Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki
Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training

Improving your COMMUNICATION SKILLS can help you get noticed and get promoted! Dr. Andrea Wojnicki is a Harvard-educated communication coach whose research focuses on interpersonal communication and consumer psychology. Through the TALK ABOUT TALK podcast, Andrea and her guests share advice on how to elevate your communication skills. Learn about: • overcoming IMPOSTER SYNDROME & communicating with CONFIDENCE • PERSONAL BRANDING • communication skills for LEADERS • STORYTELLING • LISTENING skills • how to INTRODUCE YOURSELF and more! Subscribe to the Talk About Talk podcast and sign up for the weekly communication coaching newsletter.

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Optimizing Your VOICE with Claire Fry (ep.180)

    Optimizing your voice means sounding like your best self – not someone else! Andrea talks with vocal coach and voice actor Claire Fry to understand why you should focus on your unique voiceprint—rather than imitating others—and how to support your voice through techniques like deep breathing and smiling. They also cover practical tips for enhancing your voice and presence in online meetings.   CLAIRE FRY LinkedIn – Website – Website – Podcast recommendation: Think Fast Talk Smart with Matt Abrahams   CONNECT WITH ANDREA  LinkedIn – Andrea: LinkedIn Talk About Talk: Website: Newsletter: YouTube Channel: Archetypes Quiz:   TRANSCRIPT   Are you ready?   Welcome to Talk about Talk podcast episode #180 – Optimizing your Voice with Claire Fry.   Claire is a voice actor and a vocal coach. In addition to having a beautiful voice and expertise on the subject, Claire is also witty and fun. Her linkedin posts often make me chuckle. Like the time she had to get her car towed and she took a selfie of her and the tow truck driver. She posted the photo of the two of them in the front seat of the tow truck, and of course, she shared some life lessons. Anyway, I encourage you to follow Claire.  You can find her coordinates in the shownotes.   You can find my coordinates there too! In case we haven’t met, my name is Dr. Andrea Wojnicki and I’m an executive communication coach at Tak About Talk. Please just call me Andrea. I coach executives like you to improve your communication skills so you can communicate with confidence, establish credibility, and ultimately achieve your career goals. That’s our objective. To learn more about me and what I do, head over to where you can read about my 1:1 private coaching, small group bootcamps, keynote speeches, and corporate workshops. Plus there are a bunch of free resources, including my free communication skills coaching newsletter, and the archetypes quiz.    In case you haven’t taken the archetypes quiz yet, I hope you will. This can help you establish your professional identity. Im a Sage and a Magician.  If I had to guess, I’d say Claire is a Citizen or maybe a Caregiver, AND a Jester.    OK – in my conversation with Claire Fry, which you’re about to hear, you’re going to learn how to use your best voice. If youre like many people, you might not think about your voice. But here’s the thing: whether its online, in person or on the phone, your voice says a lot about you.    There are some relatively easy things you can do to optimize the sound of your voice. Yes, of course, there’s the importance of breathing.  Breathing is key. But there’s a lot more to your voice than just breathing, as youre about to hear.    At the end, after the interview, I’ll summarize with three important learnings that I want to reinforc...

    54 min
  2. JAN 21

    The Portfolio Life and your PERSONAL BRAND with Christina Wallace (ep.179)

