119 episodes

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The OCD Whisperer Podcast with Kristina Orlova Kristina Orlova

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.7 • 68 Ratings

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    Breaking the Rules of OCD: Finding Freedom through Mindfulness and Aikido

    Breaking the Rules of OCD: Finding Freedom through Mindfulness and Aikido

    People with OCD often feel trapped by strict rules in their daily lives. These unwritten rules might mean always trying to control their thoughts, constantly seeking certainty, seeing anxiety as a sign of immediate danger, feeling personally responsible for preventing harm, analyzing every thought meticulously, striving for perfection in everything, and keeping their struggle with OCD hidden from others.
    In today’s episode of The OCD Whisperer Podcast, we sit down with  Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans, a licensed professional counselor and licensed marriage and family therapist with over 20 years of experience. Dr. Evans is  the author of "Breaking the Rules of OCD: Find Lasting Freedom from the Unwanted Thoughts, Rituals, and Compulsions that Rule Your Life,"
    During the conversation, Dr. Evans discusses treating OCD and anxiety disorders, focusing on the core issue of agency loss. She emphasizes that individuals with OCD often feel compelled to perform rituals, believing they lack choice, and advises recognizing one's agency to make different choices.
    Her book outlines seven rules to break OCD's grip, including challenging perfectionism, embracing uncertainty, and addressing discomfort intolerance. The episode also clarifies ERP therapy misconceptions and normalizes setbacks as growth opportunities. Dr. Evans introduces Aikido principles as a metaphor for managing OCD triggers, advocating redirecting energy rather than confrontation.
    She concludes with the "PASSION" acronym: Pause, Pivot, and Proceed; Accept Experiences; Strengthen Your Stance; Practice Self-Compassion; Invite Exposure; Observe Thoughts; and Stay Present. These principles help individuals build resilience and live fulfilling lives free from OCD constraints.
    In This Episode
    [01:23] The motivation behind writing her book 
    [02:32] The seven rules of OCD
    [04:11] Common misconceptions about OCD
    [05:37] Blending therapy approaches in the book
    [07:08] Challenges and relapses in OCD treatment
    [08:38] Making therapy accessible
    [10:15] Mindfulness and agency in OCD treatment
    [13:42] Mindfulness during exposure
    [18:23] The power of mindfulness
    [20:32] The most important rule to break
    [21:29] The resistance battle
    [23:03] Aikido principles
    [26:31] Passion acronym

    Notable Quotes
    [04:11] “There have been many tears of relief shed in my office when people find out that they're not broken.”- Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    [10:57] “We all want to feel good and we all want to do things that will help us feel better.” Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    [17:37]  “If people can get in touch with what a chore it is to do the compulsion, then that's an incentive to not resist so much but actually to learn to allow.” Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    [21:29] “'What you resist keeps persisting. It’s a counterintuitive thing, and when you resist, you can notice this battle within yourself.”-Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    [23:03]  “If you notice that OCD trigger, rather than going straight into the compulsion, pause and say, "I have an opportunity to learn here."' Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    [26:31]  “You can live your life with passion even though OCD shows up sometimes.” Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    Our Guest
    Dr. Kim Rockwell-Evans, PhD, LPC, LMFT, has specialized in anxiety and OCD treatment in Dallas for 30+ years. Recognized throughout North Texas and Oklahoma, she integrates cutting-edge therapies like CBT and ACT to empower patients to confront fears and lead fulfilling lives, offering practical, evidence-based solutions for lasting results.
    Resources & Links
    Kristina Orlova, LMFT
     Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    Breaking the Rules of OCD" by Dr. Kim Rockwell Evans
    The Miracle of Mindfulness" by T

