Space Ranger 421
Space Ranger 421 is a gripping narrative science fiction podcast that unfolds in a distant future where Earth’s resources have been exhausted and its surface is uninhabitable. Humanity has turned to the stars, colonizing space in a desperate bid for survival. When a distress signal comes from the abandoned Mars colony MR-54821, a team of mercenaries embarks on a rescue mission, only to uncover a lethal government secret with the potential to alter the course of humanity. As they grapple with the shocking revelations, they must navigate the dangers of the red planet. Will they manage to escape and share their story with the world, or will their discoveries remain buried in the Martian sands?Created by: Jonathan James Produced by: Ester Ellis and Jonathan James In Association with Black Castle Productions Starring: Graham Rowat as Devlyn Drax Jordan Stillman as Raven Dallas Wheatley as Dr. Theo Jones Jordan Cobb as Suicide Sarah Giancarlo Herrera as Dr. Aaron Davis Kyle Nishimura as Skip Skylar Fernandes as Kit Maus as Captain Richards David Michmerhuizen as Hog Josh Rubino as Dr. Strauss Adam Surger as Patrick Drax Emma Laslett as Corthynius Nadine Amani as Mathias Bridgette Clare as Riley/Klara/ Additional Voices Zach Zeidman as President Marshall/Council Martian #1/ Additional Voices Zack Ogle as Martian Doctor/Additional Voices Andre Vernot as Council Martial #2 Micah Martinez as Additional Voices For more information visit us at or at Black Castle Productions
- 8 Episodes
- CreatorJonathan James
- Years Active2K
- Episodes8
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© 2024 Space Ranger 421
- Show Website