疲惫娇娃 CyberPink

《疲惫娇娃 CyberPink》Podcast

疲惫娇娃是一档从荧幕聊到宇宙深处的泛文化播客,用女性的声波延展对世界的参与和想象。 在一个内陷的时代,疲惫娇娃站在中国和美国的交汇点上,用女性的元视角去观察、抵抗、塑造政治和社会对流行文化的影响。我们讨论流动的时代精神、艺术、自由、未来、友谊以及一切使我们获得力量的事物。

  1. 052|Drake和Kendrick怎么闹成这样 Kendrick and Drake’s Rap Beef explained


    052|Drake和Kendrick怎么闹成这样 Kendrick and Drake’s Rap Beef explained

    【聊了什么The What】 纠结了一个夏天,我们还是决定聊一聊Drake和Kendrick的Rap Beef(说唱对决)。对于在国内长大的小杨和一芳来说,来到美国之后面对着从“从未考虑过种族“到迷迷糊糊开始思考自己身份的漫长成长过程。而这个成长过程中很重要的文本就是说唱音乐——更具体地说,是Kendrick Lamar的音乐。 这场Rap Beef不仅仅是两个天才创作者之间争夺影响力的创作对决,还掀起了遍布各个角落的涉及嘻哈文化、性别、种族、艺术创作与商业成功之间的大讨论。在这场rap battle中,多首音乐被制作出来,随着battle的火力程度升级,家暴、恋童等指控成为歌词里面乱飞的字母武器。 这些男性rappers们在个人恩怨中提出的未经证实的指控,是在保护真实的女性,还是名人男性之间相互利用对方对于失去名利的恐惧?这些看似正义的歌词其实与受伤的女性无关?嘻哈音乐是否有内生的厌女倾向,还是它只是反映了手握资源的人们对女性困境的不为所动? As a pop culture podcast, we can’t not talk about one of the biggest cultural moments in hip hop (and beyond): the infamous rap battle between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. But for us here at Cyberpink, dissecting this rap beef goes further than just chronologically listing out who dropped what song when, or the cultural significance of “Not Like Us.” When we first experienced racialization as young immigrants, Kendrick’s profound lyrics were part of the canonical texts we read to understand race and identity in the U.S. Kendrick vs. Drake goes beyond two rappers showing off their creative chops -- it started a whole conversation around how we should consume and evaluate hip hop culture. As insults were traded and the battle escalated, accusations of domestic violence and pedophilia became lyrical weapons casually thrown around; no women or child was spared as partners, sons, daughters, and parents got dragged into the mix. Are these unverified accusations meant to protect real women, or are the two rap stars using each other’s fragile ego and fear of losing fame or wealth for their own gain. What are they gaining -- clout or their name in history as the winner? And at what cost -- women who get caught in the crossfire and further extending hip-hop’s inherent misogynistic tendencies? Is this whole showdown an indication that those with resources are indifferent to women's plight? It’s our job as culture consumers to ask these tough questions. Tune in for our discussion. 【时间轴 The When】 00:00:39 Drake与Kendrick Lamar的说唱对决的前因后果 00:04:57 Drake: 来自加拿大的混血童星和“说唱界变色龙” 00:12:44 Kendrick Lamar: 来自康普顿底层的声音,rap即诗歌,也是黑人文化的守护者 00:18:05 这场battle开始来真的: 音乐创作中开始出现大量个人攻击,战情升级 00:25:56 "Family Matters"与"Meet the Grahams": 当家庭成为歌词中的战场 00:31:57 "Not Like Us"和说唱音乐的性别困境 00:41:06 女艺术家们如何battle: Charli XCX和Lorde的和解 01:00:10 怎么办,我最爱的音乐人是一个艺术怪物 00:00:39 Drake vs. Kendrick: how the rap battle started 00:04:57 Drake: A biracial child star from Canada and too much of a chameleon? 00:12:44 Kendrick Lamar: A voice from Compton, rap as poetry, and guardian of Black culture 00:18:05 The battle gets real: Music creations start to include numerous personal attacks, escalating tensions 00:25:56 "Family Matters" and "Meet the Grahams": When family becomes a battlefield in lyrics 00:31:57 "Not Like Us" and hiphop culture’s gender problem 00:41:06 Female artists beef differently: The reconciliation between Charli XCX and Lorde 01:00:10 What if your favorite artist is an art monster 【拓展链接 The Links】 R-E-S-P-E-C-T Survivor T

