297 episodes

The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

Podcasts – Extreme Health Radio Justin Stellman

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.7 • 519 Ratings

The Extreme Health Radio Podcast is your one stop source for all things related to health, healing and longevity. Whether you're recovering from cancer, have heart disease, diabetes or struggling with other diseases our show has something for you. We empower you to take back control of your health by learning from expert authors, scientists, researchers and doctors. If you're somebody who's into fitness, the paleo diet or a raw food vegan we've got your covered. You'll learn how to take your health, cleansing and detoxification protocols to the next level! Stop spending thousands of dollars on drugs, medications or surgeries when you can learn to live naturally without needing a doctor. Extreme Health Radio is the show for you.

    Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue – If You Want To Avoid Heart Attacks, Cancer, Wrinkles & Osteoporosis, Don’t Take Calcium Take This Little Known Vitamin Instead

    Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue – If You Want To Avoid Heart Attacks, Cancer, Wrinkles & Osteoporosis, Don’t Take Calcium Take This Little Known Vitamin Instead

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    My favorite Vitamin K2 is linked below.


    * Purely K - Reduce Calcification

    * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification

    * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet

    * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy!

    * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins!

    * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc

    * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C

    * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron

    * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food

    * Use discount code EHR15 :)

    Today we had the great Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue on the show discussing heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, wrinkles, varicose veins and so much more.

    Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue is the author of a very interesting book that I would recommend you read called Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life.

    We centered our talk around a little known vitamin called Vitamin K2 which is mostly derived from fat soluble nutrients from animal products like butter, high vitamin butter oil, ghee and more.

    But it's also very high in fermented foods like Natto which is a fermented soy bean product which apparently stinks and tastes nasty.

    I'm keen to try it mainly for its high vitamin K2 levels. :) I love trying foods like this. It looks disgusting doesn't it?

    It's really interesting about Vitamin K2 because it's something that nobody really talks about and people don't even consider. She said during the show that it's not even recommended for women during pregnancy.

    According to Dr. Kate Vitamin K2 helps to deliver usable calcium to key parts of the body where it can actually be used. These places are your bones, teeth and other places where it's needed. But what it also does is help to remove calcium from places in the body where it can cause incredible harm and possibly even death.

    For those that aren't aware according to David Wolfe (link below) calcification is what eventually takes down all mammals. Calcium is the great undertaker. Calcium makes bones brittle, hard and eventually break. Calcium shrinks organs and decreases organ function (this is why when you do an autopsy of an elderly man his organs will be much smaller a...

    • 1 hr 26 min
    Ken Rohla – 5G Technology Is Not What You Think

    Ken Rohla – 5G Technology Is Not What You Think

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    2 Quick Announcements for EHR listeners!

    * For a limited time Matt Blackburn is giving Extreme Health Radio show listeners 25% off his line of products. Just enter code EHR25 at checkout while it lasts!

    * If you want to learn how to mitigate 5G and EMF click here to whatch Ken's 2 hour presentation inside the Extreme Health Academy. Enter code KEN14 for a free two week trial! (Workshop will be available to members on 10/8/19!)

    Today we had our good friend Ken Rohla from Fresh and Alive on the show to talk about electromagnetic field radiation aka EMF radiation.

    We talked about what 5G is really going to be used for. Is 5G really designed so that we can download Netflix movies faster or is there a more sinister plan here?

    What about dect phones or dirty electricity in your walls? What about ambient radiation coming from smart meter or your neighbor's wireless routers?

    Here's something nobody is talking about...

    Ask your doctor how the heavy metals in vaccines interact with 5G technology and watch his face go blank.

    This technology is becoming ubiquitous. We can't get rid of it. It's everywhere.

    There are mitigation strategies about how to protect yourself from wifi, emf and specifically 5G technology.

    The frequencies being emitted is something that's causing blood sugar imbalances, the inability for the skin to interact with the sun and endogenous subcutaneous cholesterol to create adequate vitamin d levels via photonic displacement.

    Low vitamin d levels?

    Ambient wireless frequencies might have something to do with it.

    This is deeper than you ever imagined my friends.

    We need to learn mitigation strategies if we want to regain our health.

    One final thing!

    Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link and shopping through our ever expanding store. Without your ongoing help, we wouldn't be able to make this possible. :)

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    • 1 hr 55 min
    Bryant Meyers – Debunking The Myths Behind Low Intensity PEMF Therapy & How PEMF Can Improve Your Health!

    Bryant Meyers – Debunking The Myths Behind Low Intensity PEMF Therapy & How PEMF Can Improve Your Health!

