Bible Answers Live

Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
Bible Answers Live Podcast

A dynamic 60-minute radio program where listeners are part of the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday nights at 7 p.m. Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered!

  1. MAY 12

    Something More Than Temporary

    This isn't it. This isn't it. There's so much more that we're not seeing. This isn't the happiest happy we will experience. God has things that are worth it, unparalleled, unimagined. This, this isn't it. Please join the pastors as they speak on the Second Coming, about the role of the Holy Spirit in Heaven, about glorified bodies in Heaven, about pets in Heaven, and about God fulfilling His promises. Don't want this temporary. Yearn for something more, for forever with God in the midst of absolute love and beauty and perfection, and peace. Tune in now ! 1.- How is a Christian supposed to deal with certain political regulations that are completely against the Bible ? 2.- Who is God referring to in the previous verse ? (2 Thessalonians 2 verses 10 and 11) If God is good, why would He send His people a strong delusion so that they would believe a lie ? 3.- In Daniel 9:26, why does The NKJV have different wording than other translations ? 4.- Who are the sons of God in Job 1 verse 6, and when did Satan stop having access to them ? 5.- How can every eye see Jesus return if the earth is round ? 6.- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Heaven ? 7.- Hebrews 4 verse 5 says, “He shall not enter into my rest.” Is that referring to the Sabbath ? 8.- If Jesus is all knowing, why did He say that no one knows the day or the hour of His return ? 9.- Why didn’t God forgive Achan after he confessed ? 10.- How would one define being unequally yoked in a marriage, in the case of separation ? 11.- Regarding the Trinity, could the Holy Spirit be considered the omnipresence of God ? 12.- Will you please explain Proverbs 23 verses 20 and 21 ? 13.- Why did God refer to Isaac as Abraham’s only son when he also had Ishmael ? 14.- Will our pets be in Heaven ? 15.- Will Jesus forgive Pontius Pilate ? 16.- Where was Daniel when Hananiah, Mischael and Azariah were standing before the golden statue ? 17.- What is the connection between the Sanctuary and salvation ? 18.- In the Lord’s Prayer, what does, “Lead us not into temptation,” mean ? 19.- What were the laws before the Ten Commandments were given ? After all, isn’t sin the transgression of the law ? 20.- Does the Bible say that Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Life before they sinned, and if so why didn’t they become immortal ? 21.- What would have happened if Judas Iscariot repented of his sin ? After all the Bible predicted that he was to betray Christ.

  2. APR 28

    Your Forever Doesn't Exist

    "Whatever is being lost momentarily, more is being gained eternally," (A. Voskamp). Sometimes it's so hard to remember that this world is not your home, that this world is temporary. So persevere, aim your thoughts heavenly. Please join us as Pastor Ross and Pastor Aron speak on maintaining unwavering faith amidst sufferings, and reaching finally our home in Heaven. They'll also discuss the freedom of choice that Christ gives us and what abandoning Him means, and they'll touch on what trusting our own human knowledge will create. Trust HIM and be strong in Him. Only Christ is your true Forever, if you choose Him. He will save all of us, if we let Him. 1.- Who are the kings of the North and the South mentioned in the book of Daniel ? 2.- What is the Apocrypha and what is its relationship to the Bible ? 3.- Can a saved person choose to be lost ? 4.- Who wrote the book of Hebrews ? 5.- Revelation 16 verse 12 says the Euphrates River will dry up making way for the kings of the East. Does this begin a nuclear war and cause the large hail to fall ? 6.- Who is the young man mentioned in Mark 14 verses 51 and 52 ? 7.- When is the close of probation for everybody ? 8.- Why is Greek mythology closely linked to the Bible ? 9.- What were Jesus’ last words on the cross ? was it Luke 23 verse 46, Psalms 22 verse 1 or John 19 verse 30 ? 10.- Do animals praise God ? 11.- Does the devil worship on the Sabbath day ? 12.- What is the meaning of Proverbs 3 verse 6 ? 13.- Is it possible that the woke culture, influenced by Marxism, is linked to the antichrist power ? 14.- Did the devil spread his lies to other worlds ? 15.- In Judges 19, why did the man offer his daughter, and not his visitors, to the evil men ? 16.- Was Satan tricked into crucifying Jesus ? 17.- Will dinosaurs be in Heaven ? 18.- When Jesus told His disciples about His Second Coming, why didn’t He tell them about Paul who would come thirty years later ? 19.- I have heard that we should long for Christ’s Second Coming. How can I long for the Second Coming when so many people have not yet been saved ? 20.- Do the laws in Leviticus discussing clean and unclean meat also apply to pets ? 21.- Do you have to be perfect to get to Heaven ?

