sea salt are the best sources of iodine. Shellfish, organ meat, red meat, and Brazil nuts are the best sources of selenium. Oysters, beef, organ meats, and pumpkin seeds are the best sources of zinc. Fatty fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. You can get ALA from algae, the precursor to omega-3 fatty acids. Fish and dairy contain magnesium, but not very much. Pumpkin seeds, greens, and chocolate are the best food sources. Animal foods are also not the best source of potassium. Consume plenty of greens and avocado to help get potassium. Check out these meal ideas that include foods high in nutrients: •Steak, eggs, salad •Burger, cheese, sauerkraut •Liver, onions, cauliflower •Egg, avocado •Sardines, tomato •Tuna salad with nutritional yeast •Salmon, carrots, Brussels sprouts •Shellfish, mashed cauliflower •Short ribs, cheese, tomato

    10 min

    You Will NEVER Eat Bread Again after Watching This

    Link to More Bread Recipes Here: https://drbrg.co/3T7xZbd Try this healthy Keto-Friendly Einkorn Bread recipe! ‌Ingredients •1/2 cup Einkorn flour •1 cup almond flour •1/4 cup coconut flour •1/4 cup ground flaxseed •2 teaspoons baking powder •1/2 teaspoon salt •1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum •1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk •4 large eggs •1/4 cup melted butter •1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar •1 teaspoon stevia or erythritol (optional, for a sweeter taste) •1/2 cup shredded cheese (optional, for a more savory flavor) Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 350°F and grease or line a 9x5-inch loaf pan with parchment. 2. Combine dry ingredients (Einkorn, almond, and coconut flours, flaxseed, baking powder, salt, and xanthan gum). Mix until thoroughly combined. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients (eggs, melted butter, almond milk, apple cider vinegar, and sweetener). Ensure the wet ingredients are well blended. 4. Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Stir gently until the mixture forms a thick batter. Be careful not to overmix. 5. Fold in optional ingredients such as shredded cheese, herbs, or spices. 6. Transfer the batter to the loaf pan and smooth the top with an offset spatula to ensure the mixture is evenly distributed. 7. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the bread is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If the top is browning too quickly, cover it loosely with aluminum foil. 8. Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. Then, transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely. 9. Once the bread has cooled, slice it with a sharp bread knife. Serve it plain, toasted, or with your favorite keto-friendly toppings like avocado, butter, or cheese. Einkorn is an ancient grain that has not been altered in a long time. Einkorn bread doesn’t have quite the same texture or mouthfeel as bread that's high in gluten, but it's close, and very few people have gut reactions to it. Modern grains are very high in phytic acid—a compound that binds with minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and copper. Phytic acid is not absorbed in the small intestine, so you won’t be able to absorb the minerals it binds with. Some cultures that consume high amounts of bread have zinc and iron deficiencies because of the phytic acid. In the U.S., bread sometimes contains BVO or potassium bromate, ingredients banned in Europe. Wheat in the U.S. is often dried out with glyphosate, the chemical found in Roundup. Toasting bread creates acrylamide, which may lead to cancer.

    8 min

    I used to look like this…

    DOWNLOAD THE WALLET CUTOUT CARD HERE: https://bit.ly/3TsJJ8s In this podcast, I’m going to tell you how to reshape your face naturally and get rid of a moon face. One of the most common symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome is a “moon face.” Cushing’s syndrome is characterized by high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Chronic high cortisol over a period of time can cause fat face syndrome. It can also be caused by the drug Prednisone. Cortisol can redistribute fat to different parts of the body, causing you to store fat in the face and the midsection. Over time, it can cause a hump on the back, red cheeks, thinner legs, and weak muscles in the legs and buttocks. Your cholesterol and lipids may rise, and you’ll start losing potassium and retaining sodium. This sends your blood pressure straight up, vitamin D levels decrease, and your immune system suffers. Cortisol indirectly causes a puffy face by breaking down protein and turning it into glucose. This spikes insulin, a fat-storing hormone. In the presence of too much insulin, you won't be able to lose fat. Carbohydrates, frequent eating, seed oils, nutrient deficiencies, stress, overexercising, and certain medications also trigger insulin. Try these 5 tips to reshape your face. 1. Eat less frequently Cut out the snacks between the meals and do intermittent fasting. This forces your body to use body fat as fuel between meals. 2. Change your diet Cut down your carb intake, specifically avoiding sugar and starch. Print my card cutout that shows you the ingredients to avoid! 3. Increase protein Look for high-quality grass-fed meat such as beef, lamb, or goat. 4. Lower stress levels Go for long walks, exercise, and do physical work. Avoid excessive phone use. 5. Try to get extra sleep Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Even if you wake up early, try to go back to sleep if possible!

    10 min
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    11 Bizarre Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency (You NEED to Know)

    Today, I’m going to tell you about some of the symptoms that you probably didn’t know were related to vitamin D deficiency. The most common signs that you’re vitamin D deficient include lower back pain, depression, high blood pressure, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. Blood tests only show you the inactive form of vitamin D and don't tell you about vitamin D at the cellular level. Instead, look out for some of the surprising signs of vitamin D deficiency. 1. Head sweating This is typically seen in infants but can also be seen in teenagers and adults. 2. Sweating more at night If you’re vitamin D deficient, you may sweat excessively, even if the room is cool. You might also wake up with a moist pillow. 3. Mood swings Vitamin D controls mood regulation, so if you’re deficient, you could experience a range of moods in a short time. 4. Procrastinating If you constantly put things off for later, you could be vitamin D deficient! 5. Panic attacks Low vitamin D levels can cause panic attacks, so try taking high doses of vitamin D3 if you’re experiencing them. 6. Achiness Achiness in the pelvis, lower back, hips, and upper legs is often a sign of low vitamin D. 7. Loss of muscle strength If you have low vitamin D, you won’t have enough calcium in the muscles. Calcium allows the muscle to contract and is also involved in muscle production. 8. Stiffness Stiffness related to vitamin D deficiency usually occurs in the knees and fingers. This is related to inflammation, weakened cartilage, and weakened collagen. 9. Chronic fatigue Vitamin D supports your mitochondria, the energy factories of the cell. Without enough vitamin D, you can’t make energy. 10. Slowed down thinking Vitamin D deficiency can cause diminished cognitive function. 11. Difficulty feeling satisfied If you’re vitamin D deficient, you might not feel satisfied after eating, and you’ll have a tendency to overeat. Consider taking around 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day, along with the cofactors magnesium, vitamin K2, zinc, and vitamin B6.