    • 29 min
    Overcoming OCD: The Journey of Tyler Falcoa in the Music Industry

    Overcoming OCD: The Journey of Tyler Falcoa in the Music Industry

    Is it possible that the meticulous and often relentless nature of OCD could fuel the creative genius behind some of the most iconic music in the industry?
    In today’s episode of The OCD Whisperer Podcast, Tyler Falcoa, an indie pop artist, music producer, and mixed engineer, discusses the intricate relationship between creativity and obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD). Tyler, who has managed OCD since the age of ten, shares his journey, coping mechanisms, and the impact of OCD on his creative process. Tyler shares how his OCD, triggered by traumatic events, impacts his creativity and daily life. He discusses the importance of structure in his work, the challenges of self-doubt, and the role of social media in finding support. Tyler highlights the duality of OCD, acknowledging both its debilitating effects and its contribution to his strengths. The episode concludes with messages of hope and resources for managing OCD.
    In This Episode
    [00:43]- Introduction to Tyler Falcao
    [01:15]- How OCD impacts creativity 
    [05:48]- Tyler’s early trauma and OCD  
    [10:37] - Tyler on his journey to discovering OCD  
    [11:25] - Social media and learning about OCD
    [12:28] - Managing OCD in creative work  
    [16:05] - Mentorship and examples  
    [17:14] - Creativity and OCD  
    [19:05] - Positive aspects of OCD  
    [21:20] -Tyler’s message of hope
    Notable Quotes
    [10:06] “You have these intense bouts of emotions that just rip you, and this gridlock in thoughts that are racing at the speed of light, and you just can't figure out what's up or down or left or right" Tyler Falcoa
    [08:34] “I unfortunately did ERP by myself before I started seeing my current therapist, which made things much worse for me.”-Tyler Falcao
    [13:10] "I had to be able to work through my OCD and the intrusive thoughts, and the fact that my mother was in the hospital while also trying to write a song for my job.’Tyler Falcoa
    [17:24] "'For me, my OCD has been debilitating and part of very dark times in my life. But I am extremely dependable, very prompt, and extremely organized. That is my way of control for my life."Tyler Falcoa
    [18:43] "No matter where you are in your OCD journey, it is absolutely possible to get to a place where it becomes more manageable.” Tyler Falcoa
    Our Guest
    Tyler Falcao, also known by his stage name TY Falcao, is an indie pop artist, music producer, and mix engineer. Rising to prominence as part of the brother duo Tyler and Ryan, Tyler has managed OCD since he was ten years old, triggered by a traumatic football injury and a house fire. Despite these challenges, he has turned his experiences into a source of strength. Through his music and podcast, "Please Excuse My OCD," Tyler shares insights and coping mechanisms, offering a unique perspective on living with OCD.
    Resources & Links
    Kristina Orlova, LMFT
    Tyler Falcoa
    Podcast: Please excuse my OCD
    Please note, while our host is a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in OCD and anxiety disorders in the state of California, this podcast is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for therapy.
    Stay tuned for biweekly episodes filled with valuable insights and tips for managing OCD and anxiety. And remember, keep going in the meantime. See you in the next episode!

