the Daily Quote

Andrew McGivern

Tune in daily to get a short dose of inspiration to kick start your day in a positive way.

  1. 1H AGO

    Nelson Mandela - I never lose. I either win or learn.

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 16th. Now, if yesterday was Everything You Think Is Wrong Day, today is the much-needed remedy, although we did frame it as the negative self talk and limiting beliefs you have are wrong. But just in case some good thoughts got put in the "wrong" category today's holiday is Everything You Do Is Right Day. That’s right—today, the universe is giving you a free pass. Burn your toast? You meant to make a homemade charcoal art piece. Wear mismatched socks? That’s cutting-edge fashion. Take a wrong turn? Congratulations, you just discovered a new scenic route. And in honor of this glorious day of self-confidence and optimism, today’s quote comes from one of the most inspiring figures of all time, Nelson Mandela, who once said... "I never lose. I either win or learn." Think about that for a second. What Mandela is saying here is that even when things don’t go as planned, there’s still value in the experience. And since today is Everything You Do Is Right Day, that means no losses—only wins or valuable lessons. So if you spill coffee on your shirt this morning, maybe it's a sign you need a new wardrobe. If your Wi-Fi crashes during a Zoom meeting, perhaps that’s fate telling you to take a well-deserved break. See? You can’t go wrong today. Now, of course, this doesn’t mean you should go out and make terrible decisions on purpose—like investing your life savings in some meme coin or challenging a slug to a race just to feel fast. But it does mean you should embrace the idea that every action, every misstep, and every so-called failure is actually part of the journey toward success. So go out there and own your day. Take risks, make bold choices, and if something doesn’t go according to plan, remember: you never lose—you either win or learn. That’s it for today’s episode, I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today. If you enjoyed this, be sure to tune in tomorrow because I'll be back right here, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  2. 1D AGO

    Buddha - Everything You Think Is Wrong Day

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 15th. Now, brace yourself, because today is Everything You Think Is Wrong Day. Yep, apparently, it’s a whole day dedicated to the idea that whatever you believe, whatever conclusions you’ve drawn, and whatever hot take you’re ready to tweet—well, it might just be completely off-base. A little humbling, right? But also, a great opportunity. And that brings me to today’s quote from Buddha, who once said... "The mind is everything. What you think you become." Now, this is a perfect counterpoint to today’s holiday. If everything you think is wrong, but what you think shapes who you are, then, logically, does that mean… you’ve been shaping yourself into the wrong person? Hopefully not! But here’s the real takeaway: Your thoughts, your beliefs, and your mindset aren’t set in stone. You choose what to believe, and that choice directly impacts your life. So maybe today isn’t just about realizing you might be wrong—it’s about recognizing that being wrong is actually an opportunity. If you can shift your thinking, challenge old assumptions, and open your mind to new perspectives, then you’re not stuck. You’re growing. And if you think you aren't good enough at something you want to do. Maybe, that belief needs to go. And replace it with you are good enough and if you really belief this you will become good enough. So today, embrace being wrong. Laugh at it. Learn from it. And most importantly, remind yourself that just because you think something doesn’t mean it has to be true forever. Change your mind, and you just might change your life. That’s it for today’s episode of The Daily Quote. If this gave you something to think about—wrong or right—be sure to subscribe and join me again tomorrow. Why tomorrow, because I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  3. 2D AGO

    Unkown Author - If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together

    Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 14th. Now, today is Crowdfunding Day, a celebration of the collective power of people coming together to fund ideas, dreams, and, let’s be honest, some really weird inventions. I mean, who wouldn’t want a smart toaster that prints your selfie onto a piece of bread? But at its core, crowdfunding is about believing in something before it exists, investing in potential, and trusting that a good idea—when supported by enough people—can turn into something great. About something bigger: the idea that when people unite around a shared vision, incredible things can happen. And that brings us to today’s quote and I don't know who said it because it is an African proverb without a known author. But somebody once said... “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This proverb is a perfect reflection of why crowdfunding works—not just for raising money, but for achieving anything meaningful in life. Sure, you can sprint ahead on your own, but real success, the kind that lasts, is built with the support of others. Whether it’s launching a business, pursuing a creative dream, or making a big life change, having the right people behind you makes all the difference. The most successful ventures aren’t just about one person’s vision—they thrive because a community believes in them. So, on this Crowdfunding Day, ask yourself: What’s something you’ve been trying to do alone that might be even better with a little help? That’s it for today’s episode. If this message inspired you, don’t keep it to yourself—share it! After all, the best ideas thrive when supported by a crowd. Thanks for listening, I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today but I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  4. 3D AGO

