Yo!Another topic episode for today. What anime would we like to see become a certain type of video game? We may also chat about whatever we're watching. Here's everything we're watching right now-Heavenly Delusion-Hells Paradise-My Home Hero-Mashle-Demon Slayer S3-Gundam Witch from Mercury S2-Rokudos Bad Girls-KonoSuba-Serving a God in a Godless World We'll see-Edens Zero S2-Dr STONE S3 Dropped-TBD Plus, manga chapter ratings for the week!Here's what we're currently reading either every week or off & on.WSJ: One Piece, My Hero, Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, Yozakura Family, Undead Unluck, Mashle, Sakamoto Days, Elusive Samurai, Blue Box, PPPPPP, Akane-BanashiJ+: Dragon Ball Super, Boruto, Spy Family, Kaiju 8, DandadanWSM: Tokyo Revengers, Edens Zero, Four Knights of the ApocalypseWebtoons: God of High School, unOrdinary, True Beauty, Eleceed, Let's Play, Sub-Zero, Down to Earth, Suitor Armor, Reunion, Immortal WeaklingWhat was your favorite chapter of the week? https://www.tiktok.com/@sparke3officialFollow us on Tik Tok! https://agentink.gg/collections/sparke3?rfsn=6942451.2e06af&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=6942451.2e06afGrab an ATFS jersey & join the team! https://www.twitch.tv/sparke3Follow us on Twitch! https://www.sparke3.com/You can sign up to the website for FREE!You can also select the Premium Tier for $5 a month to support us further! https://www.sparke3shop.com/Pick up some merch! https://rogueenergy.com/gKIOhC0XbtcMOGo check out Rogue Energy & use promo code SparkE3 for 10% off your order! :) https://www.trycereal.com/?via=sparke3If you're a content creator of any size and you want to take control of your content and take it to the next level... consider checking out our friends over at trycereal and get your website going TODAYTell them SparkE3 sent you! Make sure to check out all the SparkE3 podcasts on all major platforms! A Terrible Football Show@atfshttps://linktr.ee/TerribleFBShow Gamesthetic@Gamesthetic https://linktr.ee/gamesthetic AniMan+@animanplus https://linktr.ee/AniManPlus SparkE3/The Boys Linkshttps://www.sparke3.com/links Intro/Outro MusicSong from Inaudio by Infraction by subscriptionTitle: MangaYouTube link to song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi_xB3a2NZgInaudio site link: https://inaudio.org/Inaudio site link for Manga: https://inaudio.org/track/manga-edm/Check out Inaudio by Infraction for all your music needs! You can purchase songs individually or sign up for a subscription to use the entire library! #Anime #Manga #Webtoon #AnimePodcast #MangaPodcast #OnePiece #MyHeroAcademia #BlackClover #JujutsuKaisen #TokyoRevengers #EdensZero #KaijuNo8 #Dandadan #YozakuraFamily #Mashle #UndeadUnluck #SevenDeadlySins #RangerReject #GodofHighSchool #WeakHero #TrueBeauty #SparkE3 ★ Support this podcast ★