164 episodes

Are you finding it hard to grow fast even though you've been working long and consistently on your show?

Over the last 3 years, Anthony & Taig, the founders of GetMoreListeners.com, have interviewed & coached 250+ podcasters and written multiple podcasting bestsellers (under the pen name Daniel Larson).

‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ is their show focused on helping topic-focused podcasters (coaches, business owners & experts) gain clarity on why their shows aren’t growing as fast as they’d like.

Every Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show will leave you a 5-10 minute voice note sharing their stories, strategies, failures & the mindset needed to grow a successful show.

Every Wednesday, Anthony shares growth-murdering mistakes podcasters often make causing slow and steady growth, and breaks down the changes needed to fast-track growth.

If you’re looking to gain 1000s of listeners who not only follow your show religiously but take the next step, whether that’s becoming a patron, client or just supporting the show…

You need to know what steps are worth taking and which to ignore.

Step 1: listen to #2: 7 Reasons Why Most Podcasts Struggle To Grow That No One Is Talking About

Why Your Podcast Isn't Growing: The Guide For Entrepreneurs Grow Fast and Monetize Get More Listeners

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 33 Ratings

Are you finding it hard to grow fast even though you've been working long and consistently on your show?

Over the last 3 years, Anthony & Taig, the founders of GetMoreListeners.com, have interviewed & coached 250+ podcasters and written multiple podcasting bestsellers (under the pen name Daniel Larson).

‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ is their show focused on helping topic-focused podcasters (coaches, business owners & experts) gain clarity on why their shows aren’t growing as fast as they’d like.

Every Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show will leave you a 5-10 minute voice note sharing their stories, strategies, failures & the mindset needed to grow a successful show.

Every Wednesday, Anthony shares growth-murdering mistakes podcasters often make causing slow and steady growth, and breaks down the changes needed to fast-track growth.

If you’re looking to gain 1000s of listeners who not only follow your show religiously but take the next step, whether that’s becoming a patron, client or just supporting the show…

You need to know what steps are worth taking and which to ignore.

Step 1: listen to #2: 7 Reasons Why Most Podcasts Struggle To Grow That No One Is Talking About

    #166 | How To Get 30 Five-Star Reviews For Your Podcast In The Next 30 Days

    #166 | How To Get 30 Five-Star Reviews For Your Podcast In The Next 30 Days

    Have you ever wondered how some podcasts effortlessly accumulate glowing five-star reviews while yours struggles to get noticed?
    In today's podcasting world, reviews are crucial for social proof and visibility, yet many podcasters struggle to get them.
    This episode dives into proven strategies that can help you quickly garner 30 more five-star reviews, turning your slow-growth podcast into a thriving one.
    In this episode, you will:
    Learn the most efficient ways to ask for reviews from your network, ensuring you get results without feeling awkward or pushy.Discover how to leverage your existing audience and guests to boost your podcast's credibility and visibility.Get actionable tips on tracking and following up on review requests to maximize the number of five-star reviews you receive.
    Tune in now to master these insider techniques and transform your podcast's review game—press play and start seeing results today!
    More From Get More Listeners:
    Grab your FREE personalized audit + a copy of our bestseller Podcast Marketing.
    Or Visit https://getmorelisteners.com/book
    View Client Results & Case Studies Here.
    Or Visit getmorelisteners.com/studentsuccess
    Get More Listeners Recommendations:
    Looking for a new hosting platform with amazing analytics?
    Try Captivate: Get a FREE 7-day Trial Here.
    Content Pillars of ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’
    How to grow a podcast
    How to build a content strategy
    How to grow an engaged audience
    How to get more listeners for your podcast
    How to use social media to grow a podcast
    Social media strategies for growing a podcast
    Podcast SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
    Podcast growth strategies
    How to build an audience with podcasting
    Podcast marketing
    Content marketing
    Podcast guesting
    This is not a podcast like, Podcasting Made Simple by Alex Sanfilippo, Grow The Show: How to Grow a Podcast Audience & Monetize by Kevin Chemidlin, School of Podcasting by Dave Jackson, Grow My Podcast Show by Deirdre Tshien but more like ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ by Anthony Nwaneri.

    • 11 min
    #165 | Is Podcast Growth Summer Slump A Real Thing? Podcast Marketing Strategies For Summer

    #165 | Is Podcast Growth Summer Slump A Real Thing? Podcast Marketing Strategies For Summer