    1 小時 6 分鐘
  2. 051 | 亚裔美国人的边缘身份和细微心境 Minor Feelings: the evolving Asian American Identity


    051 | 亚裔美国人的边缘身份和细微心境 Minor Feelings: the evolving Asian American Identity

    【聊了什么The What】 “Minor Feelings”是由韩裔美国作家诗人Cathy Park Hong的一本书,通过回忆录、文化批评和历史回顾的方式探讨了亚裔美国人流动的身份、情感和经历。作者自己作为一个“东亚女儿”和“少数族裔作家”的多重身份让她能敏锐地感受一系列仿佛已经成为日常的羞耻、愤怒和自我怀疑。在美国这样一个高度种族化的社会,亚裔往往被塑造成“模范少数族裔”,他们的勤奋和成功成了主流社会维护现状的工具。然而,当他们感受到种族歧视时,这套话术往往又会阻止亚裔美国人的表达。这些因为边缘身份产生的”微妙情感“(minor feelings)与美国关于种族的主流叙事相冲突,和亚裔美国人这个群体一样在黑白分明的种族讨论中被忽视或误解。 这本书最近被翻译成了中文在中国发表,名为《少数派的感受》。我们也借此契机请到我们的好朋友,杜克大学教授周成荫来谈谈种族意识、模范少数族裔神话以及历史事件对个人和集体身份的影响。 我们也分享了自己的移民经历,以及这些微妙情绪是如何在我们的日常情境和系统结构中产生的。 "Minor Feelings" is a book by Korean-American poet and writer Cathy Park Hong that explores the fluid identity, emotions, and experiences of Asian Americans through memoir, cultural criticism, and historical review. As an "East Asian daughter" and a "minority writer," Hong keenly perceives a range of everyday feelings of shame, anger, and self-doubt. In the highly racialized society of America, Asians are often cast as the "model minority," with their diligence and success used as tools to uphold the status quo of mainstream society. However, when they experience racial discrimination, this narrative often stifles Asian Americans' expressions. These "minor feelings" that arise from marginalization conflict with the mainstream American narratives about race and, like the Asian American community, are often overlooked or misunderstood in the black-and-white racial discourse. Recently translated into Chinese and published in China, we took this opportunity to invite our good friend, Duke University professor Eileen Chow, to discuss racial consciousness, the model minority myth, and the impact of historical events on personal and collective identity. We also shared our own immigration experiences and how these subtle feelings arise in our everyday situations. 【时间轴 The When】 00:29 《少数派的感受》:一本探讨亚裔美国人身份和经历的重要著作 02:50 解析“微妙情绪“:少数族裔在美国的日常挣扎 08:06 一代移民与二代移民的经历对比 13:40 亚裔美国人身份认同的复杂性 20:20 大学里的亚裔学生组织:寻找归属感 31:03 Eileen和小蓝在职场中的微妙种族歧视经历 45:14 亚裔内部的代际矛盾:政治立场的分歧 52:23 共同体意识的形成与挑战 01:17:22 多元文化经历作为一种“超能力” 01:24:39 如何利用自己的特权推动社会进步 00:29 “Minor Feelings”: A crucial book exploring Asian American identity and experiences 02:50 Analyzing “minor feelings”: Daily struggles of minorities in America 08:06 Comparing first-generation and second-generation immigrant experiences 13:40 The complexity of the Asian American identity 20:20 Asian student organizations in college: Searching for belonging 31:03 Eileen and Xiaolan's experience with subtle racial discrimination in the workplace 45:14 Generational conflicts and political stance divergences within Asian communities 52:23 Forming a coalition and a collective consciousness 01:17:22 Multicultural experiences as a “superpower” 01:24:39 Reflecting on how to use privilege to drive social progress 【拓展链接 The Links】 登上《时代》杂志封面的“东亚女儿” - 澎湃新闻

    1 小時 13 分鐘
  3. 050 | 夏天已经过了大半,紧急抽查一下氛围 Vibe Check: A Midsummer Stream of Consciousness


