Yoga Medicine

Tiffany Cruikshank L.Ac, MAOM | Founder of Yoga Medicine®
Yoga Medicine

This show was created to educate and empower yoga students and teachers to use yoga therapeutically to optimize experiences, communities and resilience. Our methods are based on a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and the integration of modern science and research with traditional practices and experience. We believe research is just as precious as experience and we believe in the human potential for change and greatness. Our goal is to help you learn the owners manual of your unique body/mind and so we offer this as a free resource to anyone interested in optimizing their health and wellbeing. SUBSCRIBE TO YOGA MEDICINE ON iTUNES/APPLE PODCASTS: LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS EPISODE: ——————————— CONNECT WITH US! ——————————— FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: PINTEREST:

  1. 20H AGO

    132 Interoception Research & Yoga: Expert Insights with Valerie Knopik PhD

    Today host Rachel and returning guest and Yoga Medicine Teacher Valerie Knopik PhD explore a recent research paper on the topic of interoception (Voss et al: Mind-body practices, interoception and pain: a scoping review of behavioral and neural correlates).  In this episode, we discuss the many ways yoga teachers can guide students to becoming more informed inhabitants of their body, and how honing that skill of interoception seems to help manage all kinds of pain. Listen in to learn more. — Show Notes: Overview of the scoping review paper [5:02] Limitations of the study [9:36] Defining interception [13:11] Challenges of studying yoga interventions [16:45] Interesting takeaways: interoception as a trainable skill [20:02] Yoga tools help pain management (whether used deliberately or not) [29:06] Guiding students in the experience of being their bodies [38:19] Other takeaways [40:59] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Mind-body practices, interoception and pain: a scoping review of behavioral and neural correlates, Voss et al: Mental Health & Wellness Online Training Yoga Medicine® Online: Interoception & Pain Research Monthly Dose Yoga Medicine® Podcast: Previous episodes on Pain Science: 15: Shifting Persistent Pain with Marnie Hartman, DPT, CSCS 64: Impactful Pain Strategies Previous episodes with Valerie Knopik PhD: 49: Epigenetics, Mental Health & Yoga 79: The Neuroscience of Resilience Connect with Valerie Knopik: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Yoga Medicine Online Teacher You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    47 min
  2. MAR 13

    131 Female Health Gems

    Female health is something we are passionate about at Yoga Medicine — exactly why we have dedicated several episodes to the topic. Today we are distilling the best tidbits of information and advice from multiple episodes into this one. — Show Notes: The female hormonal cycle, starting with menstruation [1:28] The follicular phase and ovulation [6:33] The luteal phase [14:20] Major effects of estrogen on muscle mass, strength, and recovery [18:00] The female hormone cycle: impact on athletic performance and other goals [26:06] Does our movement practice need to change during menstruation [36:07] Yoga during perimenopause and menopause [51:39] The current state of research on female health [1:03:09] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Yoga Medicine® Podcast Episodes: 48: Research Roundup: Female Hormones 62: Yoga During Menstruation: Yes or No? 97: New Perspective on Athletic Performance in the Menstrual Cycle: Research Roundup 116: Yoga for Menopause & Beyond: Community Conversations with Niamh Daly 122: Estrogen Effects on Muscle: Research Roundup Online Female Health Yoga Teacher Training Online Traditional Chinese Medicine Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Medicine® Online Videos: Female Health Lecture Move & Nourish Series PMS Flow Menses Practice Post-Menstrual Practice Support Ovulation You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    1h 8m
  3. FEB 27

    130 When Should You NOT Teach? Teacher's Series

    Conversations on how to secure opportunities to teach yoga are much more common than those on when we should NOT teach, so today hosts Tiffany and Rachel explore a handful of scenarios where you may need to step back from the role of teacher—whether that is just for today or over the longer term.  In this episode, we discuss whether it’s ever ok for a teacher to simply “go through the motions” and what it means to truly show up for students. We also talk about schedule sustainability and the value of teaching what is meaningful to you. Listen in to learn when yoga teachers should not teach. — Show Notes: Recognizing privilege in the choice to not work [1:54] When you’re contagious [3:01] When you can’t reliably stay in the room [5:28] When you can’t truly show up for your students [8:58] Is there a time to permanently stop teaching a person or class [18:44] Energy management and sustainable teaching schedules [21:27] Moving on when you’ve taught all you can [31:22] When ethical limits are breached [34:55] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Yoga Journal articles: When Should You NOT Teach? How You Know When It’s Time to Break Up With a Class You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    39 min
  4. FEB 13