    • 22 min
    117. Elysse’s Personal Story of Triumph Over OCD and DPDR

    117. Elysse’s Personal Story of Triumph Over OCD and DPDR

    Have you ever considered the impact of accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and community advocacy on the well-being of individuals struggling with mental health conditions such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (DPDR)? Understanding the significance of these factors can make a profound difference in the lives of those grappling with these conditions.
    In today’s episode of The OCD Whisperer Podcast,  we are joined by Elysse Lescarbeau, known as OCD.or.just.me on Instagram, to discuss her journey with OCD and Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (DPDR). Elysse's story is a powerful testament to the importance of accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and the role of community and advocacy in mental health.
    During the conversation, Elysse shares her journey of being diagnosed with OCD in September 2022 after years of struggling with depersonalization and derealization (DPDR). She discusses how exposure and response prevention (ERP) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) have been pivotal in her treatment. Elysse emphasizes the importance of understanding the anxiety cycle, living by one's values, and the role of self-compassion in overcoming setbacks. She also highlights her advocacy work and introduces new resources for managing anxiety.
    In This Episode
    [01:41] Elysse’s thoughts on OCD treatment and recovery
    [05:36] Understanding the anxiety cycle
    [08:43] Incorporating values and ACT
    [13:48] Managing anxiety and building resilience
    [16:34] The realization of DP/DR
    [17:37] Discovering OCD and DP/DR
    [18:41] The power of representation
    [19:42] Advocacy work and awareness
    [21:06] Resources for help and education
    Notable Quotes
    [10:06] "When you are able to live by your values, your life becomes so much bigger, your life becomes so much more meaningful. You feel like you can take on the world and actually be the person that you want to be."- Elysse Lescarbeau
    [12:50] "You have to have that willingness to just go into these situations and say, yeah, I will be anxious and that's okay. It doesn't need to control me."- Elysse Lescarbeau
    [17:24] "I think, the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced in my life, just the fear of, for me, the way it manifested was literally losing my personality."- Elysse Lescarbeau
    [18:43] "Getting the OCD diagnosis, realizing that was something I had and could be treated, but then also seeing that DPDR was a thing that affected so many people and that it wasn't just me because I was crazy, was mind-blowing."- Elysse Lescarbeau
    [19:55] "The advocacy work that so many more people are now doing through Instagram, TikTok, whatever it might be, is so important because you can realize within yourself, like, wow, this isn't just me and my crazy mind; this is something other people experience, and I can get help for it."- Elysse Lescarbeau
    Our Guest
    Elysse Lescarbeau (@ocd.or.just.me) brings a wealth of personal experience with mental health issues and diagnoses. For a long time, she struggled in silence, unaware that her obsessive thoughts and mental compulsions were symptoms of OCD—she believed they were simply part of who she was. It wasn't until a year after being hospitalized for suicidal ideation that she received a long-overdue OCD diagnosis and began appropriate treatment. Now, Elysse is dedicated to sharing the knowledge she wished she had during her journey. She aims to educate others on the diverse presentations of OCD, which often differ from common media portrayals, and to highlight how gold-standard therapy techniques can address more than just acute symptoms. Elysse's mission is to demonstrate that recovery and a less anxious life are truly possible.
    Resources & Links
    Kristina Orlova, LMFT
    Elysse Lescarbeau

    • 22 min
    116. Shedding Light on Childhood Anxiety and OCD with Dr. Stephen Whiteside

    116. Shedding Light on Childhood Anxiety and OCD with Dr. Stephen Whiteside

    Parenting can be really hard when your child is dealing with anxiety or OCD. Ever stayed up late worrying about them? It feels like a big, confusing maze, doesn't it? But don't worry, you're not alone.
    In today’s episode of The OCD Whisperer Podcast,  we are thrilled to sit down with Dr. Stephen Whiteside, a renowned clinical psychologist and a beacon of hope for families grappling with childhood anxiety and OCD.
    During the conversation we talk about his book "Anxiety Coach" and his specialized approach to treating childhood anxiety and OCD. We explore the importance of exposure therapy, the role of parents in treatment, and the challenges of diagnosing OCD in children. Dr. Whiteside shares insights on the stigma surrounding OCD and the benefits of group therapy, while emphasizing privacy in group settings. He discusses the effectiveness of his parent coach exposure therapy, citing research and positive outcomes from the Mayo Clinic's intensive treatment program. Resources and support options are highlighted, including the Anxiety Coach at Mayo Clinic website, which offers educational tools and details about their five-day intensive program. The episode concludes with encouragement for those on their journey to overcoming OCD.
    In This Episode
    [01:11] The Anxiety Coach Book
    [02:07] Differences in approach
    [04:13] Components of the approach
    [07:40] Content of the book
    [08:32] Identifying anxiety disorders
    [10:39] Signs in pediatric population
    [12:25] Challenges in diagnosing OCD
    [14:56] Therapist misinterpretation of OCD
    [16:00] Stigma and judgment
    [16:59] Benefits of group therapy
    [18:34] Outcomes of parent-coached exposures
    [21:14] Empowering families
    Notable Quotes
    [02:11] "The main component of the treatment for anxiety or OCD is helping kids learn through their own experience that what they're afraid of is unlikely to happen, and they can handle feeling nervous, worried, or uncomfortable until those feelings go away."- Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    [03:08] "We think that all kids will be more successful if they have someone to help them at home, and parents want to know what to do to be helpful."- Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    [09:55] "When fears and worries are excessive to the point that they're making life hard, distressing the child, or getting in the way of the parents' life, that's the time we need to start working on it."- Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    [16:59] "It's like this happens often enough that somebody wrote it down in a book, so I am clearly not the only one."- Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    [18:34] "We have some pretty good answers to that, but a lot more research needs to be done in general around child mental health."- Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    [21:14] "It's obvious to me that parents can learn to do this, and kids and parents can learn to do this together."- Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    Our Guest
    Dr. Stephen Whiteside is a Board Certified Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, directs the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders Program. With extensive experience in treating child, adolescent, and adult anxiety disorders, he's received grants from the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation for neuroimaging studies on OCD. Dr. Whiteside's research focuses on childhood anxiety and treatment efficacy, reflected in numerous publications and national presentations.
    Resources & Links
    Kristina Orlova, LMFT
    Dr. Stephen Whiteside
    Book: Anxiety Coach: A Parent’s Guide to Treating Childhood Anxiety and OCD
    Website: https://anxietycoach.mayoclinic.org/
    Please note, while our host is a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in OCD and anxiety disorders in the state of California, this podcast is for educational pur