    “The Portfolio Life” – Have you ever considered your personal interests and activities to be a portfolio?  A portfolio worth assessing and diversifying? In this interview with author Christina Wallace, you’ll learn about the four pillars of creating a portfolio life, how they might inform your personal brand, and three exercises to help you be more purposeful in your life – beyond what’s on your business card.   CHRISTINA WALLACE Book “The Portfolio Life” – LinkedIn – Website – Christina’s recommendations: The Anxious Achiever by Morra Aarons Mele – The Perfect Story by Karen Eber –   CONNECT WITH ANDREA  LinkedIn – Andrea: LinkedIn – Talk About Talk: Website: Newsletter: YouTube Channel:   TRANSCRIPT   Have you ever considered this?  If you are 100% focused on your job and you lose your job, then of course you lose everything.  YIKES.   That voice, by the way, belongs to Christina Wallace, the author of a book I highly recommend, called “The Portfolio Life.”  I met Chistina a few months ago at a conference, where she gave a talk about her book. The exercises that Christina outlines in her book can change your life. This is definitely not an understatement.  Are you ready to learn more?   Welcome to Talk about Talk podcast episode #179,  “The Portfolio Life and Your Personal Brand with Christina Wallace”   You’re about to hear my conversation with Christina, where you will learn about a framework and several exercises that will help you identify your personal priorities. You’ll also hear the full spectrum of emotion – from crying about my lost friend, to laughing out loud.    Here’s an excerpt from her the book jacket fr “The Portfolio Life” that I think you’ll find compelling. Here’s what it says:  Whether you’re sick of being told you’re worth is inextricably tied to your work, or that setting boundaries and protecting your personal life means you aren’t all in, this book will walk you step-by-step through the process of designing a strategy for the long-haul. Because you deserve rest, relationships, and a rewarding career – not someday, but today. After all, you only live once.   Yes, that’s pretty compelling   Of course, I always see these things through the lens of our respective personal brands. These exercise provide powerful insight into our true brands.  As you’ll hear me I admit to Christina, I assigned one of her exercises in a personal branding bootcamp that I ran recently. And it went exactly as she forecasted: the first part was easy.  Simple.  But then it got very difficult,  And of course, that where the magic happens.    Let’s dive in. I’m going to interview Christina and then we’ll get right to the interview. After the interview as always,

    59 min
  3. JAN 7

    Update Your RESUME & LINKEDIN with Martin Buckland (ep.178)

    Is your resume or CV updated to comply with ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) standards? Whether you’re actively job-searching or vaguely considering a job change, these insights from resume expert Martin Buckland will set you up for success. Bonus download: “How to Optimize the Top of Your Resume for the ATS.”   BONUS DOWNLOAD “How to Optimize the Top of Your Resume for the ATS” –   MARTIN BUCKLAND LinkedIn – Website – Podcast recommendations: The World of Work, Dr. Nima Pasha, Henley Business School The Application, Associate Dean of the Saeed Business School (Oxford) Trium Connects, London School of Economics, HEC Paris, and NYU Stern   CONNECT WITH ANDREA  LinkedIn – Andrea: LinkedIn – Talk About Talk: Website: Newsletter: YouTube Channel:   TRANSCRIPT   Are you vaguely considering a job change?  Or perhaps youre actively job searching? No matter your job status, you need an updated and optimized resume.  And as you’re about to learn, optimizing your resume has changed a LOT in the last few years!  Get ready to learn all about how AI and specifically the ATS or Applicant tracking system, has significantly changed the rules of effective résumé writing.    If you choose to ignore the new resume guidelines based on the ATS, there’s a high probability that no one will ever read your résume.  On the other hand, if you incorporate the ATS guidelines, if you optimize your resume based on the advice you’re about to hear, you just might have a competitive advantage relative to other job seekers you’re competitive against.   Are you ready?   Welcome to Talk about Talk podcast episode “Update your Resume and LinkedIn with Martin Buckland”   I get a lot of requests from my clients to help them with their CV. Let me say upfront there are things I can help with when it comes to your resume, and things I cannot. I can definitely help you craft your narrative in terms of clearly communicating your unique personal brand.  I can help you choose the words and phrases that will reinforce your unique value.   What I cannot do it help you with formatting. I am not expert on that. And as I said at the beginning, the ATS or Applicant Tracking System has completely changed how resumes should be formatted.  So, what should we do?  Let’s call in the expert- Mr. Martin Buckland.   You’re about to hear my conversation with Martin, where we literally go line by line and he describes what can and cannot be included starting with your name at the top all the way down to your interests at the very bottom.   To make this process easier for you, Martin and I created a one page template of what should be included in the top section of your résumé in particular. You can find a link to this one pager in the show notes which you can either print now before you listen to the interview or you can print and read it later as a review. We thought it would be helpful if you could see an example of exactly what Martin describes.