    050 | 夏天已经过了大半,紧急抽查一下氛围 Vibe Check: A Midsummer Stream of Consciousness

    疲惫娇娃已经不知不觉更新了50期!在2024年的年中,我们邀请大家继续支持这四个女的把播客做大做强。感恩有你们。 【聊了什么The What】 这是一期六月份录制的疲惫娇娃的夏日氛围检查。我们紧急(?)抽查了四个女的的精神状态,以及如何应对“2024年怎么就过了一大半”的时间之谜。 同时,我们瞎扯了在这个夏天在各地的旅行和观察,包括眉头紧锁忧虑意大利经济、在南法的戛纳边参加婚礼边沉浸式体验班味十足的影展、在伦敦搬砖却被锁在共享工作室外要靠美国人来救等等。另外我们还闲聊了一些推荐的书和展。以及在路上 vs 在家土豆 vs 在路上土豆的种种支撑四个女的把日子好好过下去的精神养料。 另外,大家可以关注我们的小红书去看我们提到的萨金特展。 Recorded back in June, this is our summer vibe check with CyberPink. We conducted an urgent(?) mental health check on the four women and explored the time-bending mystery of "How is 2024 already half over?" We chat about our summer travels and observations, our concerns over Europe's economy, recounting our experience attending a distinctly not-chill Cannes film festival, starving in the south of France, being locked out of a shared workspace in London, only to be rescued by overworked Americans. We also chat about books and exhibitions, and discuss the various intellectual nourishments that keep us going - whether we're potating on the road or couch-potating at home. Please follow our Red (Xiaohongshu) account to see the Sargent Exhibition. By the way, CyberPink has quietly reached its 50th episode! As we hit the midpoint of 2024, we invite you to continue supporting these four women in making this podcast a better one. 【时间轴 The When】 02:25 2024怎么就过了一大半 + 山西午休文化 13:45 四个女的为啥吵架——对于发短信、线上沟通的不同期待 29:30 我们几个在夏天去了哪里,做了什么 46:27 我们看了什么剧、看了什么书 01:01:28 我们看了那些展,对于这些展的解读 02:25 How is 2024 already half over? + Shanxi's siesta culture 13:45 Why women argue: Differing expectations for texting etiquette and how to get stuff done 29:30 Our summer adventures: Where we went and what we did 46:27 Screen time and page-turners: TV shows and books we've enjoyed 01:01:28 Art in focus: Exhibitions we've visited and our interpretations 【拓展链接 The Links】 Snakehead: An Epic Tale of the Chinatown Underworld and the American Dream Biography of X: A Novel The Light Eaters: The Unseen Intelligence Shaping Our Understanding Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma John Singer Sargent Yoko Ono exhibition at Tate Modern Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art Rogues by Patrick Radden Keefe 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:cyberpinkfm@gmail.com 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad: http

