Executive Office Insights

Diana Brandl: International Trainer, Keynote Speaker, Author, Coach
Executive Office Insights

Executive Office Insights is the go-to podcast for professionals in executive support and leadership roles. Hosted by Diana Brandl, an accomplished trainer, consultant, coach, and former C-suite senior executive assistant with nearly two decades of experience at renowned international companies, this podcast dives deep into the evolving world of executive excellence. Diana explores the critical themes shaping the modern workplace, including leadership dynamics, digital transformation, AI, and the future of work. Featuring insightful conversations with a diverse range of German and English-speaking experts, each episode equips listeners with actionable insights and strategies to thrive in the ever-changing executive office landscape. Have questions or ideas for the show? Reach out at podcast@the-socialista-projects.com

  1. Remote Work for Assistants: A stop at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies


    Remote Work for Assistants: A stop at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

    161/093 BEST OF: Getting to know Agnes and Matthew: Matthew Chapman: President of Sales & Marketing, Automotive Sales https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-chapman-2397065 Matthew is a dynamic and trusted global sales and marketing executive with extensive experience in strategic planning, sales process development, global intercultural leadership, and sales execution. Confident, self-motivated, bi-lingual leader who is able to recognize cultural differences and resolve problems across cultures. Proficient at managing multiple complex projects and focused on building strong customer relationships to profitably grow both the top and bottom lines. Strong technical communicator proficient at delivering complex ideas in a clear manner with experience engaging and collaborating at executive management levels. Driven by a desire to continually grow, learn and motivate others using a management style that balances motivation with data driven results.   Agnes Spohn: EA to Matthew Chapman and Founder of FST Assistant Community https://www.linkedin.com/in/agnes-spohn-4b647b35 Agnes was born in Berlin where she also lived until 2013. Her background is hotel management and during that time she learned being a multitasking person and enjoyed working with different nationalities & humans. After many years in the hotel operations day to day business, she moved on to a Sales position in charge of the DACH region corporates and the entertainment industry. By planning her sales calls, she discovered the world of being a frequent traveler which helps her today planning business trips for her manager. Her network to the hotel industry is still huge and that helps a lot by planning meetings and negotiating contracts. Agnes moved to the South of Germany in 2013 working in Frankfurt in the financial industry. During that time, she was mainly in charge of planning investor meetings and roadshows as well as huge investor conferences in Frankfurt and Paris. After her parental leave she started with Freudenberg in 2018. Today, she combines a lot of her skills learned in the past to the daily business of being an Executive Assistant. She loves working with an international global based team and so it is no surprise that her manager is located in the US but Agnes is located close to Heidelberg.   Further links: Habit List: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/habit-list/id525102168 YearCompass: https://yearcompass.com/ --- Diana on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-brandl/ The Future Assistant Newsletter: https://the-socialista-projects.com/#newsletter Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@the-socialista-projects Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qBSDjTfYOG2x6qos7dKkS Podcast on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/the-future-assistant/id1493106661

    1 Std. 2 Min.
  2. Female Leadership Academy, New Work, TEDx Auftritt, Buchprojekt - Vera Marie Strauch

    5. FEB.

    Female Leadership Academy, New Work, TEDx Auftritt, Buchprojekt - Vera Marie Strauch

