Rob Wilson: Farmers across NZ Protest Government Regulations, Non Consulting, Water Rights, Land Grabs
NZ Farmers are pushing back against bureaucratic Government and Local Council regulators (especially land grabs) due to no open communication, or open meetings and sharing of information and genuine consultation. Rob sees the farming sector throughout rural NZ being challenged like never before. Yes, there is water pollution, chemicals on the land, (huge stocking numbers - Corporate farms) and health issues that need to be continually addressed. However, what farmers have been experiencing though is escalating Governmental regulations, plus local Council intrusions into their lives by a hive of unknown bureaucrat regulators pushing an agenda, that in many ways is - one size fits all. The United Nations Agenda21 and Agenda2030. This adds to the recent - interview of Heather Meri Pennycook - where we cover many of the same issues - but worded differently, especially the expanding nation wide push back that continues to grow, via Groundswell, but with a very defined focus. Yet, what’s getting under the ‘farming sectors’ skin is the extreme lack of face to face consultation and communication. especially the sharing of information at local gatherings, town hall meetings and villages. For the farmers it’s just more paperwork, and compliance. Like the Emperors of the past exacting tribute from the peasants and having an intermediary, the Governor collects taxes and that one follow ‘dictats’ - without human contact and open discussions. This has resulted in the Groundswell uprising and farm tractors descending on villages, towns and cities across NZ with a follow up statement that this will occur again mid August if the Govt and local Councils do not front up. Yes, it’s about the pace of change - on the back of climate change - increasing storms, encroaching sea levels and weather*events but it’s being run by bureaucrats - who have no skin in the game - with no financial risk involved making demands on a map somewhere. Plus, most bureaucrats have never been out in stormy cold weather - in the wind and the rain, helping cows calve or sheep stuck in a drain, or dealing with a flood, fallen trees etc etc. Yet it’s about SNA’s. What is an SNA? SNA stands for Significant Natural Area and they are becoming important whichever way you look at them. Forest and Bird says they are "New Zealand's most important remnants of native habitat - places where rare or threatened plants or animals are still found". However after the signing of the United Nations Rio’ Agreement in 1992 - NZ committed to Agenda 21 and more lately, Agenda2030 - so as to impel environmental and ecological change by 2030. Hence the ’so-called’ hurry’. However the fine print and the detail is all hidden in plain sight. Like the 17 United Nations sustainability development goals - they look and sound wonderful - we are going to eradicate poverty and have equality - have a sustainable future and look after our environment. But, if you go to - and download the fine print of what that Agenda actually is - and it’s a 352 page document - it virtually covers every aspect of our lives - healthcare, education - and a stock take every single living being and resource and mineral on the planet - so that ‘they’ can ‘stock take’ everything thing - eventually right across our country - and more and more are saying - control it. From your reading you will see that the Agenda wants to eradicate that which is not sustainable - and that is - the private ownership of land. i.e. farming - private ownership of motor vehicles, roading, irrigation, ski fields, golf courses - even the family unit - in their eyes is listed as unsustainable. That this is something that ‘bureaucrats’ want to eradicate. So once we read the fine print we become aware of where our Government is taking us, Be it National or Labour (Greens) - that due to no consultation that this ‘unconscious’ legislation is crippling our agricultural sector - starts to make sense. That everyone has to do their own research - bypassing Google and using because if you are not aware of what’s in the fine print - and you learn this for the very first time - it will sound quite bazaar - so the imperative is for all NZers to see what is being planned for our future - and if you are a parent - your children’s future. (and that you have been cut out of the dialogue with zero say). Note, that anyone who criticises the Govt narrative is deemed by the Govt as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ - however when you read the fine print you realise that this is ‘not theory.’ On the web site you can see the video for yourself of the NZ Prime Minister stating that this Labour Government is going to carry out all the contingencies of the Agenda2030. Plus the link to the UN Agenda document. Many NZ farmers, contrary to common belief, are not farming for the money - it’s the lifestyle they love and they wish to hand their farm on to their children and future family generations. However certain contingencies within the UN Agenda2030 - make their plans basically unobtainable. Now - this has never even been a serious discussion with NZ farmers. This is a far ranging plan that in essence wants to do a full stock take on all biota within the biosphere and all inanimate things as well. For example, on the microcosm - a corporation completes an annual ‘stock take’ of everything that corporation incorporates. For example: Land - buildings, automobiles, trucks, bulldozers, (aeroplanes, ships) office equipment stationary, stock - be it live stock, (animals) and product (wheat, soy, maize - iron ore, oil, etc) and what monies they have in the bank, stocks, shares, gold, silver, bitcoin, IOU’s, sureties etc. What the Agenda2030 does - is stocktaking of everything in every country so that countries assets are known by the bureaucrats in a UN building somewhere and they then command how a farm shall be run and governed on a planetary scale. Yet, that bureaucrat may not know squat about farming and the culture - and especially the prevailing weather, climate etc of that particular farming region. It is this macro managing from afar that is disturbing. Just have a look at how the WHO - the World Health Organisation acted over the last 18 months to see how their edicts are given out. This is where Agenda21 is leading us. So that those ‘who make the decisions’ can see what is happening on our whole planet at any time, but with a limited understanding of how farmers may live. To them they do not want to distinguish countries as such - but see just ‘trading blocks’ - North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe etc. At this moment they are still piecing together how these so-called Trading blocks will fit. Or at least make it public. Though National Party Leader Jim Bolger signed the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Agenda2, it was John Key who signed Agenda2030 - so for the farmers of NZ - they have to realise that a huge percentage of them voted for the National political party run by these two Prime Ministers. - that in many ways is aiding and abetting the silent, stealthy and hidden program that is being rolled out now. This is where there is a gigantic gap between the Agriculture Action Group and Groundswell - have a huge chasm to cross. see the global clamp coming on fast whilst the Groundswell supporters basically think that getting rid of the Labour Party will save them. This is where they have been hoodwinked by National Party politicians not telling the truth or saying that the UN Agendas are conspiracy theories - when in fact - National are basically as donkey deep into the take over of NZ as Labour and the rest of the political apparatus. There were a number of National Political Party representatives in the crowd at the NZ wide Friday Groundswell event - who remained quiet, keeping their head down - because they do not want a discussion around Agenda21 or Agenda2030 - because then the farmers would become wise to the fact that Labour and National are just different wings of the same pterodactyl. The Paris Climate Treaty was signed by National Party Ministers Paula Bennet and Simon Bridges at the end of 2015. The Zero Carbon Act was passed with unanimous support from National in 2019 which makes the legal changes required from the Paris Climate Treaty previously signed. So Groundswell farmers and rural people have to see that this change that is being enforced - is beyond NZ politics. Just 2 months ago, one of the largest protests seen in the Far North saw Māori converge on the Far North District Council offices, opposing the council's plans to declare large swathes of land as SNAs – significant natural areas. Māori saw it as a breach of their rights as landowners and were upset at a lack of consultation, but it wasn't just Māori who were part of the hīkoi. They were joined by significant numbers of Pākehā farmers and property owners, a fact veteran activist Hone Harawira remarked upon. The Great Reset Now as an adjunct to the United Nations Agendas - we now have from - stage left the emergence of the World Economic Forum out of Davos, Switzerland. You will have read snippets and heard sound bites of the super rich and celebrities, flying there in private jets taking up runway parking space at the airport as they descend on their annual glittering conferences to engage in ‘how we are going to solve world problems.’ - 4 IMPORTANT minutes This is the showcase event of the likes of political figures, business leaders and cultural leaders …. under the heading