    1 小時 11 分鐘
  4. 049 |「挑战者」:三人成双 Challengers: It takes three to play


    049 |「挑战者」:三人成双 Challengers: It takes three to play

    [本期节目有广告!由【泰诺氨酚拉明片】赞助播出!] 泰诺氨酚拉明片是一款夜间专用的止痛药, 有需要的听友,可在美团搜索“泰诺夜间止痛”,即可购买。 ⭐⭐点击跳转链接⭐⭐ (超链接请点这里!) 另外,这次泰诺联合小宇宙的播客企划「夜间止痛站」也将在上海大学路举行线下快闪活动。泰诺联合老百姓大药房会举行一些有趣的科普互动,大家可以在7月8号至14号前来打卡! 【聊了什么 The What】 今天这期节目聊了《Challengers 挑战者》,今夏美国最火的电影之一,由已经晋升好莱坞当之无愧一线女星赞达亚、和两位男演员乔希·奥康纳和麦克·费斯主演。电影使用了非线性的叙事方法,从2019年的一场挑战赛的决赛比赛开场,慢慢道出三个人之间情感三角历史,在十多年的纠葛当中,他们之间的关系变得更加复杂,同时网球比赛在他们三个人的生命当中,也成为了爱情三角的具象化。 In today's episode, we unpack this summer's hottest blockbuster "Challengers," starring A-list superstar Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, and Mike Faist. We follow these three gorgeous on-screen characters as the movie volleys back and forth in time to show us over a decade of entanglement, and we dissect how their relationship as friends, lovers, and foes, evolves over time. This episode includes a sponsored ad for Tylenol. 【时间轴 The When】 0:00 泰诺广告时间 3:57 我们对Challengers这部电影的第一感觉 10:00 这部电影的美学,摄影,和独特的视角(最后观众变成了球) 13:20 这场平平无奇的网球比赛其实是三个主人公借假修真的灵魂之旅,人与人的直接竞争 21:18 网球其实是一个不太隐晦的性隐喻 + 专业运动员对本片的评价 30:20 导演对于三人情愫的刻画 32:55 分析Tashi的成长弧线和三个人之间的三角关系 50:20 Tashi是奖赏?是裁判?是三人命运的操控者? 1:04:00 继续分析三角关系,他们每个人都是赢家? 1:17:05 这个电影的植入勾起了强烈的购物欲, 本电影的时尚设计 0:00 sponsored ad for Tylenol 3:57 Our first impressions of "Challengers" 10:00 The film's aesthetics, cinematography, and unique perspective 13:20 This seemingly ordinary tennis match is a journey of self-discovery for the three protagonists in disguise, showcasing the reality of competitive sports 21:18 Tennis as a not-so-subtle sexual metaphor and professional athletes' review of the film 30:20 The director's portrayal of the emotional dynamics between the three characters 32:55 Analysis of Tashi's character arc and the complex love triangle between the three 50:20 Is Tashi deemed a prize by the two men? Is she a referee, or the puppet master of the trio's fate? 1:04:00 Deeper analysis of the love triangle: are they all winners in their own way? 1:17:05 The film's product placement and what it says about sports and branding, in association with the film's costume design 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm

    1 小時 25 分鐘
  5. 6月6日

    048 | 疲惫娇娃 X 美轮美换 :「美国内战」——失去语境的战争电影 A24’s “Civil War” is a War Film Stripped of Context

    【聊了什么The What】 英国导演Alex Garland的新作《美国内战》(Civil War)以一场虚构的美国内战为背景,引发了广泛关注和争议。作为A24迄今为止最大制作,电影集全明星阵容和炫目视效于一身,更因触及当下美国社会分裂、政治极化的议题而备受瞩目。然而,电影却避开了最敏感的政治问题,转而以四名战地记者为主角展开叙事,聚焦新闻伦理和人性挣扎,也因此被批评为避重就轻。 在本期节目中,疲惫娇娃的两个女的与美轮美换的主播Lokin和小华一起,探讨以下问题:在战争中,镜头背后是新闻理想主义的湮灭,还是人性的回归?在信息过载的时代,我们是否还有余力正视战争和苦难的真相?摄影和报道究竟能否改变世界,抑或终将被时代洪流所淹没?影片刻意模糊了内战的起因和立场,这是否在鼓吹一种危险的相对主义,还是向观众传达了更有价值的提醒? 大选将至,如果你也想要和我们四个女的一样收到优秀的关于美国大选的中文内容,欢迎加入美轮美换最新推出的会员计划:https://theamericanroulette.com/paid-membership/ Alex Garland's latest film, "Civil War," was set against a fictional war between two different factions within the United States. The film has sparked considerable controversy. It explores America’s political reality through the lenses (zing!) of four war correspondents, centering on journalistic ethics and the struggles of the human condition, but somehow sidestepping all of the more contentious, real political issues currently dividing America. We were not sure if we liked this artistic choice, so we recorded an episode with our friends from 美轮美换 The American Roulette to process it. Do we like Alex Garland’s decision to obscure the causes of the war? Why do we need photojournalism? Do we still have the capacity to process the harsh realities of conflict and suffering, and hold complexities in this age of social media? With the election around the corner, if you would also like to receive high quality Chinese content on US politics, please consider joining American Roulette's membership program: https://theamericanroulette.com/paid-membership/ 【时间轴 The When】 00:01:44 介绍播客《美轮美换》及其关注的2024年美国大选。 00:03:54 讨论电影《美国内战》Civil War的情节和导演Alex Garland的作品。 00:16:13 Alex Garland导演对战地记者职业的矛盾心理刻画 00:41:06 电影对种族主义暴力的直白展现 00:49:06 导演在政治立场上的模糊态度引发争议 00:56:22 战争带来的不确定感和混乱感 01:02:09 摄影记者的自我矛盾:记录还是介入? 01:09:24 社交媒体时代,记者的责任与观众的责任 01:16:08 前辈记者对后辈的无奈:这一行太苦,但拦不住你 01:18:03 尽管科技发达,战争的荒谬感依旧没变 00:01:44 Introduction of the podcast “ American Roulette” and its focus on the 2024 U.S. presidential election 00:03:54 Discussion of the plot of "Civil War" and the works of director Alex Garland 00:16:13 Alex Garland's portrayal of the conflicting psychology of war correspondents 00:41:06 Blunt portrayal of racist violence 00:49:06 Alex Garland did not take a stand but do we need him to? 00:56:22 The uncertainty and chaos of war 01:02:09 The self-contradiction of photojournalists: to document or to intervene? 01:09:24 In the age of social media, the responsibility of journalists and the responsibility of the audience 01:16:08 Senior journalists' helplessness towards their juniors: This profession causes inevitable moral or physical injuries, but they can't stop people from joining 01:18:03 Despite advances in technology, the absurdity of war remains unchanged 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在

