Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 707 Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host, Josh Trent, shares which daily habits will take your life to the next level and help you ease anxiety. Is there a topic that you'd like us to cover in the next AMA episode? Record your message HERE. Listen To Episode 707 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions [01:55] Track Your Daily Habits The one thing that can absolutely destroy your anxiety and unlock your inner peace in 2025 is to put both your business and your personal in your calendar. I actually use color codes. So I have red and green for my business and I have light blue for my personal. So I have 3 colors that are always circulating in my calendar. Now, why do I do this? Why is it so important? Color is an unconscious representation of an energy or a mood or a vibe. So first and foremost, we'll talk about today how to practically use a calendar and also the resistance that's going to naturally come up because it will so that that calendar can become your mirror of how you're showing up not just for your business but also your if you have a family your children if you have children your husband or wife your boyfriend or girlfriend if you have those or just for yourself. This is how it broke down for me. It was 2017, 2018. And I kept asking the same question to my business all the time. How am I going to do it all? How am I going to do it all? Can you relate? How are you going to do it all? This thought, this question is actually a cover question. The thought is, oh my gosh, am I going to be able to do it all? Hence comes the anxiety. Then the outward projection of that thought that I attach to is, oh my gosh, I feel overwhelmed. How am I going to do it all? But it's actually the wrong question. The question isn't how am I gonna do it all? That's a cover fear anxiety question that actually gives our unconscious to not show up for the people that we love and the business that we love and the life that we love. If you're looking for a life that you love, check out some of the other AMAs that we've done in 2025 and 2024 to get very, very clear on creating the life that you love. But back to the point, it wasn't until I finally had a real serious conversation with a business mentor in 2018 where he asked me, I look at your calendar and I don't see any time for you. And I scratched my head. I was like, what do you mean? It's all time for me. This is the paradigm that I was operating from, but there was no time for my self-love, for my self-care. There was no appointment for Josh to meditate, to do breath work, to do sauna, to do cold plunge, to do yoga, to do movement or stretch. It wasn't in there. I literally had become so fixated on pouring my energy into the podcast and into my business that about the most important part, me or you and I. So this concept that'll transform your life in 2025 and beyond is so simple, but just because it's simple does not mean it's easy. We're gonna go over the easy way that you can do this to actually schedule self-love, schedule self-care as a non-negotiable practice. It is first and foremost the adage that you cannot pour from an empty cup. If that cup is half full, then you only have half of yourself to give to others. If that cup is full, then you can pour all kinds of energy into other people because you have a reserve of energy. But here's the thing... [12:45] Design Your Life How can I design a life that I keep promises to myself inside of? This is really big because it's a ritual. Make it a sacred starting and ending place that has gratitude and that has joy and that has love and that has good vibes in it. 10 minutes, we all have. And if you don't have 10 minutes, you need a serious realization of your life, okay? So first and foremost, use your calendar as an external mirror of how much you love yourself on the inside. Next, you get to address the common barriers and really resistance that you're going to meet as you move forward with this. One thought might pop up, I don't have time. Let's be honest, it's 10 minutes. Everybody's got 10 minutes. The next one is, I feel guilty for taking time for myself. Well, that guilt is actually just another cover emotion, another cover story to keep you stuck. So thank the guilt for being there, let it know that it doesn't have a place at the and move forward higher up the Hawkins ladder and actually keep yourself accountable to your calendar. Or I forget is another one. I forgot to do it. Well, this is the beauty and the simplicity of this #1 hack. It's actually not even a hack, it's a habit. This #1 habit that will literally destroy anxiety for you if you do it. And this is the key, if you do it, you get to set aside 10 minutes for yourself, you get to keep yourself accountable calendar. I like color coding, you don't have to. Put it in your calendar and it's a mirror of your life. Dan Martell was on the podcast and he talked about this. One thing he said to me that just rocked my world, that was actually an affirmation of what I had already known from 2018. He said, show me your calendar and I'll show you life. Show me your calendar and I'll show you your life. I mean, this is why small changes compound over time, right? When you invest a dollar a day into something in 30, 40 years, you can have hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Think about that a dollar a day, a dollar a day. How easy it is for us, for us to spend a dollar on something that isn't healthy? How easy is it for us to not have a calendar appointment remind us of the promise we made to ourselves? Use your calendar and your life will be used by you instead of your life being used by someone else. I really wanna tell you, this is huge. Use your calendar because your calendar is a representation of how you manage time, how you spend your time. It's really big because I want you to imagine this. Close your eyes for a moment. If you're in the car, don't close your eyes, close your eyes, paint a vivid picture of what life feels like after you have this habit. Paint a picture of what it feels like, take a couple of deep breaths, feel how there's no place for anxiety in this environment. Feel how there's no place where confidence can't live, where a sense of control, a sense of being proud of yourself, a sense of healthy pride can live in it. It's one simple thing, but it doesn't mean it's easy. How do we make simple easy?... 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