    • 23 min
    115. The Strength to Defeat OCD: Insights from a Young Author's Journey with Ella Kim

    115. The Strength to Defeat OCD: Insights from a Young Author's Journey with Ella Kim

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a loved one - your sister, brother, or daughter - battling with intrusive thoughts and engaging in relentless rituals due to OCD? How can families effectively provide the necessary support to help them navigate OCD's grip on their daily lives? 
    In today’s episode of The OCD Whisperer Podcast,  we have the pleasure of conversing with an extraordinary young author, Ella Kim, whose personal story and literary contributions are making waves in the world of mental health advocacy. Ella Kim is a high school student who has authored "How to Defeat Bully Brain," a book that serves as a beacon of hope for children and families grappling with OCD.Ella's motivation to pen this book was deeply personal; her brother's diagnosis with OCD at a tender age was the catalyst that propelled her into action.
    In our conversation, Ella discusses her brother's struggle with OCD, the impact on her family, and the importance of proper support and understanding. She shares her family's journey, including her brother's improvement after a gap year program abroad. Ella also talks about her nonprofit, “OCD Detectives” and her upcoming book on various OCD manifestations. 
    In This Episode
    [01:35] - The idea behind writing the book.
    [02:04] - Navigating OCD as a family
    [03:11] - Challenges and frustration
    [06:12] - Impact on the family
    [08:02] - Creating a story about OCD
    [09:59] - The staircase method
    [11:15] - Spreading awareness through a book
    [12:11] - Different types of obsessions and compulsions
    [14:31] - Understanding the changing nature of OCD
    [15:30] - Defining OCD
    [16:43] - Recovery and struggle
    [18:06] - Tools and understanding
    [18:30] - Contact information
    Notable Quotes
    [02:07]” I went into this deep dive and I kind of looked at OCD resources out there, and I found that there weren't that many children's books that were like workbooks that kind of went into how to deal with your OCD.” -Ella
    [05:16] “There's times when your OCD is worse and when it's better. And so sometimes when just OCD would be worse, it would kind of impact the entire family." -Ella
    [06:12] "Initially, everyone got frustrated because of the mess, but then you have to look past that and realize that he just needs more help rather than getting mad at him." Ella
    [07:14] "Remind them constantly to say no to OCD and give them reasons why, like not having to spend hours a day washing your hands or not feeling uncomfortable for over half the day." -Ella
    [17:36] "During his gap year, even without active therapy, being preoccupied with volunteer work abroad helped him improve significantly."-Ella
    Our Guest
    Ella Kim, a high school student from New York City, has a keen interest in psychology and the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders. Motivated by her brother's diagnosis of OCD at a young age, she decided to write "How to Defeat Bully Brain" to assist young children and their families in combating OCD.
    Resources & Links
    Kristina Orlova, LMFT
    Ella Kim
    Book: How to Defeat Bully Brain: A Story About OCD

    Please note, while our host is a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in OCD and anxiety disorders in the state of California, this podcast is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for therapy.
    Stay tuned for bi-weekly episodes filled with valuable insights and tips for managing OCD and anxiety. And remember, keep going in the meantime. See you in the next episode!

