A Quest for Well-Being

Valeria Teles
A Quest for Well-Being

This is a podcast inspired by love in the quest for Well-Being. The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations on the fields of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This is a platform of collaboration created for the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights about holistic health. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking toward a new way of living and new ways of being. Through the lens of awareness and healing, we explore such topics as trauma, addiction, co-dependency, fear, depression, anxiety, learning, and self-love, among others. The intention is to inspire healthy changes and promote awareness. I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with many AMAZING human beings!!! Much appreciation for the guests and supporters of this podcast! Podcast Song “Almost August” by Dan Lebowitz http://www.lebomusic.com/

  1. Yoga Nidra & The Expression Of Your Highest Potential

    JAN 7

    Yoga Nidra & The Expression Of Your Highest Potential

    — Yoga nidra, which is derived from the tantras, is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. In yoga nidra, sleep is not regarded as relaxation. People feel that they are relaxing when they collapse in an easy chair with a cup of coffee, a drink or a cigarette, and read a newspaper or switch on the television. But this will never suffice as a scientific definition of relaxation. These are only sensory diversions. T rue relaxation is actually an experience far beyond all this. For absolute relaxation you must remain aware. This is yoga nidra, the state of dynamic sleep. Yoga nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. The term yoga nidra is derived from two Sanskrit words, yoga meaning union or one-pointed awareness, and nidra which means sleep. During the practice of yoga nidra, one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. For this reason, yoga nidra is often referred to as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness. In this threshold state between sleep and wake­ fulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. In yoga nidra, the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences. If the consciousness can be separated from external awareness and from sleep, it becomes very powerful and can be applied in many ways, for example, to develop the memory, increase knowledge and creativity, or transform one’s nature. Valeria interviews Ruthie Ayzenberg — LMFT, LPCC, PMH-C, RYT-500, she is a compassionate psychotherapist with over a decade of experience, specializing in anxiety, depression and maternal mental health. Additionally, Ruthie is a dedicated yoga student and teacher with comprehensive training in Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, and Yoga Nidra. She is the creator and host of the Na’aleh Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+ podcast, where she shares the transformative power of Yoga Nidra, a practice that has deeply impacted her own life. When Ruthie was introduced to Yoga Nidra during her very first yoga teacher training, her life changed beyond what she could have imagined. What began as a personal journey soon evolved into a passion for sharing this gently transformative practice with others by crafting culturally-sensitive journeys steeped in reverence for both the Yogic lineage and Jewish tradition, while remaining inclusive to people of all cultures. Every episode is created from the heart with mindfulness and love.  In her private practice, Mental Fitness Therapy, Ruthie offers personalized holistic healing using a handful of modalities, Yoga Nidra guidance, and group sessions, helping clients manage stress, reconnect with their inner selves, and heal from within. Ruthie has 100% trust in her clients' abilities to heal themselves when given the right conditions.  Ruthie enjoys blending yoga, psychology, and spirituality throughout daily life and practices what she preaches.  To experience the benefits of Yoga Nidra, tune into Na’aleh Yoga Nidra Journeys for Deep Rest+ or connect with Ruthie through her practice. To learn more about Ruthie Ayzenberg and her work, please visit: https://www.mentalfitnesstherapy.org/ https://naalehyoga.podbean.com

    1h 14m
  2. A Spirit Led Life Free from Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Bond

    JAN 6

    A Spirit Led Life Free from Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Bond

    — “No matter how confused, self- doubting or ambivalent we are about what’s happening in our interactions with other people, we can never entirely silence the inner voice that always tells us the truth. We may not like the sound of the truth, and we often let it murmur just outside our consciousness, not stopping long enough to listen. But when we pay attention to it, it leads us towards wisdom, health and clarity. That voice is the guardian of our integrity.”  ~Susan Forward, Ph.D. Valeria interviews Rhonda Van De Geest  — She is a Certified & Accredited Narcissistic Abuse Specialist , Somatic Trauma Informed Coach, PreKure Mental Health Coach and trained practitioner of Living Wisdom Pastoral Therapy and Brainspotting. Rhonda is the founder of Victory Overwhelming, a Mental Wellness Coaching Service which takes a holistic approach to helping people free themselves from the effects of Narcissistic Abuse and Intergenerational Trauma.  Rhonda’s passion is to help people gain Victory over their Overwhelming emotions, caused by narcissism, trauma and spiritual abuse. Rhonda coaches clients to help them regain the four fundamental emotional needs which trauma destroys – their sense of Safety, Significance, Purpose and Innocence (freedom from guilt and shame).  She combines the latest Brain/Body neuroscience, Brainspotting, Internal Family Systems, ACT and Pastoral Therapy for Somatic Belief Reprogramming to help clients gain awareness of and learn to overcome the barriers preventing them from living a more fulfilling life. Her unique combination of skills fills a gap in the existing mental health system, helping clients for whom traditional ‘talk-therapies’ have not provided the desired outcomes.  Healing occurs in the body, mind and soul. Whether you need a one-off consultation or ongoing support, it’s important to get support from someone who not only has personal understanding of severe trauma, but has overcome it to experience post traumatic growth. Rhonda helps people all over the world via online and in person coaching. Contact Rhonda to explore how you can best work together to meet your needs. To learn more about Rhonda Van De Geest and her work, please visit: https://www.victoryoverwhelming.com/

