59 episodes

Holistic Dentistry Show is a weekly series exploring topics related to holistic dentistry that involve the mouth, body, nutrition, and cutting edge technology.

The show is brought to you by Dr. Sanda Moldovan who is recognized internationally for her expertise in oral health, nutrition, and anti-aging. With two Board certifications – periodontics and nutrition – she brings an uncommon level of well-rounded knowledge to biological dentistry.

Dr. Sanda will present tips and tools to detoxify your mouth for a healthier body. Some topics she will discuss are: Reversing cavities, non-metal dental implants, mercury fillings, biocompatible dental materials, cavitations, laser therapy for gum disease, TMJ disorders, leaky gut, and other related topics.

As a published author of "Heal Up! Seven Ways to Faster Healing and Optimum Health", Speaker, and Television Presence, she utilizes public visibility to promote awareness of how a healthy mouth translates to a whole-body wellness. Dr. Moldovan has also developed her own line of natural oral healthcare products, ORASANA.

Join us every Thursday for a new episode of the Holistic Dentistry Show!

Holistic Dentistry Show with Dr. Sanda Sanda Moldovan

    • Health & Fitness

Holistic Dentistry Show is a weekly series exploring topics related to holistic dentistry that involve the mouth, body, nutrition, and cutting edge technology.

The show is brought to you by Dr. Sanda Moldovan who is recognized internationally for her expertise in oral health, nutrition, and anti-aging. With two Board certifications – periodontics and nutrition – she brings an uncommon level of well-rounded knowledge to biological dentistry.

Dr. Sanda will present tips and tools to detoxify your mouth for a healthier body. Some topics she will discuss are: Reversing cavities, non-metal dental implants, mercury fillings, biocompatible dental materials, cavitations, laser therapy for gum disease, TMJ disorders, leaky gut, and other related topics.

As a published author of "Heal Up! Seven Ways to Faster Healing and Optimum Health", Speaker, and Television Presence, she utilizes public visibility to promote awareness of how a healthy mouth translates to a whole-body wellness. Dr. Moldovan has also developed her own line of natural oral healthcare products, ORASANA.

Join us every Thursday for a new episode of the Holistic Dentistry Show!

    Mystery Illness and The Connection to Hidden Dental Dysfunction

    Mystery Illness and The Connection to Hidden Dental Dysfunction

    Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda speaks to Monica Hershaft, a holistic practitioner, about identifying mystery illnesses and the connection to hidden dental dysfunction.
    Growing up vegan, Monica shares how she eventually developed a choline deficiency and started to eat meat again. An NRT doctor helped her regain her health, which inspired her to become a nutritionist. She shares some of the most common mystery illnesses she sees in her Scottsdale practice, which are almost always symptoms of the nervous system being blocked or stretched. We discuss the importance of removing metal fillings, how hard it is to remove mercury from the body, and the role of the parotid glands in the process. Monica speaks to the five layers of illness that everyone, including animals, goes through in getting sick. I love talking with Monica because her story is a great reminder that it doesn’t matter what your labs are; it matters how you feel. Medical gaslighting is a real issue, and it’s important to always advocate for your health!
    Want to see more of The Holistic Dentistry Show? Watch our weekly episodes on YouTube! 
    Do you have a mouth- or body-related question for Dr. Sanda? Send her a message on Instagram! Remember, you’re not healthy until your mouth is healthy. So take care of it in the most natural way. 
    Key Takeaways:
    (1:10) A vegan detox gone wrong led Monica to NRT certification and holistic health
    (13:16) Most common mystery illnesses are from the nervous system or gut interruption
    (18:22) The importance of holistic dentistry for the rest of your body
    (21:50) Cone beam scans are considerably more thorough
    (25:12) Removing metal fillings and mercury from the body
    (30:50) Role of the parotid glands when you have metal fillings
    (33:32) The five layers of illness
    (37:18) Muscle testing can reveal parasites better than stool samples
    (47:30) Conventional animal protein vs grass-fed organic meat
    (50:48) Medical gaslighting is real!
    Guest Info:
    Monica Hershaft | Instagram Monica Hershaft | Website
    Immune Repair Food List | Free here!
    Try out Monica’s Mystery Illness Membership Community, Treat The Source, for the first month free! USE THE CODE: SANDA 
    Connect With Us: 
    BeverlyHillsDentalHealth.com |  Instagram 
    DrSandaMoldovan.com | Instagram 
    Orasana.com | Instagram

    • 53 min
    What is Redox and What Does it Have to Do With Healing?

    What is Redox and What Does it Have to Do With Healing?

    Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda speaks to Dr. Leonard Neatu about redox homeostasis, how testing can combat inflammation, and oxidative stress in dental healing.
    Being in touch with redox levels helps to get to the root of a problem before a clinical diagnosis is necessary. Dr. Neatu introduces redox testing as a way to measure oxidative stress levels in the body. By measuring these levels, practitioners ensure proper bodily function and optimal healing outcomes. Dr. Neatu explains how patients can prepare for a redox test and integrate results into their larger health plan. Now that these machines are available in the U.S., dentists, nutritionists, and dieticians can potentially provide faster health tests than ever before to pinpoint sources of inflammation. Medical schools don’t teach redox biology so it’s important to learn about this modality!
    Want to see more of The Holistic Dentistry Show? Watch our weekly episodes on YouTube! 
    Do you have a mouth- or body-related question for Dr. Sanda? Send her a message on Instagram! Remember, you’re not healthy until your mouth is healthy. So take care of it in the most natural way. 
    Key Takeaways:
    (1:44) Dr. Neatu’s journey into redox healing
    (7:31) What is oxidative stress? 
    (15:02) Methods of measuring redox levels 
    (19:20) Ways dentists can work with redox information
    (24:50) When to redox test and how often
    (28:52) Dr. Neatu’s recommendations to implement in a dental office 
    Guest Info:
    Dr. Leonard Neatu | LinkedIn
    Dr. Leonard Neatu | Facebook
    Dr. Leonard Neatu | Youtube
    Redox Diagnostics | Website
    Bundle offer for podcast listeners: 1 x FRAS5 + 2 x Redox fast kits for $7,495.00, a savings of $2,405.00 off the list price
    Connect With Us: 
    BeverlyHillsDentalHealth.com |  Instagram 
    DrSandaMoldovan.com | Instagram 
    Orasana.com | Instagram 

    • 32 min
    Neurokinetic Therapy and TMJD treatments

    Neurokinetic Therapy and TMJD treatments

    Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda speaks to Dr. Bryn Aitken-Young, an Integrated Physical Therapist, about the healing power of neurokinetic therapy, how it relates to dentistry, and how it eliminates pain so that the body can move more. 
    Neurokinetic therapy supercharges physical therapy by treating both the immediate source of pain in the body as well as treating the source of the dysfunctional movement in the brain. This technique can be applied to any area of the body experiencing pain for long-lasting results. Truly incredible! Dr. Aitken-Young shares how her work pairs brilliantly with dentists, such as for helping patients with TMJD or breathing problems. In fact, Dr. Aitken-Young believes that, like a dentist’s biannual check-up, a neurokinetic therapist should also be consulted often for preventative movement checkups. After all, movement is medicine, and it shouldn’t hurt!
    Want to see more of The Holistic Dentistry Show? Watch our weekly episodes on YouTube! 
    Do you have a mouth- or body-related question for Dr. Sanda? Send her a message on Instagram! Remember, you’re not healthy until your mouth is healthy. So take care of it in the most natural way. 
    Key Takeaways:
    (1:07) Dr. Aitken-Young’s passion for continuing education led her to integrative neurokinetic therapy
    (3:24) Neurokinetic therapy uses neuroscience to treat the brain
    (7:33) Neurokinetic therapy greatly improves physical therapy results
    (12:58) The body is an extension of the mind and subconscious mind
    (17:05) The technique is perfect for heavy computer users and as preventative medicine
    (23:06) In TMJD treatments, everything is interconnected
    (32:20) How dentists can work with neurokinetic therapists
    (37:54) Mouth breathing disrupts the entire body
    (43:36) Movement is medicine, and it shouldn’t hurt
    Guest Info:
    Bechtel Physical Therapy | Instagram
    Bechtel Physical Therapy | (818) 990-0267
    Podcast listeners who schedule an evaluation with us will receive a 10% discount on their first session.
    Connect With Us: 
    BeverlyHillsDentalHealth.com |  Instagram 
    DrSandaMoldovan.com | Instagram 
    Orasana.com | Instagram

    • 45 min
    Green Medicine: Harnessing Herbal Secrets for Long-Term Health

    Green Medicine: Harnessing Herbal Secrets for Long-Term Health

    Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda speaks to Dr. Saeid Mushtagh, a Naturopathic Doctor, about homeopathic health approaches, pine pollen and mushrooms for oral health, and the myriad ways mother nature provides healing. 
    One of the key tenets of naturopathic medicine is that you cannot separate the mind from the body. While there are many healing modalities, Dr. Saeid’s focus on pine pollen and mushrooms to address physical and emotional issues is fascinating! In this episode, we discuss the oral health benefits of pine pollen and how a tincture can support hormone regulation in men and women. He has found so much healing from the trees that, in addition to his naturopathic practice, he began a company, Canadian Pine Pollen, that offers functional foods, herbs, and nutraceuticals wild harvested from Canadian forests. Don’t miss out on learning about these wonderfully potent natural remedies!
    Want to see more of The Holistic Dentistry Show? Watch our weekly episodes on YouTube! 
    Do you have a mouth- or body-related question for Dr. Sanda? Send her a message on Instagram! Remember, you’re not healthy until your mouth is healthy. So take care of it in the most natural way. 
    Key Takeaways:
    (1:20) Dr. Saeid’s passion for naturopathic medicine
    (8:38) Difference between pine pollen, wildflower pollen, and bee pollen
    (11:27) Canadian Pine Pollen’s approach to processing
    (16:06) Oral health benefits of pine pollen
    (22:28) Recommended tincture dosage
    (27:01) Pine needles and oral health
    (35:14) Turkey tail mushrooms and gum disease
    (38:58) Spruce tip tea is full of Vitamin C 
    Guest Info:
    Dr. Saeid Mushtagh’s Naturopathic Practice | Website  
    Canadian Pine Pollen | Shop 
    Get 15% off Canadian Pollen products with code "DRSANDA"  Dr. Saeid Mushtagh’s book on food sensitivity | Read Here
    Connect With Us: 
    BeverlyHillsDentalHealth.com |  Instagram 
    DrSandaMoldovan.com | Instagram 
    Orasana.com | Instagram

