50 episodes

Wayne Dyer so wisely said, "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be." I couldn't agree more! Since everything is energy and emanates a mood, it is vital that empaths and highly sensitive people learn how to mitigate the energy around them by managing their energy mindfully and purposely. The difference between someone who minds their energy and one who doesn't can be determined by their health and wellbeing. Once you embrace and cultivate your empathic self, you become an Enchanted Empath who uses her sensitivity as her healing superpower!

Join me every Thursday at noon, pacific time, to learn powerful practices that will help you raise your vibe and manage your energy to radically improve the quality of your life in every area! Feel free to visit my website to get a glimpse into my work: https://charlenemurphy.com/

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Empaths are here to heal the world but first, we must heal ourselves.

Enchanted Empath Charlene Murphy

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 4 Ratings

Wayne Dyer so wisely said, "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be." I couldn't agree more! Since everything is energy and emanates a mood, it is vital that empaths and highly sensitive people learn how to mitigate the energy around them by managing their energy mindfully and purposely. The difference between someone who minds their energy and one who doesn't can be determined by their health and wellbeing. Once you embrace and cultivate your empathic self, you become an Enchanted Empath who uses her sensitivity as her healing superpower!

Join me every Thursday at noon, pacific time, to learn powerful practices that will help you raise your vibe and manage your energy to radically improve the quality of your life in every area! Feel free to visit my website to get a glimpse into my work: https://charlenemurphy.com/

This is a great time to "chat in" and get live coaching.

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Empaths are here to heal the world but first, we must heal ourselves.

    Day 6: Exploring Your Spiritual Path & Community

    Day 6: Exploring Your Spiritual Path & Community

    Today, on day six of our 22-day psychic cleanse, let's dive deep into the importance of aligning our spiritual path with our higher selves and finding a supportive community that resonates with our authenticity.

    In the vast tapestry of spiritual exploration, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the myriad of paths and beliefs. However, just as the Hierophant in the Tarot offers guidance and wisdom, we too can find clarity by connecting with our higher selves and seeking out a community that mirrors our spiritual journey.

    Our spiritual path is not just a series of rituals or practices; it's a reflection of our inner truth and purpose. When we align with our higher selves, we tap into a wellspring of wisdom and guidance that leads us toward growth and fulfillment.


    But the journey doesn't end there. Along the way, it's essential to surround ourselves with a community that supports and uplifts us on our path. Whether it's through shared beliefs, experiences, or values, our spiritual community provides us with the nourishment and encouragement we need to thrive.

    "The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth."

    Ram Dass

    In a world that often pulls us away from our authentic selves, finding a spiritual tribe is like coming home to our true essence. It's a place where we can express ourselves freely, without judgment or pretense, and where we can celebrate the beauty of our individual journeys while honoring the interconnectedness of all beings.

    So, as we continue our psychic cleanse, let us embrace the journey of self-discovery and authenticity. Let us connect with our higher selves and seek out a community that resonates with the truth of who we are. And let us remember that in this journey of the soul, we are never alone.

    The Hierophant


    Let's delve into the profound wisdom of the Hierophant card, This esteemed figure holds a pivotal place in the Tarot deck, offering invaluable lessons for those who seek spiritual insight.

    There he stands, dignified and resolute, a beacon of tradition, authority, and spiritual knowledge. The Hierophant beckons us to honor the wisdom of those who came before us, to respect the teachings of tradition, and to seek guidance from sources of profound insight.

    However, do not mistake the Hierophant's reverence for blind obedience. Far from it! This card reminds us that true wisdom stems from a balance of respect for tradition and the courage to question, to challenge, and to forge our own paths. It's about embracing our individual journey while acknowledging the wisdom of those who have paved the way before us.

    And let's not overlook the importance of community in the Hierophant's teachings. Just as he is often depicted surrounded by disciples, this card emphasizes the power of finding like-minded individuals who share our spiritual values and support our growth. Whether it's a spiritual group, a mentor, or a circle of friends, our community provides a nurturing environment for our spiritual evolution.

    So, as you tap into the energy of the Hierophant, heed his call to honor tradition, question authority, and seek the support of your spiritual community. In doing so, you'll tap into a wellspring of wisdom that will guide you on your journey toward enlightenment.

    Tradition and Ritual

    Now, let's talk tradition. Think of it as the glue that holds families and cultures together. From grandma's secret recipes to holiday customs...

    • 27 min
    Day 5: Self Authority & Ruling Your Realm

    Day 5: Self Authority & Ruling Your Realm

    Welcome back to our journey through the mystical realms of self-discovery. Today marks Day 5 of our 22-day psychic cleanse. By now you should be aware and amazed at how beautifully and powerfully you are equipped with unlimited resources and gifts.

