90 episodes

Heal Nourish Grow is the podcast that helps you create your version of ultimate wellness! Are you tired, stressed, gaining weight or feeling overwhelmed? Or are you feeling good but would like to feel amazing and optimize your health? Do you have health issues you’d like to change? Have you ever wondered if eating differently could make a difference in your mood or weight?

Join us on the Heal Nourish Grow podcast with host, wellness coach and Heal Nourish Grow LLC founder Cheryl McColgan to explore all the latest in low carb and keto nutrition, health, fasting and biohacking! We explore in-depth why what you eat matters and how your food choices can affect your body and mind. This is not just another keto podcast...we want to explore all facets of health and help you find the version of nutrition that not only works for you, but helps you thrive!

Our goal is to help each individual optimize overall wellness by sharing practical knowledge to help develop new habits that optimize your experience and support real health. We share tips, tricks and research that helps you accomplish your goals as well as interviews with thought leaders in the health space.

We also share the inspiring stories from everyday people that have changed their lives for the better combating autism, ADHD, obesity, depression, eating disorders and more. Visit HealNourishGrowPodcast.com for full show notes.

Find us everywhere on social media @healnourishgrow sharing daily inspiration in Instagram stories and at healnourishgrow.com

Heal Nourish Grow Podcast Cheryl McColgan

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.9 • 21 Ratings

Heal Nourish Grow is the podcast that helps you create your version of ultimate wellness! Are you tired, stressed, gaining weight or feeling overwhelmed? Or are you feeling good but would like to feel amazing and optimize your health? Do you have health issues you’d like to change? Have you ever wondered if eating differently could make a difference in your mood or weight?

Join us on the Heal Nourish Grow podcast with host, wellness coach and Heal Nourish Grow LLC founder Cheryl McColgan to explore all the latest in low carb and keto nutrition, health, fasting and biohacking! We explore in-depth why what you eat matters and how your food choices can affect your body and mind. This is not just another keto podcast...we want to explore all facets of health and help you find the version of nutrition that not only works for you, but helps you thrive!

Our goal is to help each individual optimize overall wellness by sharing practical knowledge to help develop new habits that optimize your experience and support real health. We share tips, tricks and research that helps you accomplish your goals as well as interviews with thought leaders in the health space.

We also share the inspiring stories from everyday people that have changed their lives for the better combating autism, ADHD, obesity, depression, eating disorders and more. Visit HealNourishGrowPodcast.com for full show notes.

Find us everywhere on social media @healnourishgrow sharing daily inspiration in Instagram stories and at healnourishgrow.com

    Importance of HRV for Longevity and Performance

    Importance of HRV for Longevity and Performance

    Don Moxley shares his journey from being a collegiate athlete to becoming a sports scientist and working in the cannabis industry. He emphasizes the importance of movement, strength, energy production, and resilience in both athletic performance and longevity.

    Don also explains the importance of heart rate variability (HRV) and its relationship to overall health and mortality. He highlights the value of wearing a heart rate monitor and understanding different heart rate zones for optimal training. He shares his experience with HRV and how it can be used to assess cardiovascular health and resilience. Ways to improve HRV include lowering inflammation, improving cardiovascular fitness, optimizing sleep, and managing trauma and stress to improve HRV.

    We also touched on autophagy and the role of spermidine in longevity.

    The best way to reach Don is on LinkedIn. He is also on X(Twitter) and Instagram.

    Spermadine Life and ModeMethod are products he mentioned.


    Movement, strength, energy production, and resilience are key factors in athletic performance and longevity.

    Heart rate variability (HRV) is highly related to mortality and overall health. It's a key indicator of health and performance.

    Wearing a heart rate monitor and understanding heart rate zones can optimize training and improve performance.

    Micronutrients play a crucial role in longevity and should be considered alongside macronutrients.

    Exercise enhances the endocannabinoid system and brain function, leading to a longer and healthier life.

    Lowering inflammation, improving cardiovascular fitness, optimizing sleep, and managing trauma and stress can improve HRV.

    Autophagy is essential for cellular health and longevity.

    Spermidine is a compound that promotes autophagy and can be obtained from certain foods.

    Industrialized food may be deficient in essential micronutrients, highlighting the importance of a balanced diet and supplementation.

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    Show Transcript

    Cheryl McColgan (00:00.43)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Don Moxley and we just had a lovely little pre -interview chat all about our things in common. Don went to The Ohio State University, was a collegiate athlete and is currently traveling around in RV, which if anybody that's listened to this podcast before or read my blog will go back to the little thing that I call the Vegabond adventure. We did that for a little bit in a suburban, not an RV. But so lots in common, but…

    What I'm really excited about is Don knows so many things about health and wellness and sports performance. And he's got some awesome things to share with us today. But before we go into all that, Don, if you could just share a little bit, I shared briefly about your background, but if you could go into some detail and, you know, how did you get into this work? What makes you passionate about health and wellness and what you're doing today?