    Albert Schweitzer - The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 13th. Today is National Good Samaritan Day, a reminder that kindness still exists—even outside of heartwarming internet cat snuggling up to the dog videos. This day is all about doing good deeds for others without expecting anything in return. It’s a chance to be that person who holds the door open, helps someone with their groceries, or—if you're feeling extra generous—doesn’t correct someone when they’re clearly wrong about a trivial fact. That brings us to today’s quote from legendary author and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer, who once said: "The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others."Now, Schweitzer was a theologian, philosopher, physician, and Nobel Peace Prize winner—so he had a pretty solid resume when it came to helping others. And while you and I might not be saving lives on a daily basis, the idea here is simple: life has more meaning when we focus on serving others rather than just ourselves. And no, that doesn’t mean you have to become a monk or dedicate your life to charity work (unless you want to, of course). It just means that small acts of kindness add up. The way you treat people—whether it’s your friends, family, coworkers, or even a stranger on the street—matters. And the best part? Being kind doesn’t cost a thing. Well… unless your act of kindness involves paying for someone's coffee. But hey, it’s cheaper than therapy! It could mean volunteering at a local shelter, mentoring someone or donating blood... all of those things count. So today, take Schweitzer’s words to heart. Be a Good Samaritan. Help someone out, show some compassion, and maybe—just maybe—make the world a little better, one small act at a time. That’s it for today’s episode. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me. If this quote inspired you, go out and live it. And if you really want to spread the kindness, feel free to share this episode with someone who needs it. I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today but I’ll be back tomorrow - same pod time, same pod station with another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  5. 4D AGO

    Mark Twain – Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to the Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 12th. Now, did you know that today is National No Smoking Day? That’s right—today is all about encouraging people to quit smoking and breathe a little easier. It’s a day to ditch the cigarettes, break free from the habit, and—let’s be honest— potentially save a life and a ridiculous amount of money. Have you seen cigarette prices lately? At this point, quitting smoking is practically an investment strategy. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little skeptical about this national holiday. I mean are there really any smokers left out there? Really? Ok... So, in honor of No Smoking Day, today’s quote comes from Mark Twain, who had plenty to say about vices. He once said, "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.” Classic Twain—sharp wit with a hint of brutal honesty. And let’s be real, if you’ve ever tried to quit a bad habit, you know exactly what he means. Breaking free from something ingrained in your routine isn’t just about willpower; it’s about persistence. Falling off the wagon isn’t failure—it’s just another chance to climb back on. Or is it off... I don't know. So if you or someone you know is trying to quit, remember: it’s not about perfection. It’s about progress. And if Mark Twain could try thousands of times, well… you've got at least a few attempts in you, too. But the last time you quit - when it finally sticks it will probably be because you know longer accept that you are smoker. Because smoking is gross and you don't want to be gross! When someone asks you if you want a smoke you will say that's disgusting. I'm not one of those! And it will be true because your identity has changed. And that is the only way to make a long term change. Either you quit using willpower and over a long time you slowly change your identity. Or you decide right now that you are a non-smoker... or whatever it is your trying to change. That's how I see it anyway. That’s it for today. If you enjoyed it, be sure to follow the podcast so you never miss a dose of daily inspiration. And if you know someone who could use this message, send it their way—just maybe not while they’re having a smoke break. Let them have that last one... I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today but I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote..

    3 min
  6. 5D AGO

    Diane Ackerman - Smell is the mute sense, the one without words

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 11th. Now, let’s talk about today’s national holiday. Its Debunking Day today. A day where we get to have fun debunking all the fake news your social media friends are posting all day long. Wait let me fact check this. Ok... Yes it is in fact Debunking Day today but I just noticed it's also Wash Your Nose Day! Yes, that’s a real thing, I trust my sources on this one. Today is all about nasal hygiene. We wash our hands, our faces, even behind our ears, but how often do we think about cleaning our noses? Considering they’re our body’s built-in air filters, maybe it’s time we show those nostrils a little love. Your nose is your body’s first line of defense against all the dust, allergens, and mystery particles floating around in the air. Today is a reminder that nasal hygiene is just as important as washing other places —because breathing freely is one of life’s simple joys. That brings us to today’s quote from the poet Diane Ackerman, who once said: “Smell is the mute sense, the one without words.” Think about it—your sense of smell is deeply tied to memory and emotion. The smell of fresh-baked cookies can take you back to childhood, a certain perfume can remind you of someone special, and the scent of rain can bring a sense of peace. But when your nose is clogged, all of that disappears. It’s only when we lose our sense of smell—whether from a cold, allergies, or worse—that we realize how much it shapes our world. So today, take a moment to appreciate the little things—like the smell of coffee in the morning, fresh flowers, or even just clean, fresh air. And if you’re feeling stuffed up, maybe give your nose a little rinse. Because life smells a whole lot better when you can actually breathe it in. I saw a Youtube video a while back covering the top home remedies for the common cold and flu and one of the remedies was nasal irrigation. The doctor narrating the video said of all the remedies this one is the most supported by science. Well in the spirit of Debunking Day lets check that claim out... According to some studies that Perplexity brought up for me... nasal irrigation using a saline solution can provide some relief for symptoms associated with the common cold or flu but the consensus in the research seems to suggest that it is adjunctive treatment rather than curative. One key finding is that when parents use nasal irrigation to treat their noses they ended up using less pharmaceutical decongestants and other medications which reduced unnecessary medication use. As seems to be the case every time... the answer is more studies are needed to fully understand the benefits. That’s it for today! If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to follow the The Daily Quote in your podcast app or share it with someone who you think would enjoy it. And don't forget to take care of your sinuses today because it is Wash Your Nose day. I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today, but I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