    And the hero's journey continues... Picture this: you're sitting at the helm of your life, steering confidently through the ebbs and flows of existence, just like the Emperor in the Tarot deck. What does that image conjure for you? Authority, responsibility, and a sense of calm command, right? Well, my friends, that's precisely the energy we're tapping into today.

    The Emperor

    Our focus on Day 5 is all about embracing our innate self-authority, much like the Emperor archetype. But what does that mean exactly? It's about taking ownership of our choices, actions, and ultimately, our lives, in a cool, collected manner. No frantic emotions or knee-jerk reactions here—just good ol' fashioned self-assurance.


    "You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of," as Jack Canfield once wisely said. This quote beautifully encapsulates the essence of taking 100% responsibility for our lives—acknowledging our power to shape our own destinies by taking ownership of our thoughts, actions, and choices.

    You see, one of the biggest pitfalls we encounter on our journey towards self-realization is the tendency to seek external validation and guidance at every turn. We're bombarded with advice, opinions, and societal norms that dictate how we should live, love, and even think. But here's the kicker: one size does not fit all.

    Just like the Emperor who rules his kingdom with wisdom and discernment, we too are equipped with all the tools we need to navigate our own unique paths. It's about tuning into our internal compass, trusting our instincts, and honoring the wisdom that resides within.

    But let's address the elephant in the room, shall we? Taking full responsibility for ourselves can be daunting. It requires us to step into our power, to confront our fears and insecurities head-on. It means no more playing the blame game. But here's the beauty of it: when we fully embrace our self-authority, we become the architects of our own destiny.

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    But here's where it gets even more fascinating. Have you ever heard of the solar plexus chakra? It's the energy center located in the upper abdomen, and it's often associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. Just like the Emperor draws strength from his unwavering sense of authority, our solar plexus chakra serves as the energetic powerhouse that fuels our sense of self.

    When this chakra is balanced and vibrant, we radiate with confidence and assertiveness, ready to take on whatever challenges life throws our way. But when it's blocked or stagnant, we may feel insecure, indecisive, or even powerless. That's why it's crucial to nurture and honor our solar plexus, allowing its energy to flow freely and unobstructed.

    Think of it as running your own race, free from the constraints of comparison or external expectations. You set the pace, chart the course, and celebrate every milestone along the way. It's a liberating experience, my friends—one that allows us to live authentically and in alignment with our true selves.

    So, how do we cultivate this sense of self-authority in our daily lives? Start by practicing self-love and self-acceptance. Celebrate your strengths and acknowledge your accomplishment...

    • 15 min
    Day 4: Nurturing Abundance with The Empress

    Day 4: Nurturing Abundance with The Empress

    Welcome back to our journey through the 22-day psychic cleanse. Today, we're diving deep into the wondrous realm of abundance, creation, and the beauty that surrounds us every single day.

    From the vibrant hues of a sunset to the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, nature offers us a tapestry of delights, inviting us to partake in its boundless splendor. Yet, all too often, we overlook these gifts, blind to the wealth that lies right before our eyes.

    The Empress

    Imagine yourself as the Empress in the Tarot deck – radiant, abundant, and fully equipped to revel in the beauty that surrounds you. You possess an innate capacity to create and manifest your desires, tapping into the infinite wellspring of creativity that lies within.

    Enter the sacral chakra – the energy center located in our lower abdomen, associated with pleasure, creativity, and abundance. Just like the vibrant hues of a sunset or the melodic chirping of birdsong, the sacral chakra serves as a conduit for experiencing life's joys to the fullest just like The Empress.

    In our quest for abundance, let's not forget one crucial aspect – the importance of self-care and nurturing. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, it's essential to tend to our own well-being with the same care and attention we give to others.

    Amidst the whirlwind of daily life, it's all too easy to neglect ourselves, prioritizing the needs of others above our own. But here's the truth – by neglecting ourselves, we inadvertently block the flow of abundance into our lives. Just like a garden needs tending to flourish, so too do our bodies, minds, and spirits require nurturing to thrive.

    So, let's take a moment to honor ourselves – body, mind, and soul. Whether it's indulging in a soothing bubble bath, taking a leisurely stroll in nature, or simply basking in the warmth of self-love, let's make self-care a non-negotiable part of our daily routine.

    But here's the real kicker – abundance isn't just some distant goal to strive for; it's your birthright. Yes, you heard that right! You are inherently deserving of all the blessings that life has to offer. So, embrace your divine essence, and let the riches of the universe flow into your life with effortless ease.

    As we continue our journey through the psychic cleanse, let's make a conscious effort to open our hearts and minds to the abundance that envelops us. Whether it's a simple act of gratitude or a moment of quiet contemplation amidst nature's splendor, let's revel in the boundless beauty that surrounds us.

