182 episodes

#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness

How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal.

Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope.

No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial.

Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness.

If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you.

Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.

Medical Medium Podcast Anthony William

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.6 • 4.7K Ratings

#1 NY Times Best Selling Author - Medical Medium Podcast - Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement - Helping People Heal and Overcome Illness

How many people do you know who struggle with their health? Chances are, whether they show it or not, most of the people in your life do. And chances are, you’re one of them — whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, endometriosis, pcos, acne, eczema, psoriasis, autoimmune, thyroid conditions, lyme disease, brain fog, or fatigue. You’re far from alone. Living with symptoms has become the new normal.

Much of the time, people coexist with their ailments, accepting them and never questioning why science and research hasn’t offered answers, as suffering has become the status quo. Sometimes though — an increasing amount of the time now — people’s symptoms start to impede their quality of life. They start to lose joys and privileges. They join the hidden army of those stuck at home or even in the hospital with mystery health issues. As they consult doctor after doctor and expert after expert and have trouble functioning on a day to day basis, their spark starts to go. They lose hope.

No one is safe from becoming ill. With what were up against in today’s world and what that’s doing to our bodies, nobody is guaranteed that one day down the road, they won’t develop their first set of symptoms when they least expect it. This knowledge is not about living in fear. It’s about not living in denial.

Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness.

If you want to keep the wool over your eyes, this podcast isn’t for you.

Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the originator of the global celery juice movement and #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Medical Medium Book Series, including his newest book Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal, was born with the unique ability to converse with the Spirit of Compassion, who provides him with advanced medical information that’s ahead of research and science. Anthony has over 30 years of experience working with countless individuals, and helping doctors solve mysterious health cases.

    063 The Plotter Series S2 E3: Ashleigh Foster's Severe Pattern Of Lying And Inaccuracy

    063 The Plotter Series S2 E3: Ashleigh Foster's Severe Pattern Of Lying And Inaccuracy

    The leader of the campaign to take Medical Medium down, Ashleigh Phillips Foster, gets caught in one of the most ambitious lies of all time. It is a lie that Ashleigh has been telling at least 9 different contradictory versions of, repeatedly, to anyone and everyone who would listen to her…for years. Married to Britton Foster, a documentary cinematographer, Ashleigh has been using fabricated stories to try to obtain a deal for a negative hit piece documentary on Netflix about Medical Medium. In this episode, Ashleigh Foster’s severe pattern of lying and inaccuracy is put on full display. Ashleigh also gets exposed for her twisted use of a well-known true story about a family that saved the lives of an estimated 800 Jews and other refugees during the Holocaust. She uses this story to try to make a ludicrous point about lying and portray Medical Medium negatively. In the process of doing so, Ashleigh ironically gets no less than 18 facts wrong, she expresses extremely offensive viewpoints about our duties to protect those like the Jews during the Holocaust, and Ashleigh provides a perfect example that everyone can verify of just how deeply she manipulates, butchers, and twists the stories she tells to serve her own agenda.

    • 1 hr 51 min
    062 The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

    062 The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

    Ashleigh Foster is the number one person responsible for the plot to take down Medical Medium and all of the chronically ill people who have been harmed by it. Ashleigh Foster is the ringleader of an organized, anti-Medical Medium hateful group that she created on a mountain of lies. Ashleigh fed a false story to Vanity Fair, and another source admitted on recording that he and Ashleigh had to threaten a journalist to get him to publish it. Ashleigh’s hateful group has since been relentlessly attacking, harassing, bullying, body-shaming, and publicly humiliating people in the Medical Medium community, including mothers and children. This hateful group has even gone as far as to make videos of themselves burning Medical Medium books and to call for Anthony himself to be exterminated by fire.

    Why is Ashleigh really doing this? Many have asked. What are Ashleigh’s motives? What type of person is capable of harboring, spewing, and inciting so much hatred? What type of person escalates objectively indefensible behavior even after being publicly proven wrong? Why would someone go to such lengths, secretly plotting and scheming for years, to try to bring an entire movement of people healing from chronic illness down?