    160/077 Best of: Vera Marie Strauch studierte BWL in Deutschland und Neuseeland und absolvierte ihren Masterabschluss als Fulbright-Stipendiatin in den USA. 2015 wurde sie als eine der ersten Frauen in der Branche mit unter 30 Jahren Geschäftsführerin eines mittelständischen Bauzulieferers. Drei Jahre hat sie 100+ Mitarbeiter*innen an mehreren Produktionsstandorten geführt und stark männlich geprägte Führungsumfelder kennengelernt. Sie hat wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt und durfte erleben, was Großartiges entstehen kann, wenn Andersartigkeit angenommen wird und Menschen sich auf Vielfalt und Veränderung einlassen. Sie weiß auch, wie herausfordernd es sein kann, seinen ganz eigenen Führungsstil zu finden – vor allem, wenn die Vorbilder in deinem täglichen Umfeld sehr anders sind als du. Heute denkt Vera Wirtschaft und Arbeit neu. Das tut sie als digitale Unternehmerin, Podcasterin und Gründerin der Female Leadership Academy. Seit 2018 begleitet Vera gemeinsam mit ihrem Team in der Female Leadership Academy vor allem Frauen in ihrer beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung. Mit ihrem „Female Leadership Podcast“ stieg sie in die Top 5 Wirtschaftscharts in Deutschland ein und erreicht wöchentlich Zehntausende Hörer*innen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. --- Links zu Vera: https://verastrauch.com/ Business Journal: https://verastrauch.com/business-journal/ Vera's Podcast: https://verastrauch.com/femaleleadershippodcast/ Folge mit Vera und Diana: https://verastrauch.com/2019/06/11/diana-brandl-assistenz/ TEDx Talk mit Vera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQufMrjY9Qw  Themen aus dem Podcast: Afghanischer Frauenverein e.V.: https://www.afghanischer-frauenverein.de/ Buchtipp von Frederic Laloux: https://www.reinventingorganizations.com/ --- Diana auf LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-brandl/ The Future Assistant Newsletter: https://the-socialista-projects.com/#newsletter Podcast auf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@the-socialista-projects Podcast auf Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qBSDjTfYOG2x6qos7dKkS Podcast auf Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/the-future-assistant/id1493106661

    54 Min.
  3. Former Private Secretary / Chief of Staff to Princess Diana - My interview with Patrick Jephson

    29. JAN.

    Former Private Secretary / Chief of Staff to Princess Diana - My interview with Patrick Jephson

    159/063 Best of: Patrick and I did a live Expert Talk interview in December 2020 which was a huge success. We had assistants from all over the world attending. Some, however, could not make it because of time zone difficulties, so I promised I will interview Patrick again for my podcast. Here we go - I trust you will love the stories he is about to share. A little information on Patrick first: For eight years Patrick Jephson was Princess Diana’s private secretary (chief of staff), responsible for every aspect of her public life and private organization. He travelled with the Princess to five continents, working with officials up to head of state and encountering unforgettable figures in politics, philanthropy and the arts such as Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Mother Teresa, Bono and Luciano Pavarotti. Under relentless media scrutiny, his tenure covered the period of Princess Diana’s greatest popularity as well as the constitutional controversy of her separation from Prince Charles. He is now a consultant, journalist, broadcaster and New York Times bestselling author, based in Washington DC. His byline has appeared in every UK national newspaper and international titles as varied as TIME magazine, Vanity Fair, People, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Paris Match. A published authority on corporate and personal branding, Patrick equally enjoys coaching C-suite executives, advising UHNWIs on reputation management and addressing PR conferences worldwide. Having worked for an internationally high-profile woman, he feels a special affinity for cross-cultural, protocol, gender and communications issues. He also writes, presents and advises on factual and drama TV programs, appearing on every major US network. He is currently an expert consultant to the award-winning Netflix series The Crown. Check out his website: https://jephsonbeaman.com/ So, it is time to log in now and enjoy this talk. So many take aways will be waiting for you. Let us know how you liked it and give us a review on Apple Itunes. Thanks and best from Diana xoxo Diana on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-brandl/ The Future Assistant Newsletter: https://the-socialista-projects.com/#newsletter Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@the-socialista-projects Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qBSDjTfYOG2x6qos7dKkS Podcast on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/the-future-assistant/id1493106661

    46 Min.
  4. Former personal aide to Barack Obama: An interview with Reginald Love

    15. JAN.

    Former personal aide to Barack Obama: An interview with Reginald Love

    157/056 Best of: Reggie Love is a Senior Advisor at Apollo Global Management. Reggie’s responsibilities include supporting and developing strategy for human capital, public engagement and DE&I initiatives. Reggie previously served as Partner at RON Transatlantic EG from 2012-2019, an international financial holding company with interests in the financial services, logistics, energy, industrial and beer sectors in the United States, Latin America and Europe. The group, via its portfolio companies, encompasses assets under management and revenues of over $14 billion. Mr. Love’s work at the firm focused on financial services and energy investments. Prior to joining Transatlantic, Reggie served at the White House as personal aide to President Barack Obama from 2009-2011, where he was responsible for assisting with the coordination and completion of the President’s daily schedule as well as coordinating with other White House offices to set up long and medium range planning. Love moved to the District of Columbia in 2006 to work for then Senator Obama after short stints in the NFL with the Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers. Love is a graduate of Duke University, holds and MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and is the author of the New York Times Best Seller, Power Forward, My Presidential Education, which is a collection of stories and principles learned during his time working for President Obama and being a captain for the all-time most winning NCAA coach, Mike Krzyzewski. Love also serves on the boards of Cox Media Group, National Summer Learning Association, Center for Environmental Farming Systems, Organizing for Action, MilitaryBowl Committee, Team Works, and The New Renaissance. Reggie's book: https://www.amazon.de/Power-Forward-My-Presidential-Education/dp/1476763348   Diana on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-brandl/ The Future Assistant Newsletter: https://the-socialista-projects.com/#newsletter Contact: podcast@the-socialista-projects.com