    14 min
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    You Will NEVER Eat Sugar Again after This Video

    Let's talk about the side effects of sugar and how to cut sugar from the diet. The average person consumes 74 teaspoons of sugar per day. Since there are over 200 different names for sugar and types of hidden sugar, many people don’t realize how much they’re consuming. Food addiction expert Dr. Joan Ifland explains that you get a surge of dopamine when you consume sugar. The dopamine cells in your brain are not equipped to handle this surge, which is why you crash within 20 minutes. Over time, the dopamine receptor stops working, and you will need more sugar to achieve the same dopamine surge. You can reverse sugar addiction and get your body into a state of fat-burning called ketosis in as little as 72 hours! You will no longer crave sugar. Willpower alone does not usually get rid of sugar cravings. To get into ketosis and eliminate sugar cravings, you have to get your body to burn fat. Try these tips to get into ketosis and eliminate your sugar cravings for good: 1. Keep your carbs below 30 grams per day. 2. Change your environment and get your friends and family on board. Hide junk food or remove it from your house altogether. 3. Find pick-me-ups other than sugar. Exercise, dancing, music, laughter, long walks, nature, and helping others can increase endorphins and oxytocin without depleting your dopamine receptors. Physical work is also very therapeutic. If you fall off the wagon and give in to sugar cravings, don't beat yourself up. Use it as a learning experience! Consume protein and fat to minimize the damage caused by a slip-up.

    7 min
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    7 Bad Habits That Can Ruin Your Liver

    1. Over-the-counter pills Tylenol is the number 1 cause of acute liver failure. Many people don’t realize the dangers of over-the-counter medications. Some people even take them routinely. Milk thistle increases liver regeneration and has unique properties that support liver health. NAC also protects the liver. 2. Sedentary lifestyle Eating calories that you’re not burning off causes damage and oxidative stress at the cellular level. Exercise can burn off excess fuel, strengthen the immune system, increase oxygen throughout the body, and reduce stress. Try to get into the habit of regular exercise or physical work. 3. Unhealthy diet Seed oil combined with starch or sugar is the basis for almost all junk food and is highly damaging to the body, especially the liver. These foods create insulin resistance in the liver, which is at the root of chronic health concerns such as belly fat, obesity, fatty liver, and high blood pressure. 4. Eating for convenience Many people live busy lives and eat on the go. This usually means fast food, poor-quality food, and poor-quality protein, which is damaging to liver health. Take the time to prepare your meals and plan what you will eat for the week. 5. Stress Stress can cause sleep problems that interfere with your blood sugar levels. Chronic stress can even activate dormant viruses. Vitamin B1, vitamin D, exercise, and long walks can all help reduce stress. 6. Alcohol Alcohol goes straight to the liver! Mixed drinks are the worst because they contain alcohol and sugar. Avoid making alcohol a part of your everyday routine. 7. Vitamin deficiencies Phytonutrients are essential for liver function. Consume cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and arugula regularly to help the liver detoxify. Salads with garlic and onion, grass-fed beef, and wild fish are rich in nutrients that help protect the liver.

    11 min
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    You Will Never Get High Blood Pressure after Watching This Video

    Today, I’m going to tell you how to prevent hypertension and how to get rid of it if you already have it. Around 95% of high blood pressure is classified as essential high blood pressure, which means the cause is unknown. Around 20% of the time, hypertensive medication doesn’t work because blood pressure is just a symptom of an underlying problem! If you treat a symptom and don’t address the root cause, you’re only camouflaging the problem. Vitamin D deficiency can cause hypertension. Your body's water pressure control system runs higher if you’re low in vitamin D, causing vasoconstriction in the arteries and increasing blood pressure. When this system goes up, it also causes sodium retention. More sodium and more water mean higher blood pressure. Potassium protects against excess sodium, but most people don’t get enough. You need 4700 mg daily. The risk of high blood pressure goes up during the winter when vitamin D is lower due to lower sun exposure. If you have darker skin, you’re at an increased risk of high blood pressure and vitamin D deficiency. Genetic high blood pressure problems are usually associated with a genetic problem with vitamin D. Insulin resistance is also connected to high blood pressure. If you eat a lot of carbs or snacks frequently, you may develop insulin resistance, a precursor for high blood glucose and the root cause of many chronic health concerns, including a fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and belly fat. If there's too much calcium in your arteries, they can become stiff, increasing your blood pressure. Vitamin K2 can help direct calcium to the bone and teeth. It’s also vital that you have enough magnesium to prevent calcium buildup and clotting. High blood pressure is typically treated with calcium channel blockers and beta blockers. Magnesium may act as a natural calcium channel blocker and beta blocker. Try the following 4 things to lower blood pressure naturally: 1. 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D daily 2. 800 mg of magnesium glycinate daily 3. Low-carb diet 4. Increase potassium intake

    8 min

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Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.

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