  3. APR 7

    Never More Present Than When It Hurts

    Pain brings you down. Pain brings you back to reality. Pain brings you back to God... pain means you're on the right path. The clarity you gain through trial is a gift and a blessing. The fact that you are called upon to endure trial shows that the Lord Jesus sees in you something precious which He desires to develop. If he saw nothing whereby He might glorify His name, He would not spend time in refining, (MH, 471). Despite difficulties, having faith in God and in His Word will see you through. He will preserve you through tribulation. He will provide for you through need. "The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end," (C.H.S.). Tune in now to learn more. 1.- Are the current events that we are seeing the sign of Jonah, as spoken of in the Bible ? 2.- Does the second beast of Revelation 13 verses 16 and 17 have anything to do with the Christian Nationalist Movement ? 3.- When we die, does it matter where our physical body is buried ? 4.- Will you please explain Revelation 3 verse 10 ? 5.- Are the tares in the parable those who say Jesus is not divine, or who deny that Jesus is God ? 6.- Was the rain cloud that Elijah saw also the chariot coming to pick him up ? 7.- Should we be careful what we pray for ? 8.- Is the Lord going to provide for us in the last days as he did for Elijah ? 9.- Does the Bible say anything about bringing a pet into the Sanctuary ? 10.- Why do some Christians observe Easter on a Monday instead of Sunday ? 11.- Will you please explain Revelation 10 verse 11 ? 12.- What happens to the people that are not raised in the first resurrection ? 13.- Was Satan cast out of Heaven before or after the Earth was created ? 14.- In Genesis 6 verse 6, there seems to be a conflict that questions the omniscience of God. Will you please explain ? 15.- What will happen to babies, born and unborn, when Jesus returns ? 16.- Why is Jesus only in the New Testament ? 17.- Does the principle of tithe apply to gifts received ? 18.- Is it true that the Ten Commandments are written on sapphire stone ? 19.- The Bible says the wages of sin is death. Is it talking about the first or the second death ?

  4. MAR 31

    Somewhere in a Stranger's Eye

    "I and all that I have are yours." What if we said this to Christ every hour, every day ? "I and all that I have are yours." All of my doubts Lord, all of my desires. All of my will and all of my worst. All of my obedience and all of my best, Lord. "I and all that I have are yours." Maybe then, we could be true representatives of Christ wherever He sends us, to the familiar or to the unfamiliar. We could flourish in foreign environments, wherever, somewhere among strangers, through the grace and power of Christ. Tune in and study with us to learn about more. We'll learn about the meaning of total surrender, about grace and we'll learn how to pray more effectively. Worry not; "Christ will hear you, for He never yet refused to heed the cry of a poor sin-sick soul," (C.H.S.). 1.- Is God preparing us for a significant event ? 2.- Why did Peter cut off the ear of Malchus when he knew that Jesus was able to heal people ? 3.- Are dinosaurs real ? 4.- What is the best explanation of Colossians 2 verse 16 ? 5.- How can we trust denominational writings, such as those by Ellen White ? 6.- In Acts 23 verse 6, it says Paul’s parents were both Jews but it also says he was born a pharisee. Can you please explain this ? 7.- If our names are written in the Book of Life, are we protected from worshipping the Beast ? 8.- Did the priests have to remove their shoes in the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place ? 9.- What does total surrender mean ? 10.- What will the world be like after probation closes ? 11.- Is boxing an acceptable form of self-defense ? 12.- Did the angel of the Lord really stir the pool of Bethesda ? 13.- What is the best way to answer the common belief that we are not under the law but under grace ? 14.- Why was Jesus afraid to die when He knew he was going to come back ? 15.- What is the significance of turning water into wine ? 16.- What does the Bible mean when it states that very few will make it through the eye of a needle ? 17.- Is the Papacy the only antichrist ? or can there be several antichrists as mentioned in 1 John 2 verse 18 ? 18.- In Luke 17 verses 26 through 30 the days of Lot and Noah are referenced. Does this have any significance for us today, or in the future ? 19.- Why are Revelation 13 verses 3 and 5 not in chronological order ? 20.- Did Satan not know who Jesus was when he was trying to tempt Him ? 21.- How can I pray more effectively ? 22.- Is there Biblical guidance for participating in competitive sports ? 23.- Regarding Mark 7 verse 19, the NASB Bible says something different than the KJV. Why is this not in the original translation ? 24.- In Deuteronomy 14:26 god seems to endorse drinking alcohol. Is this understanding accurate ? 25.- Can you please explain the sequence of events of Armageddon ? 26.- How many prophecies still need to be fulfilled before the seven last plagues can start ?