    • 45 min
    Cleansing Within: A Deep Dive into Colon Hydro-Therapy

    Cleansing Within: A Deep Dive into Colon Hydro-Therapy

    Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda speaks with Talya Meldy, the founder of Clear Way Health. To date, she has given over 15,000 colon hydro-therapy sessions! We discuss the importance of our colons, what’s involved in a hydrotherapy session, and debunk common myths.
    The colon is the human garbage can and in need of regular emptying. Tayla and her team are committed to helping people feel their best through this natural form of detoxification. In this conversation, we discuss some of the colon hydrotherapy benefits, including clearer skin, less pain, better sleep, decreased inflammation, mental health benefits, and, my favorite, a general feeling of emptiness in the body and brain following a session. We talk about the importance of our tongue and chewing our food. Your therapist can tell if you haven’t! Tayla strongly believes that hydrotherapy should be a part of all medical institutions and rehabs as it effectively targets deeply embedded toxins. She shares how getting in touch with what comes out helps to access what’s happening emotionally within. Give it a try!
    Want to see more of The Holistic Dentistry Show? Watch our weekly episodes on YouTube! 
    Do you have a mouth- or body-related question for Dr. Sanda? Send her a message on Instagram! Remember, you’re not healthy until your mouth is healthy. So take care of it in the most natural way. 
    Key Takeaways:
    (2:01) What is colon hydrotherapy?
    (6:13) Colon hydro-therapy was discovered in the 14th century BC
    (9:34) Tayla was healed by a colonic before a scheduled surgery
    (19:55) A good colonic has no bad side effects 
    (22:16) Parasites and high fructose corn syrup don’t come out on their own
    (25:35) How to prepare for a hydrotherapy session

    Guest Info:
    Clear Way Colon | website
    Clear Way Health | Instagram
    Text or call direct | 310-804-0958
    Email | talya@clearwaycolon.com or info@clearwaycolon.com
    Connect With Us: 
    BeverlyHillsDentalHealth.com |  Instagram 
    DrSandaMoldovan.com | Instagram 
    Orasana.com | Instagram 

    • 39 min
    Breathing Well with Holistic Dentistry: Exploring Airway Health

    Breathing Well with Holistic Dentistry: Exploring Airway Health

    Today on the Holistic Dentistry Show, Dr. Sanda speaks with Dr. Kevin Scwandt, a biological airway and reconstructive dentist, to discuss airway health, how to sleep better, and common breathing misconceptions. 
    Dr. Kevin’s interest in anthropology led him to the fascinating field of airway dentistry. Many health conditions that commonly impact us now due to “modern” nutrition and lifestyle choices rarely touched our ancestors! Dr. Kevin shares exactly how these can show up. Airway dentistry looks at how the structure of the mouth impacts a patient’s breathing. An airway dentist can perform 3D skull x-rays and sleep screening tests to determine if there are any larger health problems impacting the mouth, like sleep apnea. Dr. Kevin suffered from airway issues and shares his first-hand experiences receiving treatment and administering advanced holistic surgical protocols. For dentists wanting to branch into airway dentistry, building a network of related physicians and practitioners, such as sleep specialists, osteotherapists, and massage therapists, in your area to refer patients to and learn from is an essential first step! 
    Want to see more of The Holistic Dentistry Show? Watch our weekly episodes on YouTube! 
    Do you have a mouth- or body-related question for Dr. Sanda? Send her a message on Instagram! Remember, you’re not healthy until your mouth is healthy. So take care of it in the most natural way. 
    Key Takeaways:
    (0:59) Dr. Kevin found holistic dentistry through nutrition
    (05:39) What is airway health?
    (10:32) Misconceptions about airway dentistry
    (16:52) Dr. Kevin’s personal experience with a palette expansion procedure
    (23:41) CT scan diagnostics and sleep testing
    (26:10) How to get started with airway dentistry
    (29:08) Average length of airway health treatment
    (30:43) Relationship between sleep issues and morbidity
    Guest Info:
    Reclaim Dentistry | website
    Reclaim Dentistry | Instagram
    Resources Mentioned:
    New patient $75 offer |  Call the office or email at: 303-228-5488 or office@reclaimdentistry.com and mention Dr. Sanda's podcast!  SnoreLab | app
    Connect With Us: 
    BeverlyHillsDentalHealth.com |  Instagram 
    DrSandaMoldovan.com | Instagram 
    Orasana.com | Instagram 
    Contact us to learn more about IV sedation

    • 35 min

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