    In this episode, these questions are answered. Shocking new facts that are wildly inconsistent with Ashleigh’s proclamation that she’s doing this smear campaign “for Stephanie Tisone” are revealed. Ashleigh Foster’s true motives are exposed for the first time. The history that Ashleigh has been hiding from everyone is uncovered. And we begin exposing some of the many more outrageous lies that Ashleigh has peddled incessantly since the release of the first four plotter podcast episodes last year.

    • 1 hr 28 min
    061 Supplement Fear: How To Take Supplements When Sensitive

    061 Supplement Fear: How To Take Supplements When Sensitive

    Supplement sensitivities are not always what they seem. Many times, the sensitivity is from the supplements someone has taken from the past, such as toxic ones that made the person's nerves sensitive through irritating the gut nerve linings or lowering the stomach's gastric juice production. All supplements are not the same, just like all people aren’t the same, all water is not the same and all food grown is not the same. The sensitivities that so many have towards supplements can also stem from PTSD from traumatizing and confusing experiences when taking a supplement or being prescribed a large amount of supplements and not getting better with their symptoms and conditions, and instead, feeling worse. Many people never truly find out why they are sick and that is difficult enough. Then, add a confusing array of supplementation that is hit or miss into it all and the challenge increases. In this episode, learn how sensitivities to supplements can develop and how to overcome…

    In this episode…
    • Learn about the true culprits behind supplement fears and sensitivities.
    • Discover why reactions some people can have while they’re taking supplements may not be caused by the supplements they’re taking in the moment.
    • Learn about the quickly forgotten history of supplementation within the alternative health world and why so many people have been damaged and left with PTSD as a result.
    • Find out about many of the most problematic supplement trends that have created a ripple effect of harm upon the chronically ill, often years after individuals have already moved on from the trends.
    • Uncover the real reason why supplement hypersensitivity develops.
    • Learn about supplement blunders that are still happening today in the alternative health space.
    • Uncover all of the different types of supplement PTSD that people can suffer from.
    • Discover techniques that can be used to finally overcome supplement sensitivities.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 32 min
    060 The Plotter Series S2 E1: Time To Set The Record Straight

    060 The Plotter Series S2 E1: Time To Set The Record Straight

    Years ago, a group of people secretly teamed up and did everything they could to try to knock Medical Medium out of the health space. They formed a multi-step, long-term plot to create a “Post Medical Medium Era” by feeding false information to mainstream media companies anonymously, in hopes that it would lead to securing themselves a deal for an anti-Medical Medium documentary that would be sold to Netflix. But their plan was thwarted last year when this organized, hateful group, that we now refer to as “the plotters,” tried to recruit a woman in the Medical Medium community who ended up recording their attempts instead of joining them. She captured evidence of their plot, their identities, serious corruption that took place within a media company they sold a false story to, the many lies this group has been telling, and much more, and she came on the Medical Medium podcast last year to expose them. What we covered was appalling and shocked so many people to the core. And yet…there is so much more to the story. This is truly one of the biggest scandals that has ever happened in the health industry. As you’ll see, it’s also one of the biggest instances of capturing corruption within the mainstream media. This episode is the beginning of a full-blown extended exposé of the conspiracy to take Medical Medium and the community down. We are going to be releasing more recordings, dismantling their web of lies, fabricated stories, tactics, and their ulterior motives, revealing their names for the first time, exposing everything they are hiding, and much more. It’s time to fully set the record straight.

    Welcome to Season 2 of The Plotters Series.

    • 1 hr 25 min
    059 Food Sensitivities: Are You Reacting To Certain Foods?