    Have you ever wondered if the so-called "podcast growth summer slump" is real or just a myth?
    This episode dives deep into a common issue podcasters face during the summer months: a noticeable dip in growth and listener engagement.
    If you've seen your podcast's numbers stagnate or decline during the summer, this episode provides actionable insights to help you turn things around and maintain momentum.
    In this episode, you will:
    Learn the truth behind the podcast growth summer slump and whether it truly affects your show.Discover practical strategies to make your content more relevant and engaging during the summer months.Find out how to leverage email marketing to keep your audience engaged even when they're not tuning into their podcast apps as frequently.
    Don't let the summer slump slow you down—play this episode now to uncover how you can keep your podcast growing all year round!
    More From Get More Listeners:
    Grab your FREE personalized audit + a copy of our bestseller Podcast Marketing.
    Or Visit https://getmorelisteners.com/book
    View Client Results & Case Studies Here.
    Or Visit getmorelisteners.com/studentsuccess
    Get More Listeners Recommendations:
    Looking for a new hosting platform with amazing analytics?
    Try Captivate: Get a FREE 7-day Trial Here.
    Content Pillars of ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’
    How to grow a podcast
    How to build a content strategy
    How to grow an engaged audience
    How to get more listeners for your podcast
    How to use social media to grow a podcast
    Social media strategies for growing a podcast
    Podcast SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
    Podcast growth strategies
    How to build an audience with podcasting
    Podcast marketing
    Content marketing
    Podcast guesting
    This is not a podcast like, Podcasting Made Simple by Alex Sanfilippo, Grow The Show: How to Grow a Podcast Audience & Monetize by Kevin Chemidlin, School of Podcasting by Dave Jackson, Grow My Podcast Show by Deirdre Tshien but more like ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ by Anthony Nwaneri.

    • 10 min
    #164 | Roast The Show: Is The Lack of Specificity Is Hurting Your Podcast Growth

    #164 | Roast The Show: Is The Lack of Specificity Is Hurting Your Podcast Growth

    Are you struggling to clarify your podcast's target audience and boost engagement?
    Discover how focusing on a specific niche can transform your podcast’s growth and success!
    In this episode, we dive into the common challenges faced by podcasters trying to appeal to multiple audiences. We’ll explore practical strategies to refine your focus and ensure your content speaks directly to your ideal listeners, enhancing both engagement and monetization.
    In this episode you will discover:
    How to pinpoint and clearly define your podcast’s target audience for maximum impact.The benefits of creating content tailored to a specific niche to boost listener retention and loyalty.The powerful link between a focused podcast and increased opportunities for monetization and audience engagement.
    Ready to transform your podcast by targeting the right audience? Click play now to learn how to refine your focus and create a show that resonates deeply with your ideal listeners!

    More From Get More Listeners:
    Grab your FREE personalized audit + a copy of our bestseller Podcast Marketing.

    Or Visit https://getmorelisteners.com/book

    View Client Results & Case Studies Here.


    Or Visit getmorelisteners.com/studentsuccess

    Get More Listeners Recommendations:

    Looking for a new hosting platform with amazing analytics?

    Try Captivate: Get a FREE 7-day Trial Here.

    • 9 min
    #163 | Podcast SEO Myths To Avoid If You Want Faster Podcast Growth In 2024 - SEO Marketing Strategies

    #163 | Podcast SEO Myths To Avoid If You Want Faster Podcast Growth In 2024 - SEO Marketing Strategies

    Ready to break down and demystify podcast SEO?
    In this rapidly evolving podcasting world, it's vital to stay ahead of misconceptions that can hinder your growth.
    This episode is dedicated to shattering myths about podcast SEO and aligning your strategy with what truly works.
    In this episode you will discover:
    The reality behind common myths that hold podcasters back when it comes to podcast SEOHow podcast SEO isn't as complicated as it seems Why simply adding keywords to titles isn’t enough to rank your podcast higher on Apple & Spotify.
    So if you're ready to dive deeper into the world of podcast SEO, if you want to understand where most podcaster go wrong and how to avoid these mistakes scroll up and press play.
    Want to get your podcast roasted/get free personalized 1-1 coaching by Anthony and Taig?
    Go to:
    Recommended Resources:
    # 23 | What Is Podcast SEO? How Can You Use It To Rank Higher On Apple & Spotify (Intro To Podcast SEO Part 1)

    #26 | How To Increase Your Podcasts Discoverability On Apple & Spotify (Podcast SEO Part 2)

    #29 | The 3 Things You Need To Focus On To Increase Your Visibility on Apple & Spotify (Podcast SEO Part 3)

    #32 | 5 Common Mistakes That Could Be Hurting Your Podcast Engagement (Podcast SEO Part 4)

    #35 | How To Establish Your Expertise, Increase Relevancy & Build Your Podcast's Authority (SEO Part 5)

    Content Pillars of ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’

    How to grow a podcast
    How to build a content strategy
    How to grow an engaged audience
    How to get more listeners for your podcast
    How to use social media to grow a podcast
    Social media strategies for growing a podcast
    Podcast SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
    Podcast growth strategies
    How to build an audience with podcasting
    Podcast marketing
    Content marketing
    Podcast guesting

    This is not a podcast like, Podcasting Made Simple by Alex Sanfilippo, Grow The Show: How to Grow a Podcast Audience & Monetize by Kevin Chemidlin, School of Podcasting by Dave Jackson, Grow My Podcast Show by Deirdre Tshien by more like ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ by Anthony Nwaneri.