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    Bryant Meyers joined us on today's show to talk about PEMF therapy and in particular the IMRS mat. We primarily talked about Low Level PEMF therapy and specifically debunking the myth of needing to use high level PEMF.

    Some schools of thought think high intensity PEMF is the only way to go and low intensity PEMF isn't powerful enough.

    The low intensity PEMF people say exactly the opposite which is the perspective Bryant Meyers has in this conversation we had.

    PEMF is pulsed electro-magnetic therapy and pulses the energy into your body.

    Some of the benefits of PEMF include...

    Reducing muscle tension

    Improving circulation

    Stimulating the immune system

    Improving cell function

    Helping the body to detoxify

    Improving the uptake of nutrients

    Improving sleep

    Reducing stress

    Balancing the endocrine system

    Reducing inflammation

    Regenerating tissues

    Helps Arthritis

    Promotes Cell Regeneration

    Improves Circulation

    Relieves the Symptoms of Depression

    Decreases Diabetic Factors

    Promotes Bone Healing

    Helps With Migraines

    Induces Nerve Repair

    Can Help The Body Alleviate Pain

    Increases the Range of Motion

    I want to be clear here, the IMRS 2000 or any other PEMF device, can't cure or do anything. They only bring the body into a place where it can find and do its own healing. The IMRS can't cure disease and shouldn't be used as such.

    The IMRS is a wellness device designed to help you get healthier. This is our way of not making any health claims that it can cure or treat any disease.

    In fact I use it every day to get healthier, not necessarily to overcome an illness. But if I did become sick, you better believe I'd be using the IMRS mat even more than I do now.

    We've had ours for a little over a month now and I really really like it. I like investing my money into one time purchases of health tools for the future. I look at it almost like health insurance. It's nice to turn your home into a place of health and healing.

    Some ways I use the IMRS 2000 PEMF mat...

    After workouts

    Before bed




    Upon waking up

    And more!

    I highly recommend doing some research and watching all the videos we have on the IMRS 2000 in our store.

    I also use it in conjunction with our Rife machine, red light therapy and even our Chi Machine.

    The IMRS 2000 is a tool I'm glad we have and I feel awesome when I use it every day.

    I hope you enjoy the show!

    On Last Thing!

    As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :)

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    • 1 hr 40 min
    Daniel Vitalis – The 4 Noble Elements: Part 2 Water – Strategies For Gathering, Storing & Drinking The Best Water Ever

    Daniel Vitalis – The 4 Noble Elements: Part 2 Water – Strategies For Gathering, Storing & Drinking The Best Water Ever

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    [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Daniel Vitalis from Surthrival.com joined us to talk about the noble qualities of water, where water comes from, water filtration, vortex energy and so much more.

    You know it's interesting how little we really understand about this magical liquid substance we call water. Scientists still can't tell us accurately why water acts the way it does.

    One of the things we do know is that water is substance from which we build our blood. As it has been said, the life of the flesh is in the blood. Oxygen rich red blood cells as well as immune system white blood cells are all carried by means of the blood. If you listened to our interview with Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, you'll know that the blood is a hologram and has holographic qualities. Dr. Bigelsen has even seen pictures in the blood of events that haven't even happened to people yet. That means that somehow the blood is outside of time and perhaps exists in multiple dimensions? It's enough to make your head spin. Listen to that show and you'll understand how important your blood is and all of the mysterious qualities that surround it.

    We build our blood our of the water that we drink. If we're drinking plastic tap water loaded with synthetic chemicals, phyto estrogens and other contaminants, how can you expect your blood (your very life) to be healthy?

    Lots of reports have been coming out stating that some bottled water companies are taking recylcled municipal city water and bottling that up and putting their labels on it. It would be healthier for you to drink the unfiltered tap water because at least you're not getting the water absorbing xeno estrogens from plastic bottle sitting in the sun.

    Then if you switch to municipal city water for your water source, you've got a whole host of other issues. Some city waters actually fluroridate their water which causes a whole cascade of health problems. The first couple that come to mind are microscopic spores of nano bacteria and inorganic calcium along with the hardening and calcification of the pineal gland. If you're interested in the dangers of calcium you can read more about that by clicking the link above.

    On top of the calcium and fluoride issues on city water, you have homeopathic residues of chemotherapy, prescription drugs and chemicals of all kinds.

    Where does that leave us?

    Tap water is out and so is bottled water. There are some great filters we recommend but we recommend finding a spring and using that for the water you drink. We understand you can't shower in your fresh spring water but you can get a filter for your shower and to do your dishes but for drinking, Daniel and I both recommend spring water from the source.

    Daniel Vitalis is a true resource of amazing and unique information in this world. He delivers information about complex subject matter in very entertaining and unique ways which are easy to understand.