    So, my fellow spiritual seekers, I leave you with this – may you nurture yourselves with love and care, tending to your own inner garden with reverence and compassion. And in doing so, may you unlock the floodgates of abundance, allowing the riches of the universe to flow into your life with grace and ease. Until next time, stay blessed, stay abundant, and keep shining bright!

    Cleansing Exercise

    While out and about today, notice the abundance that surrounds you. What do you see? Follow up by treating yourself to something that nurtures or pampers you.

    Journal Prompt 

    Reflecting on the concept of abundance and self-care explored in today's lesson, take a moment to delve into your own relationship with these ideas.

    * How do you currently perceive abundance in your life? Take inventory of the blessings, both big and small, that surround you on a daily basis.

    * Consider your self-care routine. Do you prioritize nurturing your own well-being,

    • 27 min
    Day 3: Leveraging Your Intuition

    Day 3: Leveraging Your Intuition

    Welcome back to our journey through the mystical realms of the psychic cleanse. Today, on Day 3, we're diving deep into the magical world of intuition – that inner compass that guides us towards our highest truths.

    Intuition is Your Superpower

    Intuition, my friends, is a superpower we all possess. It's that gut feeling, that inner knowing that whispers to us in moments of doubt, nudging us in the right direction. Think of it as your own personal GPS for navigating life's twists and turns.

    But here's the thing – in a world bombarded with external noise and distractions, it's easy to overlook the wisdom of our intuition. We're constantly seeking validation from external sources – be it friends, family, or the ever-tempting Google search – instead of tapping into the well of wisdom within ourselves.

    And let me tell you, that's where the confusion sets in. When we rely solely on external information, we're essentially looking for answers in all the wrong places. Sure, outside guidance can be helpful at times, but deep down, we already know what's best for us. Our intuition is like a faithful friend, always there to steer us back on course.

    The High Priestess

    Now, picture yourself as the High Priestess in the Tarot deck – wise, intuitive, and deeply connected to your inner wisdom. Like her, we too are fully equipped to unlock the mysteries of our own hearts and minds. All it takes is a willingness to quiet the noise around us and tune into the whispers of our soul.

    So, how do we tap into this wellspring of intuition? It starts by opening our hearts and minds to the possibilities that lie within. Meditation, journaling, and mindfulness practices are powerful tools for quieting the mind and connecting with our higher selves.

    But perhaps the most important step is learning to trust ourselves. Trust that inner voice that speaks with unwavering clarity, even amidst the chaos of daily life. Trust that we are capable of making decisions that align with our highest good.

    Remember, dear friends, you are the architect of your own destiny. Your intuition is your greatest ally on this journey called life. So, embrace it, nurture it, and let it guide you towards your most authentic self.

    Cleansing Exercise

    Your heart is the seat of your soul and the voice of your intuition. It knows everything. Sometime today when you're uncertain about a person, place or situation, place your hand on your heart and ask it to tell you the truth of your uncertainty. You can simply say, "If you knew the truth of this situation, you would tell me..." Release it. You may get an answer immediately or the answer will "pop" into your awareness later. Trust what you receive.

    Journal Prompt 

    Today's journal prompt is all about tapping into the power of hindsight and reflecting on a time when we went against our intuition. We've all been there – that moment when our gut was screaming at us to take a different path, but for whatever reason, we chose to ignore it.

    Think back to a specific moment in your life when you felt that inner tug-of-war between what you knew in your heart to be true and the external forces pulling you in a different direction.

    Maybe it was a decision about a job, a relationship, or even something as simple as what to have for dinner. Whatever it was, take some time to really explore the circumstances surrounding that decision and how you ultimately chose to proceed.

    Now, here's where the magic happens – reflect on the results that occurred as a result of ...

    • 43 min
    Day 2: Embracing Your Inner Magician

    Day 2: Embracing Your Inner Magician

    Hey there, fellow seekers of light and wisdom! Welcome back to day 2 of our transformative journey through the 22-Day Psychic Cleanse. Today, we're diving deep into the incredible power of our minds and our innate ability to manifest the desires of our hearts. So grab your journal, brew a cup of herbal tea, and let's embark on this empowering exploration together.

    If you haven’t already, instantly download your free 22-Day Psychic Cleanse Journal to record your experience.

    Your Mind is Magic

    As we venture further into our psychic cleanse, it's crucial to understand the profound influence our minds have over our reality. Just like the enigmatic Magician in the Tarot deck, we are fully equipped with all the tools we need to shape our lives according to our deepest desires. From the moment we take our first breath, we are imbued with the divine gift of creation – it's our birthright, a sacred inheritance from the cosmos.

    But here's the thing, dear friends: far too often, we unknowingly give away our power to fears, doubts, and societal expectations. We allow ourselves to be shackled by limiting beliefs, convinced that we are mere pawns in the game of life. We forget that we are the architects of our own destinies, capable of wielding the forces of the universe to manifest miracles beyond our wildest dreams.