  5. MAR 10

    Did We Ruin It ?

    "And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." Yet still, "in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." This love of Christ is incomprehensible, and though we fail and grieve Him, filled with doubts toward Him or doubts of us, we are healed and empowered by His life and His sacrifice. Please join us as the pastors speak on the unpardonable sin, and how we must believe God will forgive AND give power and ability to live a new life. God will not ask of us anything without firstly giving us the power ! "When faith asks of God, it believes that it has the petition which it has asked of Him," (C.H.S.). God has provided help for us, and in His strength we may conquer, (PP, 421). Let us believe Him ! Let us praise Him ! Study with us now ! 1.- Regarding Numbers chapter 24, did Balak use sorcery ? 2.- Will you please elaborate on Acts 26 verse 24 ? 3.- Where in the Bible does it say that we are to vote individuals in or out of church membership ? 4.- Should a Christian celebrate Cesar Chavez Day ? 5.- Why did God use an unclean bird (a raven) for both Elijah and Noah ? 6.- According to Revelation 8 verse 7, are we entering the first trumpet judgment considering the recent weather ? 7.- In Genesis 1 verse 28, both the KJV and NKJV use the word “replenish” the earth. However, other translations use the word “fill” the earth. I s this a translation error in the KJV and NKJV ? 8.- Do we have to take communion before we go to heaven ? 9.- Is God protecting Satan, and if so, what is He protecting him from ? 10.- Does the Bible say anything about clothing and jewelry that should or should not be worn ? 11.- Is it wrong to watch Christian programs like the “The Chosen” ? 12.- Who do Joshua and the Angel represent in chapter 3 of Zechariah ? 13.- Why is there no mention of a wife in Exodus 20 verse 10 ? 14.- How did David become king when Ruth was a Moabite ? 15.- Where did the sinful nature of Lucifer come from, and what is the best way to explain this to others ? 16.- I see and hear spirits. Does this mean I am lost ? 17.- When is it okay to work on the Sabbath ? 18.- How can you know if you have committed the unpardonable sin ? 19.- Does the Bible say there are degrees of punishment in hell ? 20.- Could Dinah represent the church in Genesis 34 verses 1 through 5 ? 21.- Genesis 6 verse 6 says that God repented, but Numbers 23 verse 19 says that God does not repent. How do we explain this ? 22.- I believe that Christians are discouraged to drink alcohol, but why does God ask for an alcoholic beverage in Numbers 28 verse 7 as part of the sacrifices ? 23.- Why is it that Jesus lost his ability to be omnipresent, although He’s still omnipotent and omniscient now that He’s in Heaven ?