    Don Moxley (00:50.472)That's a, it's a great question. And it's, and, and literally you can't separate the journey from the destination. It's so, I grew up, share, I grew up in Eastern Ohio. We grew up in the strip pits over in Belmont County and I had every intention. I was a decent high school wrestler. I was, you know, I qualified for the state tournament twice, but never want to match there. But when I went to Ohio state with every intention of going home and feeding beef, Cabo for the rest of my life. But.

    Cheryl McColgan (00:56.558)I'm sorry.

    Don Moxley (01:19.08)I got to Ohio State, I was good enough to walk on the wrestling team, but it was a struggle. I was injured all the time. And I was one of those wrestlers that used to cut a lot of weight. I cut from 220 to 177 and hence the injury problems. But when I finally, you know, I was injured my sophomore year, I'm thinking, okay, what do I have to do to finally get going?

    • 58 min
    Gut Health, Histamine Intolerance and What to do About It: 88

    Gut Health, Histamine Intolerance and What to do About It: 88

    Dr. Meg Mill discusses the need to consider histamine issues when addressing gut health. She explains the role of histamine in the body and how it can affect various body systems. Register for FREE with this link for the Histamine Summit to hear more in depth discussions of this topic.

    Check out my previous interview with Dr. Meg on migraines and headaches.


    Functional medicine offers personalized approaches to address health issues that conventional medicine may not be able to resolve.

    Histamine issues can affect gut health and lead to various symptoms such as digestive issues, anxiety, and hormone imbalances.

    Histamine intolerance can be caused by genetic factors, imbalances in the gut microbiome, and nutritional deficiencies.

    A low histamine diet can be used as an investigative tool to identify trigger foods, but long-term solutions should focus on addressing the underlying causes of histamine intolerance.

    Histamine intolerance can be associated with symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and joint pain.

    The Reversing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance Summit provides valuable information from experts in the field to help individuals understand and manage histamine-related issues.

    Visit Dr. Meg Mill online at MegMill.com.

    Free Gift: The Essential Guide to Histamine Intolerance


    Episode Transcript

    Cheryl McColgan (00:00)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Dr. Meg Mill and she has been a guest on the show before so I forgot to look up the episode but that will be in the show notes so if you're listening to this it was another great episode with her before be sure you go check it out. But before we get started we got a great new topic today which I'm super excited about and also a cool summit that Dr. Mill is running coming up so more on that later. But first Dr. Meg if you could just share with everybody.

    your background, your PharmD, you now do a functional medicine practice. So I'd love for you to just share how you got into all that for people that didn't listen to the interview yet. And then we'll start chatting about our new topic for the day.

    Meg Mill (00:40)Yes, yes. Well, so I, like you said, I graduated with a doctor of pharmacy and then I actually went on to do a residency and was practicing as a clinical pharmacist. And I kind of have two reasons that I switched to functional medicine. And one was that I knew all the protocols. I knew what to do. We had what we should do and people just weren't getting better. I'm like, okay, we're putting them on more medication, but we're not seeing them improve. It's just like, okay, we're sustaining this place. And then at the same time, I was having a lot of my own

    health issues. So I was having, you know, a lot of digestive issues. I was having anxiety. I actually started getting panic attacks. And that was when I was at the point where I have to change. So I remember sitting, like my kids are playing on the beach and I'm sitting there and I'm like, okay, I'm here, but I'm in so much, like my stomach's upset. I can't eat anything. I, you know, I'm having all this anxiety. I need to make a change in my life. And that's kind of when my journey shifted and I started to really look into more holistic ways of healing.

    And that led me to find functional medicine for myself and finally get answers. I've been to like five different gastroenterologists I you know was we moved a lot at the time so I'd be like I'm gonna get an answer now when we moved to a new place and it just it was just not everyone said you're fine you look like the picture of health of Listeners if you've been told that and you feel terrible go with your instincts because that is not true But when I finally found answers, I was like I need to share this with others. I opened my virtual practice

    • 38 min
    Last Six Months Life and Health Update

    Last Six Months Life and Health Update

    In this episode, Cheryl provides an update on her personal health and wellness journey, as well as the recent changes in her life. She discusses her move from Utah back to Cincinnati, her husband's open heart surgery, and the challenges of managing her online business. Cheryl also shares her experience with consistent weightlifting and the positive impact it has had on her health.


