Endel for Sleep
Endel for Sleep is a podcast that will give you a deeper insight into Endel’s sleep routine, consisting of the Wind Down and Sleep soundscapes. In the seven episodes of this podcast, you’ll learn how the soundscapes are structured, what sound techniques they use, and how you can make the most of them. You will also experience examples of sound generation for every phase of the sleep process, to get a taste of how the sound functions. Listen to these phases in a direct sequence to see how the sleep routine works as a whole, or use episodes separately for your specific sleep needs. This show is specifically created for Apple Podcasts. Get personalized, science-backed sound support for better sleep and productivity with the Endel app on iOS and Mac. Discover more shows from Endel here: apple.co/endel
Säsong 1
- 7 avsnitt
Program med förmåner för abonnenter
- Kanal
- Skapad avEndel
- Avsnitt7
- Säsonger1
- ÅldersgränsBarnvänligt
- Copyright© Endel Sound Gmbh
- Programmets webbplats
- LeverantörEndel Sound GmbH