    129 New Teacher Panel: Community Conversations

    Usually, this podcast features seasoned yoga instructors, so today we are doing something different: exploring the perspectives of those early in the experience of holding the role of a teacher.  In this episode, we connect with three guests who completed 200-hour teacher training at the end of 2023. We discuss their expectations of the training, which areas of study best prepared them for the work they hoped to do afterward, how they secured their first teaching opportunities, and what advice they would share with those considering yoga teacher training now. If you are a newer teacher yourself, or contemplating yoga teacher training, listen in to learn about the reality of yoga teacher training, as well as the joys and challenges new teachers tend to experience. — Show Notes: Is teacher training only for people who want to teach [3:05] Hopes and expectations prior to teacher training [6:23] Most and least enjoyed areas of study [10:24] What did you feel most and least prepared for after teacher training [14:26] Challenges that arise for new teachers [18:42] How to find the first opportunities to teach [21:36] Next steps, including how to know you’re ready for ongoing study [26:36] Advice for future yoga teachers [30:34] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Previous Yoga Medicine® Podcast Episodes: 127: Your 200HR YTT Questions Answered 103: Teacher Training Myths 200HR Online Teacher Training Connect with today’s guests: Becky Bruce – Instagram Suzanne Powell – Email | Union Yoga Co. You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    36 min
  5. JAN 30

    128 Personal Practice Tips

    Many of us kick off the new year ready to commit (or recommit) to a dedicated personal yoga practice. But as the days and weeks pass, this commitment can start to run out of steam. So today hosts Tiffany and Rachel share their personal practice tips as well as things that have been particularly helpful in keeping their practice going over the years. We emphasize the importance of flexibility of mind and how we can change our lens to turn needs into likes.  Listen in to learn how to build a realistic personal practice that supports you.  — Show Notes: Why personal practice matters, for teachers and students [3:07] What constitutes a personal practice? [12:37] Being honest with yourself about what is and isn’t yoga practice [23:19] Does frequency on the mat matter? [27:28] Should we prioritize needs or wants? [33:20] Does your personal practice have to be self-guided? [37:38] Takeaways & more tips [38:51] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Previous Yoga Medicine® Podcast Episodes: 05: Sustainability & Yoga 96: Creating Change with Alison Heilig YMO Monthly Dose: Supporting & Building your Home Practice You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    48 min
  6. JAN 16

    127 Your 200hr TT Questions Answered: Community Conversations with Dana Diament

    It is a new year—the perfect time to commit to a new path or project. Each year, for some, that means diving into yoga teacher training.   In this episode, returning guest and lead teacher of the Yoga Medicine 200hr teacher training, Dana Diament, sits down with host Rachel Land to explore all your 200hr teacher training questions. We explain how you know if you are ready to take that journey and what to consider before signing up. We also unpack the realities of fitting the training schedule into your life and what hurdles you can face transitioning to teaching afterward.   Listen to this episode to learn if yoga teacher training is right for you, and to hear about the upcoming Yoga Medicine 200hr Online Teacher Training, kicking off between February and June. — Show Notes: How do I know I’m ready? [2:10] Do I have to want to teach? [7:48] Which yoga teacher training should I choose? [11:09] In-person locally, retreat/ immersion format, or online? [14:14] Considering the style of yoga [23:43] Is Yoga Alliance registration important? [29:18] Recap: considerations discussed so far [31:32] Prerequisites for YTT: your own practice [32:42] Prerequisites for YTT: sufficient time [35:20] Prerequisites for YTT: passion for learning [36:57] Things that aren’t required before YTT [39:58] How should I prepare? [41:02] Will I be ready to teach right after YTT? [45:36] Will I be taught to craft my own sequences? [47:28] Recap: major takeaways [54:15] Yoga Medicine 200hr Teacher Training for 2025 (& early bird rate!) [56:39] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Yoga Medicine® 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Other podcast episodes: Episode 103 Teacher Training Myths  Episode 56 Controversial Yoga Cues  Episode 71 More Controversial Yoga Cues You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    1h 5m
  7. JAN 2

