Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Dr. Eric Berg
Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.

  1. 7 HR. AGO

    Dr. Berg Interview: American Thought Leaders

    Check out my interview with American Thought Leaders! I discuss my approach to health and a wide range of topics, from RFK Jr. to keto and intermittent fasting. You won’t want to miss this! In this podcast, I’m interviewed by The Epoch Times, and I discuss many of the health concerns Americans face today. America spends an incredible amount per capita on healthcare, but the outcomes are not adding up! Big Pharma and Big Food both contribute to this health crisis. Chronic disease primarily comes from a diet composed of ultra-processed foods. Doctors prescribe medications to treat symptoms that come from the junk food diet, rather than addressing the diet. Junk food is not food! It’s composed of refined sugars, seed oils, and starches along with colorings, flavorings, and preservatives. Junk food does not sustain life and it’s at the root of chronic disease. Some people claim that the ketogenic diet is dangerous, but this is untrue. The keto diet involves the breakdown of fat into ketones as an alternative fuel. When you reduce your carb intake, it forces your body to use your fat reserve for fuel. Keto is great for weight loss and can help combat insulin resistance. When cigarettes lost popularity due to health concerns, tobacco companies bought up the junk food industry. These companies produced profitable food junk food made from dent corn and other cheap materials. A high-carb diet has become normalized for major profits. RFK Jr. is a non-politician who may be able to sever the relationships between the food industry and the government. Food guidelines are of the utmost importance because the consequences trickle down to the schools, hospitals, assisted living homes, and other places that feed the most vulnerable. More doctors are beginning to consider food and the whole body when managing disease, moving away from the symptom management model. It's important not to overlook the function and importance of vitamin D, turmeric, magnesium, and grass-fed red meat. Focusing on disease prevention by building health rather than treating disease is most effective. Eating real food is the most important thing you can do for your health.

    34 min
  2. 1 DAY AGO

    STOP Doing THIS for Low Back Pain

    When Brendan Backstrom was faced with low back pain at an early age, he refused to accept that chronic pain would plague his daily life. In this interview, find out about Brendan’s program that has worked for so many people to effectively strengthen their lower back and eliminate lower back pain. The typical prognosis for low back pain is that you can’t ever completely resolve it. If you have low back pain from injury, you just have to learn to cope with it and accept it. After injuring his lower back at 21, Brendan did not want to accept that lower back pain was something he’d just have to deal with. The culture surrounding the lower back says that it needs to be protected, not built or rebuilt. Brendan quickly learned that no technique or lifestyle is safe enough to protect the lower back from injury or re-injury. The standard approach is that the core protects the lower back. Conservative treatment for a spinal injury focuses on everything in the core except for the lower back. With this approach, many people become more sensitive, vulnerable, and disempowered after a lower back injury. Brendan developed a program to help people slowly and safely develop a strong back. He stresses the importance of rebuilding slowly and viewing recovery as a dial rather than a light switch. Brendan teaches people to get reacquainted with their lower back. “You can build your own back brace,” Brendan says. Brendan’s technique not only strengthens the muscles of the lower back but also increases circulation to the spine, stretches the fascia, and decreases friction around the nerves. Brendan explains that sciatica can be tricky to resolve but not impossible. He focuses on slowly strengthening muscles along the sciatic nerve. One of the best features of Brendan’s program is that he attempts to avoid pain. Three years ago, Brendan experienced chronic SI joint pain in his lower back that affected his everyday life. His problem became so severe that it affected his whole body. Brendan continues to do traditional lifts such as squats but never neglects the lower back. Brendan’s program isn’t something you’ll complete quickly. His plan takes around 1 to 2 years and can help you remodel the deepest part of your body to overcome lower back pain. His program operates on a “pay what you can” model to make it affordable for everyone.

    24 min
  3. 2 DAYS AGO

    Viral Health Tips You Need to STOP Now

    How can you distinguish between actual health hacks and fake health trends? In this podcast, I’m going to tell you about ten health hacks that don’t work and often cause more harm than good. Avoid these health hacks to save your health and your wallet! 1. Ear candling This treatment has been debunked by a doctor of audiology! There is absolutely no difference in ear wax before and after ear candling. 2. Gallbladder flush This almost killed me! A gallbladder flush involves drinking 12 ounces of olive oil followed by beet tablets to eliminate gallstones. This really eliminates bile, causing you to become deficient. TUDCA is a much better remedy to help prevent and eliminate gallstones and bile sludge. 3. The master cleanse This cleanse combines lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup, which won’t cleanse your body but will mess with your blood sugar. 4. Foot detox pads You can not pull toxins and heavy metals out of your feet as there are no detox pathways through the skin. 5. Foot detox bath Similar to foot detox pads, a chemical reaction changes the water's color during a foot detox bath, leading you to believe it’s pulling toxins out of your body. 6. Ab belts Stimulating the stomach muscles or sweating will not remove fat from your midsection. Visceral fat must be removed through diet and exercise. 7. The blood type diet This diet is not supported by credible research. Blood types relate more to an immune difference rather than a digestive difference. 8. EMF blockers A sticker on your cell phone can not block the EMF radiation it omits. 9. Carb blockers Carb blockers contain an extract that can inhibit the digestion of a minimal amount of starch, not sugar. You would need to take several bottles to inhibit the digestion of the starch from one donut. 10. Psychiatric medication The effectiveness of psychiatric medication can be comparable to placebo outcomes. They may also come with serious side effects and can be highly addictive.