    1h 6m
  4. 2024-12-17

    BONUS: “Elevator Pitches” with Terry O’Reilly of Under the Influence

    Do you have an ELEVATOR PITCH? Not a rehearsed script, but a sentence that articulates your unique brand? In this bonus episode, Andrea shares a popular episode of the Under the Influence podcast hosted by epic storyteller Terry O’Reilly, focused on “Elevator Pitches.” TERRY O’REILLY * Podcast ”Under the Influence” – * Website –   CONNECT WITH ANDREA * LinkedIn – Andrea: * LinkedIn Talk About Talk: * Website: * Email Newsletter: * YouTube Channel:     TRANSCRIPT Welcome to this bonus episode of the talk about talk podcast. Are you curious what this is all about? This episode was inspired by my conversation about storytelling with Terry O’Reilly a few months ago. Terry is the host of the under the influence podcast, and he’s an epic storyteller.  If you haven’t listened to our conversation yet, I encourage you to go back and listen to Talk About Talk episode 173.   During that interview, Terry and I started talking about Elevator Pitches. That’s when this happened.  Take a listen:   Andrea Wojnicki: My favorite elevator pitch of all time is, you know, the Sigourney Weaver aliens movie. Do you know what the elevator pitch was for? Terry O’Reilly: Jaws in space. Andrea Wojnicki – TalkAboutTalk: Yes, I probably learned that from you, Terry. Terry O’Reilly: Yeah, you may have.   In case it wasn’t clear – I shared with Terry my favorite elevator pitch of all time – It’s the pitch for the movie Aliens.  I can just imagine the writer pitching this Aliens movie to the Hollywood producer. Saying, “what’s this movie all about?  Well, think Jaws in Space.” Three words. “Jaws in Space.”  Beautiful.   As I was sharing that with Terry, it occurred to me – WAIT!  I think I originally learned that story, that elevator pitch, from Terry!  I think I learned that from one of his Under the Influence episodes.  That was pretty funny.  Kind of embarrassing,  But Terry was very gracious.   I subsequently re-listened to Terry’s Under the Influence episode on Elevator Pitches – and it’s fantastic. So – here we are with our bonus episode. Now YOU’re going to hear that episode! You’ll hear Terry describe that elevator pitch for the Aliens movie, and a whole lot more.   Here’s your task: I encourage you to listen to this episode through the lens of improving your personal brand narrative. Based on your unique expertise and passions, based on your superpowers, and based on Terry’s guidance in developing a compelling elevator pitch, is there a phrase you can use when youre introducing yourself?   For those of you who’ve been in my workshops or private coaching, you know that I am not a fan of the rehearsed elevator script. You know, that overly-rehearsed, too long, too generic ramble that you hear people recite when theyre trying to impress you?  That’s not what Im talking about.  Im talking about a few words, a phrase, maybe one sentence, that you can own.  Your “Jaws in Space,” if you will.

    30 min
  5. 2024-12-10

    Gift-Giving Do’s & Don’ts (ep.177)

    Gift-giving is a form of communication. Yes, gift-giving can be stressful! Andrea shares the art and science of gift-giving, plus a gift for you – a free one-page summary of gift-giving do’s and don’ts. YOUR GIFT FROM ANDREA Get your one-page summary of gift-giving do’s and don’ts: CONNECT WITH ANDREA & TALK ABOUT TALK * Website: Communication Coaching Newsletter: LinkedIn Andrea: LinkedIn TalkAboutTalk: YouTube Channel: @talkabouttalkyoutube   TRANSCRIPT Well, hello there! Wow – the year is almost over. Can you believe it? It’s such a cliché, but the years really do go by fast. Many of us mark the end of the year with a gift. It could be a personal gift – for a family or friend. Or it might be a professional gift for a client or a colleague. It might be a THANK YOU gift. Or you might be celebrating the Winter Solstice or Saint Nicholas Day, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, … or maybe you’re just celebrating the new calendar year? Chances are you’ve got some gifting to do. Chances are you’re also a bit stressed out Don’t worry – I got you! In the episode, you’re going to learn what the research says about gift-giving. I’m going to share a framework and specific do’s and don’t. I ALSO have a gift for you! Are you ready? Welcome to TAT podcast episode 177 – Gift-Giving Do’s & Don’ts This is a re-release of a previous episode – way back at episode 38. I just re-listened to that episode, I have to tell you, it’s ALL there. You’ll learn a lot – I promise. Certainly, a few things have changed since then. Like the obvious one – there’s AI. Have you tried using AI to help you with your gift giving? I must admit, I have. “Hey Chat GPT, what’s a great gift for a client who’s constantly referring new business to me? Or what’s a great gift for my 17 year old son who’s obsessed with hockey? Of course, the more specific you get about the person you’re gifting, the better the AI recommendations. As with all things AI, the personal human touch is what makes a big difference. Now, before we get into this, I want to give YOU a gift. I know this time of year can be very stressful. It feels like everything’s piling up, right? And on top of everything happening at work and personally, there’s also this added task of gift-giving. As you’ll hear in this episode, there IS reason to be anxious about gift giving. So, to help you with this anxiety, I have a gift for you! It’s this – a one-page summary of the do’s and don’ts of effective gift giving. Stop guessing, and base your gift giving decisions on what the research says. Here’s how you can get the one-pager: go to ((((HYPHEN))). Then you can download this Free “Gift-Giving Guide,” a summary of the Dos & Dont’s of gift giving, including what the research says about what to worry LESS about. Yes, you heard me – what you should worry LESS about. You’re welcome. Just go to gift-giving (hyphen) right now to get your one pager. Alright let’s do this!  Yes, gift-giving is a form of communication.  A significant one, it turns out.  Gift-giving is prevalent, it is a common phenomenon.  It is also highly symbolic.  The gifts we give and receive communicate a lo...