    126 Best of 2024

    In this special best-of episode for 2024, we feature clips from some of our favorite episodes, highlight common threads that weave different guests and topics together, and feature some of the gems you might have missed during the year. — Show Notes: Fascia science behind the benefits of movement [1:17] Reframing tension: moderation over extremes [4:03] How yoga helps regulate the nervous system [7:12] Are we handling stress as well as we think? [9:38] Safe practice spaces as a refuge from overwhelm [12:21] The causes, components, and symptoms of burnout [14:11] Perpetual optimization of physical health at the expense of mental health [16:29] The “new stigma” of menopause [22:07] Yoga as self-discovery for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence [26:49] Body awareness and self-agency for persistent pain care [31:15] How yoga teachers help keep students “safe” [35:46] Is there one perfect breath rhythm or duration? [38:33] Answering student questions [42:22] Human complexity; we are more than machines [44:35] The power of truly listening [46:47] How to integrate new approaches, tools & techniques [51:33] Cultural relevance and appropriation [55:12] Can we separate yoga from its historical, philosophical, and religious influences? [59:28] Who is yoga for and who should be teaching it? [1:04:02] Is it less about what we do, and more about how we do it? [1:07:10] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube Find all the episodes mentioned at You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    1h 11m
  8. 12/19/2024

    125 Teaching Yoga in Changing Times

    Change is constant and inevitable, but the sheer speed of recent changes in the yoga world leaves many of us confused about what it actually looks like and means to be a yoga teacher right now. Today hosts Rachel and Tiffany look back over the massive changes that have occurred in the yoga world over the past few decades, and what they might signal for the years ahead. We debate the pros and cons of boom times, the rise of social media, and the ever-evolving needs of students.  Listen to this episode to learn how yoga teachers can continue to adapt to better serve our communities.  — Show Notes:  Looking back can help us move forward with more clarity [1:18] Early days of yoga in the West: underground, no-frills, “anti-influencer” [3:53] Big changes in the early 2000s [11:00] The first commercial teacher trainings and new yoga brands [15:35] Yoga celebrities, yoga fashion, and growing competition [16:46] Credibility from yoga lineage overtaken by social media following? [21:45] Yoga Medicine and explosive growth in YTT [27:38] The 2010s: The yoga boom and growing pains [31:35] Covid challenges and opportunities: meeting people where they’re at [33:56] Post-COVID era: options versus overwhelm [37:35] Takeaways: find your niche with patience, persistence, and presence [40:03] Takeaways: What feeds you changes over time [48:04] Takeaways: Know what you bring to the table [53:55] Takeaways: Be purpose-driven [58:45] Final thoughts [1:02:33] — Links Mentioned: Watch this episode on YouTube  Listen to Episode 82: Building a Healthy Relationship with Social Media Listen to Episode 5: Sustainability & Yoga You can learn more about this episode, and see the full show notes at And you can find out more about insider tips, online classes or information on our teacher trainings at To support our work, please leave us a 5 star review with your feedback on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

    1h 9m
    out of 5
    72 Ratings


    This show was created to educate and empower yoga students and teachers to use yoga therapeutically to optimize experiences, communities and resilience. Our methods are based on a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and the integration of modern science and research with traditional practices and experience. We believe research is just as precious as experience and we believe in the human potential for change and greatness. Our goal is to help you learn the owners manual of your unique body/mind and so we offer this as a free resource to anyone interested in optimizing their health and wellbeing. SUBSCRIBE TO YOGA MEDICINE ON iTUNES/APPLE PODCASTS: LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS EPISODE: ——————————— CONNECT WITH US! ——————————— FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: PINTEREST:

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