    We hope you enjoy this interview with Mr. Daniel Vitalis on the subject of water and our goal is for you to understand and treat this magical ...

    • 1 hr 45 min
    Dr. Kelly Starrett – Why Sitting Is Worse Than Smoking & How You Can Include More Movement Into Your Life To Improve Your Health!

    Dr. Kelly Starrett – Why Sitting Is Worse Than Smoking & How You Can Include More Movement Into Your Life To Improve Your Health!

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    Dr. Kelly Starrett is the man behind Mobility WOD and the author of Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally, Becoming a Supple Leopard 2nd Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance and his latest book is called Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World which is mostly what we talked about today.

    What struck me as interesting was that it didn't matter really how much you excercise, if you sit for a long time each day. I'm big into personal fitness, exercise, sports and outdoor activities.

    I love to surf, play basketball, tennis, go hiking, do jiu-jitsu and basically anything outdoors and fun. I also love working out in the gym or in the backyard but none of that has any effect on our health if we sit for hours on end each day.

    That was a blow to my ideas because I thought I could just workout more or harder if I sat for a long time. Turns out that's not the case.

    At the beginning of the show I referenced an article I wrote which can be found by clicking here.

    With that said, sitting is dangerous not because sitting is in and of itself bad but it's because you're not active, your body is sedentary for hours at a time and this is not natural.

    Human beings were not designed this way. We're designed to move. We're designed to experience this 3d physical reality through the movement of our bodies.

    I hope this show inspires you to look into getting a standing desk. The one I have can be found here and there are many available over on Amazon.com as well.

    One Last Thing!

    As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :)

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    * Bellicon Rebounder

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    • 1 hr 40 min
    Dr. Stephen Sinatra – How To Prevent Heart Attacks & Heart Disease Plus His Top 5 Supplements For Heart Health!

    Dr. Stephen Sinatra – How To Prevent Heart Attacks & Heart Disease Plus His Top 5 Supplements For Heart Health!

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    Dr. Stephen Sinatra the world's leading natural cardiologist joins us today on the show to talk about how to prevent heart attacks naturally.

    Here are some of the books Dr. Sinatra has written...

    The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology

    Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It's Too Late

    The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why Lowering Your Cholesterol Won't Prevent Heart Disease-and the Statin-Free Plan That Will

    Bottom Line's: The Healing Kitchen

    Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks: A Revolutionary Program for a Longer, Healthier Life

    Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!

    Arthritis Interrupted: Featuring the Arthritis Healing Diet

    Heart Sense for Women: Your Plan for Natural Prevention and Treatment

    The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology

    Currently heart disease is the #2 killer in the Western world just behind cancer. Cancer and heart disease are always neck and neck in terms of how many people per day they kill.

    The worst part about it as that both heart disease and cancer are (in my opinion) 100% preventable. We know what we need to do to prevent these horrific diseases. The great part about it is that the very same things that are powerful enough to prevent heart disease are the same things that also help to prevent cancer.

    The body operates holistically. When you improve your digestion for example, it effects every other biological process in the body. What's good for one is good for all.

    That's great news for me to hear because if we had to work on preventing each disease process alone, the list of things we'd have to do each day are endless.

    In this interview with Dr. Stephen Sinatra we discussed...

    His top 5 supplements for heart health

    How to lower cholesterol naturally

    Ways to prevent heart attacks naturally

    The exact diet he follows to prevent heart disease

    How to lower blood pressure naturally

    What to do if you have atrial fibrillation

    His thoughts on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    And much more!

    If you know of anybody on statin drugs or have congestive heart failure, have had a bypass surgery or any other heart condition Dr. Stephen Sinatra shares with you how to treat and prevent heart disease naturally!


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    • 1 hr 15 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
519 Ratings

519 Ratings

Pharmgal22 ,

Amazing health podcast!

This podcast is jam packed with research from the alternative health space. Highly recommend!!

ccccxxxxcxxxxxx ,

Date recorded ???

They really should tell you the DATE these were recorded. It can be relevant to the topic and I don’t know why they seem to intentionally hide when the episodes were recorded??

Kalgies ,

Too many and too frequent ads

Really like this podcast and the guests! I was so excited to find an older interview with Dr Sutter. I’ve read his book and his story is incredible. So much knowledge and experience that he has. I felt like he was rushed to get everything he wanted to say out and then an ad at the worst time kept being the reason they had to pause? Maybe put all ads at the beginning to get out of the way? I’ve listened to tons of podcasts and this was the first where it was really apparent and interrupted the guest and listeners train of thought and following the convo.

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