    11 min
  4. 3 DAYS AGO

    You’ve Been Lied To...

    Some doctors give the worst diet advice! In this podcast, we’ll discuss the dangerous health advice that out-of-touch doctors still give their patients. Avoid these health tips and find out what to do instead. The worst health advice: 1. People can get all their nutrition from food. Getting enough nutrients such as vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium from food is almost impossible. Many people consume refined carbs and sugar, which deplete them of vital nutrients. Supplements are often the only way to compensate. 2. Take more calcium to prevent osteoporosis. Normal blood calcium levels do not prevent bone loss. Osteoporosis usually occurs when you age and hormones like estrogen and testosterone decrease. 3. Always use sunblock. Sunblock became very popular when sun exposure was linked to cancer. But you need sun to get enough vitamin D, which is vital for your immune system. 4. Snack frequently to avoid overeating. Snacking raises insulin, creating a high blood sugar situation. This keeps you hungry and will not prevent overeating. 5. Sugar in moderation is fine. Sugar and carb consumption, even in moderation, stops you from tapping into your fat reserve. 6. Avoid saturated fats. Saturated fat does not clog your arteries. High-carb diets create a much more significant risk for heart problems. 7. Whole grains are heart-healthy. Whole grains trigger blood sugar. Most products that contain whole grains also contain refined grains and fillers like maltodextrin and modified food starch. Whole grains contain phytates, which block the absorption of key nutrients, and gluten, which irritates the gut. 8. Avoid red meat Grass-fed, grass-finished red meat is the healthiest food you can eat! 9. Our brains need sugar and carbs. Your brain can also run on ketones, which will prevent brain fog and increase cognitive function. 10. Restrict salt for high blood pressure. Rather than avoiding salt, focus on eliminating junk food from the diet and increasing vitamin D and potassium. 11. All calories are equal. The body does not treat all calories equally. Instead of creating a calorie deficit to lose weight, create a carbohydrate calorie deficit. This forces the body to burn fat as an alternative fuel source. DATA: https://www.cebm.ox.ac.uk/news/cebm-r...

    10 min
  5. 6 DAYS AGO

    NEVER Cook With This Again

    Seed oils are often labeled “heart healthy,” but what's the truth? The average person consumes vegetable seed oil daily, not just as a cooking oil, but on their food. Discover the truth about seed oils and why you’ll want to eliminate them from your diet today. Recommended Olive Oil Link: https://sanmicheleorganic.com Video on GRAS: ▶️ • Guess Which Percent Of Chemicals in Your Food Are Self-Certified and Not FDA Approved? Vegetable oils do not come from vegetables. Vegetable seed oils are highly processed oils that are processed with high heat and chemical solvents. When heat is added to refined oils, toxic byproducts like trans fats are created. Seed oils are genetically modified, so they often contain traces of glyphosate. BHA is a toxic byproduct found in seed oils and is classified as a possible human carcinogen. Other toxic byproducts can affect the immune system, nervous system, and liver. All chronic diseases involve inflammation. Vegetable oils are the most inflammatory thing that you can consume. They create damage at the cellular level and are often stored in the fat cells because they can’t be used for fuel. It takes a year and a half to detoxify seed oils from the membranes in our bodies. Soy, corn, sunflower, canola, and cottonseed are the most common seed oils. Cottonseed oil is the worst seed oil as it produces the most toxicity and has the most omega-6 fatty acids. Cottonseed oil is highly inflammatory and is often hidden in animal feed. Any time you have inflammation, you also have a lack of oxygen. Cancer thrives in an area that’s inflamed or doesn’t have oxygen. Inflammation from seed oils can also contribute to insulin resistance. Do not use vegetable oils at all! Replace seed oils with the following healthy cooking oils: •Extra virgin olive oil •Coconut oil •Butter •Ghee •Red palm oil •Tallow •Lard Mayo contains seed oils, so look for one without, like Chosen Mayo, which is made with avocado oil. It's best to avoid deep-fried foods. An air fryer can simulate fried foods, and crushed pork rinds rather than wheat products can be used as breading.