    The Magician

    It's time to reclaim that power, to cast off the chains of self-doubt and reclaim our rightful place as co-creators of our reality. The world is brimming with infinite possibilities, just waiting for us to reach out and claim them. But first, we must believe – believe in the boundless potential that resides within us, believe in the magic that courses through our veins, and believe that we are worthy of all the abundance the universe has to offer.

    Manifest with Intention

    So how do we harness this power? How do we tap into the limitless reservoir of divine intelligence that lies dormant within us? The answer lies in the simple act of intention – the conscious decision to align our thoughts, words, and actions with our deepest desires. When we focus our energy with unwavering clarity and conviction, we send out a powerful signal to the universe, beckoning forth the fulfillment of our heart's desires.

    But manifestation is not merely a passive act of wishful thinking; it requires us to take inspired action and trust in the divine timing of the universe. It's about co-creating with the cosmos, surrendering to the flow of life while boldly forging our own path forward. Remember, we are not victims of circumstance – we are masters of our own destiny, capable of transforming our lives in ways we never thought possible.

    As we continue our journey through the psychic cleanse, let's embrace our inner Magician and step into our full power as conscious creators. Let's release the grip of fear and uncertainty and welcome in the abundance, love, and joy that are our birthright. Together, let's weave a tapestry of beauty and wonder, manifesting a life that reflects the radiant essence of our true selves.

    Cleansing Exercise

    While you're out and about today, intend to manifest something simple but out of the ordinary like seeing a cat or man in a hat or receiving a call from someone you haven't heard from in a while. Lock that image away and go about your day and just take notice when your intention manifests itself! Have fun.

    Journal Prompt 

    • 45 min
    22-Day Psychic Cleanse Day 1: Let the Adventure Begin!

    22-Day Psychic Cleanse Day 1: Let the Adventure Begin!

    Welcome to Day 1 of your Spring Psychic Cleanse journey!  Today marks the beginning of something wonderful, and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to embark on this adventure with me!

    If you haven't already, instantly download your free 22-Day Psychic Cleanse Journal to record your experience.

    Embrace the Unknown

    Let’s talk about comfort zones. We all have that cozy spot we love to curl up in, like slipping into your favorite pair of jeans. It’s safe and familiar, but sometimes a bit too snug. Sound familiar?

    As humans, we crave security, but too much of it can stifle our growth. That’s where today’s lesson comes in. We’re diving into the world of uncertainty and embracing the unknown with open arms!

    The Fool

    Think of yourself as the Fool in the Tarot deck—curious, playful, and always ready for adventure. Today, you’re taking a leap into the unfamiliar, and that’s where the magic happens. The Fool is the first card in the Tarot deck representing the ever archetypal Joseph Campbells, "Hero's Journey."

    In the scenario, you are the hero and this is YOUR journey into self-awareness and inner magic!

    Cleansing Exercise

    By shaking up your routine and trying something new, you’re nourishing your soul and preventing burnout. So, why not switch up your route home, try a different yoga class, or experiment with a new hairstyle? The possibilities are endless!

    Journal Prompt

    Throughout the day, pay attention to your reactions and jot down your observations. Tonight, take a moment to reflect on your experiences and write about what you discovered.

    Creative Meditation

    Now, let’s get creative with a meditation exercise. Picture your future self, living your wildest dreams. How have you grown? What risks did you take along the way?


    Repeat after me: “I am eager and excited to be surprised and delighted by the universe today!”

    And remember, embrace the uncertainty with joy and curiosity. Who knows what surprises the universe has in store for you today?

    Here’s to a day filled with endless possibilities! 


    Welcome to the 22 Day Psychic Cleanse - your journey to inner transformation and self-discovery! Over the next three weeks, we'll embark on a soul-nourishing adventure designed to shake off the cobwebs of routine and awaken your spirit to new possibilities.

    Each day holds a new lesson, meditation, and affirmation to guide you on your path to clarity and enlightenment.

    Are you ready to break free from the chains of stagnation and embrace the limitless potential of the universe? Join us as we dive headfirst into the realm of intuition, creativity, and self-discovery. Get ready to ignite your inner spark, cultivate mindfulness, and unleash your full potential.

    Don't miss out – subscribe now and join the 22-Day Spring Psychic Cleanse community today!

    Did you download your free 22-Day Spring Psychic Cleanse Journal? Do that here: https://rb.gy/nnnaig

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    • 41 min

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Fellow Empath Here

I love this podcast! I originally found this podcast on YouTube and had to look it up so I can download and listen during work. You have been extremely helpful and I feel I can relate and I’m so happy I have came across this podcast. Thank you ^_^

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