    49 Min.
  5. Burnout vermeiden: Work-Life-Balance meistern - Swantje Allmers


    Burnout vermeiden: Work-Life-Balance meistern - Swantje Allmers

    154: In diesem Video, welches wir beim Norddeutschen Rundfunk live aufgenommen haben, erzählt Swantje Allmers von ihrer persönlichen Reise als Workaholic. Erfahre, wie sie die Warnzeichen von Burnout ignorierte, welche körperlichen und emotionalen Konsequenzen das hatte und wie sie schließlich den Weg zurück zu einem gesunden Gleichgewicht fand. Dieses Gespräch ist für alle, die sich zwischen Karriere und Selbstfürsorge verlieren, und zeigt eindrucksvoll, warum Work-Life-Balance mehr als nur ein Trend ist. Hört in diese Folge, wenn ihr nach Tipps sucht, um Überarbeitung und Stress zu vermeiden, und Inspiration braucht, um den eigenen Anspruch an Erfolg neu zu definieren! Swantje Allmers ist Autorin, CEO und Gründerin der NWMS GmbH und eine der gefragtesten Stimmen zum Thema HR und Arbeitswelt. Nach dem Wirtschaftsstudium und mehrjähriger Forschungstätigkeit baute sie als Head of Corporate Planning die damals neu gegründete Unternehmung TUI Cruises mit auf und spezialisierte sich im Anschluss auf die Bereiche Organisationsentwicklung, agiles Arbeiten, Selbstmanagement sowie Change und Transformation. Sie unterstützt Executives, Teams und Unternehmen bei aktuellen Herausforderungen. Gelernt hat sie bei den Besten ihres Faches, wie z. B. NLP von Richard Bandler, Scrum von Jeff Sutherland, Holacracy von Brian Robertson, GTD von David Allen, Habits von BJ Fogg und LAB-Profiling von Shelle Rose Charvet. Gemeinsam mit Michael Trautmann und Christoph Magnussen hat sie den Bestseller „On the Way to New Work“ geschrieben, wurde 2023 als eine der 99 wichtigsten HR-Stimmen ausgezeichnet, erhielt den DRX Award als HR-Content Expertin und ist LinkedIn Top Voice „Job und Karriere“ 2024. 🔴 Folge auf YouTube anschauen: https://youtu.be/V1hPbUjjd1w ___ LinkedIn-Profil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/swantjeallmers/ Buch: https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1060475265 12 Monate New Work Masterskills Executive Programm: https://www.newworkmasterskills.com/executive-programm 3-tägiges New Work Masterskills Leadership-Programm: https://www.newworkmasterskills.com/leadership-programm Kontakt: hello@newworkmasterskills.com ___ Diana auf LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-brandl/ The Future Assistant Newsletter: https://the-socialista-projects.com/#newsletter Podcast auf Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qBSDjTfYOG2x6qos7dKkS Podcast auf Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/the-future-assistant/id1493106661

    51 Min.
von 5
71 Bewertungen


Executive Office Insights is the go-to podcast for professionals in executive support and leadership roles. Hosted by Diana Brandl, an accomplished trainer, consultant, coach, and former C-suite senior executive assistant with nearly two decades of experience at renowned international companies, this podcast dives deep into the evolving world of executive excellence. Diana explores the critical themes shaping the modern workplace, including leadership dynamics, digital transformation, AI, and the future of work. Featuring insightful conversations with a diverse range of German and English-speaking experts, each episode equips listeners with actionable insights and strategies to thrive in the ever-changing executive office landscape. Have questions or ideas for the show? Reach out at podcast@the-socialista-projects.com

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