    • 15 min
    #162 | Why More Hard work & Consistency Won’t Help You Grow Your Podcast Audience

    #162 | Why More Hard work & Consistency Won’t Help You Grow Your Podcast Audience

    Are you pouring endless hours into your podcast without seeing the growth you expected?
    Many podcasters believe that hard work and consistency are the keys to success, yet their audience remains stagnant.
    This episode dives into why these qualities alone aren't enough to grow your show and what you might be missing in your strategy.
    In this episode, you will:
    Discover why relentless hard work and consistency might be sabotaging your podcast growth.Learn to identify the right actions that lead to a positive feedback loop for audience engagement.Gain insights on how to strategically evaluate and refine your podcasting approach for better results.
    Tune in to this episode now and transform your podcast growth strategy by leveraging the right tactics, not just hard work and consistency!
    More From Get More Listeners:
    Grab your FREE personalized audit + a copy of our bestseller Podcast Marketing.
    Or Visit https://getmorelisteners.com/book
    View Client Results & Case Studies Here.
    Or Visit getmorelisteners.com/studentsuccess
    Get More Listeners Recommendations:
    Looking for a new hosting platform with amazing analytics?
    Try Captivate: Get a FREE 7-day Trial Here.
    Content Pillars of ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’
    How to grow a podcast
    How to build a content strategy
    How to grow an engaged audience
    How to get more listeners for your podcast
    How to use social media to grow a podcast
    Social media strategies for growing a podcast
    Podcast SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
    Podcast growth strategies
    How to build an audience with podcasting
    Podcast marketing
    Content marketing
    Podcast guesting
    This is not a podcast like, Podcasting Made Simple by Alex Sanfilippo, Grow The Show: How to Grow a Podcast Audience & Monetize by Kevin Chemidlin, School of Podcasting by Dave Jackson, Grow My Podcast Show by Deirdre Tshien but more like ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ by Anthony Nwaneri.

    • 14 min
    #161 | Growth & Monetization Lessons From a Podcaster (Jim) Who's Made MILLIONS From His Podcast

    #161 | Growth & Monetization Lessons From a Podcaster (Jim) Who's Made MILLIONS From His Podcast

    If you're a podcaster struggling to grow your audience or a business owner looking to leverage podcasting for your brand, this episode offers actionable insights from someone who has successfully navigated the journey from zero to a million downloads.
    Jim Cockrum, host of "Silent Sales Machine," shares his remarkable story and practical advice on how to overcome common pitfalls and achieve sustained podcast growth.
    Show Name: Silent Sales Machine
    Current audience size at the point of publishing: 60-80,000 monthly/downloads
    Niche/Focus of show: Business Strategy
    Global Ranking: Top 0.5%
    You can find Jim's podcast here
    Every Monday, a successful podcaster with tens of thousands of listeners and a fully monetized show will leave you a 5-10 minute voice note sharing their stories, strategies, failures & the mindset needed to grow a successful show.
    And this is one of those episodes.
    So if you want to gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to build a successful podcast, scroll up and click play!
    More From Get More Listeners:
    Grab your FREE personalized audit + a copy of our bestseller Podcast Marketing.
    Or Visit https://getmorelisteners.com/book
    View Client Results & Case Studies Here.
    Or Visit getmorelisteners.com/studentsuccess
    Get More Listeners Recommendations:
    Looking for a new hosting platform with amazing analytics?
    Try Captivate: Get a FREE 7-day Trial Here.
    Content Pillars of ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’
    How to grow a podcast
    How to build a content strategy
    How to grow an engaged audience
    How to get more listeners for your podcast
    How to use social media to grow a podcast
    Social media strategies for growing a podcast
    Podcast SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
    Podcast growth strategies
    How to build an audience with podcasting
    Podcast marketing
    Content marketing
    Podcast guesting
    This is not a podcast like, Podcasting Made Simple by Alex Sanfilippo, Grow The Show: How to Grow a Podcast Audience & Monetize by Kevin Chemidlin, School of Podcasting by Dave Jackson, Grow My Podcast Show by Deirdre Tshien by more like ‘Why Your Podcast Isn’t Growing’ by Anthony Nwaneri.

    • 15 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
33 Ratings

33 Ratings

Shaunjboyce ,

My podcasts lack of success wasn’t a reflection of a personal failure

Taking time to talk to these guys was absolutely worth it. To hear the obvious is sometimes difficult and to hear the truth can even be painful. But if you want to grow and understand, from first principles, what to do next, I highly recommend talking to Anthony and Taig.

spbennie ,

Good info, bad audio

I really want to listen to this podcast…but the audio is so quiet that every time I turn it up loud enough to hear it in my car…I almost blow my eardrums out if I get another call or notification.

Surprising from a podcast like this.

I like the info they share…but couldn’t find a way to email my feedback in so I hope they see this here.

Would love to upgrade my stats…but can’t until the audio gets better.

Carol C (Cheer) ,

GREAT Tips For Podcasters!

I’ve taken so many teachings and tips from this podcast. Really easy and fun to listen to - highly recommend for new and experienced podcasters alike!

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