    1h 7m
  3. Honoring Ancestral Grief: The Path to Self and Collective Liberation


    Honoring Ancestral Grief: The Path to Self and Collective Liberation

    — Honoring Ancestral Grief work is very subtle and profound, that takes place on a molecular level. It takes patience, devotion, compassion and an open heart to generate and embody these changes, until one day the process unfolds organically and naturally without utilizing immense reservoirs of effort. Some of the positive changes occur on the neuroplasticity level, which is the brain's ability to change through growth and reorganization. Some manifest as a deeper attuned nervous system and wider access to the information and sacred wisdom our bodies carries, a whole inner architecture that we get to know, our ancestry library.  A big part of the work of processing the un-metabolized grief of our ancestors, is to grief for them, and by doing so, for us as well. Grief call us to life. There's an importance in embracing grief to help us find deeper meaning in the joy and vitality of life.  Healing this grief may come through reconnecting with our forgotten lineage, allowing us to restore a foundation that may be missing, from which we can move more deeply into relationship with the wider world. The prayer is for the individual sovereign work we do, to ripple into our families, communities, eco-systems, lineages and the earth. What we liberate in ourselves, echos back infinitely and eternally, as a different quality of energy gets passed on to the next generations. A holistic, ancient, awaked, wise energy. One that witnesses the stories from a birds eye perspective, one that is generating the oceans of compassion and light hearted freedom.  One that is expanding our map of consciousness, that is stretching the elasticity of our collective memory and presence. It is essential we support the accessing of our own inner wisdom, so that we may connect with the ancestor that we wish to become. Valeria interviews MayRav Nissim — She is an open hearted, warm and experienced therapist and space holder.  Her work is informed by a wide range of healing modalities to help you restore, balance, and bloom. The northern star of her work is the important role the mind-body connection plays in healing and growth. Her practice is the interweaving of Psychotherapy, BioIntelligence, Neurobiology and Indigenous wisdom. Her certifications and continued areas of study include Internal Family Systems Level 3, Somatic Attachment Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Brainspotting, Sound Healing and an ever-present apprenticeship in Shamanic practices. MayRav views her work with clients as a shared, supportive and compassionate reminder of ways to reconnect with their most authentic self, while they integrate deep sustainable change. It is her intention to guide them to create a more rooted foundation in their body, mind, heart and soul, from which they may step into greater vitality, presence and wholeness.  MayRav honors the knowing that our individual healing work eternally ripples within our homes, families, lineages and systems. She is passionate about breaking the cycles of historical and intergenerational trauma at the individual and community levels, and deeply believes in the healing power of coming together in community to witness and be witnessed, express, grief, renegotiate and reorganize. To learn more about MayRav Nissim and her work, please visit: mayravnissim.com

    56 min
  4. Healing from the Lens of Compassionate Coaching


    Healing from the Lens of Compassionate Coaching

    — Coaching can change your life! People who hire a coach are more satisfied with their lives. They have lower stress, better coping mechanisms, and improved work-life balance. Who doesn't want that? Employers benefit too, because 70% of employees who receive professional coaching improve work performance. Employees are more engaged, retention is higher, and job satisfaction increases. Leaders who hire a coach are significantly more likely to meet goals. Their teams are stronger performing, and they are assessed higher in critical leadership skills. And 72% of coaching clients report better communication skills after being coached. These results are possible because coaching is a guided process that helps you not just survive, but thrive. Jennifer with Prism Coaching, provide you the tools and resources to examine your thinking and enact positive change in your home, school, or work. She uses evidence-based coaching techniques to build upon your strengths and improve confidence and self-efficacy. All personal coaching is individualized to reflect your unique challenges and maximize your strengths. If you have a big change coming up, long-term stress, or maybe you'd like to achieve an elusive milestone, you'll benefit from coaching. ​ Even if you don't think you need coaching now, you'll still gain valuable insights into yourself to be better prepared for the future. Valeria interviews Jennifer Rickmers — She holds a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership and is a former educator and military veteran of 12 years. Her favorite part of these experiences has been how she has been able to use her influence to promote positive change, so Jennifer opened a private practice in coaching in 2022. Although she started in executive coaching, Jennifer has expanded to offer a range of services. She has four children, two with autism and ADHD, and she is a late-in-life diagnosed autistic adult. Jennifer is optimistic that with increased awareness and training, we can create a more responsive and inclusive world for neurodiverse individuals. Becoming a Board-Certified Coach is a calling that provides her purpose and clarity. Although by nature Jennifer is results driven, she always encourage her clients to examine why they make certain decisions.   You find a lot of values-driven work in her coaching. Jennifer’s goal is to make sure that we are working toward your brightest future. She is thankful every day for the opportunity to be a steward of your trust.  To learn more about Jennifer Rickmers and her work, please visit: https://www.prismlifecoaching.com/