    Consistency in weightlifting can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being.

    Focusing on the positive and finding silver linings in challenging situations can help maintain a positive mindset.

    Support from friends and family is crucial during times of change and recovery.

    Changes in algorithms and search engine rankings can significantly impact small publishers and online businesses.

    Expressing gratitude for the blessings in life can help shift focus from challenges to the positive aspects of life.

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    • 39 min
    Infrared Sauna Therapy Benefits; Cardiovascular, Skin and More: 86

    Infrared Sauna Therapy Benefits; Cardiovascular, Skin and More: 86

    Connie Zack, co-owner of Sunlighten, shares her journey into the infrared sauna business and the benefits of infrared sauna therapy. Influenced by her brother's health turn around, Connie left her job in pharmaceuticals to bring infrared saunas to the market.

    Infrared sauna therapy has been found to have numerous health benefits, including detoxification, reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, boosting brain function, and promoting relaxation. It also has positive effects on the skin, improving cell turnover, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving a healthy glow. Connie shares her personal experience with sauna therapy as well as what she has learned about infrared therapy over the years.

    She shares how infrared heat can improve cardiovascular health, enhance athletic performance, aid in weight loss, and promote relaxation.

    Learn more about Sunlighten and be sure to mention Heal Nourish Grow to get an amazing discount.

    Watch the episode on YouTube



    Infrared sauna therapy has numerous health benefits, including detoxification, reducing inflammation, improving cardiovascular health, boosting brain function, and promoting relaxation.

    Infrared saunas can improve skin health by accelerating cell turnover, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving a healthy glow.

    Sunlighten saunas are designed for efficiency and provide separate wavelengths of infrared light for maximum effectiveness.

    Infrared sauna therapy can be a proactive tool for maintaining health and preventing age-related issues.

    Using an infrared sauna can provide a relaxing and meditative experience, allowing for mindfulness and stress reduction. Infrared saunas can improve cardiovascular health by increasing blood flow, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation.

    Using an infrared sauna before or after exercise can enhance athletic performance, reduce muscle soreness, and aid in recovery.

    Infrared saunas can contribute to weight loss by increasing core temperature, burning calories, and boosting metabolism.

    Choosing a high-quality sauna that emits low EMF is essential for maximizing the health benefits and ensuring safety.

    Sunlighten offers a range of sauna models, including portable options, to suit different needs and budgets.

    Episode transcript

    Cheryl McColgan (00:00.814)Hi everyone, welcome back to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Connie Zach, who is one of the co -owners of Sunlighten. And she said such an interesting story and background about how she got into this business. Her brother was having some health issues and I think it would just really be great to share with everybody. Not only how you got into this, but obviously some of the benefits of sauna in particular, infrared sauna, because this is all of a sudden, I mean, I've known about it for years and have wanted one for many years.

    but I think in recent podcasts and just internet, social media, everybody is all over infrared sauna, otherwise known as photo biomodulation, say that five times fast. And so Connie is going to obviously share with us a bunch of that information today. So welcome and would love to just have you share about what got you into all this. I think your brother had some stuff, so let's hear about it.

    Connie Zack - Sunlighten (00:56.034)Yeah, thanks so much for having me. I've been super excited all day, so excited that it's time. So this started over 20 years ago. My brother was chronically ill, had chronic fatigue and vertigo and fibromyalgia and a host of other conditions over general malaise and a lot of pain.

    Cheryl McColgan (00:59.79)Yay!

    Connie Zack - Sunlighten (01:18.914)He tried everything he could. It wasn't until he went to his dentist where his dentist said, Jason, I think you are leaking mercury into your body from your fillings. And I would diagnose you with heavy metal toxicity without any like blood work.

    • 58 min
    Navigating a Broken Healthcare System

    Navigating a Broken Healthcare System

    In this episode of the Heal Nourish Grow Podcast, Susan Salenger discusses her book 'Sideline' and the issues women face when navigating the healthcare system. She shares her personal experience with unnecessary surgery and how it sparked her interest in women's medical decision-making.

    To write this book, Salenger conducted interviews with women who had different diseases with a variety of treatments and found common themes in their behavior and decision-making. Learn more about the importance of being an informed patient and advocate for your own health along with actionable tips you can use at your next doctor's appointment.

    Get the Sidelined book here and visit Susan's website here.


    Women often put themselves last when it comes to healthcare decisions.

    Getting a second opinion is crucial, especially for complex or serious conditions.

    Women tend to describe their symptoms in an emotional way, which can lead to misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment.