    25 min
  6. 2024-11-26

    Talk EXTREMES – Remaking the Space Between Us with Dr. Diana McLain Smith (ep.176)

    Extreme opinion seems to be the norm.  How many times have you consciously avoided a conversation about social or political views? “Remaking the Space Between Us” author Dr. Diana McLain Smith shares her insights with Andrea about how to start the conversation in an environment when toxic polarization is standard.   DIANA SMITH Book: “Remaking the Space Between Us: How Citizens Can Work Together to Build a Better Future For Us All“ – Article: Diana Smith & Amy Edmondson “Too Hot to Handle: How to Manage Relationship Conflict”. California Management Review – University of Toronto Rotman magazine –—the-future-of-capital-/ Diana’s 3 Recos: Podcast: “The Bullwark”, Sarah Longwell – Book: “And There was Light” John Meacham – Documentary. “I Am Not Your Negro” DIANA SMITH’S RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: “Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership and Life” Jeff -Wetzler – Sharon Says So (Instagram) – Solutions Journalism Network – Reuters – More in Common – Listen First Project – One Small Step – Starts With Us – CONNECT WITH ANDREA & TALK ABOUT TALK * Website: Communication Coaching Newsletter: LinkedIn Andrea: LinkedIn TalkAboutTalk: YouTube Channel: @talkabouttalkyoutube   TRANSCRIPT Meet Dr. Diana McLain Smith. I’ve interviewed a lot of high IQ folks here at the talk about talk podcast. But I have to say, Diana is off the charts. I met Diana when Amy Edmondson recommended that I read Diana’s book, entitled “Re-Making the Space Between Us.” This book is chalk full of relevant history, more current stories, and incredible insight.  In the next 45 minutes, you’re going to hear my conversation with Diana Smith, and my summary of what we can do to help us re-make the space between us.

    58 min
  7. 2024-11-12

    PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY & FAILING WELL with Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson (ep.175)

    Harvard Professor Amy Edmondson talks with Andrea about the significance of accountability in a psychologically safe workplace. Learn about the important difference between disappointment vs regret and between mistakes vs failures. Amy shares insights from her new book, “The Right Kind of Wrong,” including the three types of failure, and the one we should be striving for!       BOOKS & ARTICLES MENTIONED * Amy Edmondson – “The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth” – * Amy Edmondson – “Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well” – * Daniel Kahneman – “Thinking Fast & Slow” – * Adam Grant (NYTimes) – “Women Know Exactly What They’re Doing When They Use “Weak Language” – * Samuel Culbert – “Get Rid of the Performance Review!: How Companies Can Stop Intimidating, Start Managing–and Focus on What Really Matters“ –   CONNECT WITH ANDREA & TALK ABOUT TALK * Website: Communication Coaching Newsletter: LinkedIn Andrea: LinkedIn TalkAboutTalk: YouTube Channel: @talkabouttalkyoutube   TRANSCRIPT Yes, we all have work to do. In the next 45 minutes, you’re going to learn directly from Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, a pioneer in psychological safety and failing well. Wait – isn’t that an oxymoron? “Failing Well”? Not necessarily. I cant wait for you to hear my conversation with Amy Welcome to Talk about Talk podcast episode #175 “Psychological Safety and failing well with professor Amy Edmondson.” My name is Dr. Andrea Wojnicki and I’m an executive communication coach. Please just call me Andrea. Through my work at Talk about Talk, I coach ambitious executives to elevate their communication skills so they can communicate with confidence and credibility. To learn more about what I do, head over to where you can read about the coaching and the workshops that I run. Plus there are lots of free resources for you, including the brand new archetypes quiz, where you can learn which archetype resonates with you and your professional identity. You can also free coaching from me by signing up for my free email newsletter. Head over to to sign up now. OK,Let’s get into this. Years ago, I had the privilege of taking Professor Amy Edmondson’s doctoral course called “Field Research Methods” at Harvard Business School. Fast forward to today. Many years later, I regularly coach executives – and medical and health care professionals, as youll hear, whether through 1:1 coaching sessions or corporate workshops, on some of the phenomena that Amy taught me, and some of the concepts that she pioneered, including psychological safety. Recently, Amy published a new book called “Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing well”. After reading the book,