    28 min
  5. It Takes One Person to Heal a Marriage!


    It Takes One Person to Heal a Marriage!

    — It is in marriage that you learn so much about yourself. That’s because marriage shows you what is really within you. But it turns out that this is not easy to see at all. It is not simple and it’s not obvious.  Throughout 20 years of working with men and women, of all those Larry Bilotta have helped, their biggest struggle, their biggest heartache, their most pressing frustration has been their ability to control their negative emotions.  Their failure to control negative emotions led to virtually every problem in their family. When Larry says every problem, he means EVERY problem. Their addictions, disloyalty, struggles with their kids, frustrations with each other, issues surrounding money, struggles with sex, complicated issues with in-laws - everything came down to ONE THING – negative emotions. Listen to this episode to learn how to regain control over negative thoughts. Valeria interviews Larry Bilotta — He is the author of  “Softhearted Woman Hard World.” Larry Bilotta is a relationship and marriage expert, author, and speaker specializing in midlife crisis, and the creator of a series of successful programs designed to help bring couples back from the brink of divorce—and coming back stronger than before. Through his Environment Changer courses for men and women, Marriage 101, and others, Larry has helped tens of thousands of people save their sanity, marriages and regain control over their own lives and mindset. While Larry is not a therapist, he spent years studying psychology, spirituality, and the science of relationships, and explored countless methods, from traditional talk therapy to all manner of workshops—until he had a breakthrough that changed his life and transformed his marriage. Larry and his wife remained married for 40 years, until her passing in 2019. Through live workshops, talks, and online courses, Larry continues to teach his common sense, accessible, and proven approach to surviving midlife crisis, saving your relationship, and changing your life. To learn more about Larry Bilotta and his work, please visit: https://larrybilotta.com/ Here is a free guide from Larry to you: 7 Ways You’re Pushing Your Spouse (Even Further) Away https://larrybilotta.com/7ways/

    1h 7m
  6. Your Total Health Revolution is Here!


    Your Total Health Revolution is Here!

    — Are you ready to stop slipping through the cracks of Modern Healthcare (Conventional and Alternative)? Are you ready to save money, time, and sanity on your road to healing?  Have you been on a Wild Goose Chase (or Wild Goose Healing as I like to call it) in which no doctor/practitioner been able to help you? Or have you thought you’ve nipped your symptoms in the bud only to have another one (or three) pop up somewhere else [grumble]? Have you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on doctors/practitioners on top of labs and still feel like you’re not where you “should” be?  Erika empowers you to self-advocate, feel better sooner, work more strategically, efficiently, and effectively with your healthcare team (whether conventional or alternative) , be able to better discern who's a better fit for you and to understand what kind of providers you might need to work with, learn about your own body and tools to assess and support it so you are better equipped to resolve your issues with a guide and/or yourself, understand what you and your healthcare teams should be vetting early on that is often missed, understand which preliminary labs are often missed or misinterpreted in modern healthcare, order your own (affordable) labs and more… Valeria interviews Erika Herman — She is a Functional Health and Nutrition Expert, Researcher, Educator, Clinician, and Bestselling Author who helps women and men who are sick of modern healthcare BS to finally figure out the root cause of their chronic health problems.  Erika has nearly two decades of experience researching, educating about, and consulting for complex health conditions, with a 90% success rate dialing in root causes and improving symptoms for her clients. To learn more about Erika Herman and her work, please visit: https://erikaherman.com/free-stuff-podcast/

    56 min
out of 5
65 Ratings


This is a podcast inspired by love in the quest for Well-Being. The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations on the fields of mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This is a platform of collaboration created for the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights about holistic health. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking toward a new way of living and new ways of being. Through the lens of awareness and healing, we explore such topics as trauma, addiction, co-dependency, fear, depression, anxiety, learning, and self-love, among others. The intention is to inspire healthy changes and promote awareness. I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with many AMAZING human beings!!! Much appreciation for the guests and supporters of this podcast! Podcast Song “Almost August” by Dan Lebowitz http://www.lebomusic.com/

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