    1 小時 22 分鐘
  6. 047 | 妻子三部曲 3: 女性创作者的终极问题 Wife Trilogy Part III: The Ultimate Question for Women Creatives


    047 | 妻子三部曲 3: 女性创作者的终极问题 Wife Trilogy Part III: The Ultimate Question for Women Creatives

    【聊了什么The What】 这是“Wife三部曲"的最后一集,这个系列以我们最最熟悉的“妻子”这个社会职能为圆心,画一个谨慎的半径,这个半径包括我们的思考和恐惧,包括作为妻子意味着什么。 然而这期播客可能是我们四个在人生这个阶段录的最重要的一期播客之一 —— 这期播客让我们反思了作为一个有强烈创作欲望,但同时有妻子和母职需要履行的女性应该如何兼容这这些极端的角色。 为了准备这期播客,我们一起读了三本关于女性创作的书:讲述奥威尔妻子艾琳的Wifedom,讲述作家乔治·艾略特的The Marriage Question,和讲述“成为怪物的艺术家”的Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma。许多伟大的男性艺术家背后都有默默付出的妻子,而女性一旦成为母亲往往就被吸干注意力,失去创作的空间。这三本书中被抹去的女性、挣扎的女性、和小心翼翼担忧成为怪物母亲的女性们,都在试探着自我实现和作为妻子/母亲这两者的边界。 同时,我们也通过观察Ursula Le Guin等等女性作者的生命历程和创作历程拷问"伟大的母亲"的角色。当一个伟大的母亲需要为了自己的创作而"离开",怎么办?在资本主义效率至上的逻辑下,母亲的付出被视为理所当然,价值也被剥夺,但我们是否应该反思和重估母职劳动的价值? This is the final episode of the "Wife Trilogy," a series that takes the highly familiar social role of the "wife" as its central focus. This topic encompasses our contemplations on the profound implications of being a wife. However, this podcast episode may well be one of the most significant we have recorded at this stage of our lives. It prompts us to reflect on how an individual with a fervent creative drive can possibly reconcile with the rigid social demands of that of a wife. In preparation, we collectively delved into three books exploring women's creative pursuits: "Wifedom," chronicling the story of Eileen, the wife of George Orwell; "The Marriage Question," illuminating the private life of novelist George Eliot; and "Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma," examining the notion of the "monstrous female artist." Many great male artists have benefited from the silent sacrifices of their wives, while women, upon becoming mothers, often find their creative energies drained and mental space constricted. By observing the lives and creative trajectories of women authors such as Ursula Le Guin, among others, we interrogate the notion of the "great mother." Can a good mother just "leave" to pursue her artistic endeavors? Under the capitalist system of efficiency, a mother's contributions are taken for granted, their value stripped away. Should we not re-evaluate and reappraise the worth of maternal labor and how it is actually a fiercely and terrifyingly intellectual pursuit? 【时间轴 The When】 06:50 Wifedom:作家奥威尔的妻子艾琳为他创造写作条件,自己的才华却被埋没, 自己的存在被抹去 19:00 The Marriage Question:女性作家乔治·艾略特挑战传统,但也试图符合把自己塞入拧巴的”人妻“角色 30:50 Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma: 女性艺术家最大的"罪行"被视为忽视不好好做一个母亲 39:00 母职和创作是一个互不兼容的死结吗? 51:30 Ursula Le Guin:重新审视持家和养育的意义,它是人类最古老、最伟大、最重要、也对智识要求最高的的劳作 06:50 Wifedom: Story of Eileen O‘Shaughnessy, how she created the conditions for George Orwell’s writing while her own talents were buried 19:00 The Marriage Question: How George Eliot challenged societal traditions but also struggled to conform to society's expectations of a wife 30:50 Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma: The greatest crime of female artists is neglecting her children 39:00 Is balancing motherhood and creative work impos