    5 min
  7. 6D AGO

    Mario – Its not over until we win

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 10th. Now, today is a special day for gamers, nostalgia lovers, and anyone who has ever yelled, "It's-a me, Mario!"—because it’s Mario Day! And why today, you ask? Well, because MAR10 looks like MARIO. Clever, right? Somewhere, a Nintendo marketing executive is still high-fiving themselves over that one. And in honor of the world’s favorite pixelated plumber, today’s quote comes from the mustachioed hero himself: Mario once said, "It's not over until we win!" Now, let’s be real. Mario is no Shakespeare, but the guy does have a point. In every game, he faces lava pits, spiky turtles, and the occasional haunted mansion—all while wearing overalls. And yet, he never quits. No matter how many times Bowser kidnaps Peach (which, at this point, should really be classified as a full-time job), Mario keeps going. And that’s a lesson for all of us. Life throws obstacles at you—some as simple as a banana peel on the road, others as massive as a fire-breathing dragon turtle. But as long as you keep jumping, keep running, and maybe grab a power-up along the way, you’re still in the game. So today, take a little inspiration from Mario. Whether you're facing a tough task, a big challenge, or just trying to make it through your Monday-after-the-weekend slump, remember: It's not over until we win. Thanks for joining me today on The Daily Quote. If you enjoyed this episode, consider sharing it with a friend... I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today but I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station, for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  8. MAR 9

    Lao Tzu - Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time’ is like saying ‘I don’t want to

    The Daily QuLoote podcast page The Daily Quote FACEBOOK page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, for March 9th. Alright, brace yourself—today is the dreaded "Spring Forward" day, also known as Daylight Saving Time (DST). That’s right, if you woke up feeling like you got hit by a truck, it’s not just you. You were robbed of an hour of sleep last night, and society expects you to function like nothing happened. Daylight Saving Time has been around in some form for over a century, originally proposed by George Vernon Hudson, a New Zealand entomologist who just wanted more daylight hours to collect bugs. (Yes, really.) But it was officially adopted during World War I to save energy, and later, in the U.S. and Canada, it became a permanent, twice-a-year ritual of collective sleep deprivation. And now? The debate rages on. Some people argue that DST is outdated, unnecessary, and just plain annoying. Others claim it still helps with energy conservation and gives us longer evenings to enjoy the sun. Meanwhile, most of us just grumble, drink extra coffee, and forget to change the microwave clock for three weeks. This brings us to today’s quote from Lao Tzu, who once said, “Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time’ is like saying ‘I don’t want to.’” Deep, right? Essentially, Lao Tzu is reminding us that time isn’t some wild, uncontrollable force—it’s something we structure and shape based on our priorities. Because you always have time for what truly matters, don't you. Which makes you wonder… if we created time, why do we keep creating problems with it, like Daylight Saving Time? Now, Canada has been toying with the idea of ditching DST altogether. But officials keep saying, "We should coordinate with the U.S. first." Which is funny, because lately, the U.S. doesn’t seem too concerned with coordinating anything with Canada. So maybe it’s time to go rogue—just scrap DST and let them catch up to us if they want to synchronize swatches. That’s all for today. If you feel like you lost an hour, don’t worry—you didn’t really lose it. It just got stolen by an outdated system we all just go along with. Until next time, stay positive, stay caffeinated, and maybe take a nap—you’ve earned it. You just listened to the Daily Quote, if you like it follow the show. And hey, we have a facebook page too (link in the show notes) so you can follow the show there if you want. I'm Andrew McGivern, signing off for today, but I'll be back tomorrow, same pod time, same pod station for another Daily Quote.

    3 min

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    Tune in daily to get a short dose of inspiration to kick start your day in a positive way.

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