    48 min
  8. 2024-10-29

    Boost Your SELF-AWARENESS with Dr. Tasha Eurich (ep.174)

    How to boost your self-awareness with Dr. Tasha Eurich.  Tasha and Andrea talk about how self-awareness can improve your communication, relationships, confidence, promotability, influence, empathy, leadership, and more. Dr. TASHA EURICH Books: Insight – Shatterproof (2025) – Insight Quiz: Tasha’s book recommendation: “Wonder Hell” by Laura Gassner Otting –   CONNECT WITH ANDREA & TALK ABOUT TALK * Website: Communication Coaching Newsletter: LinkedIn Andrea: LinkedIn TalkAboutTalk: YouTube Channel: @talkabouttalkyoutube   TRANSCRIPT Are YOU a self-awareness unicorn? That RARE person with exceptionally high internal and external self awareness? Probably not. But according to self-awareness expert Dr.Tasha Eurich, just by learning some of the tools and approaches you’ll hear in the next 45 minutes, you’re way ahead of the pack. One step closer to unicorn status. Let’s do this! Welcome to Talk about Talk podcast episode #174 “Boost your Self-awareness with Dr.Tasha Eurich.” I’m so excited for you to meet Tasha. I read her book called INSIGHT a few years ago after it was recommended by Adam Grant. The full title is Insight: The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why the Answers Matter More Than We Think. It immediately became one of my favorites, a book with research that I reference all the time, and a book that I often recommend to my coaching clients. So I was very excited to book this interview. When the time finally came and we logged into the interview, we both stopped and stared at the screen. I’m sure my jaw dropped. Tasha was sitting in front of her beautiful horizontal bookcase, all sorted by color. Like a beautiful rainbow of books, including the turquoise book jacket cover of her book INSIGHT. Some of you might know that I am also obsessed with color, particularly turquoise. So there I was, in front of my vertical bookshelf, each shelf coded by colour – black then red then turquoise, then yellow, and so on. WOW. Even if you’re not obsessed with colour, our screens were a sight to be seen. You could say we had an instant connection. Speaking of connection – In case we haven’t met, my name is Dr. Andrea Wojnicki and I’m your executive communication coach. Please just call me Andrea. I coach executives like you to improve your communication skills so you can communicate with confidence, establish credibility, and ultimately achieve your career goals. To learn more about what I do, head over to and you can read about the coaching and workshops I run. Plus there are lots of free resources for you at the bottom of the homepage. You can also sign up for my email newsletter, where you’ll get free coaching from me in your inbox. Head over to to sign up now. Alright, let’s shift gears. In this episode, you’re going to learn a helpful definition of self-awareness,

    48 min
out of 5
32 Ratings


Improving your COMMUNICATION SKILLS can help you get noticed and get promoted! Dr. Andrea Wojnicki is a Harvard-educated communication coach whose research focuses on interpersonal communication and consumer psychology. Through the TALK ABOUT TALK podcast, Andrea and her guests share advice on how to elevate your communication skills. Learn about: • overcoming IMPOSTER SYNDROME & communicating with CONFIDENCE • PERSONAL BRANDING • communication skills for LEADERS • STORYTELLING • LISTENING skills • how to INTRODUCE YOURSELF and more! Subscribe to the Talk About Talk podcast and sign up for the weekly communication coaching newsletter.

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