    8 min
  6. JAN 31

    The MOST Toxic Ingredients You Should NEVER Eat

    DOWNLOAD THE FREE APP HERE: https://bit.ly/40VwGR9 Currently available for IOS Ready to change your health for the better? Ditch junk food for good. Download my FREE app and start using the Junk Food Meter to scan barcodes and instantly reveal the hidden dangers in processed foods! With just one scan, you’ll see the percentage of sugar, starch, and seed oils lurking in your food. These are the 3 deadly ingredients in ultra-processed junk foods—and my app helps you quickly identify and avoid them. You'll be surprised at how many “healthy” foods are actually loaded with these harmful ingredients! Don’t be fooled by "zero sugar" labels. Starch is basically hidden sugar, and it’s just as harmful to your body. Most junk foods are packed with toxic ingredients like rancid seed oils, processed starches, and artificial chemicals—yet they lack the essential nutrients your body craves. Did you know the average person consumes over 100 pounds of modified food starches every year? it’s in everything from baby formula to pet food—and it's a huge part of a teenager’s diet. It's time to take control and make smarter food choices! Junk foods are “dead” foods. They’ve been stripped of vital vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals—and loaded with preservatives, coloring, and MSG. That’s not food; that’s just a bunch of chemicals your body doesn’t know what to do with. Download the app now, and let me know what you think.

    6 min
  7. JAN 27

    How to Remove Skin Tags and Warts Overnight

    I’m going to show you how to get rid of skin tags overnight. This will not only get rid of skin tags and warts, but it will also prevent them from coming back! Discover the best home remedy for skin tags that makes skin tag removal at home a breeze. Today, I’m going to share two effective home remedies for skin tags and warts. A wart is caused by the HPV virus, while skin tags usually occur in areas of friction. High insulin can increase one's susceptibility to skin tags. People with diabetes, overweight people, and women with PCOS are at a higher risk of developing them. When you produce too much insulin over a period of time, you can develop insulin resistance. Too much insulin is caused by eating too many carbs or frequent eating. Insulin resistance makes it difficult to absorb glucose. Over time, this deprives your brain cells of fuel, leading to memory problems, concentration problems, and early dementia. The solution is to give your body an alternative fuel source, such as ketones, fatty acids, and protein. To do this, lower your carbs and do intermittent fasting. This will lower insulin and prevent growths like skin tags and warts. A virus that comes out of remission can create warts if your immune system is compromised. Sufficient vitamin D can support the immune system and put these viruses back in remission. Take 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily, especially in winter. Povidone iodine is an excellent remedy for skin tags. It has potent antiviral and antimicrobial properties, so it’s also good for warts. Iodine dissolves the protein in the skin tag and acts as a dehydrator. Garlic contains allicin, a powerful antiviral compound effective against warts. Because it’s often difficult to differentiate between warts and skin tags, add garlic to ensure your remedy is effective. Crush one clove of garlic and combine one drop of garlic with one drop of iodine. Apply the mixture to your wart or skin tag and cover it with a band-aid. Repeat this every day until your skin tag or wart is gone.

    8 min
  8. JAN 26

    The #1 Vitamin Depleting Food in the World

    Find out why refined starches are the #1 vitamin-depleting food in the world. In this podcast, I’ll explain the critical role of vitamin B1 in the metabolism of refined starches. Learn to spot the signs of a vitamin B1 deficiency before they wreak havoc on your life! Refined starches include rice flour, tapioca flour, corn flour, modified corn starch, maltodextrin, and modified food starch. Certain nutrients are required to metabolize refined starch and turn it into energy. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is vital to this process. Refined starches are much higher on the glycemic index (GI) than sugar—this scale tells you how fast a food can raise blood sugar. Sugar is a 74 on the GI, while refined starches like maltodextrin are 180! Vitamin B1 is not stored in the body in large amounts, so consuming refined starches can quickly cause you to become deficient. Symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency include: •Fatigue •GI problems (slow digestion, bloating, constipation, nausea) •Low stomach acid •Low bile •Stress •Nervous tension •Insomnia •Frequent mood swings •Muscle twitches •Breathing problems Much of the refined starch broken down into glucose in the body can not be used as energy, so it’s converted into lactic acid. This decreases oxygen in the body and makes it more acidic, which can cause hyperventilation and restless legs syndrome. Along with diet, the following factors can also contribute to vitamin B1 deficiency: •Alcohol •Tea •Coffee •Raw fish •Gut issues •Metformin •Excessive exercise Meat, especially pork, is the best food source of vitamin B1. Liver, eggs, and sunflower seeds are also good sources. Refined grains are often fortified with synthetic B vitamins, which you should avoid. If you want to supplement vitamin B1, look for the natural form called allithiamine. Benfotiamine is also a good supplement form of vitamin B1. Magnesium is an important cofactor involved in turning starches into energy. If you don’t have enough magnesium, vitamin B1 won’t work. Magnesium helps control calcium in the body. Symptoms of low magnesium include: •Muscle spasms •Calcium buildup •Kidney stones •High blood pressure •Palpitations •High cortisol •Trouble sleeping •Tremors •Muscle weakness •Migraines Magnesium glycinate is the most absorbable form of magnesium! More videos on vitamin B1: ▶️ • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency Sign... ▶️ • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency: The... ▶️ • Vitamin B1 and SUGAR Experiment: WARNING ▶️ • Benfotiamine (Fat-Soluble B1): Benefi...

    7 min

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Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on amazon.com, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.

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