    • 19 min
    114. OCD Advocacy: A Mother's Quest to Build Community Support with Kim Vincenty

    114. OCD Advocacy: A Mother's Quest to Build Community Support with Kim Vincenty

    Imagine this: your ten-year-old son is diagnosed with OCD, and you witness the daily struggles he faces. Through the transformative power of proper treatment, you see him begin to thrive. Yet, in a world where many are lost and unsure how to find resources, access care, or even recognize the signs, you're compelled to take action.
    In today’s episode of The OCD Whisperer Podcast, we sit down with Kim Vincenty. Kim is a remarkable woman whose personal experience with OCD has led her to become a staunch advocate for mental health education and support. She is also the founder of the JACK Mental Health Advocacy organization and a recent recipient of the IOCDF Hero award. 
    In our conversation, Kim shares her personal journey with her son's OCD diagnosis and how it inspired her to help others. We discuss JACK's initiatives, including the Access to Care program, Pediatric OCD Camp, and training for clinicians. The conversation highlights the importance of community, early intervention, and parental support in managing OCD. Kim's commitment to improving mental health education and resources for families shines through as she details her advocacy work.
    In This Episode
    [00:42]Introduction to Kim Vincenty
    [01:38] Kim's journey into OCD advocacy
    [03:28] Kim's experiences supporting families and caregivers
    [06:12] Overview of the JACK Mental Health Advocacy 
    [08:13] The Access to Care program
    [09:23] The Pediatric OCD Camp program
    [09:37] Benefits of the Pediatric OCD Camp program
    [15:47] Parent involvement in the Pediatric OCD Camp
    [17:34] Motivating and supporting children with OCD
    [20:01] The impact of Advocacy
    Notable Quotes
    [01:38] “I'm the mother of someone that lives with OCD. He was diagnosed when he was ten years old, and it quickly spiraled out of control.” -Kim
    [03:28] "I stayed up all night obsessing about it... I just kind of dug in my heels and decided I was going to learn everything I could because my kid was not going down under my watch."- Kim
    [08:04] “We're starting a network of clinicians that are willing to work with us to provide care for people that would otherwise receive no treatment at all.” -Kim
    [12:31] “No matter where you go or if you have OCD or not, you have to have opportunities to get comfortable with uncertainty and discomfort.”-Kim
    [15:02] “If the parents are engaged and everybody's on the same page, the treatment outcomes are better.”-Kim 
    Our Guest
    Kim Vincenty is a devoted mother, wife, and OCD advocate, with over 12 years of experience fostering community and aiding families in finding the best resources for mental health, education, intervention, and recovery. As the former president of OCD Jacksonville, an affiliate of the international OCD Foundation, Kim's advocacy work earned her the prestigious IOCDF Hero Award. She is an active speaker, support group facilitator, and the founder and president of JACK Mental Health, dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and providing support to those in need. Kim's passion, dedication, and tireless advocacy make her a respected figure in the mental health community.

    Resources & Links
    Kristina Orlova, LMFT
    Kim Vincenty
    Please note, while our host is a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in OCD and anxiety disorders in the state of California, this podcast is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for therapy.
    Stay tuned for bi-weekly episodes filled with valuable insights and tips for managing OCD and anxiety. And remember, keep going in the meantime. See you in the next episode!

    • 21 min

Customer Reviews

4.7 out of 5
68 Ratings

68 Ratings

J. Scott Matthews ,

Love this podcast!

Always informative with wonderful guests. Just listened to Episode 100 about the intersection of OCD and spirituality. Very helpful. As an OCD treatment specialist, it’s often difficult to watch what had once been a source of comfort (spiritual practices) become torturous for clients. Great discussion!

Sydney1373920 ,

Must listen

OCD is highly treatable!! Kristina’s podcast and Instagram have really helped me a lot.

Janna Price ,

Wonderful and informative!

This is a great podcast that helps normalize and educate anything OCD. I love that this therapist has lived experience both personally and clinically. She totally normalizes and reduces the shame involved with having OCD.

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