  6. MAR 3

    One With an Ending, the Second Without

    From cover to cover, the Bible is filled with stories of temptations and attacks, betrayals and losses - Babylon against Israel. Today, the Lord is still watching for signs in us of surrender, signs in us of seriousness and fidelity, signs that we are ready... but our taste for the mundane grows; our worship of the world has barely begun. "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen," and we must leave for it has become a dwelling place of demons. This world rots and strides toward its destruction, yet God's Kingdom has no end. His Kingdom of glory will be forever. Join us now as we learn that understanding God's Word affects our image of Him and our relationship with Him, and that misunderstanding it will change our ability to love Him and reject the devil. Study with us now ! 1.- If we do something wrong but repent, at the time of judgment will God show our sin to everyone ? 2.- Is the recent extreme weather a sign of the tribulation ? 3.- Who is Melchizedek as mentioned in Hebrews 7 verses 1 through 10 ? 4.- What doctrine are the apostles adhering to in Acts 2 verse 42 ? 5.- During the days of Nehemiah, how was the Day of Atonement kept when the Ark of the Covenant was not in the Most Holy Place ? 6.- What do you think about modern praise dancing, and is it biblical ? 7.- What would have happened if Hagar and Abram didn’t have Ishmael ? 8.- Is there a correlation between the closing of probation and the closing of the door on Noah’s ark ? 9.- Who is the “he” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7, and when will this verse be fulfilled ? 10.- Does the seven-day weekly cycle have Babylonian roots ? 11.- In Exodus 20 verses 3 through 5, it says God is a jealous God. Isn’t jealousy a sin ? 12.- Does 1 Timothy 2 verse 12 still apply to our day ? 13.- What is the significance of Leviticus 19 verses 23 through 25 ? 14.- Would you speak about the second commandment and how it relates to the images we use in church and Sabbath School ? 15.- Will you please help me understand John 8 verse 56 ? 16.- Does the 7 times 70 mentioned in the book of Matthew relate to the 490-year time period in the book of Daniel ? 17.- How do I explain to other Christians the importance of studying Bible doctrine ? 18.- How do I study the Bible ? 19.- Why does the Bible use symbols in prophecy ? 20.- Where do we go when we die ? 21.- Is it boastful of God to resurrect those who pierced Christ so that they see His return ? 22.- Why do we wear shoes in church if being in the presence of God is being on holy ground ? 23.- Can you explain the rapture of the church ? 24.- Do you think Judas Iscariot would have been forgiven if he repented after the resurrection ?

  7. FEB 25

    Best Friend Forever

    Our best Friend is Jesus - He who did not withhold His own life from us but for our sakes became poor, (CS, 326). Our best Friend is Jesus - He who bore a test infinitely more severe than that which Adam failed to endure, humiliating Himself to the lowest depths of woe that He might be qualified to reach man. What amazing Love !! A Friend like no other, (2Red, 14, 15, 31). Yet what are we but proud, disobedient and naked... What are we but confused, angry and dirty. Join us to hear more of Christ's faithfulness, His nobleness and righteousness, His authority and His blessings. Truthfully all that can be desired is not comparable to Him. Jesus is our Friend in affliction; He is One who knows, (DG, 221). 1.- Are Christians supposed to keep the feast days ? 2.- Where do you cross from an acceptable pride, to a sinful pride ? 3.- Were Adam's and Eve's garments the first introduction of artificial, synthetic, technological light on Earth ? 4.- Is the law that we are “no longer under” referring to the Book of Moses ? 5.- How long was Dorcas dead before she was revived in Acts chapter 9 verses 36 through 43 ? 6.- How are we supposed to keep the Sabbath in the New Earth if there is no passage of time ? 7.- Where does the timeline of Daniel 9 verse 26 fall in the timeline of the 70-week prophecy ? 8.- Scripture says that every eye will see Jesus' return. How will a sailor in a submarine witness the Second Coming ? 9.- Why does Genesis 9 verse 3 say, “everything that lives shall be meat” ? Does that include unclean foods ? 10.- Is the false prophet in the Book of Revelation a man or a nation ? 11.- Regarding the Ten Commandments, what is the difference between coveting and stealing ? 12.- As Christians, do we have the right to defend ourselves ? 13.- Are the prophecies in Zechariah chapters 5 and 6 fulfilled in this current time ? 14.- Why does the ram mentioned in Daniel 8 verses 4 through 8 face three different directions ? 15.- What is the sealed book mentioned in Isaiah 29 verse 11 ? 16.- Revelation 20 verse 10 says, “they will be tormented day and night.” How can we explain that this doesn’t mean people burn forever ? 17.- Matthew 15 verses 17 though 20 seems to imply that all meat is good to eat, because what goes in the mouth doesn't defile. Can you explain why it does not mean that ? 18.- Will God answer prayers if I don't pay tithe ? 19.- Why doesn't God ask for shoes to be removed when He encountered Abraham and Balaam, like He did with Joshua and Moses ?

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A dynamic 60-minute radio program where listeners are part of the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday nights at 7 p.m. Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered!

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