Joel Osteen Podcast

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Welcome to the Joel Osteen Daily Podcast. Joel & Victoria Osteen inspire people to reach their dreams, find fresh beginnings and live their best life. Both he and Victoria live in Houston, TX. Visit Joel’s website at Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of the Joel Osteen Podcast ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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Bringing people to God
Osteen may not have "enough bible" for hard core fire and brimstone Christians, true. But I am willing to bet the farm that Osteen is NOT aiming at that constituency. Those who want to insert Christ more forcefully into his message should remember that Christ, when asked why he dined with sinners and tax collectors answered that a doctor does not spend his time with the healthy but with the sick. In order to spend time with the "sick," Osteen needs for them to open their doors and invite him in. It may be hard to believe for those living in devoutly religious communities, but there are many places in this country where strings of biblical quotes and fire and brimstone logic will only win a door slammed in your face. Look at where he speaks on his speaking tours...and you will understand, Osteen has been given a Gift from God to speak to those who would normally turn a blind eye to the word of Christ. Some of you may say "well that is their own fault let them burn." But i ask you, if you were a parent, and the baby in your care refused to eat peas, and you considered those peas to be essential,would you say to that infant "oh well then by your own choice, you are not going to get the nourishment I know you need? Would you NOT--as many a good mother has done--mix those peas on the spoon with some tasty pears in order to slip the nourishment past the skeptical child? For those of us with Faith, Osteen provides good advice. For those without Faith, Osteen gives sane, rational, wonderful view of Christ's face-- that counteracts the hateful nauseating face that Christianity takes when the likes of Pat Robertson get the media focus, become the representatives of us all and cause people to slam the door on the Word. It's ALL ABOUT WINNING SOULS people. Osteens teachings may not quote scripture at every turn, but his teachings are not immoral--and they ARE based in Biblical Truth. And in the end, it's about our PRIMARY MISSION AS SPOKEN BY win Souls for Jesus. In this, Osteen's message is superb.
Who are we
I have to say as a Christian minister I have had the opportunity to sit in and listen to hundreds of other ministers. I would also like to point out to everyone who is lambasting Joel Osteen because of his approach to the Gospel, to take a look at yourselves and ask if you are a Christian. You are acting just like the world when they come against Christ and us. I have found Joel's messages, yes to be encouraging; to be positive towards one's self. And with everything that happens in the world today people need to be encouraged, people need to be reminded that they were created in the image of God and they are truly worthy. So you like another ministers Pod cast over Joel's that is fine. Remember what it means to be Christ like. Are you spreading hate and hurt when posting all the negative comments? Listen to the Pod cast you like and post comments about them to get others listening. Don't cut down someone’s ministry you don't like. It gets us nowhere. It also shows the world that already thinks Christians are Hippocrates, that you may be one.
Truth is truth no matter how it is delivered
I've studied the Bible for the past 30 years... Greek and Hebrew text, King James English, Aramaic word studies, Bullinger, Muller, and many others. There is no doubt that Joel's messages fit with the Word of God, they are full of hope and joy and right believing. The entire service is full of teaching that is not a part of the 30 minutes you hear on a pod cast. The 30 minute messages by themselves can bring peace and deliverance to those that are thirsty for the truth about God, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. If you want to be edified, listen to the words. They may not be the old school preacher's style, but they are truth and they are life to those that choose to believe. Those of you that criticize, how many people have you saved today? Joel's ministry reaches around the world and around this country every week. Thousands upon thousands are hearing the Word of God like never before. I thank God for Lakewood Church, Houston, and the Osteen family. May God continue to bless their ministry as they continue to put Him first.
You'll Know a Tree By Its Fruit
The fruit of this church and ministry speaks for itself. It's not about numbers, it's about influence. I so appreciate the influence Pastor Joel and Lakewood has -- specifically I appreciate how they're using the medium of television (and now podcasting). This podcast is worth subscribing to: The message is good, the quality is great, and the frequency is satisfying.
- Channel
- CreatorJoel Osteen, SiriusXM
- Years Active2006 - 2025
- Episodes2.4K
- RatingClean
- Copyright© 2023 SiriusXM
- Show Website
- ProviderSirius XM Radio Inc
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