    Tips for doctor visits include making a written list of symptoms, doing research on the diagnosis, and reframing what the doctor says. Be an informed patient and advocate for your own health

    Research and question medical advice, especially medications and treatments

    Consider the funding sources of scientific studies to identify potential bias

    Personal research can help evaluate the risks and benefits of treatments

    Gaslighting in healthcare is a significant issue for women

    Strength training is important for women's health and can help prevent frailty

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    Episode 85 Transcript

    • 48 min
    Overcoming Emotional Eating Using "HANG"

    Overcoming Emotional Eating Using "HANG"

    In this episode, Renee Jones shares her weight loss journey and techniques she found to deal with emotional eating. Renee shares her background of yo-yo dieting and her eventual discovery of emotional eating as the root cause of her struggles. She explains how she found what works for her body through a specific software program and emphasizes the importance of an individualized approach to weight loss.

    She provides practical tips for overcoming emotional eating and maintaining weight loss, including the HANG acronym for addressing emotional hunger. She also shares the role of coaching in helping others resolve emotional issues and live authentically.

    Connect with Renee at PackYourOwnBag.com.


    Emotional eating is eating for any reason other than hunger, and it often involves using food as a way to soothe or cope with emotions.

    Finding what works for your body is crucial for successful weight loss and maintenance. It requires self-reflection, experimentation, and paying attention to how different foods and eating patterns make you feel.

    Practical tips for weight loss include facing your emotions instead of using food as a coping mechanism, creating rules and boundaries around food and finding alternate activities or behaviors to replace emotional eating.

    Coaching can be a powerful tool for weight loss and personal growth, helping people resolve emotional issues and live more authentically.

    Watch the episode on YouTube


    Podcast Chapters

    00:00 Introduction and Background03:20 Discovering Emotional Eating06:32 Finding What Works for Your Body09:29 Practical Tips for Weight Loss16:21 Replacing Unhealthy Behaviors18:54 Renee's Coaching Approach23:14 The Power of Authenticity24:07 Getting in Touch with Renee

    Podcast Transcript

    Cheryl McColgan (00:00.874)Hey everyone, welcome to the Heal Nourish Grow podcast. Today I am joined by Renee Jones and we are going to talk about something that's a very popular topic at the beginning of the year and that is weight loss. Renee has had a very interesting background as you heard in her bio, but now I'm gonna let her share in your own words, Renee. How did you get into this work and kind of, but maybe start with the background. I think you said for 40 years, you were kind of just like yo-yoing around. So I'm really curious to hear about your backstory, like what sort of things you tried, what were your challenges. So I'll let you take it away with your introduction to your history there.

    Renee Jones (00:37.652)Okay, well, thanks for having me for a start. But my first diet was when I was 10, and I know that sounds awful, but my mother thought, you're a bit young, but if we start now, maybe you'll learn how to do this. And the problem was, I didn't know what I was doing. She'd been heavy all her life, so she didn't know what she was doing.

    Cheryl McColgan (00:49.902)I'm sorry.

    Renee Jones (01:02.192)And we sort of would start and stop and then we'd say, oh, do you want to do the diet again? Yeah, okay. And we'd start over again. And it would go for a while until we either got fed up or went somewhere, you know, either visiting family or holiday or something like that. And it, you know, it just went on. I didn't learn how to first believe that I could keep the weight off that I lost.

    but also what was really good for my body. It was usually sort of a whatever the diet of the day was. So I think we tried them all, honestly. I think there are two diets I have not tried. And one of them was that HCG thing. And the other is the Whole30.

    Cheryl McColgan (01:50.499)Mm-hmm.

    Renee Jones (01:55.636)Because I've done something close enough to that. I thought, got the idea. I'm good. But that just went on.

    Cheryl McColgan (01:55.992)Yes.

    Cheryl McColgan (02:00.114)Right. So out of those ones, and so out of those ones that you tried, you never really found, I mean,

    • 31 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
21 Ratings

21 Ratings

beth oehn ,

Simple yet powerful!

Simple yet powerful! This episode breaks down the essentials of better health with practical tips and insights. It's a quick and easy guide to kickstart your journey to optimal well-being. Highly recommend!

Empowered Living ,

Informative + Inspiring

Cheryl does a great job bringing conversations to life that are informative, inspiring and leave listeners with accessible actions. Keep up the great work!

sherirg ,

Great information.

Cheryl does a phenomenal job providing in-depth information and all areas of wellness including cooking, healthy recipes and practicing what she preaches. I learned so much from listening to her podcasts and reading her website Heal Nourish Grow.

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