Day 1331: "Concepts of a plan."
1/ Trump had a bad night after Kamala Harris called him “weak,” mocked him, and repeatedly laughed at him during their first – and possibly only – debate. Even before the debate began, Harris walked across the stage to shake Trump’s hand – a self-described germaphobe. “Kamala Harris,” she said, introducing herself as the two met for the first time. “Let’s have a good debate.” Trump replied: “Nice to see you. Have fun.” From there, Trump visibly struggled and repeatedly careened between angry rants and bizarre claims. In the opening minutes, Harris outlined the shape of things to come, saying: “You’re going to hear from the same old tired playbook, a bunch of lies, grievances and name-calling,” and that Trump “has no plan for you, because he is more interested in defending himself than he is in looking out for you.” The point was made clear when Trump was asked about his repeated criticism of the Affordable Care Act and whether he had an alternative plan. “I have concepts of a plan,” Trump replied, offering no additional information. On abortion, Trump claimed that it “took courage” to overturn Roe v. Wade, suggested he’s “a leader on fertilization,” falsely claimed that Democrats support abortions “after birth” and are “executing” babies, and that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.” Harris responded by saying Trump’s rhetoric is “insulting to the women of America” and that “Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body.” At one point Harris referenced people at Trump’s rallies experiencing “exhaustion and boredom,” which provoked Trump to shoot back: “People don’t leave my rallies. The biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics.” And then – and then! – Trump veered into a rant about a debunked conspiracy theory that immigrants in Ohio are eating pets. “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what’s happening,” Trump said, while Harris laughed. Moderator David Muir interjected, saying the city manager told ABC that there have been “no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community.” Nevertheless, he persisted: “I’ve seen people on television. The people on television say, ‘My dog was taken and used for food.’” Harris laughed and said: “Talk about extreme.” Later – in his debate with Harris – Trump started talking about Biden, saying: “Where is our president? We don’t even know if he’s the president […] Is he our president? We have a president that doesn’t know he’s alive.” Harris replied: “It is important to remind the former president: You’re not running against Joe Biden; you are running against me.” Harris also used Trump’s continued false allegations about the 2020 election to illustrate how he doesn’t have the temperament to be president, saying: “Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people, so let’s be clear about that, and clearly he is having a very difficult time processing that.” Harris added that world leaders were “laughing at Donald Trump” and saw him as a “disgrace,” while she offered “a new generation of leadership for our country. One who believes in what is possible and one who brings a sense of optimism about what we can do instead of always disparaging the American people.” (New York Times / NBC News / Washington Post / Politico / a href="