    1 小時 15 分鐘
  7. 046 | 妻子三部曲2:被注视的王室妻子和被规训的王室身体 Wife Trilogy Part II:  The Royal Wives and Bodies


    046 | 妻子三部曲2:被注视的王室妻子和被规训的王室身体 Wife Trilogy Part II: The Royal Wives and Bodies

    【聊了什么 The What】 这是“Wife三部曲"的第二部,以我们最最熟悉的“妻子”这个社会职能为圆心,画一个谨慎的半径,这个半径包括我们的思考和恐惧,包括作为妻子意味着什么。 这集,我们聚焦王室妻子们——从流行文化痴迷的凯特王妃,戴安娜王妃,再到日本的皇室女性——她们的病痛、生育历程、和被大众注视和检验的体验是怎样的?她们的身体如何被媒体咀嚼和消化?她们的身体如何从走入“王室妻子”这一刻就不再属于自己? 凯特王妃的病痛疑云,揭开了她作为完美的王室妻子和母亲在“the firm”的监视和运转中的另一面,同时,戴安娜作为“the firm”反叛者、梅根作为出逃者,是如何被埋葬在王室妻子的角色中,同时被王室妻子这个头衔所惩罚。除去英国王室之外,日本和其他国家的王室女性如何生存? This is the 2nd part of CyberPink’s "Wife trilogy.” Centering on the ubiquitous role of "wife," we cautiously circumscribe a boundary around it. Within this boundary lie our contemplations and fear, our ponderings on the implications of being a wife. In this episode, our discussion is about royal wives - from Kate Middleton, the object of pop culture's adoration, to the legendary Princess Diana, to the women of Japan's imperial family. We explore their ordeals with illness, the tribulations of childbirth, and the scrutiny of the public eye. How are their bodies dissected and consumed by the media? From the moment they assume the mantle of "royal wife," how do their bodies cease to be their own? The specter of Kate's ailments unveils another facet of her role as the quintessential royal wife and mother, meticulously observed and governed by the machinations of "the firm." Diana, the defiant rebel against "the firm," and Meghan, the escapee, find themselves entombed within the role of "royal wife," even as the very title exacts its punishing toll. Beyond the British monarchy, we ponder the plight of royal women in Japan and nations abroad - how do they persevere? 【时间轴 The When】 01:12 从凯特王妃的癌症疑云说起 06:50 凯特作为一个完美的英国女性、英国母亲的范本 12:26 王室女性的身体是国之重器,从来都不属于自己; 凯特似乎从未经历从”妻子“到”母亲“的不适的过渡 19:00 英国皇室“The firm” - 到底是什么?为什么在王室换个衣服的颜色都很难 22:00 戴安娜为什么被人念念不忘:王室如何压榨年轻的戴安娜,戴安娜如何和王室决裂、出逃? 30:50 当皇室的女性无法言说痛苦,她们身体会开始开始出现巨大问题,从日本皇室女性开始讲 47:30 年轻女性“交给”王室自己的身体会怎样? 51:30 王室身体和政治宣传 01:12 Beginning with the cloud of cancer suspicion surrounding Kate Middleton 06:50 Kate as the epitome of the perfect English woman and mother 12:26 A royal woman's body is an invaluable asset of the nation, never truly her own; Kate seems to have never experienced the uncomfortable transition from "wife" to "mother" 19:00 "The Firm" - what exactly is the British Royal Family? Why is it so difficult for them to even change the color of an outfit? 22:00 Why Diana is so fondly remembered: how the Royal Family exploited the young Diana, and how she broke away and escaped 30:50 When royal women cannot voice their pain, their bodies begin to manifest major issues, starting with women in the Japanese Imperial Family 47:30 What happens when a young woman "gives" her body to the Royal Family? 51:30 The royal body and political propaganda 【拓展链接 The Links】 The Unraveling of a Royal Fairytale The Allure Of KateGate And Royal Conspiracies Kate Middleton exists to smile for us Royal Bodies 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在