    059 Food Sensitivities: Are You Reacting To Certain Foods?

    So many people these days don’t know what they can eat. They struggle with food choices, and not because they are not educated on various foods to choose or try, but instead because they are afraid for a host of other reasons, one being PTSD towards foods due to a history of reactions and complications that are mostly unexplainable. It’s one thing if someone is seriously allergic to a food such as peanuts and a reaction is life-threatening, in which they have a better chance of avoiding those foods, but it’s another thing if they are reacting to foods and are constantly unsure of which foods and when and even why they are reacting. There are people out there that suffer because they have violent reactions to a strawberry and there are people that suffer when they eat any food because they are living in fear that they are going to feel worse or unwell at any given time. A lot of people have delayed reactions, where the food they are currently eating isn’t causing the bloating they are experiencing in the moment, but it’s the food they ate the other day that is now having a delayed effect, creating their symptoms that they are struggling with now. In this episode, learn how food sensitivities are far more complicated than people realize and how healing is possible, including getting past PTSD relating to eating and food fear.

    In this episode…
    • Discover why bloating issues may not be caused by the foods people think cause them.
    • Learn about the delay in the body’s reaction to certain foods and why you may notice symptoms from a food days after you’ve eaten it.
    • Learn about the landscape inside your gut, from the stuff that’s been in there for years to the pockets, hot spots, narrowing and expansions that all play a role in different symptoms and conditions.
    • Discover how people beat up their pancreases and use them like a credit card.
    • Learn about inflammation of the appendix, how the ileocecal valve can become impacted and stomach glands being burnt out with coffee.
    • Uncover the gut rot that people suffer from and how ammonia can spew through bones, muscles and organs, and can eventually come out of your mouth in the morning.
    • Discover why everything to do with the gut gets blamed on detox, microbiome issues and food sensitivities.
    • Learn what can push someone over the edge with food reactivity and make symptoms appear.
    • Discover what happens when food is moving around inside your intestinal tract.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 45 min
    058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

    058 Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

    There are people who are chemically sensitive without knowing it. They are completely unaware that some of their symptoms are stemming from an overload of pathogens and toxins that are stationed in their liver, causing random spills at random times, while chemicals from a variety of places and other sources are triggering more and more symptoms and conditions. Oftentimes, people who are chemically sensitive have inflammation of the nerves, including the vagus nerves, which can torment people greatly because they are confused, lost and don’t have any ability to know what is causing their neurological symptoms. Doctors are more open to a patient suffering from chemical sensitivities compared to the olden days not so far in the past, when a patient was routinely criticized and ostracized for complaining about their symptoms worsening, when they felt they were exposed to a variety of toxic substances or what they felt were allergens. In this chemical sensitivities episode, you will learn the causes of chemical sensitivities and tips for putting these sensitivities behind you so you can move on...

    In this episode…
    • Discover the many different symptoms that people with chemical sensitivities can suffer from.
    • Learn the difference in how chemically sensitive persons were treated/understood back in the day versus present day.
    • Discover the two types of chemically sensitive people.
    • Learn how the tipping of the scales can make a huge impact on whether chemical sensitivities are felt or not, and what can tip those scales.
    • Uncover the reasons for a sluggish & overworked liver.
    • Discover where these chemicals that are produced by chemical companies end up inside the body.
    • Discover what happens when the liver holds on to metals, pathogens, neurotoxins and other garbage, and where it all goes.
    • Uncover why most chemical sensitivity issues and symptoms are central nervous system based.
    • Learn how people can develop mental conditions from their chemical sensitivities.
    • Discover how the dentist’s chair can impact chemically sensitive individuals.
    • Learn how the use of food as a suppressant to toxins and as a comfort mechanism can randomly stop working for a person one day.
    • Discover the dangers of “detox” sellers and why they target chemically sensitive individuals.
    • Learn how new exposures can halt someone’s progress.
    • Discover important tips for those who are chemically sensitive.

    All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.

    For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com

    • 35 min

Customer Reviews

4.6 out of 5
4.7K Ratings

4.7K Ratings

Natibella4000 ,

My favorite podcast!

This is my favorite podcast ever! Love listening to the great talks on different health topics. I can find almost any type of health topic talk here. Thank you, Anthony for all you do!

T🇱🇷 ,


I listen to your podcast all the time my entire family even went plant base

TargetForTheWin ,

Good podcast

AW and SOC PLEASE make a podcast on gardening and how you do gardening in your home garden. Next podcast idea. I seen some of your fruits and veggies that you’ve planted and would like to get some tips for organic high quality.

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