    53 分鐘
  8. 045|戛纳特辑:《疲惫娇娃》x《赶场》:这个世界特别差,年轻人都在挣扎 Cannes Film Festival Special Episode


    045|戛纳特辑:《疲惫娇娃》x《赶场》:这个世界特别差,年轻人都在挣扎 Cannes Film Festival Special Episode

    【聊了什么The What】 戛纳电影节第四天,《疲惫娇娃》的一芳和《赶场 Way To Cinemas》播客的Selina在戛纳电影宫的天台坐了下来录制本期特辑节目,聊聊戛纳体验和目前看过的电影。 谢谢豆瓣对本期播客的支持,现在豆瓣也可以听播客啦! 剪辑和时间轴:陆小鸟,汤包(赶场) 主播:Selina(小红书 About Cannons)赶场 Way To Cinemas,一芳《疲惫娇娃 CyberPink》 On the fourth day of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, Yifang and Selina (host of Way To Cinemas) sat down to record this special episode, talking about their experience with the festival and the films they’ve seen so far. Thanks to douban.com for their support, you can now find our podcast on Douban. 【时间轴 The When】 00:45 好开心,竟然与《疲惫娇娃》联动上啦! 01:13 第一次来戛纳的一芳 03:07 开幕片《第二幕》 04:14 《原钻》(野性钻石) 06:08 《拿针的女孩》 08:08 《鸟》 09:12 《折射》 10:26 《一部未完成的电影》(本期内容不多,未来会再聊) 12:28 《大都会》“当一个男导演花太多时间去思考罗马帝国,就会拍出来这样一部电影” 14:42 《噢,加拿大》“他的故事,他的人生,他的一切,我根本就不想知道” 16:49 《善良的种类》 24:51 《狗镇》 26:51 《风流一代》 00:45 "Way to Cinemas" is excited to be collaborating with "Cyberpink" 01:13 Yifang's first time at Cannes 03:07 Opening Film: "The Second Act" by Quentin Dupieux 04:14 "Wild Diamond" by Agathe Riedinger 06:08 "The Girl with the Needle" by Magnus von Horn 08:08 《鸟》"Bird" by Andrea Arnold 09:12 《折射》Ljósbrot (When the Light Breaks) by Rúnar Rúnarsson 10:26 "An Unfinished Film" 12:28 "Megalopolis" by Francis Ford Coppola, "this is what happens when a male director spends too much time thinking about the Roman empire" 14:42 "Oh Canada" by Paul Schrader, "I could care less about the protagonist's story, his life, his everything" 16:49 "Kind of Kindness" by Yorgos Lanthimos 24:51 "Black Dog" by Guan Hu 26:51 "Caught in the Tides" by Jia Zhang-Ke 【疲惫红书 CyberRed】 除了播客以外,疲惫娇娃的几个女的在小红书上开了官方账号,我们会不定期发布【疲惫在读】、【疲惫在看】、【疲惫旅行】、【疲惫Vlog】等等更加轻盈、好玩、实验性质的内容。如果你想知道除了播客以外我们在关注什么,快来小红书评论区和我们互动。 Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu! 【买咖啡 Please Support Us】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:cyberpinkfm@gmail.com 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022

    30 分鐘


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疲惫娇娃是一档从荧幕聊到宇宙深处的泛文化播客,用女性的声波延展对世界的参与和想象。 在一个内陷的时代,疲惫娇娃站在中国和美国的交汇点上,用女性的元视角去观察、抵抗、塑造政治和社会对流行文化的影响。我们讨论流动的时代精神、艺术、自由、未来、友谊以及一切使我们获得力量的事物。








